5 months ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s what's up everybody I'm Scott lucer and
2s I'm one of the design directors here on
3s Hunt Showdown today we're going to talk
5s about all the controller changes that
6s we'll be releasing with our 115 update
8s let's get after
12s it for the last 6 months we've rebuilt
14s the controller experience from the
15s ground up there were two goals which
17s anchored all of our decision-making for
19s this initiative first goal was we wanted
21s to create a consistent gameplay
22s experience for all of our controller
24s players the second goal was we wanted to
26s provide more customization for our
28s players so they could fine-tune the
29s experience the way they
32s want input curves determine the
35s responsiveness of your controller's
36s input for example micro adjustments for
39s the exponential curve are more precise
41s whereas the linear input curve creates a
43s more consistent experience because it's
45s essentially mapping your raw input on
47s the joystick with this update players
49s are now able to pick between one of four
51s input curves we encourage all of our
53s controller players to test out each
54s input curve to see which one fits your
56s play
58s style a acceler ation boost is replacing
61s turning Extra Strength aim boost allows
63s players to quickly rotate their camera
65s when the joystick is fully deflected we
67s wanted to ensure players had the ability
69s to fine-tune this entire experience
71s players are now able to configure when
73s aim boost is triggered how strong the
75s sensitivity boost is and the delay
77s before it's
79s triggered dead zones are the area around
82s the joystick that don't register any
83s input we've redesigned our dead zones to
85s be circular which creates a more fluid
88s experience for the player we know the
89s community has has requested this for a
91s long time and with this change players
93s are now able to customize the size of
95s their dead
97s zones we've moved to a new aim assist
99s system called rotational aim assist this
101s system provides players with some
103s assistance when tracking enemy targets
105s for hunt Showdown we've taken additional
107s measures to ensure a assist is balanced
109s for a assist to be active both players
112s must be moving and additionally all
114s weapons have their own a assist Branch
116s this new a assist system is currently
118s only active for Xbox and Playstation
123s players we've also included quality of
125s life adjustments for our controller
127s players in this update here's two of my
128s personal favorites the first one players
130s are now able to equip their first melee
132s tool by double tapping Y which creates a
135s more kinetic experience for the player
137s the second one is we have completely
139s redesigned vibration for every weapon
141s and action in Hunt
144s Showdown this is only the beginning of
146s our initiative to improve the controller
148s experience in Hunt Showdown expect even
150s more throughout 2024 as always we'll see
153s you in the
157s bio