about 5 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
4s we spoke to Chris auti
6s level design director and Sebastian
9s Laurent technical director about
11s performance update 24.2 when we released
16s 4.0 there was a number of things that
18s have been changed in the game there were
19s a number of things in the background
20s that had happened and this course some
22s performance drops for a lot of people
24s the community were very vocal about it
26s as right they should have been and this
28s was one of the things that we wanted to
30s make sure we fixed for the performance
32s update and not only fixed it and
34s improved it but added on top of it made
36s the stores go down lower people's CPU
39s usage and other things so players will
43s get some improvements to the threading
45s because that's one of the main causes
47s for this tools that we've identified
49s overall we are going to reduce the
52s pressure on your multiple CPU cores you
55s should also see a slight decrease in the
56s memory usage we see maybe 15% memory
59s reduction there people in lower end
61s hardware should also see a frame rate
62s increase as well and we always said that
67s it's better for a game to have a smooth
69s 30 than it is to have a spiky 60 when it
72s comes to performance like you're trying
73s to aim at someone you're trying to take
75s someone's head off with it with a
76s Winchester and the second you got to
78s pull the trigger there's a few frame
79s drop and you missed the shot is now
81s that's a devastating thing to a player
82s and it's something that we obviously
83s want to avoid what we found was in the
86s background there was a process that was
88s happening in run time that should not
89s have been happening in run time it was
91s something that was disabled you know at
93s some point in development of hunt but it
95s was only disabled in our internal bills
98s in the release versions of the game this
99s feature was still actively running in
102s the background and when we turn that off
103s we noticed that there was you know a big
105s improvement in the smoothness of the
106s game so that is something that will
108s benefit literally every player out there
110s it will be you know a much smoother
112s experience because of that being
113s disabled now so yeah this background
115s process that we figured out was also
118s especially memory hungry
119s so for machines that have lower amounts
122s of RAM like typically eight gigabytes or
126s so it was especially expensive to have
130s it running additionally to this we also
133s our physics thread was now having a
136s higher workload than our main thread so
138s we had to synchronize properly the main
141s thread and the physics thread to make
143s sure that you don't render multiple
144s frames with the same physics result
146s because even if your frame rate would
148s stay high in that kind of context you
150s would still end up with a very stuttery
152s feeling typical users have about four
155s cores but we have many more threads that
158s need to run that need CPU time to
160s execute so like typically we have
162s multiple threads running for physics
164s like physics workers we have a job
167s system that is splitting all the workers
169s of the gameplay logic and of some other
171s systems onto multiple threads we have a
173s main thread we have a render thread we
174s have multiple earlier threads and all of
176s this like fights to get some cpu time so
180s even if we just reduce the workload on
184s the physics thread it's not just
185s affecting physics it's also giving some
188s breathing room for every other process
190s to run and get CPU time in addition to
193s that we found a few places where we were
195s loading objects in runtime which is a
197s big no-no we don't want to be doing that
199s we found an issue specifically in
202s Cemetery normally when you're in these
203s underground sections you don't render a
205s lot of the stuff outside and around you
207s we found a bug in that where it could be
209s rendering a lot more than it should do
210s so we fix that so players might see
212s perhaps 10 to 20 frame improvements in
215s the underground sectors especially
216s fighting bosses which we think will
218s obviously help people a lot when they're
219s doing that users might see that in the
224s debug information that they can activate
227s that the CPU starts waiting for the GPU
230s if you ever see this something that you
233s might want to take a specific look into
235s is resolution scaling because the
238s biggest cost we have on the GPU is
240s typically the the rendering side of it
243s which is directly linked to the number
245s of pixels that need to be processed so
247s the resolution scaling is a good way to
249s keep your you ice crisp and still lower
251s a bit the load that you have on the GPU
253s side also please make sure that if you
256s can afford it you're in exclusive
259s fullscreen because that might also help
260s for various reasons like vos allows
264s hunter to have more
265s resources dedicated to it when you're in
268s that mode what we haven't done is
272s combined everything that we were going
273s to do for 5.0 and 4.2 into one patch
275s reason being is then you wouldn't get a
278s patch for quite a long time so we wanted
280s to make sure that we addressed it
282s current issues and smoothed out the
284s experience for people as much as we
285s could as soon as possible because
287s obviously you know players have been
289s waiting several weeks now for
290s performance update so we wanted to make
291s sure that they have something now that
293s they could see and they could get some
294s effects for to offset the issues that we
296s saw on 4.0 so that was a huge priority
298s for us we're focusing on asset side
302s optimizations for 5.0 and we want to
305s make sure that you know from a GPU side
307s that there'll be improvements there as
309s well
309s the reason why we don't have all these
311s optimizations shipped into 4.2 is linked
315s to the way we structure patches all of
318s our minor patches will have like smaller
321s chunks of perhaps content but mostly
324s code improvements whereas it's only in
327s major patch releases that we can feature
329s like perhaps level refactorings or
333s changes on the way we approach
334s animations or things like this like
336s riskier changes have to wait for larger
340s content updates from our side we want to
343s say thank you guys for your patience
344s especially over the last few weeks when
346s it comes to performance on hunt and we
347s appreciate any feedback you give us on
349s this patch which should now be live for
351s all of you we will keep on working on
353s performance and there's gonna be more of
355s these to come so thank you thank you
360s [Music]
363s achieved with CryEngine