10 months ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s the time of twitch drops is upon us in
4s the tide of Shadows is rising before
7s that ominous tide goes out once again
9s you'll have one week to earn additional
12s event rewards by watching The Hunters of
14s twitch do their gruesome work
19s from July 27th to August 3rd
23s you can earn those rewards simply by
25s watching hunt Showdown streamers on
27s Twitch
30s watch every day to earn daily event
32s points which will Quicken your event
34s progress and get you closer to obtaining
38s the event's legendary Hunter you can
40s also watch every day to earn up to four
42s Supply crates stocked with in-game
44s weapons tools and consumables regular
48s Supply crates can be earned on these
50s days by watching any hunt streamers and
53s on these days there will be Supply
55s crates exclusive to those hunt Partners
57s who bear the mark of the night of the
60s hunter
61s two weapon charms await the diligent
64s Watcher as well watch anytime all week
66s to receive a moon dial charm and watch
69s between August 1st and August 3rd to
73s receive the carnacio wills charm so we
76s ever watchful Hunters
78s he'll reap what you sow
81s [Music]
10 months ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s the time of twitch drops is upon us in
5s the tide of Shadows is rising before
7s that ominous tide goes out once again
10s you'll have one week to earn additional
12s event rewards by watching The Hunters of
15s twitch do their gruesome work
19s from July 27th to August 3rd
23s you can earn those rewards simply by
25s watching hunt Showdown streamers on
27s Twitch
30s watch every day to earn daily event
32s points which will Quicken your event
34s project and get you closer to obtaining
38s the event's legendary Hunter you can
40s also watch every day to earn up to four
43s Supply crates stocked with in-game
45s weapons tools and consumables regular
48s Supply crates can be earned on these
50s days by watching any hunt streamers and
53s on these days there will be Supply
55s crates exclusive to those hunt Partners
58s who bear the mark of the night of the
60s hunter
61s two weapon charms await the diligent
64s Watcher as well watch anytime all week
67s to receive a moon dial charm and watch
70s between August 1st and August 3rd to
73s receive the carnassial wills charm so be
76s ever watchful Hunters he'll reap what
79s you sow
81s [Music]