over 2 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s yeah so we talk a bit about about some
2s of the weapons and how we are how we're
4s tuning them so let's start with the
5s Centennial
6s um so Centennial I personally use it a
8s lot and I always get so much flag for it
10s because you should go by use it you just
13s use it to show us that people can
14s actually use it fair enough uh but still
18s um I was kind of happy with it but it
20s was always a bit pressed for for its
22s place there was always some pressure on
23s the gun and we just want to make sure
25s that it has a bit of an easier time in
27s compares to the rest so a couple things
29s we did the primary thing is that
31s increasing the rate of fire across the
33s board by 20 percent
34s so this basically means that like uh
36s shooting uh ads shooting from from the
38s shoulders as well as the Levering
40s overall will be a little bit faster I
43s mean because you know Levering was
44s always kind of bit on the on the slow
46s side of it and it's still 20 of slow is
48s still kind of slow but it is a little
51s bit better so don't expect this thing to
52s Rapid Fire like the like the wind field
54s sea or or any of the other like smaller
56s caliber ones um but still it will it
59s will be able to just fire just a little
61s bit better a little bit faster and that
63s should just make the whole thing feel a
64s bit more like as using your control of
66s what's going on
68s yeah and it's across the board so it uh
70s includes all the aiming types so aiming
73s downside shoulder aim uh and also the
76s traits that you can use so iron repeater
78s or Levering as well
80s exactly and uh let's look at some
83s example videos done how it was before
85s and after uh starting with adsing in
89s iron sight uh the old version First
107s foreign
114s and let's look at the change with the
117s increased rate of fire
135s yeah so I think the change on that is
137s quite obvious and uh it just feels
139s better especially if you shoot that much
141s like in the video that 20 really adds up
145s uh but let's uh look at uh hip fire or
149s shoulder aim uh on the old version
154s so that was yeah
157s yeah you mix up the names there or
159s something yeah
162s because if I think yeah
166s let me just find uh okay the correct one
170s yeah so this is the hip fire I'm sorry
183s so this is the oil hit fire uh again
188s and here's the new one
194s all right so here it's much more clearer
196s now yeah so ignore the videos from
198s before the context now shoulder Aim so
200s this is like the 20 faster now between
201s this and the previous video I think
203s that's like the best comparison there I
205s mean again best thing is just try this
207s out let's let's not uh um hurt the
209s people with more gunshot sounds uh it's
211s quite a lot of ammunition in that weapon
213s but I think they got the point let's
214s move on to the next one uh I just wanted
216s to show the leveling example
221s so this is the old one
225s and uh here is the new one
232s I think this is really cool yeah it's
234s like like the 20 on top it really makes
235s a difference like it before it kind of
237s felt like so why is it not doing
238s anything now for like Split Second right
240s before it continues so it felt a bit
242s robotic
243s um and now it feels a bit smoother
245s because of that obviously still same off
247s of control issues as before and it's
249s still not the I guess most reliable of
251s levelings um I also prefer to when you
253s see when it comes to that but it does
256s have more of a I could just give more of
258s a fighting chance now all right so uh
261s again make sure to like play around with
263s the Santana test servers and let us know
265s how you feel with all the changes
266s regarding it rate of fire uh yeah so
269s I've seen people asking about this rof
270s as that is mentioned its rate of fire
272s and after the videos it should be quite
274s obvious as well
277s but uh let's move on to the Terminus
280s changes Dennis let's see what's there
281s yeah so it's the same treatment there
284s but differently
286s um so with the Terminus we've been
287s focusing primarily on the reload rather
290s than the shooting because the reload was
292s actually what made the whole thing feel
293s very slow hard to control it was like
295s taking ages to put like a new shell in
297s even a cycling mechanism not being the
300s most modern right like it has its flaws
302s like itself out like it could be just
304s like speeding up a little bit because
305s it's like a life and death thing here
306s and now by increasing the reload speed
309s by 20 which makes the whole thing a
311s little bit better to to kind of top up
313s and so it doesn't feel like you're
314s losing so much time between shots and
316s actually gives you a bit of chance to
317s respond and we're also at the same time
319s did a little bit of a smoothening pass
321s across the firing animations and and the
323s timings there that resulted in roughly
325s five percent of a fire rate increase as
327s well uh exactly and we have some all the
330s new examples for this as well uh so
334s let's look at uh some of the old version
336s of this will show a bunch of stuff
338s actually
341s so this is the fire
351s and then the reload obviously this is us
353s currently on live
355s yeah the old one slow one takes the ages
358s it was always so slow that's why I it
361s was not my favorite shotgun to use
363s actually
366s so like it gets it eventually but you're
368s probably dead two times over already
370s exactly
372s and this is the ads
374s yeah
378s and let's see how it's uh changed in 1.9
383s so hit fire
388s so you can see like this very very minor
391s increase in in the rate of fire so it's
393s just a little bit it's more of a cleanup
395s but here this is where the magic starts
397s so this is where you actually reload
399s this thing and actually have a chance it
400s still takes a long time obviously to put
401s the rounds in just like with any weapon
403s we reload on a round of the nether but
404s overall it feels so much smoother like
406s it feels like the air weapon is actually
407s doing what you want and uh that helps
410s quite a lot
411s exactly I think it in general it just
413s feels a bit smoother and uh not that
417s super mega clunky when you reload
422s and uh let's look at the examples with
424s the Levering as well for this weapon so
427s the old version alive like is it alive
432s as you can see here like it kind of
435s fired slow but felt a fire study it was
437s more about aiming which was the issue
439s without getting the target back on back
440s on on your sides
442s um and there's too much of a change here
444s against like the five percent change
445s roughly that translates into it
448s and uh obviously the last uh trade that
452s affects it is the iron repeater
456s you can also show here
462s this is the old version again
469s and here is the new 1.9
477s it's just a slight little change see
479s it's a bit snappier right like just a
481s little bit I think you can actually tell
482s like uh I know it's just around five
485s percent change but you can still feel it
487s a bit smoother in general so I really
490s like it
491s yeah so like between the the the
494s um Centennial terminals I mean both
496s weapons uh that I really enjoy playing
498s but like they have always had a bit of a
500s like they're always like like one step
501s below some of the competitors and uh
504s that hopefully just evens the playing
505s field a little bit brings them back up
507s more as as well the choices for some
509s people
510s awesome and uh but that's not all the
512s balance changes we have and we have a
515s very big one actually I guess in terms
518s of excitement
519s oh which is a change to the long ammo
523s pistol balance
526s yeah so from what we will talk about now
529s it will only affect the uppercut for the
532s moment for now yes that might mean there
536s might be other things up in uh coming
539s out eventually or soon or maybe a bit
541s later if we don't know we'll talk about
543s more in the future but this is in
545s preparation of that but obviously also
547s will affect the uppercut we think for
550s the better
553s exactly so this is this is basically I
555s mean just show the next one already as
556s well we're going to talk about them
557s together so this is going to be shifting
559s side Shifting the weapon slightly
562s um about reducing the damage to close
563s range just a notch just a little bit
565s while retaining actually a bit more
567s damage than it does right now
568s um um yeah over distance so the idea
571s behind this is is that um we would like
573s the uppercut to no longer down someone
576s at 125 hit points at the same range it
579s does at the moment it will still be able
580s to do it just like 10 meters less than
582s it can do right now so right now this is
585s I think 30 meters it can do that and it
587s will be around 20 meters now so just a
589s small reduction in in its base damage in
592s order to achieve that a goal so it is
594s below 125. on the other hand however it
597s retains a lot more of the damage over
598s distance which means you can actually
600s kill people on their last 50 even
602s further out than before and it has some
604s knock-on effects also obviously for the
606s headshot range so effective range in
607s order to snipe people at a distance so
610s let's have a look at that in the graphs
612s [Music]
613s um so this is I think people will be
615s kind of split whether they call it as a
617s buff or nerve we don't think it's either
619s we think it's it's a side change that
621s kind of ships the weapon just a little
622s bit so if you take a look at the old one
624s the orange one you see its starting
626s point is just a little bit higher than
627s that and that meant that you could get
629s 226 uh damage like at 30 meters and uh
633s with a with a changed version it's going
635s to be around 20 meters so that's where
637s like a bit of a nerve is happening in
638s the short range then again over distance
640s you can see the long ammo actually
642s retains that damage a little bit further
644s out so you see Rich staying over 50
646s damage for quite some time uh before
649s dropping down and then eventually
650s obviously whether it's 19 or 12 at that
652s long distance doesn't matter that much
653s but there is a knock-on effect if you go
656s to the next one which is the headshot
658s range is that because of the way the
660s curve is adjusted and obviously headshot
662s damage is being higher and it has an
664s effect on the effective range effective
666s range is basically the stat that tells
667s you at which range can you do a headshot
669s like you want to kill 150 hit points
671s Dead and you can see right now hours
672s that you were gaining quite a few meters
674s with that 215 so that's basically the
677s weapon becomes more of a pocket rifle
678s further even because it actually extends
680s the range of the weapon quite quite a
682s bit but it is becoming a bit less
684s flexible less of an all-rounder up close
687s where maybe some of the other pistols
689s will be better choice for you you have
690s to make that your choice yourself
692s obviously because you can't just easily
694s kill that dude that you don't earlier
696s maybe just don't know one more time just
698s with a body shot
699s um because it might do now less than 125
701s damage rather than being reliably above
703s before again this is only for this very
706s short distance of 20 meters we're
708s talking about uh so so within that
710s everything is fine as before only after
712s that
713s will it not be enough anymore to to down
716s the guy that has lost already a small
718s chunk yeah and again just to mention it
720s slightly it is basically to give place
722s maybe for something that will come
725s maybe one point
727s so so the preparation of this you can
730s already see like it's it's about like
732s moving the uppercut into a specific
734s Direction moving it into what it should
737s what it shouldn't do Etc and yes as
739s Spence was saying like this is in
741s preparation for something that's that we
742s can talk about more in one of the next
744s streams I guess exactly yeah awesome and
747s uh again just test it out on test server
749s and let us know how you feel about this
751s change as well
752s uh and I've seen people already
754s mentioning are asking for this in chat
756s but uh let's see what happens to the
760s Slugs so the slug balance pass
763s yes Slack's a big big and important
765s topic so first thing we're doing for
767s slacks is we reduce the effective range
769s for medium barrel length variants now
770s what does that mean
772s um primarily like with the shotguns when
775s you shoot shot for example
776s um there is a clear distinction between
778s the different barrel lengths of shotguns
780s we have in the game so like the Zone
781s offs being being like short barrels then
784s we have the the Rival the the Slate as
787s well as the
788s um the Specter with the bionet being
791s medium barrel length and then we have
792s the Romero the full length Specter as
795s well as the other five big long barrel
796s and that has an effect on the choke it
798s has an effect on how the weapon spreads
800s when you fire a shot
802s however I did not really have so much of
804s a difference when it comes to slacks and
806s that's something we're changing now B so
808s until now slacks have only been
810s separated between the thorn-offs and the
812s others which means in practice the
815s slacks are fired from let's say I
817s expected with a Bayonet and the Specter
818s without a buying it has been pretty much
820s the same there was no clear distinction
822s between that the only difference was
823s that obviously the bayonet gave you a
824s stronger sway for aiming which actually
827s method for slacks but the actual
829s projectile was identical Now by
831s introducing this difference is that we
833s can now bring a bit more balance into
835s the weapons that we think on the slack
837s range they kind of need that the most so
840s primarily the slate and arrival and
842s obviously has a knock-on effect for the
844s inspector buying it as well for
845s consistency now those will have
848s um just slightly less damage that means
852s less one-hit kill damage at a distance
855s so you will have just chop off like a
858s meter or two or three depending on the
860s weapon compared to their full-sized
862s versions so that means they kind of sit
863s like two-thirds I would say roughly from
865s The Zone offs towards the the full size
867s ones when they should definitely be a
868s noticeable difference
870s for how slacks will then operate with
872s these weapons we also adjusted the
875s damage multipliers to require more
877s Precision to hit the upper torso now
878s that means basically that you can't
880s score so easily anymore a Kill by
883s hitting the lower torso so you will have
885s to be a bit more precise you will have
887s to hit the upper torso keep in mind that
888s if the arm is blocking itself counts as
890s torso hit right it's the system we have
891s for a couple years now but the lower
894s torso hits on alone is meant to no
897s longer do this at the same range so
899s obviously if you're close enough fair
900s enough but at a distance at one point
902s you will have to hit the upper torso in
904s order to to get the reliable one and
906s kill so Precision matters a little bit
907s more for them it's less easy to just
909s like like hip shoot and then hope for
911s any torso hit to do the job you now need
913s to be a bit more precise there's I see a
916s lot of happy people in the chat for you
918s so yeah I like I like having people we
921s do like them and the last thing is
923s actually a reduction in the spare ammo
925s count as well where we drop down the
927s extra ammunition for when you carry
929s slacks by 30 to 40 percent so that means
932s depending on the weapon it's rounded up
934s you might lose like two or three extra
936s shells of slacks uh compared to what you
939s have on live so in combination we feel
941s that this will be quite a nice balancing
944s approach of getting the slacks a bit
945s better under control they're still
946s powerful they're meant to be powerful
947s it's basically like a caliber 50 or more
950s like like musket shot coming down your
952s range it's it's quite a big thing
955s um and it's powerful and it's meant to
956s kill if you were to build realistic
959s slacks you basically wouldn't see
960s different to rifles I guess in the game
962s at the distances that you fight with
963s except for precision maybe being being
965s different
966s um but uh since it's a game and we want
968s to make sure that shotguns and rifles
970s each have their own place and the slacks
972s Canada kind of cannibalize in uh kind of
974s like in in both camps a little bit
976s this approach of how we established
978s slacks in Hunts is something we still
980s want to hold on to but there was some
981s balance they needed in order to make
983s sure this whole thing is just that
984s better distributed and fair distributed
987s and overall more consistently applied
989s so yeah tell us what you think about
991s that one again on the test server then
993s once once once it goes there
995s um it's easy for us to do further
998s adjustments but first we want to see how
999s this one goes and then if there's if
1001s there's any feedback from your site that
1002s we should move in one or the other
1004s direction with it so this one time we
1006s asked everyone to play with this life
1007s and yeah just see the changes let us
1010s know how you feel and uh obviously we
1012s always read your feedback on all
1013s platforms and we can make changes
1016s according to how you feel about it as
1017s well but I I think and I think a lot of
1021s people can agree with it that this is a
1022s good direction for sure and it has its
1024s own place now a bit better
1027s yeah give it a try
1030s yep and let's look at the poison changes
1033s uh the fear I think I like that this is
1036s the only slide in the representation
1037s with a with a like a green header I have
1039s to go for the style then
1044s um so for poison it's uh it's basically
1047s similar changes we've been doing to
1048s incendiary bullets in the past is that
1050s for poison bullets so that excludes for
1053s example uh crossbow or any area effect
1055s stuff they just use the same damage as
1057s the normal ammunition does so we still
1058s have the handicap of not being able to
1060s penetrate walls because they're kind of
1061s like burst on impact right
1065s um but it gives you a chance to kind of
1067s play with a silenced weapon as if you
1068s had the normal one just as you can do
1070s with the incended reverse it's the
1071s normal one as well so makes the whole
1073s thing hopefully a little bit more
1074s interesting for PVP specifically since
1076s some of the weaker weapons like the
1077s Winfield Etc like you really felt that
1079s that damaged Nerf compared to the basic
1081s ammunition
1083s um so this should uh just help at least
1086s extend your ground in a fight
1088s um obviously if the guy is smart and
1090s uses cover use the disadvantage just
1092s like over some of the others um special
1093s Dimension types so I think this is just
1096s a very small change but it's also a good
1097s and healthy one I I really like it
1099s because now I will play uh Sparks not a
1102s lot more with custom ammo so I yeah
1106s uh that was it for the poison change so
1109s again yeah just one thing so
1112s systemically obviously since they have
1113s more damage it also means AI might die a
1115s few meters further out right um so as as
1118s it uses multipliers to uh kind of like
1121s calculate the total damage based on it
1123s location distance Etc right so if
1125s there's higher base damage it also means
1126s that you might kill things at a further
1128s damage out like further range out a
1130s little bit easier but we're talking just
1132s about a few meters so so someone else
1134s together so if it can't penetrate how
1135s does it deal the same damage maybe just
1138s like explaining that like the poison
1140s it's the poison that does the damage
1142s exactly