about 1 month ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s Look around at this land, what do you think you see?
15s Earth's bounty and splendor right? Rich  woodlands, untouched mountain peaks and, beneath  
20s the surface, riches that could define a generation.
26s That might have been true once, but...
35s They took everything this land had and wanted  more. The wells ran dry so they did anything  
41s they could to bring them back. Terrible things, done in the dark. Now the land consumes the  
51s living, the only thing that blooms is rot and  corruption. The mines, yield only darkness and  
61s suffering. Of course, killers like you keep  coming. You're the only ones who can prosper
71s here. Breathe deep, take your fill. Welcome  to Mammon's Gulch. Welcome to 1896.