over 5 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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248s good day everyone we have a guest here -
252s you haven't seen before we're having
258s Floria and he's our lead character
259s artist so we're gonna go a little bit in
262s depth of our character creation so we're
265s gonna take a look at like the hunters
266s and the spider and just how that's done
271s and how we get from you know point A to
274s B from concept to actual in-game asset
277s but yeah do you want to do a little
279s introduction about yourself
281s absolutely so yeah I'm on the lead
286s character artist on hunt I've been with
288s the project since we got it here in
290s Frankfurt um right so what is the
293s character is to do we're basically the
295s guys that model and texture all the you
300s know characters creatures people animals
303s anything of that sort
305s you find in the game obviously to
309s actually get a kick to the work um
311s there's a whole bunch of other
312s departments involved where literature's
314s the guys for modeling them then you also
317s have you know from just the Arts site to
320s get into work animators obviously to get
323s them to move tech art for the rigging
325s sort of you know actually being able for
328s them to move and obviously concept art
331s is to you know design the characters so
338s right now we have five hundreds myself
341s is delete and then we have a character
343s director who basically oversees all
345s these departments so that'll be the norm
348s on he's in charge of most artists but
351s then also the animators
353s tech art concept art okay well I guess
356s we'll just dive into what we have
358s prepared so you have a lot of stuff
360s prepared and I also know we're gonna
363s take a look at some of the programs that
364s we use you use but that you used to
368s create the characters so this is really
372s gonna be about the processes so we're
374s going to talk about the design side of
377s things like designing characters and
379s then how we actually build them
381s and as you already mentioned let's start
385s with the hunters so you've already you
388s know you're familiar with these guys we
391s have two three tiers two one dudes
393s inexperienced not really prepared for
397s what they're getting themselves into
400s white shirts the white shirts there you
403s go
404s then we have Tier two much more
406s experienced veterans they're much cooler
409s and they are much more professional in
412s what they're doing
414s so yeah these are sort of like villains
418s or heroes in like a contemporary cowboy
421s movie if you want to think about them
422s that way and then q3 we have our real
426s badasses like these are the most
428s experienced the most ruthless hunters
432s you can encounter right now obviously we
436s didn't just come up with that was a bit
439s of a process to getting to this point
443s everything basically started with us
446s figuring out what is the archetypical
451s hunter like just figuring out okay what
453s makes a dude that goes out into the
457s swamp and tries to kill monsters what
461s does that look like and well this going
465s under center that would be it right now
470s to get to him like it was a whole bunch
473s of iteration a lot of trying things
476s trying to figure out what are we
478s actually trying to do here um like down
481s here you see some very early ideas which
484s were probably a little bit too classy um
489s maybe not but a fancy dress for the
492s value I think it was also a bit too too
494s generic and a little bit lacking in
496s terms of like just moodiness like it was
500s a bit too yeah like hunt is a pretty
505s dark and grim game and you know these
508s guys don't really sell that so um the
513s next step would have pain to actually
514s you know
516s these guys you're on the left you know
518s there are not really detailed concepts
521s this is really just illustration is
522s trying to get an idea get a mood really
527s and well once we have that once we knew
532s what we're going for
533s so you know you have a cowboy here but
536s there's a certain kind of mystery a
538s darkness to it as well and basically
543s that was once we have that okay we want
546s to go for this now obviously as I said
550s okay this isn't really fleshed out this
551s is just a sketch pretty much but already
555s very close to the hundreds we have right
557s now yes I mean the idea was like okay we
559s had the feeling most defined at this
562s point so once we had this okay we want
564s to go for that but now it's about
566s flashing that out and actually figuring
568s out what we need to do properly detailed
572s properly interesting and you know whole
575s bunch of variations for the characters
577s in the game anyways the
581s like the final iteration of this whole
583s sort of archetypical hunter dude was
586s this going to Center then we're you know
590s we kind of figure out okay what are we
592s doing with the witty clothing right it's
594s kind of the time and era but the fit is
596s fairly modern right this is not really
598s loose and baggy as he would actually
600s have had it back then like you have in
604s terms of the whole mysteriousness or
607s mysticism of cults elements like tattoos
610s and you know all kinds of weird strange
613s trinkets that he's carrying around you
618s don't really see much of his face I mean
620s like on this guy on the right here
622s that's basically all sort of the final
625s stage like these are timewise pretty
628s much on the same level
630s it's you look at him and you don't
632s really know is this a good guy is this a
634s bad guy right so that's one thing we
637s sort of wanted to sell and another thing
643s like he's just decked out with like all
646s kinds of gear like this is what you
648s would see on say modern-day soldier
651s who's going into battle and yeah
656s basically we we combined like cowboy
660s certain coolness to him some but you
667s know then we add the the supernatural
669s element on top of that and then we
672s decked him out with all the gear and
673s equipment that he needs to actually go
675s out there okay then from there so now we
682s have one dude well we know we want to
685s have three tiers and within those three
688s tiers we want to hold bunch iterations
690s so yeah I'm just curious cause like the
693s first one is not an original a tier 100
696s right um yes I'm basically the way this
699s worked like okay we we went from this to
703s these three guys um to sort of okay we
707s we now have the idea now let's apply to
709s us two to three tiers um
713s but obviously you know
715s this was done I mean at this point we
716s were already building some assets but we
718s were not really a hundred percent clear
720s as to what the the specific look for
723s each tear would be so you know it kind
728s of works here but the problem is once we
731s started building a bigger library or you
733s know having more variations we ended up
736s having issues with just okay this is a
739s bit too close tier 1 tier 2 so there
745s were some changes after this point where
747s we you know kind of made him a bit less
751s formidable in a way but like the overall
755s direction was very much defined at this
757s point so just to kind of give a little
759s bit of a breakdown between the three
761s with the tier ones you obviously have
763s you know fairly bright colors very
766s colorful to begin with you don't have a
769s whole lot of like a long kind of cool
773s clothing it's really just a dude with a
775s jacket and pair of pants we start
779s affecting the silhouette with tier two
781s like if you played a game right now
782s you'll see most of the stuff you know
786s more of the the fancy clothing is
790s starting with the tier 240 or two what
796s you get is much more muted colors it's
798s much dirtier much more beaten up quite
802s desaturated I mean there's only like a
804s couple of small elements of actual color
806s in there and yeah I'd like TD the
810s overall feel is quite a bit more
811s darkened and grim and then obviously for
815s the TSV guys we you know push that video
818s mud it's just this guy's living in the
821s swamp
822s he's like a swamp rat and it's just
823s everything he's beaten up everything is
825s ripped apart we are adding a lot of just
829s no tactical gear that he would need
831s we're adding you know trinkets involved
834s not from his hunt we're adding armor
836s elements it's yeah it's basically one
839s step up from tier two and just kind of
841s pushing it to the extreme
843s um okay now once we had that as I said
848s we could you know build assets with this
851s the problem is especially for tier 3
854s hunters we had an issue weird you know a
859s lot of the stuff you know you wouldn't
861s find in the real world like for the
864s other tiers we took a lot of inspiration
866s from movies but and also just stuff you
869s would find back then in that time in
871s terms of clothing but also just
873s equipment what people would have so
875s curious was the clothing specifically
878s from that like place as well make did
881s you see did you notice the difference or
883s was it just like in generally I mean I
886s think we we try to keep it sort of in
890s the Wild West theme yeah but it you know
893s if we find something that fit in that
896s kind of fade or visual language we
899s defined it just use it right it was just
902s like once we had an idea of where we
904s were trying to go um it was easy to pick
907s and choose what would make sense so we
912s offered it yes we guys obviously the
913s problem is a lot of the things you don't
915s have them right like we had to come up
918s with quite a few things just design them
921s from scratch which would then be like
923s this here where you have you know some
929s armor you know that you find on tier 3
932s hunters here as well or we would get
935s specific paint overs for faces so this
938s is originally like some already started
942s off face model and then one of artists
944s some concept artists they paint over to
947s really kind of set the mood and make
949s sure that this guy reads this is GS 300
952s in some occasions we also got like full
955s outfit designs I think this is like one
958s of the tier 3 hunters you can actually
959s get in a game right now this dude here
963s so yeah this was basically a lot of the
967s stuff we did was basically derived off
970s these guys but we didn't really use this
973s as I wanted one concept it was just
976s defining the direction but then for some
979s of the my unique items on we got like
981s specific concepts and developed a
983s specific look to figure out what we
986s needed right so with that in place we
992s can actually build our hunters yeah now
995s one thing you know when building these
999s um they're actually fully modular so
1003s these guys are actually made up of a
1005s whole bunch of actually IDs pretty much
1008s it's just you know you have any pieces
1011s that you just combine together but you
1013s need them we do this for two reasons
1016s first of all it makes our life a whole
1018s bunch easier because we can you know
1021s reuse stuff we have an easier time to
1023s create new variations like this more
1026s importantly um we need it to be this way
1029s for us to be actually able to do yes so
1035s having everything split up this way you
1038s know will allow us to swap stuff around
1040s and will allow you as a player to swap
1043s stuff around yeah the thing is we'll
1049s probably not have this level of
1051s granularity for the actual customization
1053s yeah this is a bit extreme but the idea
1057s is still to give the player enough
1059s options to really make unique and
1061s interesting looks for for their hunter
1066s now one thing you'll notice when it's
1070s kind of obvious is the bread and butter
1072s for us is really clothing so shirts
1076s pants coats whatever it might be this is
1079s all where we get the most mileage from
1082s so the question is how do you actually
1085s build something like that like that
1091s right so actually well I'm gonna
1095s actually show that any tool itself do
1102s so what about using here he's a little
1106s application called Marvelous Designer
1110s thing so never mind the colors this is
1117s really just to get the the overall you
1121s know the the silhouette in the shape of
1124s the things run so what is this this is a
1127s fashion design tool this is actually
1129s used in the fashion industry to design
1130s clothing now we utilize this as both a
1136s design tool but also as a modeling tool
1138s the way this works is you literally
1141s create like a sewing pattern like you
1144s see here yeah so like your pants shirt
1148s you have to coat all right you have all
1151s these little elements and you know you
1154s create your pattern and then you
1157s basically there you go
1163s you basically drape that on top off a
1167s character right so we have this this
1170s defaults a mannequin dude in here and
1173s the idea is batricia drape that on him
1176s and what it does is this is actually
1181s like real time cloth simulation so this
1185s is where the the modeling part comes in
1188s we can use this to create all the
1191s drapery all the folds all that stuff
1193s that traditionally you would have had to
1195s sculpt we can create this way at least
1198s as a starting point so does this I'm
1200s actually curious compared to regular
1202s rolling
1203s I assume this can cut a lot of time it's
1207s it's faster just from you know when you
1210s go from scratch when you create from
1211s from zero but then especially if you
1214s want to create variations where I don't
1216s know maybe one have a shirt with the
1217s sleeves rolled up you know this makes it
1219s a whole bunch easier because you just
1222s you know you just literally take it and
1224s you move the sleeve up and there you go
1227s okay now let me quickly show you a
1231s little bit more how this works
1235s actually actually I had some issues
1240s before white isn't asking will just
1242s freeze up if it went a bit too crazy
1245s let's just focus on this top part here
1249s shall we
1251s right so I've frozen everything else now
1253s just is this top shoulder cover thingy
1257s it's physical eyes now so oh I can I can
1261s drag that around however I want so I can
1263s get interesting
1265s Falls and shapes um but I can also you
1269s know if I so choose turn this dude into
1275s a superhero by giving me a cape right
1279s mm-hmm
1280s just takes a little time so how long
1285s have you guys been using this program um
1287s hunters actually the first project we
1290s started using it we evaluated it back in
1292s the day for for rice but um for what we
1295s were doing back then it didn't really
1298s make sense but for hunts you know with
1301s how just traditional clothing heavy the
1304s game is it just yeah it was perfect for
1306s that
1306s um right so whatever this is not the
1311s prettiest thing but just to give me an
1312s idea of how this works you know just do
1316s your thing you you just a pattern how
1318s you want and then you basically simulate
1321s it on top of your character I can also
1328s just go probably and it also like
1332s automatically drop based on the model
1335s that it's wearing like will
1338s like you know let's say you you would
1341s leave it and something wouldn't actually
1342s falling no if I if I removed the ammeter
1345s now okay I mean I can quickly show you
1346s that if I just delete everything out of
1348s the scene except this one piece it would
1352s literally just I did actually not plan
1355s for this I'm sorry I'm like this is
1358s actually I should probably just actually
1374s I'm just making a new thing here oh
1379s because this is gigantic the problem is
1383s like um like the surface area here the
1388s morcerf is do half the more complicated
1389s thing gets because there's just more
1392s stuff to simulate okay so now it's
1398s trying to oh I just added a new piece
1400s here and it's not trying to figure out
1401s okay let's add that so yeah I just put
1404s that there and now it's just merrily
1406s falling down it doesn't do anything yet
1408s but the moment crashes down
1415s well there you go it's almost like it's
1418s rubber um I'm actually not now you go so
1425s yeah and well off it goes I tracked it
1429s off fly off into the sunset basically
1435s this is what we use to do a lot of our
1437s of our clothing in the game right like
1440s we don't do the final thing with this
1441s but you know we do the starting point
1443s from here on out um like some more stuff
1446s you can do I actually let me reopen
1449s whatever staying here if I change say
1456s the physical attributes off the actual
1458s fabric like you can do that were like
1460s right now it's some kind of canvas
1462s material yeah I could change this to say
1466s well let's go it in Ireland it will just
1473s have different physical attributes and
1475s you know it will have different drapery
1477s right so you get much more fine wrinkles
1479s it's also bugging out huh this is a
1483s probably a bit of a heavy scene but I
1487s could also tell it hey what if you know
1490s instead of nylon we go with like really
1493s thick leather and all of a sudden you
1495s know it becomes much heavier you know
1498s it's it drapes differently you can you
1501s can use this to really define the look
1504s and you know fine-tune the look of
1506s whatever it is did you need to do more
1509s research before in the passive like how
1511s materials would fall no I mean we just
1514s look at how many you know how particular
1516s thing is made right like what that
1519s actually consists off and then we
1521s basically you know we either if there's
1524s a preset we'll use that or we create our
1526s own to kind of you know get the right
1530s look now one other thing I can mention
1533s here is you have this weird cone shape
1538s Rob or Dakota flaring out like this
1540s which is why why are we doing this
1543s basically the reason is we have
1545s real-time call simulation in the game on
1548s the ideas
1549s it's basically everything from here on
1552s out
1553s like just mid-torso downwards will be
1557s simulated in real time so for that to
1562s work properly you want to have something
1564s fairly smooth and even like this so we
1567s kind of put this code and therefore the
1570s code to rest on nicely and then one we
1573s actually get in the game that will then
1576s be probably similar that in in real time
1578s we're not gonna get this level fidelity
1581s where you really get like nice
1583s individual faults but you know it's not
1586s needed for that like we just need like
1588s bigger deformations bigger shapes to to
1590s you know sell the movement um you know
1595s that's like basically how we start out
1598s garments now in terms of actually you
1601s know doing the patterns what we usually
1604s do is we try to find you know real-life
1607s equivalents and then we modified them to
1610s our needs so we literally look for for
1613s sewing patterns we find something that
1615s makes sense for us or we kind of look at
1618s pictures off of clothing from the time
1620s and era and try to figure out okay how
1622s was this built then we replicate that
1624s and we modify to to kind of have to fit
1630s that we we want to have on our hunters
1638s so that's marvelous designer now what
1642s you get from that is something like this
1645s alright some of them you know you'll
1647s have some more detail in order garments
1649s less either way it's probably not enough
1652s right you start out with something like
1655s this but you want to take it quite a bit
1656s further than this so the next step for
1658s us would be to actually go into ZBrush
1661s which is a sculpting application and you
1664s literally go in there and you start
1667s adding detail right you use sculpt on
1669s this like you know cleaning just on a
1671s computer and just refine this iterate on
1674s it until finally you arrive in something
1677s at something you know that looks do what
1680s you want it to look
1681s obviously um all of our clothing you
1684s know these guys are not you know going
1688s out of shop putting it on and that's
1690s what you've seen a game busily we want
1693s to give everything a bit of history we
1695s want to make it look a bit beat up so
1697s having this extra detail pass mm-hmm is
1701s you know you know what it takes to to
1704s get that look now so I'm just curious
1709s like if this is made of matrix they can
1711s make that in real life technically right
1713s um not strictly I mean you could
1717s probably derive you know something you
1720s could actually tailor from that point
1722s however especially the way seams work
1725s I mean models designer is quite
1727s simplified so you would have to you know
1730s iterate on top of it if you would
1732s actually want to you know do a coat like
1735s that maybe one day someone is a very
1739s talented in real life based on seats
1747s okay so the next step the thing with
1750s this is so we did all the sculpting and
1752s now you have something just immensely
1754s like detailed right there's a crap-ton
1758s of polygons you can't put that in the
1761s game well you can put it in the game
1763s that's your budget done right so you
1765s have an empty level and the coat and
1767s that's it so but no for for actually
1777s what we you know what we really need is
1779s something much more efficient much more
1780s simplified so you know what do you see
1783s here like just is this one structure on
1785s top of this thing
1786s um it's just a couple of thousand points
1789s kind of describing um this object now as
1793s opposed to probably millions millions in
1796s this case so this is sort of our high
1801s quality model and this will be the game
1804s model obviously
1808s well we don't waste all that detail so
1810s we need to transfer all the detail over
1813s to texture - you know actually you
1816s probably see all that that work that
1818s went in the asset previously well once
1823s you've done that what you have is pretty
1825s much a nice gray thing that kind of
1829s looks like a coat
1830s it still doesn't surface wise you know
1833s you have to fold you have to look but
1837s it's still not really fabric right it's
1840s you know you need to kind of you know
1843s now add color actually add textures to
1846s this thing so the way we do that is we
1850s use a tool called substance painter and
1852s if you watch the stream with Alexander
1854s Ausmus for the weapons you might have
1856s already seen this program oh he's the
1858s master here like he's really really good
1860s substance painter and substance designer
1862s he's pretty much like you had to go to
1865s die here at Crytek yeah Alex
1868s anyways um just to give a quick recap
1871s done off of how this thing works another
1877s happy fall the reat apology for the most
1893s part yes I mean there's some assets
1895s where we all maybe you know utilize
1899s something actually out of malice in some
1902s cases might utilize something out of set
1905s rush but for the most part it's just
1907s either easier and more efficient to do
1909s it manually like what I like to use is
1911s topogun other artists like to use really
1915s coat it depends on on twisting
1917s preference really all right
1919s so there we go substance painter um this
1925s is the final version
1926s so let me hide everything just to give a
1930s quick breakdown of how this actually
1932s works so
1935s what this is so busy you have your asset
1938s here you can have different lines you
1940s can change the line and what you're
1942s doing is you're basically dropping on
1948s it's it's not just color it's literally
1951s like dropping on materials like
1953s substances does substance painter the
1959s the idea is really you have like a
1960s library of you know whatever it might be
1962s you could have different metals like you
1964s see down hearing of brass and and all
1967s kinds of fabrics but then we also have
1969s mud and blood and whatever it is that
1973s you can utilize to layer up you know the
1978s texture and build something really
1979s interesting and the thing is like this
1981s isn't just color as I said this is also
1984s like how it reacts to light it also
1987s affects how yeah it also like some of
1992s these also come with like little
1995s wrinkles or or little details of their
1997s own like um I show you that one here so
2002s yeah I like to go see there's little
2003s holes yes like they they're not just
2007s flat and right there's there's some some
2009s depth to that so basically what we do is
2014s starting from something reasonably flat
2021s and simple where it's just like a base
2025s color it's just you know that's not very
2030s interesting
2032s but then you know you start building it
2034s up right so you add you know a little
2037s bit of a right there and you no more
2042s wear and tear seams and some stitches
2047s it's just basically step by step you
2049s built this thing up similarly to what we
2052s had with the with the actual sculpting
2053s where you know just take it from
2054s basically the very big picture and you
2057s work your way through it and get more
2059s and more details this is all just
2064s texture work this is literally you just
2065s throwing stuff into
2068s into actual textures right so at the end
2072s what you actually get out of this thing
2074s it's just a couple of image files and
2076s then you apply that on to the model in
2080s the game and yeah you'll get all these
2083s little things that you just painted on
2086s so just to show you there you go so we
2091s can do adding some third here
2095s or some little oil droplets the holes
2099s already show you basically the idea is
2101s to just you know detail this thing
2104s further up tend and and what you have
2106s and you know just make it look more
2107s interesting again the idea of weathering
2110s that asset and making it look as though
2112s it's been born for a while um yeah
2116s that's pretty much it like then at the
2120s end of the day you end up with your with
2124s your final thing and that then goes to
2127s to tech art to you know get implemented
2129s into the game and you know basically
2134s every single asset we have in a game
2136s goes through this process there's some
2138s deviations on it like how we do things
2140s sometimes we'll texture the high poly
2142s model some things with texture low poly
2144s model sometimes you know we do some
2148s texturing in Photoshop as well it
2149s depends right but for the most part this
2152s is the the the workflow we utilize okay
2159s let's talk about faces um so how do you
2166s you know get something like this
2168s basically if you want to do a face for
2172s us the starting point um like we have
2177s obviously a whole bunch of faces so if
2181s you want to start a new one what we
2184s usually do is we take one of the
2185s existing ones and start building on top
2187s of that any tips for ZBrush noise
2193s workflow for fabrics for you
2198s at this point I wouldn't really bother
2202s with it I would really do anything that
2205s isn't memory faults I would literally do
2207s it in in substance um I would just
2211s basically it gives you more depth and
2213s more just it gets you closer to the
2219s final asset rather than you know trying
2222s to do all your fiber detail earlier your
2224s fabric detail in separate and then you
2228s know taking it from there and you know
2229s texturing it from their faces so we
2237s basically start out with a with a you
2241s know existing hat that we you know start
2245s modifying to kind of you know well
2248s usually have like an array of off of
2250s references where we might be looking at
2252s you know maybe actors or MMA fighters
2256s whatever it might be you know we we have
2258s some references now we are obviously
2260s trying to do exact replicas you know
2263s exact portraits of people here the idea
2266s is to just get a certain feel right get
2269s certain characteristics and you know
2272s give that to our hunters you know to get
2274s interesting looking so which were like
2278s for example some acting story oh I mean
2284s I think we have favorite I mean you
2287s obviously have to be able to claim to
2288s eat food at some point yeah I mean it
2295s really depends I mean sometimes it also
2296s just goes through you know some some
2299s photographs of you know just black in my
2302s photographs like some are photographs of
2304s really interesting characteristic faces
2308s and you know we find something that we
2311s feel makes sense and yeah we go with
2315s that
2317s um yeah but once you have sort of your
2320s like your general idea where you want to
2322s go um then it's just okay take your your
2326s starting points and you start you know
2329s modifying this is literally just a
2332s question off I mean I can I can show
2334s that bit later but again it's like an
2337s iterative process where you know it goes
2339s through the super steps and you slowly
2342s start building it up right so one 1/2 do
2348s these guys be a little bit grim even
2353s else I don't know why like that one just
2355s like no he's a little very sharp feature
2358s yeah yeah yeah no that was the idea to
2360s have some you know we have we had at
2362s this point like I think when we made
2363s this card we had a lot of characters
2365s that were very strong featured like very
2368s heavy troll and you know quite you know
2372s tough looking guys yes like there
2377s there's always like we try to give these
2380s guys similar as as with the clothing and
2382s whatnot we try to give these guys some
2384s history right so the idea is always to
2388s build it up and and you know not just
2391s all here is they do it off the street we
2393s want to give this guy a bit more
2394s character and actually exaggerate it a
2396s little bit so once you have something
2399s that you're kind of happy with in terms
2401s of shape you know again going from yes
2405s to it here you know goes through a
2407s process then again you want to start
2410s detailing it up right and yeah you all
2417s kinds of you know poor detail and and
2420s little wrinkles and gone off to really
2423s get to the final asset in the end yeah
2429s it's basically like once we have to
2433s shape yes you said and yeah it's it's
2435s like about giving so how long does it
2437s take to get from like the basic model to
2440s this much details for us usually we are
2444s trying to do a face and I would say
2447s about a week from start to finish but
2449s there's also includes textures and
2450s yeah um so that's sort of te timeline
2454s we're aiming for right now right
2459s I can maybe quickly show you a little
2462s bit of how this actually works um just
2464s to demonstrate it a little bit because
2466s right now you all you're seeing is just
2468s stuff happening there we go so so on a
2476s larger level like you just literally
2480s well this is a sculpting application so
2484s you just you know you take stuff and you
2486s push it around and this has been put the
2490s mouse and keyboard but whatever yeah
2496s pretty much like everybody well we we
2498s use tablets on to to to actually do this
2501s all this sculpting you know it gives you
2504s nice pressure sensitivity so you can
2506s actually really like a painting it's
2508s much more closer to to to the real deal
2510s like if you were actually working with
2513s clay um so you would you know just
2519s slowly start building up features here
2521s right and you know modifying that
2524s however you see fit you know to kind of
2527s get it to the point where you get the
2531s look that you want to achieve we do
2539s actually utilize scans are to a certain
2541s extent like for some faces however um it
2546s ultimately it's always a bit tricky to
2550s get really like super super like
2556s slightly exaggerated faces like we want
2558s to have something that is a bit
2559s over-the-top and like some of the faces
2564s that we utilize our starting points were
2565s actually scans but then we do a whole
2567s bunch of modifications on top of that to
2569s get to where we want to be
2579s anyways and Daniel for the detailing we
2583s can do it in multiple ways like you know
2586s most of it really happens with you know
2588s we have detailed brushes that we can
2591s just sort of stamp onto our characters
2593s right so we have like some kind of poor
2595s detail here I can just drag on maybe not
2598s good symmetry
2599s just drag on and you know detail this
2602s coming up until done in the end you know
2607s I get the final thing a lot of tests and
2610s also you know just some of the wrinkles
2612s you go in you know you kind of a little
2619s bit on you know step by step work this
2622s up um it's really it goes like whenever
2625s I look at this because I feel like I can
2628s have so much fun doing these things
2629s oh it's a lot of therapeutic yeah work
2638s like just I'm just gonna apply some
2641s textures you know just some details just
2644s relax
2645s I mean we're not necessarily going
2648s through this process for every single
2649s face because that would just be wasteful
2651s right like a lot of this stuff will have
2654s on a layer and then we can utilize it
2656s between phases we do so a lot of the
2659s work if you do a new phase would be to
2664s you know do the bigger changes where we
2666s are adjusting the D overall you know
2669s what the shape of it and then we apply
2671s all those details to arm to Dax final
2677s you know rough now for textures um it's
2685s you know combination of again using
2690s stuff derived from scans and then also
2693s some some hand painting what we have you
2696s know all kinds of detail maps that we
2699s can throw on there basically you want to
2701s make sure that obviously everything
2702s corresponds to your actual details in
2705s here um
2707s and basically it's like something fairly
2712s large-scale and then ultimately you have
2715s something really fairly detailed and so
2725s yeah that's the process again like a lot
2728s of this um we basically we have our base
2731s and then we utilize this between all the
2735s phases we're eating raw meat let's talk
2742s about a hair because that's also part of
2745s this process
2749s the way this works obviously there's a
2753s whole bunch of individual like hundreds
2756s of thousands of individual here how
2759s you're gonna do basically what you do is
2768s you just fake it so what we have is a
2770s whole bunch of fantastic planes it's
2775s just little surfaces with little
2779s pictures of hair and then you have a
2783s mask which tells it whatever is why it's
2787s visible it's black it's not visible and
2789s that way we can turn this thing into an
2794s actual hairstyle now we don't
2798s necessarily place all these out by hand
2804s j-just like draw them on like with just
2807s like that it automatically fills it like
2808s you were to populate trees or something
2810s or what we do is we utilize an actual
2814s arm like a grooming application in 3d
2819s max
2819s 3ds max um basically what this is what
2823s we're using is a tool called or matrix
2826s now this is used in the events industry
2828s to to actually do grooming and do
2831s hairstyles for or for creatures like for
2834s prerendered may be easily found Harry
2838s Potter monsters or whatever it's no she
2846s haven't seen that one yet you go I mean
2851s it's our life actually a be in the nude
2853s to then linking I think that will be
2855s really good the live action they didn't
2859s live action they're going to make one oh
2867s well put it on my list um anyways we're
2873s not going to that crazy amount of detail
2874s we're basically utilizing this to kind
2876s of block out just roughly what we're
2879s trying to achieve like get a visual
2881s reference
2883s CJ sorry okay so right now okay just to
2893s give a little bit donation what we have
2896s is a grooming tool where you come stuff
2906s and cut here and do all kinds of fancy
2909s stuff these are basically just the what
2914s is called guide hairs so these are
2916s literally just sort of the control hairs
2919s and then everything in between like all
2922s the hair that would be between you know
2923s two two two guys what they would be
2925s interrelated so let's give him a nice
2930s bad hair day here and there you go we
2937s fill that in not the best look but you
2941s know it works
2942s I think it's specially with you look
2944s with the beard I think he can't pull it
2946s off make the beard even crazier Wow
2956s let's see you're just so weird to see
2968s him from like the the side profile just
2973s everything exploding now it's exploding
2975s here it's great oh yeah
2981s [Laughter]
2985s now obviously this is no good
2988s like all of these are right now
2990s individual no no I'm not even talking
2993s about the visual so this is perfect well
2996s that is to the game no but in terms of
2998s actually like usability like this isn't
3001s those level planes here right this is
3003s still like tubes well what we can do is
3006s we can just simply tell it well instead
3008s of cubes put planes here then we make
3011s these a whole bunch of thicker
3013s whole bunch thicker we reduce the amount
3021s and reduce it some more mm-hmm then you
3027s start having a starting point right now
3029s you know you still need to refine this
3032s you know still need to put quite a bit
3033s of manual work into this but it's still
3036s better than trying to go in and you know
3038s place everything manually like for some
3041s air stalls and for some areas you don't
3044s get a round top like in some cases
3047s especially towards the edges you really
3050s need to do plane by plane
3052s but for bigger volumes it's you know
3056s it's easier and it's a bit more
3057s straightforward to do it this way so I
3060s assume because like obviously they're
3061s they seem to have more ball guns like
3063s that becomes less as well wood like this
3064s where you know like what I did literally
3066s now is I can you know I can just go in
3071s and basically tell it hey where is this
3076s I can just reduce the amount of actual
3079s pavers right oh yeah planes in this case
3082s it takes a whole bunch of them out I can
3086s also tell it hey I won a half or less
3089s and less and less so you know this is a
3097s pretty iterative process and you know
3099s what it's a nice you know way of doing
3103s it again like this does not save you
3105s from having to do a whole bunch of mine
3107s will work on top of it but I still you
3111s know prefer this over overdoing and
3113s everything so I'm gonna ask how much
3116s hair do you need to find on mesh for a
3118s realistic look sar you again how much
3122s hairs do you need to plant on a mesh for
3124s a realistic look well I mean again like
3126s what we're doing from from our end is
3129s we're just like we're faking it right so
3132s for this you know we're just having
3134s planes right so it's you know it's a
3136s whole bunch of planes it depends on the
3138s hairstyle but it also depends on how
3140s many
3142s on the little texture yes if you were
3145s actually gonna utilize this tool to make
3148s a proper proper hairstyle well I think
3151s it's about a hundred and twenty thousand
3153s hairs um for the head for here and I
3156s think and you know dun dun like I think
3170s it's sixty thousand hairs for beard
3172s don't quote me on that
3173s that's the that's the number in my head
3175s right now yeah so like you know I would
3180s then let you go in if I wanted to make
3182s probably like we have xtal here stall
3185s you know increase that a little bit more
3190s yeah someone asked how long did it take
3193s you to reach the level of arts called
3196s quote where you're at right now and it's
3198s 3d art harder than 2d / digital drawings
3203s okay like I've been doing this for like
3206s I've been working in the industry for
3207s about 10 years now um what is harder I
3212s mean like 3d isn't a lot of ways more
3216s technical
3220s so you know what it's two different
3223s things like within artistry like there's
3226s some differences there
3227s now obviously you still need to have
3230s quite a bit of artistic sensibility to
3232s do 3d as well it that's a tough one I
3237s also like how you know you can
3241s specialize so it's like I mean you have
3244s to train cuz I keep drawing skip that
3246s did the more you do it and like tree
3248s thee I guess the same so it has their
3250s own no of course I mean you basically
3252s yeah you need to you know just do your
3255s thing and you know work at it and and
3258s ultimately yeah you know that's actually
3260s good cuz like someone says pics aren't
3262s as hard as well for me like cuz I I can
3264s draw but I cannot do pics art because I
3266s don't have the knowledge for Mina
3268s supermart put it cool but I'm like I
3270s feel like if you learned that like you
3272s can get good at anything as long as just
3274s practice practice practice and do things
3276s I think it's I mean at the end of the
3278s day I mean there's there's always the
3279s difference between okay like like sort
3282s of the workflow like the tools that
3284s you're using and then the actual
3286s artistry right like there is like a lot
3289s of 3d is very much tied to tools where
3292s oh you know right now we looked at a
3293s whole bunch of different applications
3294s right whereas you could argue that
3297s somebody who is good at drawing all they
3299s need is a piece of paper in the pencil
3301s for um but as it's read artist you still
3305s like ideal you are in a position where
3307s you know you build up a certain level of
3311s skill that will carry over to different
3315s applications and different uses
3319s [Music]
3321s right here let's talk about bosses let's
3326s talk about Porter disputer oh let's
3332s actually go through the entire thing no
3339s spider um okay how do we come up with
3346s something like this I mean how do how
3350s does someone come up with something like
3352s this that is a good question what have
3355s they been using like like when we are
3357s doing a new boss usually what we do is a
3362s brainstorming meeting so there will be a
3366s general idea for gameplay and a general
3369s idea for you know visuals that has
3373s either been discussed beforehand or it
3375s will be the result of the very very
3377s first
3378s brainstorming meeting you just okay this
3381s is the very very rough wake direction we
3384s want to go into now okay not a new boss
3390s this is the concept art of the spider
3392s this is basically showing how the
3395s process of where we how he how he got to
3398s the spider like this was okay I'll just
3402s go through it when we did the spider we
3407s knew we wanted to have something armed
3410s insectoid so multiple acts are kind of
3414s creepy as creepy as possible actually
3417s and also have some human forms in there
3421s so actually have limbs and and arms legs
3425s whatnot to you know well make it even
3429s more disturbing so that's what is he up
3433s here these concepts were the very first
3435s ones we we started with that was
3438s literally the first ideas visually we
3441s came up with um so you have you know
3446s this whole theme running through there
3448s is some stuff that works better some
3450s stuff that doesn't
3451s like she's more like a frog
3454s some of them look a bit imbalanced and
3456s you know might not be super agile you
3459s know which is something that we actually
3460s wanted from the boss then you know like
3464s this is literally just you know kind of
3466s gobbling dude chillin on the wall but
3470s the idea was like hey we want to have
3473s that we've won a half that boss be super
3477s like you know good with with you know
3480s just going on the ceiling going on the
3483s wall all over the place so it becomes
3485s erratic and hard to predict where it's
3487s gonna go
3488s you can't really do this with some of
3491s these designs however like this guy that
3494s was interesting um so I think out of the
3498s first I mean obviously this is just like
3501s a selection of you know what we did
3504s there was a whole bunch more concepts
3506s and a whole bunch more discussions and a
3508s whole bunch more ideas I'm just you know
3510s giving a ruffle overview um this guy
3515s here was interesting right like this had
3518s some some interesting fields of it was
3520s fairly creepy now couple things um first
3524s of all the human element was a bit too
3527s toned down like okay the arms yes like
3530s its legs down here but ultimately it
3533s wasn't that wasn't strong enough right
3535s that kinda just blended into this whole
3538s mess of legs and and insect shapes so we
3543s wanted to push it a bit more also from a
3547s gameplay side we wanted to have a sort
3552s of a weak spot like a focal point I'm
3554s not even sure whether at this point it
3555s was meant to be a weak spot might have
3557s been some smarter gameplay reason why we
3562s wanted well this down here like the
3565s exposed lungs in the ribcage so this was
3568s done the next evolution were you know we
3570s went from this guy to this guy ever you
3572s know it's much more like that the human
3577s forms the human elements became much
3579s more you know dominant in the world in a
3581s way in design and also like the
3585s the lungs became you know becoming a
3588s thing now were okay we want to have that
3590s Widow element in here now the problem
3594s with this concept was that it was a bit
3597s too symmetrical like it looked fairly
3599s balanced and fairly if you will you know
3604s it didn't have a super twisted look to
3607s it yet so the next does not have it
3610s twisted probably have to do some some
3619s unicorns and and you know rainbows for
3621s the next project to kind of get out of
3623s this whole mindset but we wanted to push
3633s it a bit further so Christmas discount
3637s here interesting but let's do a little
3640s bit more crazy so again the the biggest
3643s issue was just symmetry and you know how
3649s much of the human element you have I
3651s mean you have a head in there but you
3652s know it's not really mmm
3654s so over them you know this guy down here
3657s we ultimately arrived at what's on boss
3660s hour I wouldn't say final concept
3663s because that's not what the spot it
3664s looks like but this was pretty refined
3668s iteration of you know that idea we had
3673s at that point so what's going on here is
3677s basically you have like a human-like
3679s head torso you have an arm you have
3681s another arm that's kinda lean the first
3685s one it seems I mean I don't know because
3687s I don't know how far it is that you see
3689s a lot of like the details of like
3691s getting more hairy towards spider like
3694s features no absolutely I mean this is
3697s something where we you know this is just
3698s sketches and just you know just
3700s basically throwing out ideas like again
3703s there was a whole bunch more than this
3704s for summary I can't help but like that
3706s middle one there it kind of looks like a
3709s pool dancing I don't know what it is
3711s like upside down it's half spider half
3715s octopus I think this is a lot of like
3719s cool features to it this is where you
3721s like um Lovecraftian is pretty you know
3725s there's some really really cool things
3726s going on there the problem is it's a
3729s little bit too alien for what we had in
3731s mind right like this is a little bit too
3733s many a bit too out there we wanted to
3736s have a bit more grounded and a bit more
3737s creepy so you know you know we do all
3743s these iterations and then ultimately you
3745s know once we have something that we
3747s think might work you know we get a more
3750s refined a more fleshed out concept mmm
3756s so then this guy here right so again
3760s just to give a little bit of a breakdown
3761s so again we have the know it's very
3763s humanoid rightly if you have actually
3765s like a for human in there it's just
3768s mutated far beyond than just a human so
3772s disguise linings back oh there's a head
3774s back one arm not arm one leg another leg
3777s is literally a full person in there
3781s then fertilizer kind of poking out and
3785s the idea was okay this is sort of like a
3789s split sing like there's still something
3791s human in this crater that is self-aware
3794s enough to figure oh I do not a doll
3799s enjoy this like I'm not what the is
3802s going on
3804s well but then the spider element is
3809s really what is sort of like the insert
3811s to it element is really what it's
3813s driving and the the person is just along
3815s for the ride if you will
3818s hey creepy twisted it so taking that we
3826s did a first just really really rough
3829s test model monkey whatever it sells the
3833s idea
3833s um just a test is going now it actually
3840s you know for what we had back then
3843s gameplay-wise
3844s this all made sense like this was a bit
3846s more back then the idea was a bit more
3849s um of a character that would be running
3854s away from you that wouldn't actively
3856s engage you it would just basically be
3857s trying to sneak off and and and you know
3861s let other monsters do its bidding for it
3865s very yeah like a scared thing that boat
3871s could other things on on you on you now
3875s the design worked for that the design is
3877s supported that however the actual
3881s gameplay wasn't fun so where the design
3883s that worked for gameplay but the
3885s gameplay wasn't really what we needed at
3887s that point so okay there was some
3891s iteration set on the actual design like
3893s the game mechanics off the walls were
3896s okay let's make something that it's much
3898s more aggressive something that really
3900s gets in your face that attacks you but
3902s then also runs off and you know sets up
3904s another ambush Wow
3907s what you now know as the spider um so
3912s that needed to be reflective visual
3914s now from this point forward we didn't do
3917s actually any more harm like 2d
3921s concepting we basically from here on out
3924s we started doing 3d sketches and and
3928s like prototype models how are we doing
3931s time boys I mean we have an hour okay
3935s then I can maybe actually shoe dance
3940s you have a whole hour where you can talk
3943s still so that's alright okay I can um
3947s give a little bit of them more in deep
3951s depth who you are just going
3956s it's gonna take it off
3964s [Music]
3966s so yeah anyways like basically we needed
3969s to get something that reflected this
3972s more aggressive and more willing to
3976s attack the player game mechanic right
3984s and what we did is just a whole bunch
3988s off of iteration on top of this
3991s originally design working in 3d those
3995s character art and and cons about just
3997s going at it trying different something
4003s that people have asked like is a spider
4005s meant to be a man or woman like what was
4007s the human it's literally a person stuck
4014s in there it's mutated beyond recognition
4016s so it's mutated beyond race yeah I mean
4025s I'm not sure what procreate hopefully
4029s not so okay that was that you know like
4036s that first test thingy and then we had
4040s something a bit weird and imbalance
4043s feeling but obviously this is much more
4044s spidery where animal just you know this
4046s is more insectoid you know with the
4049s angle of how the legs work just became a
4051s bit more base was also like towards like
4054s face or yeah so yeah like okay this is a
4066s bit weird this is a bit imbalanced
4069s ultimately this is the the guide and
4072s that actually got approved like this is
4077s the the 3d sketch that actually got the
4079s sign-off which is very much mirroring a
4084s spider right so you have like very much
4088s inflated like abdomen here consisting of
4092s you know just in this case there was
4094s still like this kind of membrane
4096s I'll bet whatever so it's actually the
4099s different stages of mutation pretty much
4102s in a way like we went through the whole
4105s process and ultimately then arrived at
4107s yeah what do you would you not have in
4110s the game but you know a lot of the of
4114s the original elements we had in the you
4116s know the design are still reflected in
4118s right so it's very sector would you know
4120s we wanted to have something that has
4122s human shapes so again there is a literal
4125s human but then even the you know those
4128s mutated limbs are like okay that's like
4132s an arm here that's just like the hand
4135s section of it is very much it elongated
4139s same here I don't mean you have sort of
4143s reminiscence of human anatomy shapes in
4147s there anyways um that was the the the
4152s concept that's really concept that was
4155s approved arm now at that point what we
4159s did is again like with the first model
4164s we did a test um we actually put that
4166s guy in the game to see whether it works
4171s at that point the the the game mechanics
4175s have been adjusted quite a bit we now
4178s had something that reflected this whole
4180s idea with a more aggressive boss um and
4184s well we wanted to see whether now this
4187s new design would actually fit that so we
4192s made this this prototype model and well
4195s turns out everything works right so once
4199s that was done then we we really fully
4204s committed to taking this guy to be the
4208s final spider so I can quickly show you
4212s that bear with me
4219s so this is now like sort of a more
4222s fleshed-out version where like we you
4224s know everything is kind of cleaned up um
4227s obviously this isn't you know the final
4230s model by a longshot but this is like
4232s just shape wise yeah
4234s and whatnot this is kind of lockdown
4235s what you'll also see is that we ended up
4238s going from the actual full human head
4240s that we had in there before you know it
4244s was originally like this guy stuck in
4247s there oh actually that actually answers
4249s the question it was a man okay
4253s design-wise this was just like oh we
4256s want to put a face in there that's kind
4258s of screaming out technically it's a guy
4261s I still I don't know I always but you
4265s know this is really like this is not
4267s really fear like this is not something
4268s that was really about to be this was
4274s just like okay let's let's it's a person
4276s representative off the idea from the
4279s lower side of we have that as an answer
4280s um we'd probably have to talk about
4283s phone scene and then same as with the um
4292s you know what we did with the with the
4295s head before we now go in and we just
4300s detail out of it so I'm right now on
4304s like this is all split into different
4305s pieces whatever you know just add more
4308s and more detail to it you know on
4313s different layers you know we have
4314s everything you know this is something
4316s this is like this repeating um thing you
4319s see we always you know we had large to
4323s small we we kind of work in our detail I
4325s was a human mutated into spider-man
4329s mimicking yeah it's basically like okay
4333s you have a human that kind of something
4346s yeah you just
4349s at all that fancy detail and you know
4352s you have like like at this point there's
4355s also like okay what are we doing with
4356s like you know what's the feeling of this
4359s so like for a lot of the you know the
4362s surfaces we've been looking at mole rats
4364s you know yeah it's just really wrinkly
4368s skin right that's something we want to
4371s do have for for some of these elements
4372s here where you know it's very loose
4375s wrinkly nasty skin and then you know
4378s much more lean and and you know winds
4381s popping out for other areas you know
4383s there's a whole bunch of things then
4385s going on where you know we try to figure
4387s out okay what is this actually oh where
4393s is my goo more detail
4401s so yeah then ultimately our something
4404s like this this is done pretty much do
4408s the final high poly model off the spider
4411s I like how you can still see that summer
4413s like hands because obviously you don't
4414s get to look at it like that the feet and
4416s stuff no but I mean like again like the
4421s idea was very much to have like yeah
4422s there's still some humanoid things going
4427s on right you also kind of see the
4428s footprint here right so this is you know
4430s kind of diagonal here it's the guy like
4433s this is torso head arms then to actual
4438s human legs and then like these two legs
4441s here and um these two like here that
4445s will be the ones that kind of you know
4447s mutated in in a way you could argue
4450s actually never mind I'm confusing myself
4454s right now with how many legs they are
4457s anyways there is like there is a full
4461s person in there and then we just
4463s basically add it on top of it right that
4468s is the the high resolution model of the
4471s spider
4471s yeah I know a lot of people were like
4473s it's the new boss coming it's a new boss
4474s come he has a new boss is coming
4476s and a new way is coming we actually had
4478s a pretty cool playtester day after new
4480s boss I mean my interests we had I mean I
4485s haven't even done the new eyes but yeah
4490s more on that another stream
4492s unfortunately not today um okay oh I
4495s just I'm horrible with public
4500s [Music]
4503s so many pictures so yeah
4506s Spyder final model and then very
4510s similarly to what we did like on the
4512s face where or on the under duster you
4514s saw where you know texture it in
4517s different applications you ultimately
4519s get the final in-game model like the
4525s hair again it's done in the way that you
4527s know we discussed before it's very
4529s similar I think some of these are
4531s literally just individual hair on a
4533s plane because it's like this kind of
4535s stiff spider you know I think there's a
4541s specific name like the the the like the
4545s bristles on like anyways so yeah the you
4552s know a lot of the the process is and and
4555s workflows you know apply to different
4558s models it's just you know you use it
4561s differently right you you employ these
4563s things in different ways like a special
4566s like the armor denies okay oh wait what
4574s was that
4575s what is he wit socks he's a pretty no
4586s you like it I do like it I actually like
4588s it that's how we do our thing that's how
4596s we create the characters for this game
4598s yeah so I think some of you have
4602s questions obviously as much as you have
4605s burning questions about anything that's
4606s not related to character art please ask
4609s your character or related questions
4611s because that's why he's here he could
4614s tell more please be in-game well who
4618s knows you know it's Christmas coming up
4620s soon see it does make a spider very cute
4625s it's a it's a very festive happy it's a
4628s happy spider he's still mutated and he
4631s has his ripped
4632s and everything falling out but it's it
4634s has cute cute little socks now and
4636s little boats and the hairy Christmas my
4641s gift is your face character ID question
4644s did he lose his last second attire I
4651s just wanted to put the spider socks on
4654s where he touches the ground I could have
4656s put maybe a glove on the last one maybe
4661s yes like once we have the new boss we're
4665s gonna do another extreme yeah so
4667s obviously we can't share anything yet as
4670s much as you all want to see the new boss
4672s we will it will come in due time good
4675s things you know need some time to get
4677s prepared until they're done so we just
4679s need some more time and I I mean we'll
4683s let you know when it happened there's
4684s also new yeah the new way there's new AI
4690s coming that's coming relatively soon
4696s [Music]
4701s exactly we're not giving any dates or
4704s anything but like they are in the works
4706s and they're both really cool and I'm
4709s pretty sure you guys will like them or
4711s despised him because they're annoying
4714s but no um let me see
4718s [Music]
4720s mmm any new hunter models and the works
4723s but I'm so for the last couple months
4726s we've been focusing on other things
4729s um similan ders were a big topic but we
4732s were also working on you know boss
4735s enemies I think we've also announced
4739s some some specific grunts I think we've
4743s actually kinda had them already in a
4745s stream at some point we have a couple of
4751s things for hunters but it's not been a
4755s huge focus lately like we've we've been
4758s mainly focusing on
4760s [Music]
4765s okay someone asked where did you start
4767s were you going to school for this did
4770s you get a job somewhere or did you learn
4773s to mainly yourself and what was your
4775s first job in the industry this is more
4776s like a personal question but yeah so I
4780s originally actually started studying
4782s philosophy which is a completely you
4785s know um but no like ultimately I figured
4790s okay I want to do this as a job as a
4792s career and yeah I studied in Austria on
4796s such book are you Austria yes
4803s [Laughter]
4807s I'm Austrian that's why should I do in
4810s Salzburg then I had my first gig and in
4815s Norway and a company there that you
4819s might have heard of fun fun they're
4821s doing my Mother's Day I think the last
4828s thing that we're doing was coming on
4830s Naxos which is yeah and I mean like
4840s Kamini speaks German so I mean I mean
4842s Austrians speak German - so amusing yeah
4847s yeah oh we need a question someone says
4852s where did you study for me ask is he's
4854s from Salzburg Hawks at Augsburg the
4858s University of Applied Sciences okay let
4864s me see so where did you think
4865s inspiration from the character tattoos
4867s so do you do that or it does um those
4871s were a fairly lengthy process to really
4875s figure out what we were gonna do there I
4877s did not do these in terms of design um I
4880s screwed among on the model but the
4882s actual designs came from Martin Martin
4884s jean nicolet concept artist
4888s basically we wanted to find something
4890s that would be
4893s well crude enough to where you could
4898s believe that the hunters would actually
4899s do them themselves right where it's not
4901s this really super fancy intricate design
4904s but then also interesting enough and you
4907s know kind of again going with that whole
4911s supernatural wipe having some of that
4914s reflected in the twos and yeah that was
4917s a bit of a process figuring out
4918s specifically what we wanted to do with
4920s those mm-hmm um I'm also know that some
4924s people want to know about customization
4927s obviously how I don't know if we
4930s actually can share anything about it
4933s like how detailed it would be but I
4934s assume we just start with like having is
4936s the lab getting like light and dark no
4945s customization right so well I'm not sure
4950s how detailed I can go yeah exactly like
4953s we can't change I mean it's it's not
4955s gonna be as detailed seen what the
4958s breakdown you saw earlier yeah it would
4959s also not be I don't know do we know if
4961s we will be able to change skin color I
4963s don't think so um okay I think this one
4966s I can probably answer without getting
4968s demolished by Dennis this is gonna be
4972s okay you you you will basically
4974s customize the clothing a hundred layers
4976s so if you have a dude you're gonna
4979s basically be turned changing what he he
4981s wears that is the idea right now this
4983s might change obviously nothing is you
4985s know completely final because any other
4993s art related questions would you guys
4995s ever make an art book I mean I think
5002s it's a lot of work like we did an art
5005s book for eyes well actually we didn't
5008s somebody did for us which was good
5012s because that yeah that is a lot of work
5014s yeah um would be awesome to half there's
5017s a lot of material that was created for
5019s this game that you know hasn't been
5021s shown and you know it could be
5022s interesting to see how everything came
5024s to be
5026s buddy out as of no note that I know off
5030s then I would curious I mean I don't know
5033s if like Worcester is there ever been
5036s something that you know 100% is not
5039s going to be in ever or use that you
5041s thought was a really cool idea okay I
5048s have an answer for this question but I'm
5051s not of any I don't know if you just made
5056s it worse by not saying it nothing bad
5062s but I don't wanna also like like okay I
5070s was specifically thinking about both
5072s ideas and now like the moment I comment
5074s on that it's gonna be like a okay like I
5077s don't want to spoil anything because we
5079s want to have something you know well
5081s that's why I said something you know
5082s never make it in the game exactly
5084s because you know why you know like if I
5086s now say oh that's it then at the very
5090s least okay people
5091s they'll know okay that's not a ball okay
5094s yeah exactly
5100s do you know if they what no okay
5104s are we gonna do do more questions about
5108s character art so nothing related to
5111s anything else let me see if we can get
5116s two good questions
5119s [Music]
5125s should've buried so we already show in
5128s the barracks what is a reasonable
5130s Khopoli count for a character in honcho
5133s okay it depends on the hunters are the
5137s most ethical characters we have because
5139s that sort of you know where a lot of you
5142s know
5142s the identification for the player comes
5145s from so you want to make is really cool
5146s now I think our hunters range from
5150s anywhere between like forty thousand to
5153s maybe fifty sixty thousand mm-hmm
5156s triangles for the most detailed model
5160s like this lot zero obviously then we
5163s have all kinds of optimization to cut
5166s that down if you're further away from
5168s the character you don't need to see all
5170s that detail now something like a grunt
5172s or or something of that kind you know is
5177s much simpler in or less important enemy
5180s you know that could be anything up
5182s between like fifteen thousand um to you
5186s know thirty thousand I just didn't start
5191s if I missed is but how long does it
5192s normally takes to sculpt a high poly
5194s model like the spider in ZBrush and
5196s textured in substance and this is always
5199s a very very tricky answer to a question
5202s to answer it's just yeah there's so much
5206s iteration going on usually like it's
5208s very rare that you get you know from
5211s start to finish without changing things
5214s like even just you know looking at the
5215s spider design and how that character
5218s evolved there was so much iteration
5220s going on where yeah then it's also you
5223s know like let me quickly go back here
5227s like we will do our our little prototype
5233s model right and we dropped it in the
5235s game and well basically at that point
5238s we're not gonna do any more work on it
5241s until it's been finally approved and you
5243s know everybody is happy with where we're
5246s going because if there is any problems
5248s well we were just awaiting at a time so
5251s you know there's pauses in there you
5255s know you start focusing on other things
5257s for a
5258s it it's it's tricky like usually okay
5264s just to keep a ballpark figure
5265s I would say four you know if we really
5268s just sit down and you know we'll start
5271s to finish without any distractions work
5273s on a character anywhere between six
5275s weeks for you know something still
5278s reasonably complex too if you you know
5282s go really crazy all out over the top
5284s like some of the characters we did on
5286s rise can take you know ten weeks 11
5289s weeks 12 weeks it's really dependent on
5292s what it is
5293s how much iteration there is so it's it's
5296s a tricky one
5296s okay last question in from Gregor do you
5300s use git bash sets for inspiration when
5302s seeking for design ideas as in while
5306s prototyping concept designs we use
5310s anything we can get our hands on I mean
5311s basically a lot of TD you know design
5316s process it doesn't matter how fancy it
5320s is as long as it sells the idea right
5322s and in that stage whatever works right
5326s like you get bash you just like on the
5329s spider like you have that head that I
5332s just took from some other character and
5334s I just plugged it in there and you know
5336s that's what we went with I do think the
5340s Christmas spider I love all the little
5342s socks I do like that he has like and
5345s he's just missing one of the pairs that
5347s could have been on that other leg it's
5349s just gone it's just bad was getting it
5355s sucks together
5356s I say he's one of those guys it's like
5358s there's always a missing sock and okay
5361s we should just put the sock somewhere in
5364s your level as an easter egg and then in
5365s his mouth okay uh but yeah that is
5370s pretty much it for today if there's one
5374s thing you want to say like alas a
5375s close-up or whatever thank you so much
5379s for listening um you know I hope you
5382s really enjoy the stream and hope you you
5384s know either
5386s figure it out a little bit and learn
5388s something but how we do our job um
5391s or at the very least you know saw some
5393s cool stuff that was nice to look up yeah
5395s thank you and I'm sure we'll see you
5398s back for another future stream at some
5400s point for like you know new boss BMO
5402s hunters stuff like that so thank you
5406s guys so much for watching obviously you
5408s can always regret you too but if you've
5409s missed a stream and yeah we'll see you
5412s guys next time so have a good day
5427s [Music]
5438s [Music]
5445s [Music]
5456s [Music]