about 2 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s let's take a look at the pistol grunts
2s our very first this one was the one they
4s they saw in chat first so a good time
8s on the ground oh no i'm gonna get shot
9s by grounds no
12s yes this grunt variation uh it holds a
15s rusted pistol i think during the trailer
17s you can see them have it in one of their
19s hands
20s we have a few different variations of
22s what this grunt can look like
24s we're going to only go over two of them
26s today but there are more in-game
28s we encourage you guys to check out the
30s test server when 1.8.1 comes out on that
33s test server and try to find all the
35s different variations
36s and also keep an ear out because you
38s might be listening for something
40s different between them exactly the
42s variation is not just how they look but
44s also the broken pistols they hold it
46s could be multiple we didn't want to
48s specify here how many because it's for
50s you to figure out since it will be an
53s audio trigger which we'll be explaining
55s in a second we just didn't want to spoil
57s it so you can have fun on the test
59s servers or live servers later on
61s this pistol grunt is going to be coming
63s at you with that pistol in their hand
65s though and if they happen to hit you
67s with that pistol
68s there will be a small explosion where
71s the pistol discharges and it will sound
73s like a gunshot in the air to you and to
76s everybody surrounding so almost sound
78s like somebody was using one of these
80s pistols to shoot something else but it
82s was actually a pistol grunt there is no
84s bullet fired when this melee attack hits
86s you so you will hear that noise
89s there will be a little bit of damage
91s from the melee but there's no chance of
93s you getting shot with a pistol uh with
95s that pistol and you won't get randomly
97s headshot or anything like that yeah and
99s it's a yeah it's important to mention
101s that uh the weapon breaks after the
103s ground hits you with the melee attack so
106s you won't be able to pick up the weapon
108s from the floor so it will be a broken
111s gun that just hits you it creates the
114s audio trigger for the certain weapon
117s whichever it is basically players won't
119s be able to tell if it was a gun shot by
121s you by another team or what happened so
124s it is to cause a bit of confusion and a
127s few more audio traps in the game which
129s we all love so much
131s you know what i just thought about bence
132s is that now if a pistol grunt never
135s sneaks up behind me and hits me i'm not
137s only gonna get scared by the melee
139s damage i'm also gonna get scared by a
141s gunshot wound at the same time exactly
145s and by the way all right we i think we
147s have a bunch of uh video examples uh
150s three exactly so why don't we just take
152s a look at those and uh
154s talk everyone through them so let's take
156s a look
159s so going over this one this is uh the
161s first variation you're gonna see
163s uh
164s cr thankfully our creative services gave
166s us a nice video showcasing what they
168s look like how the grunt is going to be
170s holding it
171s and what happens when they come towards
173s you
174s in this example you can see that we can
176s kind of stave off this pistol grunt for
179s a little bit with a few melees but once
181s he actually connects with that rusted
183s pistol in his hand the gunshot goes off
187s yeah uh just to clarify it was actually
189s not creative services but the actual
192s design team providing the videos so
194s thank you design yeah the creative
196s services did uh create the trailer that
198s you guys seen before maybe we can show
200s it once again after the grunts uh
202s yeah so
204s we know that uh they are holding the gun
206s the wrong way around but again
208s uh the bullet that it discharges doesn't
211s actually hit anyone or doesn't cause
213s damage the only damage you take is the
215s melee attack and as you can see in this
217s video if you cancel the melee attack it
219s won't happen so it only happens if the
221s ground hits you
224s and then after the grunt actually
225s connects with that melee you can see
227s their arm is starting to bleed and that
229s pistol is gone so you'll only get that
231s audio trigger once but let's look at
233s another example as well with a different
235s weapon it's by the way it's the exact
236s same area where we usually showcase the
238s guns but the tower is behind us right
240s now nothing from the weather
243s i think there will be a small uh tower
246s uh
247s preview coming up at the end of one of
249s these clubs yeah yeah we just love the
250s tower
252s yeah and as already mentioned earlier
254s the grounds can have multiple variations
256s there's a specific uh
259s like
261s weapon grant or uh
262s pistol grunt
264s that you've seen before which is always
266s the same but the regular grounds can
268s have multiple variations like this one
270s so
271s it can be multiple variations of this
273s regular gun
275s i would say keep an eye out on their
276s hands because that pistol is pretty
278s small when you're coming up to them but
279s you're going to want to make sure that
281s you take out this grunt before they have
282s a chance to set off that pistol or you
285s might be drawing a little bit of extra
286s attention around to you and your team
289s yeah and there's someone uh noticed it
290s fell yeah the pistol grounds do have a
292s bandolier on them so
294s yeah another good way to identify them
298s if you look closely you can even see
300s different pistol models in their hand to
302s represent what gunshot might go off when
305s they hit you and we have one more video
307s for you to show you again this is the uh
310s the new grunt that like is completely
312s new
313s but again the regular guns can have the
314s variation as well
327s yeah and that's it for the pistol grunts
329s so again uh make sure to play around
332s with this on the test server see if you
334s can bait some other teams into fighting
336s you maybe you want to get hit on purpose
337s you know to make them think that you are
339s not holding the dodge like in the video
342s you know uh so there's a multiple uh
345s interesting uh
346s like possibilities and tactics with the
348s new grads but let us know how you like
350s it on the test server