over 5 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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346s hello hello how's it going we have a
351s familiar face again back in the stream
354s who are you exactly
355s I'm Dennis he's Dennis Dennis ah we're
359s gonna talk about update 5.0 port to r2
363s because obviously we already had a
364s stream with some stuff there climate
366s change will touch on in a minute last
369s week and now we're gonna have quite what
372s we have a lot of slow not a scare it's a
375s big update is the actual yeah it's
388s definitely one of the bigger ones for
389s sure yeah I mean it's configured I hope
392s you guys are ready for a lot of stuff so
394s obviously as usual we'll talk about
396s everything we're also gonna have someone
399s else in the stream that hasn't in
400s industry yet yes later for a new
402s emulator that actually right and
408s obviously Q&A at the end with both
410s Dennis and Vince I finally get to sit on
413s the couch yeah we're gonna say look out
415s so yeah what what are some of the
418s highlights we have yes obviously we have
422s two emulator obviously as a very very
423s big point for this update this is a
426s spoilers ahead that's kind of the last
428s thing when I talk about today and for
429s that we're gonna get a new face on the
432s screen for this it's gonna be Ben here's
433s one of the system designers working on
435s it and he is playing likes all the
437s details about his yeah if you've read
439s the reason block then he's already had a
441s couple of offices usually I mean like no
446s drop frames is it like loading or is it
448s lagging and what way and has everyone
451s got like as I do say multiple people
453s mention it
455s like we're not dropping any frames
457s everything seems fine ok ok no worries
461s it might be that you just have to change
463s the you know the encoding settings but
465s it should be fine my good sauce
467s maybe this us no I don't know it's
469s probably twitch because like we know
471s drop we haven't dropped the same frame
472s no technical difficulties industry today
474s highlights pallets so besides stimulator
478s we get a couple other points to talk
479s about so we have some weapon related
481s stuff to show weapon balancing yeah
486s we're gonna recap a little bit from last
488s streamer so in terms of like the
489s game-mode related stuff that spin has
491s already run through a little bit see if
494s you interested in that watch last week's
496s stream really good information about
498s what's going on the level front and yeah
501s I mean the big theme for us has been
503s obviously performance as well like so
506s many of the optimizations that we've
507s talked about last before that it's been
513s iooking at 5.0 is like the second the
515s second performance update for us so in
517s this case it's mostly on the asset
519s sights optimizations two specific things
521s that we were going to talk about our or
522s animal traps in the world we've already
525s talked about some of the level changes
526s and everything under the hotel set has
529s received like some optimizations
530s etcetera yeah exactly so we won't be
532s talking about performance because we
533s mentioned most even though it was a very
535s big part of this update as well as
538s explained during two streams ago we have
540s been working with like multiple
542s departments so improving you know the
543s characters polygons stuff like that so a
547s lot of stuff has already been discussed
548s in previous two streams 45.0 but now
550s we're going we're into the balancing and
552s the content yes uh stuff that you get
555s yours very much like so yeah without
557s further ado I think we should just head
559s on in that's it on a 5.0 the first thing
563s um so let's talk about new player
566s experience specifically so one thing
568s that we're working on towards is
570s obviously making sure that new players
571s have an easier time finding their way
573s into the game we've done a couple things
574s in the past so we talked about the
575s training mode we talked about the rules
578s that we applied with that for example
579s not losing your hunters if you're new
581s player up to like what is it ranked
583s fifth anyway including 15 so from 16 on
586s you would lose nothing always
587s dear one exactly and there's like
589s different ways now how you can how you
590s can kind of like bypassed the the text
593s that we have on recruiting hunters just
595s finding weapons etcetera so the game is
597s from a economy point of view changed
598s quite a bit but what we want to do now
601s with a bit of more focus over this
602s update but also on the next updates is
604s to focus on the new player experience
606s like how he explains therefore we teach
608s people stuff to make sure that new
609s players have it easier to get into the
610s game find their way around and most
612s importantly stick with the game so what
615s we've been trying to do here is as you
617s can see on the slide as you see that the
619s first couple of ranks and what you
621s unlock in the bloodlines and one issue
624s what we've seen is that as someone who
627s started new or even prestige players
630s they they don't really have that many
633s traits available and also that year in
635s the very beginning is pretty limited so
636s what we wanted to do is make sure that
637s if you manage to come out of the mission
639s alive which would like the training mode
641s it's kind of bit of a given that he's
644s not dying so there would be some there
646s will be some progress that Sheen
647s actually spent his upgrade points and
649s unless you lost health obviously there's
651s much you can spend it on right now so
653s what we want to make sure is to give you
654s a couple traits right from the get-go so
656s for that we we take that we had a look
658s at the trade list and we found conduit
660s pack mule and Greyhound to be good
661s candidates because each and their own
662s right can allow new players to to kind
665s of stay alive like I also feel they're
667s very staple like pigs because like I
669s always just ya know like no no brainer
674s got it a bit less but back moongra
676s yes a conduit we picked primarily for
678s the health bonus it gives you so for new
680s players like being able and to find the
682s clue and getting some health back
683s possibly because it also you can say I
685s because they might not know yet how to
686s best deal with them like it just eases
689s them up a little bit into into the game
690s pack me well obviously you can bring
692s more of it like yeah we could tell the
694s shots in the beginning early so or like
695s bring more fire bombs more quickly more
697s tools and Greyhound general for mobility
699s just did you just say big fatality shots
702s for rent one and we also looked at the
710s weapons and so like okay water
712s Winfield's see at the moment is unlocked
714s and I think rent tools its kind the
716s first thing you get yeah but we we want
719s to just
720s make that available right from the
721s get-go so that you have you have both a
723s rifle and shotgun option right from from
725s the beginning and also edited like the
727s Romero or 77 hand cannon the base one
729s obviously already is available there and
731s the combat access to medium options or
732s people are always that experimenting
734s without having to unlock those of the
735s first couple of ranks and just make
737s things a little bit easier not massive
740s changes but it's just one of those steps
742s or of many steps we want to take to make
746s it easy
746s these players into a little bit more
748s hardcore just easier to get started and
751s get used to the pain that you'll feel
752s afterwards they have been a couple other
754s changes in addition to that so this is
755s this is what you see on the slide has
757s like the default equipment but we also
759s tat a quick look at the first couple of
762s ranks where by default right now on rank
764s six you get yeah I know the camera is
768s out of focus in this let me turn it off
770s just keep talking
774s so the first couple ranks at the moment
776s mean that only from rank six on would
779s you get your first your first trade
781s which was a thing determination or is
783s determination but we also added for
786s example Horn skin which is the one that
788s makes it a bit more survivable against
789s black melee which is like with most of
791s the eyes causing and made that the first
793s unlock now where the wind field used to
795s unlock that rank too so just over
797s reshuffling a little bit moving things
799s around a little bit in the unlock order
800s and just make things a little bit more
802s yeah easier no rocket science just
806s improvements step by step I think that
810s we can move on to the next point or
814s bounty hunt changes so yeah the next two
817s slides are basically talking us about
818s the game modes and so one thing that
821s we've we've really wanted to do for a
824s while and we finally had a chance to do
825s that is look at crew camping how to
828s prevent it and how to without changing
830s everything completely actually make it
832s something which which is less likely to
834s occur so what we've done is that for
837s both bounty hunt but also for quick play
840s dough for rifts we have added some
844s readability warning in that if you and
846s some other guy are close in close
849s proximity to a clue that clue is like
852s kind of like glowing
853s different color but the reddish you
855s looks a bit differently we show some
858s pictures we can maybe do the red yeah
859s let me go back to the status yeah okay
862s so you can see it already maybe it's not
865s the best starting picture you can see
866s some some red effect there I'm gonna
868s cycle through him a little bit it's a
869s bit clearer right here on this one
870s and much much guarantee someone in the
874s corner I didn't even see the guy hiding
875s around again honestly so what it means
881s is that if if the like you and someone
885s from another team so obviously that
886s doesn't go for it teammate if you have
888s one are within like say it's probably
891s half a compound radius radios roughly
894s then you will get that warning so we
898s intentionally didn't put that in for
899s example dark side so that it actually
901s doesn't benefit campers use dark side
903s kind of scan the light until it turns
905s red and then I put out a sniper rifle
907s well this is really for the guy who is
909s about to press the button who's about to
910s commit standing still okay I'm gonna
914s press oh maybe I want to compress this
916s and actually gonna look skin around et
917s cetera so it's a warning to prevent
919s people being kept shot killed whatsoever
922s while you're kind of like stuck in the
925s so I see someone a sturdy seed from afar
927s knows so like as soon as you because
929s that was the reason that we didn't do it
931s for dark side dark side is that you
937s don't that you don't see it differently
938s it's still the same clue because
941s otherwise scampers can use it your aunty
942s cam you know or like to you know but
944s even if someone can come close by can be
947s even better
947s yes that's why it's just when you get
949s close and you see the clue so it's
951s basically if you if you can see the
952s particle physically then you will get
954s the warnings but it wouldn't be like to
956s bake radiating illuminating light and
959s dark sides yes alright so that's the
964s first one here I think that was close
965s there's one more year yeah yeah it's
967s just like hey there is a guy then other
971s things we did so we also had a look at
973s the recruit composition so what we have
976s at the moment if you if you are if you
978s manage to rank up until tier 3 so Blum
981s in rank 67 and up to 100 the composition
985s of the recruits changes to allow you to
987s for tier 3 hunters now what they did so
990s far was it gave you one tier 1 which was
992s usually the free guy 1 tier 2 and then 2
996s tier 3 guys we felt like that we kind of
1000s understanding the tier 2 little bit so
1001s we would like to celebrate the tattoos a
1003s little bit more and actually for that we
1005s we changed the order to be tier 1 tier 2
1007s tier 2 and tier 3 so there's only one
1009s tier 3 now available we also had some
1013s look at the usefulness of this recruit
1015s so this is again something which we
1017s looked at as we as we introduced like
1019s the quickly hunters in general different
1022s ways to the three hunters to make them a
1023s bit more valuable so we for example it
1026s gave them or most of them more traits to
1028s start with us so before they had like 0
1031s to 1 or 1 to 2 or maybe maybe if you're
1033s lucky 2 to 3 trades
1035s what you see now is usually on average
1037s one more trait given up to maximum or
1039s four so at tier 3 is most of the time
1041s like three traits but can have for tier
1043s two guy is mostly two traits can have
1045s three and the tier one usually has just
1048s one trait because the second trait is
1050s mostly then used for sniper rifles etc
1052s where there might be the opportunity to
1053s to give them a trade like the ADT aiming
1055s trades but since those weapons are not
1057s available in Tier one usually they only
1059s come with one trade that also means that
1062s the pricing the way we calculate the
1064s cost the base cost of the hunters also
1065s like based on the amount of traits they
1067s have and the points they cost etcetera
1069s the hell if they have so systemically
1071s the pricing goes a little bit up so you
1073s might see like a tier 3 hunter actually
1075s costing like a hundred even maybe
1077s hundred fifty extra as a base on top of
1079s the equipment do a 100 like explain how
1082s we base up like a cost for a hundred
1085s roughly it's really basically the the
1088s upgrade points of the trades ended up
1090s together there's a specific conversion
1091s rate and similar thing with the hip
1093s points and that kind of gives a flat
1096s rate bonus for the outfit on top of that
1097s Co three outfit just is worth a little
1099s bit more because on average most Maps
1101s most situation they can give you more
1103s camouflage and that just means that a
1105s Tier three price probably is the most
1107s noticeable going up a little bit but
1109s then again we've also tried to make them
1110s it more useful when it comes to the year
1112s and the options they have so that's just
1114s something to try out and once we're in a
1115s test server and hit a fitting for it
1117s just means that the tier 2 set where we
1119s just have about 4 right
1121s the show was a bit I never presented and
1123s we just wanted to have a bit more
1124s tattoos running around yes all right
1131s quickly changes so I'm last stream we
1135s mentioned already in beginning of this
1136s dream again we had lots of level changes
1138s so likes when run you guys through all
1140s of that so ideally just watch that
1141s stream again lots of really cool changes
1143s coming in like additional spawn points
1145s as possibility like in the corners being
1147s at it some additional positions for
1149s resupply points the towers have changed
1151s not only not only ddd hunting towers
1155s yeah with additional windows but also
1156s even like some of the camping spots we
1158s saw specifically how many people
1164s actually stayed in one location i
1166s quickly definitely favorite the heights
1169s yeah so watch that stream if you didn't
1171s have a chance you have this a really
1172s cool stuff and also we mentioned loss
1174s and delta in quickly yes yes yes a very
1177s very big change for us so there's
1178s actually one of the patch highlights in
1180s general for update 5.0 being able to
1183s play quick play now on either of the map
1185s so basically if you play quick play you
1187s wake up either on lawson Delta or and
1189s still whatever you it's randomly
1190s determined and so prepare for both what
1195s do we also have here yes economy changes
1197s yeah so maybe it should have the economy
1201s changes now the XP kana is is that but
1204s actually I skip through one point which
1205s is the rift antique antique mechanic so
1207s this is basically exactly the same work
1209s we have for the clues just a little
1211s facts rift so now the rifts would also
1212s have the same warning if there's another
1214s hunter from a different team in this
1215s case clip it is only about teams is
1217s close by and you get the same warning
1219s grace kind of warning period thing you
1221s pay attention you can live alright so
1227s what we did there is we we had a look at
1229s how people get XP in the game at the
1231s moment and specific trick play it's been
1233s a bit of an XP boost highway so you got
1237s a lot of a lot of easy ways of getting
1239s XP and on in my bloodline and we wanted
1242s to like get a bit more control about
1244s that so what we want to do is not just
1246s like Captain max XP or Harvard or
1248s whatever like that didn't feel right for
1250s if you're the winner but we actually are
1252s now just following the same logic as we
1254s do in bounty
1254s which means that the XP actually lives
1256s on the hunter so let's still get some XP
1260s exactly so like the the XP is one on one
1263s going into the hunter and any levels up
1265s so depending how well you've been doing
1266s I've been if you've been sitting in a
1268s bush until the last guy was laughs and
1270s you just tried to kill him with a
1271s machete and didn't pick anything up he
1272s said or he might get very little expedia
1274s for level up with very little with this
1275s guy if you had a blast of around maybe
1278s you make 10 15 levels with that hunter
1280s just like a proper goods bounty hunter
1283s mission and that means the recruit now
1285s comes with upgrade points ready for you
1287s to spend the moment your recruit them so
1289s that's gonna be pretty interesting but
1291s it gives us on the flip side the chance
1293s to kind of keep the XP flow but under
1294s control because as you know systemically
1296s only bits of the XP in certain gates
1298s trickles down into the bat-line so we
1301s kind of like stop the progression
1302s completely going out of control but
1304s actually give you more valuable hunters
1305s in return and we talked about the
1311s starting gear so this this is a bit of a
1313s teaser for something we're going to talk
1314s about in a minute and we've been
1316s changing the the quick play starting
1319s gear in the shotgun category now what
1324s that means is that where before we had
1326s Romero Romero Talon and he was at
1329s respective contact we now give you
1333s different shotguns we give you the
1334s Romero to Romero Henken and the cold
1336s will rival hemp can we no longer give
1339s you the spectrum you know no no give you
1341s the Romero Talon and that's just the
1343s cost there are some changes to these
1345s weapons I'm going to talk about it in a
1346s second
1347s alright umm I think that's all it goes
1351s for the economy changes here then Shalin
1356s just changes just say it's a 10 times
1359s fast
1360s so what we've been doing is we released
1363s the challenges in the last update and we
1365s received lots of feedback about it out
1366s people liked we saw the statistics the
1368s data telemetry and we could draw some
1370s conclusions from it like seeing ok which
1372s changes people really liked and we're
1374s trying to complete which ones were kind
1376s of left empty and unobtainable and
1380s with that in mind we also obviously
1382s tweaked a little bit like what's what
1384s type of challenges are are available and
1387s what rewards you might get so expect
1390s with this new update bit of a
1391s fine-tuning on that side side so like
1393s some of the some of the the requirements
1396s like killing eczema like they've been
1397s through a little bit for those
1398s challenges that just people would want
1401s to complete and and we also added a
1406s couple of additional challenges so for
1407s example we have creep play related
1408s challenges in there now as well so a
1410s couple of additional things we can check
1411s so you can get all the details later on
1414s in the in the patch notes whenever a
1416s test server but rest assured challenges
1419s are a bit more tuned now and like
1422s besides a lot of the change which
1423s actually work very well and we see in
1425s very huge completion rates on them the
1427s ones that we found were problematic we
1429s kind of like corrected them a little bit
1430s and just iterated on them it feels a lot
1432s better now which is cool weapons stuff
1438s we have new weapons so that's this one
1441s definitely do not see anyone who did you
1443s and ask you for new weapons so a buff
1448s shotgun Commodore interesting yeah
1450s interesting
1451s um so you can already see it in the
1453s background here new weapons so we have
1455s one weapon that we've Connor we've kind
1457s of here you'll be fairly sure we can
1459s hint that for some time I've been
1460s sitting on it and we have been sitting
1462s on this one for a particular reason
1464s which is the emulator and Ben is gonna
1467s explain what it exactly means in regard
1470s to this particular weapon but it is
1472s basically a a Mosin Nagant obras and it
1476s has an additional melee blunt attachment
1478s so it becomes a little bit nicer just
1481s Club them to pieces apart from that you
1487s will see just like it's basically the
1490s regular Mosin Nagant you can also maybe
1493s see some hints about the ammunition
1494s there but that's for much much later
1496s time next
1500s so then we release the packs last touch
1503s then your revolver medium ammunition and
1505s we wanted to add variations for this as
1508s well so we looked at where we're lacking
1510s a little bit and we have the officer
1512s brawler for example as a handgun with a
1515s with a MIDI attachment yes case the
1517s dusters attitude yes and so we thought
1520s like maybe we can just put like a knife
1522s on the pistol so we went to look to the
1525s tacks and actually use it as an alert
1534s for this room so our G what we basically
1538s have is not the full power of the knife
1542s the combi knife so it doesn't make the
1544s knife obsolete but think of it as an
1547s in-between between like the three knives
1549s and and the and a regular knife so if
1554s you do like a heavy at melee attack with
1557s this with a pax claw against the grunts
1559s head you would kill him zoom it as you
1560s do with it with a brawler dusters all
1562s right just this one doesn't have a stab
1564s attack so this is slash in both sides so
1567s it causes the bleeding damage if it's a
1569s rending type weapon but it is not a
1571s steady steady one hits knife thingy
1574s I'll be wearing upper torso it's just
1576s for the head so it gives you some of the
1578s power of the knife but it doesn't make
1580s the knife obsolete exactly and the next
1582s weapon is something that I really like
1585s because I am the dough shooter
1587s all right so we're introducing more
1589s modern stuff now so
1593s behold the bornholm this weapon is a bit
1597s of an interesting one for us because
1600s it's basically the torch little cousin
1603s so we are looking at a five short
1606s compact emanation semi-automatic pistol
1609s that for its time was very revolutionary
1612s but if you were to look at it and in
1614s back with a modern perspective actually
1617s it's a pretty clunky and pretty pretty
1619s like awkward and weird to reload weapon
1622s you will see a little bit more or in
1625s motion when you try it out yourself so
1626s we don't have a video for it here I'm
1628s going to keep something for when you
1629s guys are on the test server now this one
1631s is an interesting because obviously it's
1633s a tear
1633s weapon and something available in the
1635s early ranks I think let me check double
1636s check at rank 21 is when we make us
1639s available for surprising check the
1642s better to change it off for that 463
1645s dollars it's a bargain I mean I love the
1651s dole so I think this is a really really
1653s great weapon as like a pregel's like the
1655s warm up what's nice about this one is
1658s just just it's kind of kept in balance
1660s with the five round capacity so we've
1663s noticed how quickly those five rounds
1666s are gone with the rate of fire it has
1668s and you find yourself like without any
1670s ammunition and the other guy charging
1672s you so it's a weapon that still requires
1674s a lot of skill to be used correctly
1676s because you need to conserve the
1677s emanation properly also the reload takes
1679s a moment because it's just gonna flap
1680s open to the side put the clip in closer
1682s to cock the weapon or if you if you
1685s don't have a full clip just hop it up
1687s man you listenin to what we do in the
1688s door so obviously this weapon will
1689s benefit from a bullet grabber trait as
1691s well of catching the bullet is that
1693s around so it's a bit of an awkward
1694s mechanic it's intentionally rough
1696s because it's been a new invention and
1698s not perfected yet but I think this will
1702s be a nice addition for people and a good
1704s alternative as a rapid-fire weapon lower
1708s levels but also like it's just like a
1709s bit of a budgets option compared to the
1712s dodge that was weapons so yes this has
1717s to just because the a question comes up
1719s this does have a faster rate of fire
1721s than the officer yeah where we gonna put
1724s something after this yes we were yes
1727s I can't read your handwriting hands
1730s because it's secret handwriting um oh
1732s the flashlight yeah this is no no this
1735s is something different if I use for the
1737s flesh oh okay
1739s we talked about a flashlight as well in
1740s a second but this one is actually the
1742s tentative fixed 40 oh yes I mean we know
1749s very much that the healing bug is pretty
1752s much I would say the most borrowing
1755s Boston but for you guys this is because
1757s obviously it's really annoying if you
1760s want to heal you and attend Ted's fight
1762s and it doesn't work so at the moment we
1764s haven't sensitive fix for update 5.0
1767s obviously it's not completely fixed yet
1770s and we're still very very high you know
1773s we need to validate it so so it is on
1775s the test server when we go on the test
1776s server you can try it out but this is
1778s mostly also for us to then expose it to
1781s you guys so have more players use it see
1783s if actually our tender to fix that fixed
1785s we hope does fix that fixes it it's one
1787s of these things which is hard to
1788s validate without going on the live
1790s environment or at least on test server
1791s would like a large scale exposure
1792s because internal testing can only do so
1795s many samples and it's hard to miss stuff
1796s so we hope to have taken another step
1799s towards resolving this issue maybe we
1801s were lucky maybe we need to go back and
1803s actually fix Oh more about it but at
1804s least we have some first things in there
1805s and this goes along with some logging
1807s improvements so even if we maybe find
1810s out we can't fix it we actually might
1812s get some more information we didn't have
1813s before someone fill half the syringes
1816s with ketchup I see someone are talking
1820s about the math dilemma it's still coming
1822s but you have to wait a little bit longer
1823s what's the limit I don't know I never
1825s seen it doing down in a John's video
1829s just because they put some props on the
1831s table they assume it's a new weapon
1834s maybe maybe then let's talk about the
1839s other thing you just splash like this
1842s off so the flashlight we finally had a
1849s chance to look at this slightly
1851s underused item I mean it's a nice glass
1855s [Music]
1856s it could be a little better I guess so
1858s um we we didn't fully
1861s had a chance to redesign the whole thing
1862s but we adjusted something on it which we
1865s hope makes the whole thing a valuable so
1867s the electric light tool what we have
1870s done with it is we have added a stronger
1873s light cone in a third person which means
1876s the intensity of light is much much
1877s stronger and now what we can do is we
1879s can use this to actually conceal the
1881s person wielding the flashlight so what
1883s we hope with this is so you can see
1884s there is a video that people looking at
1887s someone with a flashlight if that guy
1889s also looks at them is a bit more
1891s obscured in the light it's been over
1893s bloom and obviously this only works up
1895s to such a certain distance and we hope
1898s that primarily when it comes to moving
1900s into like compounds leave something for
1911s bending so catch your breath all right
1922s so much like with the flashlight with
1927s the the electric light tool to give it
1929s its proper name we hope no that people
1931s actually find some use for it we know
1932s and we understand this is a bit of an
1934s over over like a border case HKS type of
1937s equipment piece but there might be some
1939s additional use for it right now and yeah
1942s tell us what do you think of it tell us
1943s if it's maybe too powerful whether it
1945s helps you whether you think it actually
1946s has a purpose now in the game because we
1948s all agreed it right now without these
1950s changes does not and yeah then we see
1953s further changes maybe might come to it
1955s as we move forward exactly I mean in
1957s general you're gonna see that in like
1958s you know if you keep watching you'll see
1960s the video you just saw a glimpse very
1963s quickly
1964s nothing good so that that covers the new
1969s weapons then yes so that's Tommy's
1971s balance talk about balance changes so
1974s for this one I'm gonna use my cheat
1976s sheet here because we have quite a lot
1978s of things to talk through um so let's
1982s let's start with the general tweaks
1984s we've been doing so one big thing we did
1987s was related to aiming-down-sights and
1990s the pixel accuracy of aim
1992s so we looked at the weapons way we have
1995s in the game there's a procedural system
1998s running which can smooth out the
1999s movements of the weapon or the briefing
2001s etc if CEO gives you the feeling of
2002s actually like the weapon not being
2004s companies that it yeah but we always had
2007s some issues with the system because it
2008s can mean that the weapons sometimes by a
2011s pixel or two is off target and that's
2014s bad in a shooter game where the bullet
2016s counts like hunter so you know if you
2018s have read the blog we are talking a lot
2020s about hit foundation and you know
2022s shooting on target so this is one of the
2024s steps that we're doing you know to
2026s improve for readability and the
2028s foundation yeah yeah and so what we've
2032s been doing is we refactor that system
2033s and replace that procedural animation
2035s system with actual cameras way so that
2038s means the weapon is aligned 100% to the
2042s crosshair it's just that the screen
2044s itself has a slightly more motion
2045s because we have to compensate we took
2047s one thing out and the other one was
2048s bumped a little bit so it should give
2050s you a very similar experience in how you
2051s shoot but the shot should be more pixel
2053s accurate a more more more reliable I
2056s mean we're talking about edge cases here
2058s so this is not that every second shot
2059s would be affected by it but it was all
2061s something we identified as one of the
2064s reasons why sometimes shots might be a
2066s bit off and by eliminating that
2068s particular point that we can then also
2069s focus much better on actually like
2072s emesis making contact at the prediction
2074s systems for validation is cetera yeah
2076s the whole favoring the shooter mechanics
2080s we have and make sure that it is tuned
2082s as much as possible without any of these
2084s layer on top systems interfering
2087s mm-hmm yes so that's that's the general
2090s stuff obviously we also adjusted some of
2092s the weapon stats in the shop based on
2093s some of the things we're going to talk
2094s about here for balancing so that you can
2096s see that that's also yeah there's also
2099s something maybe worth mentioning so
2101s we've looked a little bit at the at the
2103s steps and how they are displayed in the
2104s shop system we had this always a
2106s discussion in one of the previous
2107s streams of the attack was it like or
2110s autumn autumn last year etc and we we
2113s think that we have found a solution that
2114s we are want to implement so this is not
2116s in this update but is something that
2118s will happen as we move towards the next
2119s updates to give you a bit more
2122s meaningful and accurate numbers in there
2124s so for example we've already made a
2126s decision that we would
2127s to have damage represented by the actual
2130s true damage of a weapon that is hitting
2132s a player in the upper chest area yeah so
2135s we just took them besides they had the
2137s most powerful body multiplayer we have
2140s that means for example later on what you
2143s would see is that the sparks rifle would
2145s have obviously the number 149 there
2147s because it leaves you with one hit point
2149s yeah so you get a bit more information
2151s again this is just a hint at what is to
2153s come this is not part of this update but
2155s we used work on actually updating the
2158s stats a little bit here and there to
2159s also think about the design of this and
2161s how we want to move it forward so then
2164s specific stuff so shotgun changes so
2171s this is actually a pretty big one this
2172s is what we consider also a highlight of
2175s this update 5.0 because we're kind of
2178s redesigning shotguns pretty massively
2182s and this is primarily to resolve two
2185s things first off make them more
2187s normalized which means make sure we
2190s don't have so much RNG in there like
2191s shooting someone in your crosshair with
2193s a shotgun should result in a kind of
2196s like consistent amount of damage at
2198s least I mean as much as a shotgun can do
2201s that obviously there's always multiple
2202s pellets being fired is always some RNG
2204s some randomness in there exactly so what
2208s we've what we've done now is the
2209s shotguns will have a number of the
2212s pellets they fire be fired with a much
2215s much smaller spread so then they're
2217s guaranteed to be closer to the cross the
2219s area so it means if I have actually to
2222s target in my sights correctly there is a
2223s better chance for me to actually score
2225s again like some sort of a consistent
2227s damage level and for that purpose we
2232s actually obviously had to look at
2234s shotguns because just introducing that
2235s feature for the shotguns would have just
2238s turned them into into like godlike
2240s killing machines that we don't want it
2241s either so we we had a look and actually
2243s change the shotguns to be a little bit
2245s closer to how we think real shotguns
2247s work or just like in video games there's
2250s always descendancy to have shotguns
2251s speed is like room sweeper wide spreads
2254s like hundreds of pallets shooting in
2257s killing 20 people
2259s and that's not how that's not how they
2261s work and we laugh so what we tried to do
2264s is looking at the choke and the amount
2266s of spread shotguns actually do which
2268s means that overall shotguns have a
2270s tighter spread now which means overall
2272s all of them all of the yeah videos in a
2274s second yeah all of the pellets are being
2277s fired much more in a cone which means
2279s that you will be able to actually aim
2282s with them but you can also be really
2283s missing with them if you don't have
2285s proper aim like with any other weapon
2287s obviously range is much more limited on
2289s shotguns compared to other weapons so
2290s this is where also part of the balancing
2291s comes from theirs means so that shotguns
2294s feel a little bit different and
2296s alongside with that we also try to make
2298s the different types of shotguns we
2300s haven't again a bit more different to
2301s one another to actually have a look at
2305s for example what we see on the screen
2306s here the Romero and give some of those
2308s weapons more of a place in the Arsenal
2310s as a competitive choice rather something
2312s you don't pick anymore when something
2313s better as well let's look at how the
2316s Romero shoots now no this is no old yeah
2321s this is like on lively you guys yeah
2323s yeah yeah yeah yeah so already that
2328s weapon was like almost the most precise
2332s shotgun we had and we weren't too
2335s worried about this one but within a new
2338s system we still kind of push this a
2340s little bit further so the Romero is now
2343s if you want to use the term it's like
2345s the sniper rifle of shotguns it's the
2347s one with a with a biggest range of all
2349s of the shotguns that's the one with the
2350s tightest spread so you need more actual
2352s careful aiming with it but obviously
2354s compared to like a rifle it has like
2356s this this margin of error because you
2358s should number of pellets in there so I'd
2359s close range like here we talk about like
2361s five meters it technically is just like
2363s was it like it images 20 centimeters
2367s like like diameter the further you move
2369s away that thing actually starts
2372s spreading more and keep in mind the
2373s damage also drops off which means if I
2377s would just put something this particular
2378s scene here try to shoot across the pond
2380s on the left side like which we like 20
2381s 30 meters that weapon is still is no
2383s good for that purpose like anyone with a
2385s whiff in the other side will just take
2386s you out in no time
2388s this one's we can have them like so it's
2389s old i know new old yeah I mean so the
2398s Romero is probably the one which is also
2399s the hardest to show off on screen
2400s because it's already pretty accurate and
2402s we just made it a little bit more
2403s accurate but you will see that
2404s difference maybe in the second example
2406s we have adjust the rival hmmm yeah and
2408s you can see that elevator again many of
2411s these things actually require you guys
2412s to be on the test server and try it out
2415s and this is a fluid process for us so
2418s this is initial values we have in there
2419s we plan on being on the test server
2421s until this is ready so feedback we get
2424s the cetera will help shape this up over
2425s the next 10 days and weeks depending on
2428s how long we want to be there so this is
2431s just a starting point but it means if
2434s you were the Romero for example really
2436s have an enemy directly in the center of
2438s across here you might be able to bring
2441s them down like up to maybe even 10
2442s meters if you have a good hit life yeah
2447s so like this goes all over the place
2448s what you see here is also the randomness
2450s of the actual spread pattern that's
2452s basically like the top right for example
2454s from the last shorty on the Left didn't
2455s even get on anything and by just like
2458s running the new formulas behind this the
2460s way we distributed the spread actually
2462s we have no control about this so this
2464s one specifically the hem came here was
2466s pretty orangey and pretty frustrating
2469s now with the changes here as you can see
2472s is that this hem can actually is like I
2475s would say it's twice the spread of the
2477s Romero already yeah and the further you
2479s move away like it still gets close to
2480s like that that old familiar pattern it's
2482s technically the one if you shoot closer
2484s yeah but then again we expect point
2487s point point blank is kind of like anyway
2491s since the killer was already right now
2493s and it's still the case within your guns
2496s it's just that a hand cannon now can be
2498s a more of a solid backup weapon that
2499s actually you can use without the guy
2502s literally standing 1 meter in front of
2503s you yeah and then there is one other
2506s change that we have
2508s yep so the spectre Spectre goes into
2512s this as well so we've done something to
2518s the right a fire of the specter because
2520s as was always bothering us a little bit
2522s of thing you guys were not happy about
2523s this as well we've actually tuned the
2526s fire right so it shoots a little bit
2528s faster than it used to actually means
2530s you can do more more quickly follow up
2531s shots and therefore hopefully the
2533s specter has more of an equal place in
2535s your arsenal compared to for example
2537s like the the rival like the issue we
2540s have right now in life is that the rival
2542s trying to shot reloading firing two more
2545s shots actually can get the four shots
2546s out faster than the spectre was able to
2548s and so what we see now is if you take a
2553s look at the family of the shotguns so we
2556s have to remember being the one which is
2558s obviously limited by just having one
2559s shot so similar to like the sparks with
2562s the rifles right it's handicapped just
2564s you need to hit that one hit otherwise
2565s your you have to wait a moment before
2567s you couldn't fire again but your ring
2569s rewarded with something which which is
2571s just a bit more like reliable to use
2574s because of the changes to just to spread
2576s distribution but also reaches out a
2577s little bit further yeah so romero
2579s actually is a pretty decent gun right
2581s now for close range and just I feel is a
2583s viable option now compared to some of
2585s the other terms so that some some of the
2587s bigger goals what we had with this
2588s redesign was to not just fix the
2591s randomness but also make sure that each
2593s of the guns have their place in the
2594s Arsenal yeah and so if he didn't park
2597s the Romero and go to the rival rival is
2599s now basically the average job done right
2601s so it's it's a little bit less less
2604s range there with less damage reliability
2606s than Romero has but it has that second
2608s follow-up shot so it makes it a good
2609s average gun and then moving forward we
2612s have we have the spectre which now is
2614s going to be more of like actual faster
2617s shooting weapon so that there's
2619s advantage advantage no over the over
2622s their rival yeah like not if you want a
2624s DoubleTap right so as an ambush weapon
2626s the the the rival is actually a better
2628s option but the spectra it allows you to
2631s keep on pouring shots downrange at the
2634s guys have you seen with a couple of
2635s grands they're without the necessary
2637s getting to you and then obviously the
2639s auto-5 is going to be the endgame weapon
2641s nonetheless but with a type of spread it
2643s has and the way we control the damage
2644s it's much easier now to actually miss
2646s four shots just because of one jump
2648s senior has less in mind so taking your
2651s time even with a semi-automatic like the
2653s auto five and just aiming carefully
2655s waiting for the for the aim to settle
2656s rearrange your target is still gonna be
2658s more effective than just spamming
2659s exactly and no worries jet will take you
2662s questions at the end of the stream like
2665s usual and then we'll get stuff that you
2667s want to know the same thing same thing
2668s we've done with the with the end cannons
2670s where we have a similar like economy now
2673s between them so we have the raw Marian
2674s can obviously fulfilling the the longer
2676s range option so it's a little bit more
2679s range as a forehand Kennedy's compared
2681s to to let's say the the rival hand can
2683s or the spectrum cam which again have the
2686s same differences of either having a bit
2688s more ammunition or just having a double
2691s tap option yeah may be interesting to
2693s for this one is the hatchet so to
2695s balance the hatchet to make sure the
2697s about the back direction normal Romero
2699s hand can actually has its place
2701s the Romero hatchet is using the firing
2704s stance of the rival and cannon okay
2706s it just is basically a single barrel but
2708s it does have in compensation the hatchet
2713s the chronic King got changed with the
2715s accuracy and range changes this is
2716s technically what we have there but again
2718s it's mostly about not being able to hit
2720s all of the here all of the shots in
2722s quick succession just because the weapon
2723s jumps in your hand so that's shotguns
2728s again important point here give us
2731s feedback once you have a chance to get
2733s your hands on that we will look
2735s carefully we we we've did a lot of
2737s testing we feel against AI
2738s shotguns have become more powerful and
2740s that's what we want so like you should
2742s be more reliably cutting down grants etc
2744s if you if you already waste a shotgun
2746s shell don't grant like at least it
2747s should have a proper effect yeah but we
2750s made sure that against players the
2752s actual experience is very similar but
2754s more consistent with other changes again
2757s we'll observe how people play with it
2759s and if you do see for example a shotgun
2761s matter appear that dominated weapons
2763s rest assure that it's easy for us to do
2765s further adjustments that is like how
2767s damage bleeds over distance etcetera but
2770s it's it's important that the shotguns
2772s finally have the AR
2773s resolved and that's the goal of this one
2775s exactly and then to the next change next
2778s one Winfield windshield so there are
2780s some people that clear me for the
2785s Winfield because of this family
2788s yeah so what we've done is we try to
2792s keep the Winfield mostly how they're
2795s supposed to be which is a low recoil
2796s rapid-fire weapon it's just tonight what
2799s this thing is right but what we figured
2802s out is that just like just spamming
2804s shots downrange was a bit too easy so
2806s we've done a couple of very subtle
2808s changes to it and we just want to test
2810s the waters with it's easy or people
2812s people respond so what we've done is on
2814s the basic Winfield C so the seven round
2817s version we have just slightly increased
2820s the kick though like the recoil kick of
2823s how much the weapon jumps up it's not
2826s massive it's the way below what for
2828s example like a better Lee or a Mosin
2830s etcetera half but it's a bit more
2832s noticeable and also like it kind of
2833s kicks a little more in recovers left
2835s rights which means it's a bit slightly
2837s bit more challenging to put aside right
2840s back on the target so yes you can spam
2843s the fire it hasn't been changed but
2844s overall the challenge is just a nudge
2848s now on the on the the full length
2852s Winfield like a 15-round magazine one we
2856s basically didn't touch the recoil up
2859s much so it just systemically went up a
2861s little bit but it still as per the
2863s previous tuning is weaker than for the
2866s Winfield C because it's a heavier weapon
2868s it has more ammunition inside it doesn't
2870s take up as much as a lighter one does
2871s but it's also harder to control it's
2874s harder to keep on the target so this one
2875s has a more drastic left/right movements
2878s after shots so it's even more awkward to
2880s kind of keep it on the target yeah or
2883s having to really realign it so again
2885s those two changes they shouldn't really
2886s touch what these weapons are because
2889s their role is pretty clearly defined
2891s they are rapid-fire weapons of that time
2894s and era at least but we just make it a
2897s little bit harder to control slightly
2900s slightly less easy to do to spend with
2903s and you see on the test server again how
2904s that
2905s mm-hmm okay and red bat orange straight
2908s through the revolvers yes revolver
2911s changes so similar in a sense do the
2916s wind field changes yes as a head of the
2919s primary goal has been again to help
2921s differentiate between him a little bit
2922s better that is so um what we want is
2926s that each of these revolvers have their
2928s pros and cons if their drawbacks they
2930s have the strengths and it gonna be more
2933s of a preference choice for play style
2935s rather than like one being just inferior
2937s to another one the instapage yeah
2939s exactly
2940s so yeah because people already already
2944s crying not like the depakote wasn't
2946s changed at all for this so this is
2947s primary looking heads like some of the
2949s base weapons pecados executives saying
2960s there wasn't touched for this this is
2961s primarily a second step for us
2963s introducing in the last update depends
2965s so we've already with the last update
2967s pushed upper cut a little bit more into
2969s high recoil and push the basic core a
2971s little bit more to lower recoil easier
2973s control is rare handling and we're
2975s continuing that now just with the other
2977s weapons so let's go through the list
2980s again let me just get my notes here yeah
2982s what have we done is let's start with
2984s the officers so we felt that the officer
2987s is a bit often instead take when it
2989s comes to revolvers and and that is fair
2991s enough because it's a good weapon we
2994s just felt that the double action and the
2996s handicap of having a double action which
2997s is like the intensity of the trigger
2999s portion therefore keeping the weapon
3000s aligned on target etc was a bit too easy
3003s compared to let's say the basic no guns
3005s and we just increased slightly the
3009s recovery offsets or how the weapon kinda
3011s moves left right after short but also
3013s slide to the recoil to give you a bit
3016s more over over over challenge for
3017s actually putting that weapon and you
3020s have the same fire rate you have the
3021s same same damage etcetera it's just that
3023s it's a slightly less awkward but it
3025s should feel pretty much the same and you
3026s can do the same and you could do before
3028s with this gun that also goes for net
3032s will be interesting in light of the
3033s Winfred changes we just talked about
3035s this also goes for the carbine so the
3037s now Gandalf has a carbine it has now
3040s more recoil it takes a bit more left
3042s right so we see is a similar change as
3044s we've seen on the Winfield's just making
3046s a bit harder to kind of keep keep keep
3048s yeah like keep on pouring like it shots
3050s at the same target like it takes a bit
3052s more of a challenge and we hope that
3054s this will actually help with this gun
3057s also with together the wind fields to
3059s reduce the spamming as in general yeah
3062s returned a bit more to a precision
3063s aiming so he's funny when people are
3065s saying that they're fine with like it
3068s penetrating but like that at one shots
3070s or headshots it's it's crazy and I'm
3073s especially considering back in the day
3075s and Winfield like one shot head shot was
3077s always a kill and we removed that and
3079s people were outraged and I like they
3082s still do something having a 70 meter
3085s assist most components are released like
3089s in and around close boss arena see
3091s cetera yeah okay so other pistol changes
3098s then we also had a look at the at the
3103s ngons precision and Nagant Deadeye
3107s so change that both of those are
3109s benefiting from is that we cannot smooth
3110s out a little bit the way to Rico things
3112s up so you might have noticed that like
3114s with the wind fields for example being a
3116s heavier weapon having weak cartridge
3118s inside actually it's pretty gentle the
3120s way that weapon kicks up compared to
3121s let's say the dolls which is just much
3123s more violent right yeah so so we can
3126s smooth that out for those weapons for
3128s the same reasons that you have like the
3129s pistol stock is gonna stabilize the
3131s weapon and it's it's much more
3133s controllable so it's a little bit
3134s smoother it doesn't kick up as violently
3136s and it just makes it a bit more
3138s interesting to to shoot those and I
3141s switch to follow up shots and
3142s specifically for the net gun precision
3144s because there was one of those like my
3146s problem weapons we had like which people
3149s just wouldn't really use because
3151s obviously there's always the handicap of
3152s a medium slot and kind of limitations of
3154s having either quartermaster or picking
3155s another medium weapon but also like the
3158s rate of fire and being single action it
3160s they way they were enough good other
3162s options you would might go for before so
3163s what we've done here is we've kind of
3165s reduced the spread so the weapons of my
3167s accurate
3169s so if you just put some pak-rat with it
3170s you can do some pretty decent headshots
3173s even like 10 15 20 meters of distance
3176s even just using the crosshairs but
3177s having going on sets but even in iron
3179s sights the weapon almost doesn't kick up
3181s at all anymore that gets the shoulder
3183s stock allows you to to soft and so this
3185s becomes actually a pretty viable
3186s mid-range cheap sniper option with a
3189s Deadeye obviously having a drawback of
3191s maybe not so good peripheral view those
3194s go but a bit more exactly bit more zoom
3196s on it so that's one thing then we also
3202s look at deed in a gun silencer secret
3209s secret hey you never told me anything
3212s this is something that only made it in
3214s the last always so what we've done on
3218s the on the new gun silencer is the base
3221s damage is the same as for the basic new
3223s gun but the silence bullet that is
3225s basically a lower lower yields bullet
3228s like less less power net just bleeds the
3231s damage much faster like it drops damage
3232s much much earlier so in short range
3235s firefights it is just as effective as a
3237s normally guns it's just that the moment
3239s you start shooting over distance as it
3240s is right now like the weapon just loses
3242s its power very quickly but it means it
3245s is it is a bit stronger by default we
3249s are like it's just so please don't try
3251s sniping people over 2030 meters with it
3253s because it confirmed Dennis is sharing
3256s secrets with eyes monogamy well Isis
3259s been helping with their change look I
3260s think right and then the last one here
3266s you know is - a - two more on the pistol
3268s so the chain pistol so the chain pistol
3271s always felt like a natural step up from
3273s the basic chord well why would I take a
3275s normal cold war even without Fanning
3277s because I could just have to chain
3278s pistol which has like was it 17 rounds
3280s or something compared to the six of the
3283s of the basic weapons so what we've done
3284s now is that on the chain pistol that's
3286s the basic crosshair spread is a little
3289s bit wider so the weapon is less accurate
3291s but obviously it benefits from slightly
3294s reduced recoil because it is a heavier
3296s weapon right the chain belts thingy and
3298s I kind of dragged the weapon down so
3299s it's easier to control but also
3302s defending rate of fire and all the other
3303s drawbacks we've already put between
3305s these guns are still in effect and that
3307s brings us to the last point the basic
3309s chord world so we've already reduced
3311s recoil in the last update will introduce
3313s the text but we've also now given it
3314s even more accuracy so this weapon with a
3317s longer barrel that has compared to for
3318s example in a gun it's just a more viable
3320s opportunity for for like a mid-range
3322s basic shooting yeah alright that's it I
3327s think for mostly weapon I did stuff I
3329s mean we also did a couple of changes to
3332s pricing some of the weapons I mean this
3334s is an again in in response to us having
3337s introduced free hunters having
3339s introduced quick play having introduced
3341s weapon swapping so that some of the
3343s balance that we had originally in the
3344s economy like where we wanted to make
3347s sure there's always some easy cheap
3348s options available like to Romero like
3350s the basic caldwell we no longer need
3352s that so which means the prices
3354s especially with these changes for
3356s balancing do key feature of this guns
3357s more room in the arsenal have been
3360s slightly increased not much just here in
3362s there a little bit you will be able to
3364s go through all of that and the change
3365s once it's out and then debate and give
3369s us feedback and it shouldn't really
3371s matter too much though for these early
3373s guns it's just that we felt like for
3375s Romero especially with the changes we've
3376s done to it like for box was just a bit
3379s of a steal
3379s so it cost a little bit more yes so this
3389s is something that we started in light of
3390s our optimization calf so like on the
3394s level side just like the way a certain
3395s certain assets like our animal traps
3397s were requesting us and while doing that
3402s we also looked at the at the logic
3403s behind them so we kind of looked at
3405s inconsistencies we had with them in
3408s terms of like the trigger distances on
3409s general behavior stuff and so basically
3413s we done elected for parts and those
3414s tuning them a little bit more trying to
3415s obviously keep the spirit of the design
3418s alive like so the horse when you get
3421s closest or does the same thing as it
3423s does right now but it's a bit more
3425s consistent with the Ravens a bit more
3426s consistent with the dogs so I said right
3428s so everything has been reflected
3429s slightly and it is mostly down to how
3432s they escalate
3433s so for example there were basically
3435s almost no ways for you to not escalate
3438s them especially divorce worse I just
3442s want the PNR is suffering so so
3444s basically rule now is that the moment
3446s you cannot stop the moment you go crouch
3448s you have a pretty safe way of avoiding
3450s them obviously up to a certain range
3452s when you really close where they would
3454s like go off or or stop barking or doing
3457s the horse thing
3459s possibly kicking you but overall it's a
3463s bit more reliable like they cannot I
3464s grow the I grow a little bit more
3466s consistently and just feels a little bit
3469s better it's hard to explain that right
3470s now without proper video so again it's
3471s one of those things we just urge you to
3473s to have a quick look at the tester when
3476s it's life and just give us some feedback
3478s there how it feels if the Ranger said go
3481s to cetera there's one more thing with
3483s the horse specifically though and that's
3485s something which isn't really down to
3486s awareness but more to toughness so we
3489s felt the horse was a bit bit too weak so
3491s I would just punch it once or just like
3494s anything it was like so what we've done
3498s with a horse specifically is we've given
3500s it body damage multipliers so the head
3503s and the rest of the body is tuned
3505s separately which means I need to have
3507s like to throw knives possibly to the to
3509s the to the body of the horse but if I
3511s hit it in the head then one strike one
3513s pistol shot whatsoever is gonna be just
3515s enough so it becomes a little bit harder
3519s to take out is because at the moment it
3520s feels sometimes it's just not for
3521s thought you see a horse just throw the
3523s knife and then doesn't you will always
3524s say that somewhere not now at least you
3526s need to be a bit more considerate about
3527s where you hit it and either accept it
3530s might just be going crazy for like a
3531s second before you for a second - second
3533s shot or in this case except the head
3538s it's actually interesting because like
3539s something like the sparks silencer would
3543s still be able to kill one shot well the
3545s wind field silence or in the gun
3547s silencer would need to have two body
3548s shots now I mean it makes sense right
3551s cuz look at how the horse is already
3552s looking like that one like stop and it's
3555s not gonna kill it's already half dead so
3558s yeah alright
3560s I think that's mostly about the animal
3562s traps Megan played them give us feedback
3565s try them out
3566s we hope they're more consistent they
3568s clear to read now and actually feeling
3571s like a next step from there their
3573s iteration yes then couple other things
3577s so we have added body distraction meters
3579s so the meter was the one AI that didn't
3582s really have body destructibility so what
3584s we mean with that is I kill life example
3587s grunts with a shot to the leg and I
3590s might take the leg off why we have
3593s damage state as a hidden Michael I do
3595s some glancing shots on the arms etc and
3597s something happens now we've introduced
3599s that same system now for meter finally
3601s which means you can actually depending
3603s on weapons we use like dynamite etc just
3606s get like a bit more yeah
3607s visual feedback often the kill yeah and
3612s what we didn't introduce is a limping
3615s mechanic so we don't have what we have
3617s on the armored and yeah in the ground
3618s said it's lower because it's always
3620s following your specific logic not having
3622s a head so we we can accept that and it's
3625s kind of acceptable it's a pity because
3627s like meaty chunky legs anyway so it's
3629s not easy to take a more like the skinny
3632s grunts but you will at least see when
3636s you shouldn't make with a shotgun you
3637s could omit a shotgun like oh that all
3638s might go off as well it's just visual
3641s nothing gameplay related but then
3650s another thing we did was by demonstrates
3652s on the hellhounds so there's a minor
3655s thing it just means that we had some
3656s inconsistencies between some of the
3658s weapons in terms of how they could do
3660s one hit head shots etc so you can adjust
3663s that for the most part they feel exactly
3665s like in the last update it's just that
3666s some weapons that were a bit too easy on
3668s them just might require at a certain
3670s distance idea second charge like so if
3672s example was like that someone to compact
3674s bullets were able to headshot in one go
3676s I could be too far out or same with a
3678s medium bullets which was almost like
3679s things like 80 90 meters or so um this
3682s has all been adjusted to tweak a little
3683s bit and just feels a bit more consistent
3685s exactly and I mean I think I think's I
3688s mean since we changed them they have
3690s been
3690s like a bit less yes danger like it was
3693s always like okay Hans you did like the
3696s look of motion changes we've done to
3697s them that's the way they're the core pet
3698s behaviors they feel better they play
3702s better and just they take a bit off some
3706s of the early game frustration
3707s specifically for new players out by just
3710s working a bit different from what what
3712s they were originally the spider so this
3719s one is actually interesting one because
3720s so there's a lot of really awesome hard
3724s work going in this we've gone back to
3726s the spider and had a look at how it
3728s moves around and did some minor
3731s balancing changes around it as well so
3733s in a nutshell the spider moves slightly
3735s slower now but it actually aligns very
3738s nicely now to the walls the ceilings etc
3741s and in order to compensate for that we
3744s looked a little bit at the attack
3746s frequency attack patterns etc and let's
3749s show a video about it yeah so what we
3755s see right now is the the spider nicely
3757s curving around corners it is obviously a
3760s test environment here it's easy to show
3762s it this looking around and just be more
3765s more spidery
3767s which can be good and bad I guess
3769s depending who you ask it feels a lot
3772s nicer it feels more predictable it feels
3775s actually last thing you're actually
3777s constantly running after him for the
3778s safe yes yes and it will also come after
3781s you come come after you like a little
3785s bit more a bit more frequent so it's my
3789s side improvement we feel that the spider
3790s feels a lot creepier actually because of
3792s it because we actually can see more but
3796s again play wise we've kind of
3798s compensated for the slower speed with
3799s having just a little bit different PDA
3802s changers bit more attacks etc so the
3804s challenge should be roughly the same but
3805s overall it's a bit more rewarding I
3809s think that's the big choice stuffy
3812s that's for today is it I do think that
3815s we are
3815s I'm gonna talk about something that you
3817s have seen before so we're gonna quickly
3820s switch people in and out well you guys
3823s watch something that I do lien not like
3825s almost shit for a second before so hope
3830s you bring us there's too many mice and
3836s then we'll be back for Q&A together on
3838s yes yeah on the couch first time on the
3840s couch yeah okay so I'm gonna quickly do
3843s two things
3845s [Music]
3910s there's on you now what are you guys
3912s talking about let's look at again with
3914s us
3915s there is Saud I can see the third sound
3917s you guys lied to me stop lying to me
3919s it is definitely sound don't you lie
3923s there's sound let's look at it again one
3926s more time
3930s it's look right okay so hey guys got a
3947s new person on the screen right now this
3949s is not Dennis they both have the same
3951s color hair but I'm blond Dennis maybe
3954s this is like dance from the past like
3956s you're young Dennis young daddy young
3959s and handsome okay so we're gonna talk
3962s about the emulator obviously you have if
3966s you've seen the blog already you have
3969s seen our blog about her new especially I
3972s yes exactly so hi guys I'm Ben I've
3977s worked as a technical designer on the
3978s emulator and I'm gonna talk about how we
3981s created this new AI and what's our
3983s intemperate and what he actually does
3985s we already released a blog yesterday
3987s yeah which you can read it's mostly
3990s about the intentions and the outside as
3993s well so make sure to check that out
3995s mmm and before we get into the details
3998s of what he does I want to kind of give
4000s you an overview of how we design AI what
4003s are the core principles that we set up
4005s for the emulator and then you understand
4008s our soft process a bit better yeah
4011s so basically when we create a new yeah I
4013s will look at the current I see ya cast
4015s and yeah exactly identify areas where we
4021s can improve areas where we are lacking a
4023s bit and for the emulator is was
4026s basically two core things that we wanted
4028s to tackle one was a predictable
4030s so the current diecast that we have is
4032s quite predictable if you think about it
4034s they are basically living in a small
4036s area they don't really move anywhere you
4039s go there they react to you and then you
4041s have to tackle the challenge which is
4043s yeah super nice but we wanted to change
4046s this up a bit to make it a bit more
4048s engaging for the players yeah it is
4053s engaging indeed basically what we went
4055s for is more like controlled chaos so the
4058s game is obviously like super yeah we
4065s control okay yes yeah it is it is freaky
4068s I think it can get pretty hectic but we
4069s want it to be a player choice so we
4071s don't want emulator to be completely
4073s random and distract the player whenever
4075s we want it to be kind of like player
4078s driven experience still and the second
4081s principle that we wanted to do was
4083s basically to introduce more like sand in
4086s the sandbox if that makes any sense
4088s Salima later interacts with the world
4090s it's not completely disconnected as most
4093s of the eye cast and it interacts with
4095s other radii as well yeah so without
4099s further ado get him to what he can do
4101s yeah so which one do you want I'll talk
4103s a bit first and then I'll talk about
4105s about key characteristics and then we
4108s will show a few videos to better explain
4112s how it actually looks in-game so
4114s basically he's super fast that's one of
4117s his key traits that's something that we
4119s came up with pretty early and it works
4121s really nice
4121s I already saw in discord yesterday that
4123s people were saying oh but the grant and
4125s the Armada frame it's like yes they are
4128s not fast the emulator is fast it can see
4131s pretty far away as well so he will see
4134s you from much further away yes and so he
4142s will see you from much further away than
4144s the other guy cast members will and he
4148s will be always up in your face basically
4150s the emulator is a dude you will have to
4152s deal with he's quick he reacts you very
4156s quickly and he's up in your face and
4158s what he will not let go of you if you
4160s don't be over to him
4161s Benes that's pretty good yeah and there
4169s is one big thing that we didn't show yet
4171s but you almost spoil it you kind of did
4173s but they didn't say it is fine
4175s well that was this this is the one I
4178s live the video okay yeah so basically
4183s when you meet him in the world he will
4188s be in his non ignited state which means
4191s basically just walking around he is not
4192s on fire but he is like this this
4195s tormented soul that that is ready to
4197s jump on you quite quite soon would you
4199s like a little bit before this here it's
4201s already like smoldering
4203s yeah yeah he's kind of smoldering and
4206s the player can ignite him but he doesn't
4210s ignite on his own it's always a player
4212s action so you guys will not see like
4214s flaming dudes running around randomly it
4216s will be your choice to ignite him and we
4219s basically have a basic rule set that's
4221s pretty simple how you can ignite him or
4223s what ignites him so somatically here's
4226s this this charcoaled
4228s body basically that's completely burned
4230s down yeah it's actually very interesting
4232s if you watch the or read the blog there
4234s are some pictures and how they came up
4235s with like the sculpting of it and the
4237s more of the design like the you know the
4239s art art design of the so definitely read
4242s the book yeah exactly and so basically
4245s if you pierce his body with any weapon
4248s that pierces through the skin
4250s automatically he will immediately go
4252s into a rage and he will explode dealing
4255s explosion damage and then from that
4257s point on he will be ignited he will be
4260s on fire and whatever he touches will be
4262s also on fire
4264s he will also leave a fire trail behind
4266s him when he is ignited so you is you see
4268s him like raising ground and leaving fire
4270s trail and chaos behind him it's actually
4272s quite cool and so just to clarify what
4276s pierces his body basically and we have a
4279s video for it to kind of showcase the
4282s rule sets
4285s yeahso put on the right screen where you
4288s move you can't see anything okay
4291s so basically first I used the Oh Brad
4293s space which is a pretty strong weapon
4295s against the emulator I walk up to him
4298s you can see guys he's not ignited in
4300s this instance he runs at me and I can
4303s use a blunt weapon which does not pierce
4305s his body we just announced a blunt
4308s weapon yes exactly so it didn't push his
4312s body therefore it didn't ignite now I
4315s use a knife which is not a good idea
4318s guys it will ignite it will do some
4322s explosion damage he will hit you he will
4324s be up in your face it will be super
4326s scary finger on fire
4327s and you're on fire and now I will show
4329s you how it works with guns
4331s so I lend a nice headshot here after 10
4334s seconds of hate me nights because I
4337s pierced his body and then I completely
4339s miss obviously on purpose and then he's
4342s dead so the takeaway from this is blunt
4347s weapons hard counter him like we
4351s introduced the overestimates it's
4353s amazing against the emulator and
4355s engineering as well but we have already
4357s the Bester's the comet X is not the
4364s comet axis yeah so basically you can use
4369s the rifle butt stock if he's really up
4371s in your face you can stagger him take a
4372s step back shoot at him mm-hmm
4374s see him explode and then just basically
4376s kill him it sounds really Opie I know
4381s but it is not so used to be so strong
4383s like I still remember the first place we
4386s did with it and just didn't dying or
4387s like shooting headshots had to attach I
4389s was like why is it still a dead oh yeah
4392s yeah we we turned that down fine a bit
4394s actually
4395s so we doesn't do much damage the
4397s explosion is scary but it barely there's
4399s any damage if you are two three metres
4401s away from him you might get clipped with
4402s 1020 damage maybe he sets you on fire
4405s but fire has been nerve because when you
4407s now stop the burning it's it pauses the
4410s extra fire damage yeah he's more like
4413s doing this psychological warfare of you
4415s know him burn
4416s enough in your face and quickly
4418s attacking you and you don't know what to
4420s do you panic and then when that's when
4422s the problems actually start yeah no he
4430s nice stuff right he's like this this
4433s this super strong dude who comes at you
4434s which is fine but this is not the end of
4437s it what we wanted to do with him is to
4439s kind of like make him interact with the
4441s world a bit better so he's got a
4443s behavior which is quite new to the eye
4446s cast which is like the unreachable
4447s behavior when you're exact him from far
4450s away or you enact him from a place where
4451s he cannot reach you which can be kind of
4454s a ladder and then you shoot him or you
4456s jump on a haystack and then you shoot
4458s him he will not just stand there as the
4460s rest of the air cast like the grunts and
4461s he will he will actually do something
4464s because he is like you know he's his in
4466s pain he is crazy he wants to hurt
4468s someone and he just wants to run around
4470s and when he's on fire will show video in
4474s a second but he's on fire he'll actually
4477s run around you can see he nitrogen or
4480s Barrow there there are some explosions
4482s it draws all the other AI cast members
4484s to him you will see the grunts walking
4487s through the fire diagram Arthur yeah
4489s basically so you can you can use him as
4491s a distraction you can use him to maybe
4494s box in some people you ignite him and
4497s then he would go crazy and kill stuff
4500s you can see he runs inside the building
4502s but he where he again murder some AI as
4505s you can hear it from the screams and
4506s it's actually quite cool so he basically
4509s runs around the birds he drops these
4510s these fire patches here we can see I'm
4514s reachable I shoot him boom ignites and
4517s then he will go crazy and systemically
4520s kill other
4522s basically you can kill him too kinda or
4524s you can shoot him to kind of wipe out
4526s compounds if you want to but it will
4528s make doesn't he doesn't kill the FES
4539s sorry guys this poor video yeah so
4542s basically he interacts with everything
4544s around him he sets everything on fire
4546s it's pretty systemic and you can use it
4549s if for example we had some cool moments
4551s where this is where we had we had some
4559s play tests and he was hitting at another
4560s player and you might not actually want
4562s to shoot at the player but you want to
4563s shoot at the emulator because it is just
4566s way too scary you don't know what's
4567s going on he ignites he explodes he's up
4569s in your face hitting you and it's super
4571s nice yeah I really like it I think it's
4573s a very unique and interesting you know
4576s he can do a lot besides just murdering
4579s you yeah and there is one more thing
4582s that I want to show you so you might
4584s think okay the emulator is you know this
4586s is scary did runs fast so you might want
4589s to insert like right inside the building
4591s close the door and just like yeah but
4595s let's just watch this quickly and see
4596s how it goes so sound again isn't you to
4601s get I don't know how to no it's fine
4604s it's not sure if there's yeah so knock
4608s knock maybe running inside the building
4611s is not the best thing you can do anymore
4613s oh my god it's fine you do that sound
4616s you can't you guys can can imagine he's
4618s he's pretty scary I get on here I think
4620s the video doesn't this should help I
4622s think doesn't matter
4626s so knock-knock
4628s so basically yeah closing a door might
4630s not work anymore you can see it
4632s barricades door you can see I didn't
4634s barricade the door here if you bury kid
4636s door he will not be able to break it but
4639s if you don't then you know you might
4642s have some problems I knew he was coming
4644s and he still damaged me so that's that's
4646s very nice
4647s and so basically with all these like new
4650s features that don't exist in the rest of
4652s the ICAST we think he's in a pretty
4655s special place right now we try out the
4658s door for example and if it versa we
4660s might need to think about how can we
4662s apply to some other guy cast members
4664s hint hint
4667s yeah so that kind of sums up what he
4671s does how he can interact with the world
4673s but obviously because he's so chaotic he
4675s runs around it's really difficult to
4677s define of what he can actually do I
4679s think there will be a lot of cool
4680s moments where you guys just play around
4681s with him and see what he does and that
4685s is kind of that is kind of our goal we
4687s don't want the game to be much more
4690s difficult with the emulator that was not
4691s the goal um it might seem like he is
4694s more difficult than the rest of the cast
4696s members but we don't want to increase
4698s difficulty we want to introduce yeah
4702s introduce new sort of challenges to the
4704s game so you have to adapt to that and it
4706s might be a bit more difficult in the
4707s beginning but you will see that once you
4709s get used to him and if you pay attention
4711s to him he is you can tame him you can
4714s you can tame him make him do things for
4718s you
4718s yes and just to give you a bit of
4721s background information so the first
4723s thing we we decided on when designing
4726s the emulator was to to kind of counter
4728s the knife matter because it was it was
4731s really strange
4732s yeah at the moment you can practically
4733s knife every AI maybe not the meat head
4736s but even if you burn him a bit you can
4738s you can knife him you can like the
4739s armors grunts hives etc and the dusters
4743s don't really have a place in the game
4744s and like since we are playing with the
4748s emulator I take the stairs more often
4750s and I take the knife because I know
4751s there will be a time when the knife
4753s investors will be more useful than the
4755s life
4756s exactly yeah the emulator yeah so I hope
4761s I was able to give like a good overview
4763s of what he does how he behaves what are
4766s the core design ideas that we wanted to
4768s do what I asked you guys is to go play
4771s on a test server when its life when is
4773s life coming soon I don't know when
4775s exactly okay anyway please play on the
4780s test server and give me feedback leave
4783s it on reddit on this court on steam
4786s forums whatever all the places I read
4789s everything every morning here eats
4791s everything every morning and steam and
4793s read it and yeah basically I will read
4795s it steam forums and the negative reviews
4797s on steam but don't do that don't leave
4798s that only because it is okay and let me
4802s know if you like him while you like
4803s about him what you don't like about him
4805s he's kind of like you know I want him to
4808s grow video guys I want him to do stuff
4810s that you like him to do I want you to
4812s nurture him yeah exactly tame him to
4815s retain him yeah so please play as much
4818s as you can make some videos make some
4820s posts give me your feedback let's see
4822s how it goes
4823s exactly okay so rumors went to the couch
4825s and we'll be back in a little bit with
4827s both Dennis and Benes for some more
4831s questions so get your questions ready
4833s and ask them when we're back see you
4836s guys in a little set
4849s [Music]
4869s [Music]
4869s [Applause]
4876s [Music]
4903s [Music]
4911s [Music]
4927s hello we're back
4929s oh we're back hey guys see if you even
4933s on camera yeah we really need like an
4937s initial point they're supposed to see
4938s something to do or no I mean we see the
4940s Jets we just hope everybody's here ya
4944s know right you guys can see us right
4946s like sing bananas if you can see us and
4950s hear us
4951s dennis is relaxing yeah you picked the
4953s nest like this looks like very deep so
4956s it's like it's my size it's like yeah
4963s so I'm Dennis and Ben or a venison
4966s Dennis
4972s so what questions do you have in
4975s relation to our five minute update
4977s obviously I'm elated questions are you
4980s know for that was one will the emulator
4983s goes through both her good question so
4985s he will go through water yes so the rule
4988s set for that when he's ignited and he
4990s goes into shallow water nothing really
4992s happens because you know the was a
4993s shadow but when he goes into deep water
4995s he will be extinguished same mechanic as
4999s for the players when they run through
5000s water yes exactly so he will have to run
5003s a bit in the water to make some splashes
5004s to make him as extinguish and then you
5007s will not be able to read back inside the
5009s water but once you're outside of the
5011s water you will remake them so it's
5012s actually a valid tactic to drive I mean
5015s it is it is a yes there was another
5018s question that I'm actually because I
5020s know that a lot of people ask this when
5023s can he also like mess with bosses best
5027s with bosses mess big bosses it's like
5030s you know yeah yeah so basically the
5033s butcher as you know guys is immune to
5035s fire so it makes it difficult to mess
5038s with him and well so he's like super
5040s strong but we despite her we already had
5043s we actually had a fight that session
5044s where I had an emulator inside the
5045s building and it was scary and I ignited
5048s him and the explosion he died in this
5050s fire and it was like super cool yeah so
5052s so this boss but I mean a suit is tricky
5054s yeah if you have if you are not a coward
5056s and you can take an emulator inside the
5058s building without you know panicking then
5060s yeah sure go for it guys make a video
5063s maybe I wanna see it
5064s okay challenge accepted what other
5067s questions Oh someone asked how much
5068s experience to kill them all right that's
5070s a good question I think it's comparable
5072s to like an armor so my question is what
5082s if the glue starts flickering like it
5083s goes crazy when the enemies under a
5085s certain distance so I assume that you
5087s mean with the anti capping yes it is
5090s indeed a certain distance so like within
5092s about half a combat compound it will
5095s flicker read it or see the clue so that
5098s that means like obviously if someone
5100s let's assume someone is up on the tower
5102s at family grave blanchett graves and
5106s he's looking towards the Boathouse area
5109s blocked by dogs what we will not be able
5112s to do in this case if the guys is not
5114s arrival and he sees exactly that's
5115s that's that clue there yeah you wouldn't
5118s know that this guy's looking at this his
5120s only works within a certain distance a
5121s certain range so it's not a hundred
5124s percent guarantee that there will be no
5126s one maybe outside of that distance
5128s waning camping but obviously it's gonna
5131s be much harder for that person also ever
5132s to score hittin if you were sitting with
5134s a shotgun around the corner yeah like
5136s the one guy I didn't see on your screen
5137s shot yes there was one question oh oh if
5142s an emulator
5144s where was it if an emulator ignited and
5146s he kills another puts are you if you and
5149s ignited ain't emulator
5150s it's an emulator like kills someone with
5152s the spider who gets the kill
5154s okay so the rule as of now is if you
5158s ignite an emulator and the explosion
5161s during the ignition
5163s here's another AI you get the experience
5166s for that okay if the emulator runs
5168s around and randomly massacres 20 grunts
5171s will not get the experience for it but
5172s it was maybe practice it'll make it
5174s easier to go inside a confined and also
5176s there is one thing that I might not have
5177s mentioned in this super important with
5179s the emulator is that once you ignite him
5181s he's got a lifetime yes
5182s yes and the lifetime is 30 seconds and
5186s when it ends
5188s he will basically burn out he will die
5190s he will be you know over it's kind of
5194s like a mercy kill for him because he's
5195s suffering he's a fire running around
5197s doing crazy stuff but after 30 seconds
5199s his end will come and he will die so he
5202s will not even definitely run around the
5203s compound and kill everything there's
5206s three questions there which are all the
5207s same questions syringes broken as hell
5210s with a short fix fix healing bargain
5212s yeah so we have as part of 5.0 we have a
5215s tentative fix we have we have take
5218s another chance looking at this and we
5221s think we found something to copy related
5223s to there's no guarantee so we will only
5225s be able to see that on the test server
5227s whether it is fix actually working as we
5228s have a chance to expose this to a wider
5231s audience you guys and if everything
5236s works out and we are hopeful this is
5238s fixed if not then we have to go back and
5239s actually use additional logging that
5242s we've also released not with 5.0 then
5244s that will be on the test server that
5245s allows us to track this down hopefully
5247s even more reliably in case it is still a
5249s different issue yeah so we're making
5251s progress on that and we're we are
5253s carefully optimistic that for if I've
5256s put or we can get this back under
5257s control
5258s yes okay so there's one thing I have to
5261s say I know it might disappoint a lot of
5263s people it's not drink ly related to 5.0
5265s but we know a lot of people ask for a
5268s werewolf boss and I would have to dress
5272s this we are working on new boss but it's
5275s not a werewolf as much as you guys like
5277s it but it is something else really cool
5279s that you guys will see it at a later
5280s date mm-hm so I don't want to kill
5284s anyone's dreams but I just did yeah I
5288s have to do it but yeah we want something
5290s you know obviously we make something we
5293s want something to be very unique and we
5297s are still you know we have our own lore
5299s in a sense of that not everything is
5300s directly you know defined but lost so
5303s there is something cool coming but
5306s can't say where so I'm sorry for ruining
5308s your dreams I had to take so I saw
5313s someone asked a question a little bit
5316s earlier about the spider movement that
5318s if it doesn't like interrupts kills if
5320s it goes operating around the corner like
5322s a yoosu doesn't still do not know yes if
5325s you ask that question please ask it
5327s again I know it was something about the
5328s spider that it was like it interrupts of
5333s the kill if we're like you couldn't hit
5334s it anymore or something okay I think
5336s this might be related to when you finish
5338s off the spider oh yeah so the reason for
5341s that is primarily yet we we can't rely
5344s on it falling down and have gravity
5347s bring it to a place of like happiness
5351s where we can reach it so we need to kind
5353s of like make it walk to its death so
5355s that means out here can we actually
5357s interrupt it to text again we yes sorry
5371s let me see what other questions do you
5374s guys have 45.0 uh overall is are
5378s plastered over the make sure bass then
5380s they went back it's a plan to do no for
5383s animation faster in the nature I mean so
5385s as we're going from page to fetch 3000
5388s X's period obviously polish is an
5390s important point for us so we always go
5392s back to specific old weapons old enemies
5395s et cetera we updated me have seen us
5396s with a the hellhound update from from a
5398s previous update but like we went to the
5401s locomotion we've seen it with a spider
5403s now so in general I going back to stuff
5408s fixing things smaller parks etc which
5410s might not be like the most important
5412s things to address right now but
5413s obviously I'm important to get back this
5415s feeling of a complete game and polishing
5417s with dress those over time and step by
5419s step depending on the time we have
5421s available obviously if you want you want
5423s me to choose between showing you guys a
5424s new boss and then obviously getting the
5426s animations for that and showing you guys
5428s like a fix off let's say a hammer off a
5431s pistol not being fully in sync with a
5432s finger yeah I think you guys would
5434s appreciate seeing more about that boss
5435s okay I remember your questions
5437s one question I'll just say them now one
5440s question is will the emulator also mean
5442s quick flight yes yes and you can you
5446s slow to emulator down by shooting hands
5448s like no I think you know so the emulator
5451s is is this crazy due to doesn't Camerata
5453s pain because he's suffering so much he
5455s you can't stop him is basically you know
5457s charging at you you will have ever be
5460s able to knock him down with shotguns yes
5462s shotguns are overwhelming force and if
5464s you if you should have yes okay um are
5471s you planning to re-add the slider I
5474s think that I think I asked about that
5476s for like the hut if you're the boss I
5478s comes to like make them a hundred
5480s percent opacity again but I'll have to
5482s re asked them please ask me that again
5484s on the discord I can answer it so we
5489s introduce that and the problem we had
5492s with it was that as you know activity
5495s some of our icons are complicated
5498s multi-layer items right so you have
5499s different elements and by having a
5502s transparency SATA on them there are
5503s certain elements that are not visible
5505s normally but would become visible to you
5508s as you as you can make it more pact or
5509s increase your messenger and we decided
5513s that this is just it looks just bad well
5516s it's more because I know why they're
5517s asking it that you like to record videos
5519s in like the 4k support for that purpose
5523s rather than a slider they would like a
5526s toggle toggle is something we can pretty
5529s sure talk about so forth or future
5530s updates like a hot off type of motor
5532s exactly that might be possible just a
5535s slider is problematic because of the
5537s opacity issue that certain elements just
5539s don't look good depending on the setting
5540s I see action about the health so how
5544s much does the emitter have compared to
5545s the armored in the clip
5548s I used three long bullets to kill him
5550s because I was very good and I missed a
5552s second short yeah so basically he's
5555s somewhere in between he's weaker than
5557s the orbit you can to shot him with long
5561s booth at but he can also to shows him
5563s with compact if you hit the head twice
5565s yes so basically he's a bit stronger
5568s against many steps but he
5571s versus a pill to pull the damage we've
5573s compact medium or long if you can hit
5576s him because that guy's fast yes I am
5580s aware able to break down the double
5582s sliding doors no he's not he cannot
5586s break it he will knock on it selling
5592s some Goods yes would like to buy some
5594s fire he has some minor intelligence in
5597s his head so he would realize after a
5598s while as he cannot break it so he will
5600s go on and then do some crazy stuff
5602s somewhere else
5603s he's gonna sell it somewhere like next
5605s door there's a question whether the
5608s Bornholm is yeah it's gonna make the
5611s weapon obsolete or useless well it's
5614s gonna make the officer useless or just
5615s yeah exactly and neither is the case so
5617s the officer is is a much more flexible
5622s weapon it's easy to reload just top up
5624s the runs in there doesn't suffer from
5626s like ejecting rounds and then having
5628s having to have pulled rubber again plus
5630s it also carries like two more rounds
5632s compared to the five rounds in the poor
5635s time now the bore time is very fast
5638s shooting it's faster shooting and the
5641s officer and it's a really fun gun to use
5644s it's really is the the dogs little
5646s cousin yeah but it does have its place
5649s alongside the dog alongside the officer
5653s it has different pros at different cons
5655s and I'm pretty sure it comes also done a
5657s little bit to whether you would like to
5659s actually just fire all the shots you
5661s have in a quick succession but then
5663s having to go through the reload or that
5664s you try to be a bit more economic and
5666s maybe doing like more like two or three
5668s shots here one shot there is a tarpaulin
5670s burst fire yeah um - question later will
5674s the emulator is set off animal
5676s attractors and what is the trigger range
5678s on the emulators are and where do they
5680s spawn okay so the trigger range I'll let
5683s you guys figure it out
5685s concrete meters it's it's somewhere with
5689s the dogs if you if you want any
5694s interactors basically he can kill them
5701s don't hold me to this because we video
5704s or system we refactor detectors now so
5706s they they are a bit more they work a bit
5708s differently but the old system if he
5710s runs through Ravens actually kill them
5713s before the duel areas could fight away
5714s okay
5715s st. arranges change legislation so we
5719s have the de sheets right out nicely
5720s you guys I'm very curious we should just
5725s have some like emulator challenges like
5728s Duda crazy same with the emulator they
5730s are headed so we do have challenges
5738s later can you throw a lantern at the
5741s emulator and kill him
5742s so basically if you throw a lantern and
5743s emulator he will not ignite because the
5747s lantern deals damage on impact
5749s what doesn't ignite him and he's immune
5752s to fire so basically you will not be
5754s able to ignite him with bird fighters or
5756s any sort of like fire bomb fires you
5758s have to pierce the skin you have to
5760s pierce the skin indeed and there was
5762s another question so the question was
5764s something like a demon is not ignited is
5765s there still a 30 second rule on the
5767s knife time no so he will only die due to
5771s the lifetime problems if he is ignited
5774s if he runs up a few of it some excessive
5777s do we also have an and works going
5779s forward that can climb lakhs because we
5781s have to at the moment no no no plans for
5786s that Oh nurse using new no new menu
5791s music but we do have the ability to
5793s listen to too many music when you're not
5795s in the game I know there was something
5797s that was requested from the community
5798s and those should be and as well let's
5803s see someone who that's asking forget
5806s more movie weapons whoa
5809s there's still one Mele weapon that I
5811s think I've seen a couple of questions
5812s about which is the bomb plans and
5814s eventually they become more about that
5817s in a later screen sorry
5819s well the magnetron is fun in components
5823s this is a good question so the emulator
5825s will spawn around compounds and inside
5828s in some bigger compounds as well
5830s he will not spawn inside buildings
5831s usually and he he's basically he needs
5835s to
5835s a lot of ground to be effective so
5837s you'll see him around compounds in big
5839s open areas where you can spot him you
5841s can hear him and then you can react to
5842s him rather than you know just studying a
5844s corner and oh there's anyway to me what
5846s they do which might actually also happen
5848s but it would be rare do the things that
5850s he's a bit more flexible than for
5852s example a pack of hellhounds that can
5854s also come from inside compounds and
5857s specifically all the systematic like
5858s barrels all the stuff around that that
5860s he can do a lot more havoc in these
5863s areas that you can do outside I saw a
5865s question if I can clearly remember can
5868s you run
5869s well reloading the opressed mace you can
5873s just like with any other weapon yes I
5875s think it was with the cycling so that
5878s that's a systemic issue so one of the
5880s board action weapons suffer from the
5881s same issue there which is you know is
5883s that if you are aiming outside for
5885s example you might if you don't let go of
5888s the button in time we start to this and
5890s therefore also be stuck to the movement
5891s speed you can't override this with a
5892s sprint this is something you want to fix
5894s something which is a little bit deeper
5896s inside the weapon the system directly
5898s the player so this is something we still
5900s want to do at the moment obviously the
5902s opera's mains follow the same logic as
5904s the other weapon so it so suffers from
5905s the same issue know one thing that's
5907s that people can try out in order to to
5911s reduce the effect of this particular
5913s problem is if you change your aiming
5916s down sights from a toggle to on hold
5918s action so if you just keep on pressing
5921s the button down and the moment you fired
5923s your short you let go of both the shift
5924s button for for aliasing and the right
5927s mouse button for aiming it goes first to
5930s shoulder to the hip pose where does the
5933s cycling and from that you can already
5935s start sprinting so this is a clunky
5937s workaround but it helps if you do the
5939s timing correctly to avoid the issue to a
5941s certain degree but obviously this is not
5943s the desired solution we've wanted to be
5946s well properly it's just that we didn't
5948s have a chance to fix that yet okay I
5950s know what I see some people ask about
5952s something that happened
5953s ask for a while it's not 45.0 but it is
5956s something that we're investigating and
5958s that's a field of view slider it's being
5961s investigated we said in previous streams
5963s already it's just that we can't give an
5965s ETA we are definitely when we talk about
5969s it like don't expect like a full like
5971s fishbowl inspector if that ever goes
5973s that far it's gonna be within a certain
5975s range and certain limitations obviously
5977s yes and to make this a reasonable
5980s addition if we have a chance to edit
5982s let's see can you set off a emulator
5988s with decoys question so they will they
5996s will be able to so we very soon made the
5998s normal decoys you will not be able to
5999s set them off because they are underage I
6001s mean the Blackfyre decoys let me know
6003s how it goes
6004s try now let's see yes five pointer will
6012s go and test first
6013s and then it will go life after we've you
6014s know gone people's feedback and seeing
6017s how it does when it's going on test soon
6021s not today speaking say for sure we
6024s wanted it to but we tried we ran into
6026s some issues the deployment um it's being
6028s looked at the moment but we are hopeful
6030s that's possibly before the weekend so
6032s that means sometime tomorrow everything
6034s works out we'll have it but there's no
6035s promise no problem it looks reasonable
6039s that we can we can achieve that let's
6041s see
6042s so is if the beautifier is immune to
6046s explosive damage as well no not really
6050s so explosives like like regulate they
6052s have strapped up syndrome which will
6054s heat the body - will push the body we
6055s saw in in reaction the set of the
6058s explosion was a shockwave of dynamo just
6061s rips you open yes exactly
6066s [Music]
6068s more than one even respond in a given
6070s spot so Dean Witter is is a solo dude he
6074s doesn't pretty big friends don't know so
6077s hopefully you want to see one what if
6080s you if you see two of the same spot
6083s please report it to us we don't think
6085s this will be the case but mostly spawn
6087s alone yes there might be multiple in the
6090s same compound yes and depending on how
6092s they move around how you make them move
6094s around but obviously you can't ignore
6096s them there could be multiple ending up
6098s in the same combat situation yes exactly
6099s but they wouldn't spawn aspects of this
6102s yes I saw someone ask it's like hard to
6106s remember when I don't see the question
6107s anymore
6108s Oh someone asked about the lamp we
6112s actually showed that we're making a lot
6114s more useful by using the ability to
6117s shine oh that was actually a question
6119s that I saw I can't really want to show
6120s that thanks will it also work indoors it
6126s does work indoors during daytime storing
6129s ok so so it does not work very well in
6131s daytime so it's facing a systemic life
6133s which means it's most effective at
6135s nighttime it can work in some really
6136s dark areas and then during your daytime
6138s mission but it's most effective during
6140s night and that's where we also expect
6143s people to be more likely to bring along
6146s yes ok what I wanna see new does the
6153s foreign hi so the born home is using
6156s compact ammunition five rounds being fed
6159s from either a fart one stripper clip you
6161s insert to the side or topped up
6163s individually from the top if the port is
6166s open if you pull back the slide similar
6169s to how they torture operates and yeah
6172s with all the pros and cons that brings
6174s of having a one of the earliest
6176s semi-automatic pistols ever invented in
6179s the game yeah any glass of clarifying
6182s what exactly the weapon stats mean range
6184s rating of 70 meters means what yes yes
6186s explain also huh okay so we we talk
6190s about us in some of the previous streams
6191s that the way we we currently have
6194s compared to weapon stats in the shop for
6196s seven arsenal is on a very abstract
6198s right so so these values don't correlate
6200s with actual ranges or actual damage
6203s values or whatsoever it's just abstract
6205s numbers that allow you to kind of say
6207s that this one is a little better than
6208s the other one
6209s now we're not happy with that system
6211s either and something I said earlier in
6212s the stream we're currently looking and
6214s how we kind of change the system a
6215s little bit so that there's actually more
6216s meaningful information displayed with
6218s these bars for example what we try to do
6220s is give you guys exact damage values now
6224s with this game you have damage
6226s multipliers happening on the body parts
6228s right so when a player alone there's
6230s different parts and depending on which
6231s you hit there's different
6232s multiplications which causes different
6233s damage we can't write all of these
6234s damage numbers down and if you add AI to
6236s this obviously like this is a huge it
6240s can be also you can imagine a balancing
6242s nightmare go into these spreadsheets and
6244s comparing numbers and having the
6246s formulas run there's I think Rob's
6247s trying at night sometimes over it but
6251s what we decided on was that for
6253s specifically those comparative weapons
6255s deaths we would like to pick the the
6258s upper torso the chest area multi-plate
6260s multiplication on the player as the
6262s reference point so as you know for
6264s example a spark start 149 damage to that
6266s particular location which is the
6267s strongest multiplayer we have on a
6269s player except for the head and that
6271s would be good compared to value moving
6273s forward we also plan on having like
6275s actual massive velocity in there we also
6278s plan on having equal like the Rangers
6281s being actually meters etc so we will
6284s substitute them step by step or may have
6285s a chance to work on that system in one
6287s of the future updates to become a bit
6289s more meaningful and easier to grasp so
6294s someone I saw that they asked like if we
6296s can reset the money whenever the test
6299s server starts driving and using the
6300s money from the last step server I'm
6302s pretty sure that we can do that I'll
6305s have to ask like and so so what we do is
6308s before test server goes live for you
6311s guys but before we put in you build on
6312s there we usually take a copy of one of
6315s our live data backups so the profiles
6319s you guys are using on life and we
6320s copying them over we very often do some
6323s changes to the money to make sure that
6325s people don't run around with a DK or
6326s whatever just because we want them to
6329s actually still use the economy as
6331s like buying some stuff going for for for
6333s a 300 but for example you the hardest
6337s you had on life at that particular point
6338s when we take that sample they would
6340s still be there the equipment be there
6342s whatever you have in your arsenal so I
6344s think whenever we go on the test server
6347s expect that it will be close to how your
6350s profile looked maybe a few days ago
6351s maybe even from the same day it really
6353s depends on the last backup that we can I
6355s choose for the asuras ammo for crossbows
6363s in the world yeah we actually good tree
6365s eventually we we have a trade to find
6367s them again I mean the cross was for a
6369s different economy at least the basic one
6370s still right like so you you have those
6372s twelve plus one bowls you fire and you
6376s can retrieve them and therefore
6377s technically have infinite ammunition but
6379s obviously in this forms some things
6380s sometimes get lost and that means over
6382s the course of a map you might only have
6383s like five six seven whatever left
6384s depending on how important they were to
6387s you
6387s we still looked at maybe every netting
6391s like a quiver option or like some some
6392s specific ammo pickup for the balls at
6394s these four basic balls it's something we
6396s haven't rolled out we're not actively
6398s working on that at the moment but it's
6399s something we might see it moving forward
6401s possibly maybe only at the later time
6403s when we talk about ammunition types I
6406s think we'll do like two or three more
6408s questions and then any questions
6410s regarding to button buttons in the
6411s weapon sure yeah I'm curious I think we
6413s guys think about the weapon changes any
6415s questions there's a suspiciously low
6417s amount of shotgun questions yeah well I
6419s didn't think someone who asked are shit
6421s that we changed a range but the rate
6423s stays the same
6424s I'm just the range range also this
6425s changed slightly ah so I think for hand
6429s cannons we can edit like another five
6431s meters on top and four for the basic
6434s weapons I think where they like to run
6435s for like 10 meters obviously there's
6437s also different damage fall-off so like
6438s those 10 meters actually you might do
6440s very very little damage the way the
6442s shotguns work at the moment on own life
6444s is that the basic shotguns have a range
6446s of 30 meters they have different gates
6448s at along the way I think like 10 meters
6450s 50 meters or something like that and we
6452s say now drop the damage to certain
6454s multi-plate multiplier off off the base
6457s damage to 0.6 0.2 and at the last range
6461s gates or 30 meters at the moment we make
6463s a drop to zero
6464s means that the point of shotgun is only
6466s ineffective that means like the last 10
6468s to 50 meters even like the shotgun might
6470s do very insignificant amounts of damage
6472s so 30 isn't really like if a kill range
6474s or effective range now we've added a
6476s little bit on top of that for the hand
6478s cans and for the base weapons this is
6479s just part of this the whole package of
6483s the shotguns where we talk about the
6484s spread and the normalization of the
6486s spread pattern the amount of spreads or
6489s like how tight is the cross the specific
6491s weapons then what is the range of the
6493s projectiles and also what's the four of
6495s them for this projector so there's a
6496s number of different like screws and
6498s levers and we kind of like tune and
6500s change in order to give a characteristic
6502s feeling to a shotgun and we try to do
6505s that primarily for example for the
6506s Romero to make sure that this feeds more
6507s as a shotgun you are more likely to use
6510s at a mid range type of even like 10 15
6513s 20 meters maybe even not really to kill
6515s in one strike but at least to do some
6517s significant damage though and something
6519s like a hemp can would obviously still
6521s maybe be more accurate than they are
6522s right now in life but the range is still
6524s very very low so like you won't be able
6526s to just like snipe people with a hand
6527s can or like more than 5 meters ok see
6530s when will Shao Kahn's be stronger
6531s generally we'll still punched on a close
6534s range I will not make gap being easier
6539s because you can just watch I totally he
6542s reacts it's it's really hard to I can
6544s think up a couple points on that so
6545s that's yeah it's just it's just been our
6547s own question on average so will shotguns
6551s with these changes be more powerful yes
6554s but only against AI so that some tend to
6557s change we wanted to make so that you can
6559s kill a grunt for example the basic AI
6561s more reliably with them I mean we
6563s already reduce the ammunition on the
6565s shotguns onwards so if you are spending
6566s let's say a shotgun shell on the ground
6568s I would consider it a waste of
6570s ammunition in most cases right and so at
6572s least we want to make sure that if you
6573s do that there's more likely chance to
6575s actually bring down that runs that
6577s doesn't really mean there's a big change
6578s when you're fighting armor etc still
6580s takes the three shots depending on the
6581s weapon on there but what we have also
6586s done is made sure that against the
6589s players the damage isn't really a big
6591s factor like it should feel it should
6593s feel very similar it shouldn't feel
6596s stronger and
6597s again test server will hopefully give us
6599s all the feedback from you guys on what
6600s you feel about it whether they are too
6602s strong whether they are too weak and
6604s specifically addressing the question
6605s about camping yeah
6607s the fact that the attractants are more
6609s precise now also means it's harder to
6611s just spam downrange you actually need to
6613s lead you need to hit the guy you have an
6615s experience which is a bit closer to
6617s let's say like a like derringer for
6619s example as an example of a slow shooting
6621s like the bullet traveling or a slow
6623s speed it's it's harder in order to
6625s actually land at him yes sure you have
6627s some error margin with having multiple
6629s shots go downrange right but it's gonna
6632s be untied their pattern and if I do a
6634s penny show that mighty shoot over your
6636s shoulder or to the side of you maybe
6637s only glanced here and therefore not to a
6640s kill shot but at least in this case I
6642s would know that as a player I 5 I messed
6645s up right I fucked up on this one because
6647s I was actually not having the guy in my
6649s crosshairs the frustrating part right
6651s now is that you have the guy falling
6653s your crosshair and sometimes he dies
6654s sometimes it does not and that's
6656s something which we fixed by normalizing
6658s the spread patterns but over make new
6660s weapons a bit different or they feel
6661s they're no closer to how a real shotgun
6664s actually behaves which is not that it's
6667s that doesn't do anything after 10 meters
6669s anymore shotguns are actually pretty
6671s accurate even at like 30 40 50 meters
6673s depending on the loads you current and
6674s not even meaning slugs but actually like
6677s buckshot and we try to give them a
6680s closer feeling to how they actually are
6682s meant to work in relaxed
6685s one more question then
6688s I mean you could pick up what you what
6691s you guys think yeah I'll get you both
6693s specially I mean I don't know if there's
6694s I saw something later somebody felt that
6696s the emulator might be weak being able to
6698s be taken down two shots but I mean yes
6701s sure playing let me know if it's too
6702s weak I can love him if needed
6705s be the reaction but we can talk about it
6707s there was one question about the nitro
6709s being able to one-shot the emulator yes
6710s yes of course it can one-shot the
6712s emulator if you want to use a nitro shot
6714s for him go for it
6716s but the question was more like related
6718s whether he was still explode or not
6720s so the emulator even if he's got one
6722s health because you hit him with blunt
6723s weapons three or four times or two times
6725s and then you shoot him once he will die
6727s but he will still set off the explosion
6729s he was high what's inside him basically
6732s so make sure if you shoot him always
6735s just keep a distance because he would
6738s explode anyway yes there was a question
6740s about performance so one thing which
6743s which we mentioned a beginning for
6744s stream like 5.0 is the second
6746s performance update for us right so
6748s there's been a lot of work on the
6750s performance front we've no specificity
6752s on the asset side optimize quite a lot
6754s to be that on the level we don't know
6756s and some of the buildings we see some of
6757s the assets in general a graphic side so
6759s expect stuff to also just run a little
6761s smoother just because of his
6762s optimizations effects memory its effects
6764s drop all stuff like that obviously if
6768s you want to get all the details or the
6769s breakdown and the previous extremes
6772s exactly and there's quite a lot of
6775s performance related stuff in there as
6777s well so it's just that for the purpose
6778s of the stream mostly this case we're
6780s focusing on the future yeah I mean in
6782s two streams ago we talked a lot about
6784s that was purely a performance dream and
6787s they explained exactly what we have been
6789s doing also 45.0 and performance wise so
6793s there wasn't a maybes last last question
6796s for him there was one about the weapon
6799s balance and specifically there are the
6801s faster selects of the weapons oh yeah
6804s like what one one concern that was poor
6807s for dislike they you could run a double
6809s uppercut bills for example and just
6811s because of the way the weapon supporting
6813s works specifically with revolvers we're
6815s doing the draw kind of recog the weapon
6817s kind of skips the time you would
6819s normally do between shots that it would
6821s be super super powerful super super
6823s effective and you can compete with
6824s adults by having like two uppercuts I
6826s mean yes we did that intentionally we we
6830s kind of sped things up a little bit in
6831s order to remove some of the perceived
6833s clunkiness from the system I know this
6835s is controversial some people who like
6837s the hardcore realism of it right like it
6839s takes time for me to pull a weapon but
6842s in this case the playability the
6843s usability was just more important for us
6845s and specifically to run into uppercuts I
6847s mean heads off whoever is doing that I
6850s mean if you go into the game with two
6851s uppercuts that's not an easy thing yes
6854s some very experienced and skilled people
6856s they can pull it off like some of our
6857s aula streamers are fantastic to watch
6859s when you do that stuff yeah average Joe
6861s can't do that I'm struggling with that
6864s Venice garden without like in playtest
6865s this is not an effective law cause the
6867s limits here because you don't have like
6868s necessary the same range or the same
6870s close range options even if you have
6872s fending on top so it is a viable option
6874s we know that things have changed with
6876s this but we still feel it was a step in
6879s the right direction
6880s and at the moment we have no plans of
6882s adjusting there further okay well thank
6887s you guys so much for watching I hope you
6889s guys had a good time looking at all the
6891s new content that's coming for 5.00 so
6894s the emulator we have weapon balance
6897s changes we have changes to the animal
6901s tractors we had quickly changes bounty
6904s on changes and clue cam flashing light
6908s so quite a lot of stuff destined out
6910s when it goes in a duster before us
6912s hopefully tomorrow no promises no
6915s promises but hopefully doing this I mean
6917s I want to play on the weekend - so help
6919s exactly
6920s so let us know give us feedback on you
6923s know this gourd steamed anywhere talk to
6926s us send him a letter call him faxed me
6929s and we hope to see you guys for next
6932s develop elation and let us know what you
6934s think and we hope to see you all the
6936s best ever so thank you Ben and Dennis
6938s for coming Dennis good thing now thank
6942s you for hosting oh yeah we hope you all
6944s have a wonderful weekend all right I'm
6946s gonna go now they little stay this
6949s awkwardness
6950s a bit awkward all right ciao nice tuning
6959s in
6972s [Music]
6983s [Music]
6990s [Music]