over 4 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s [Music]
11s Oh do you guys take the show
25s I hear gunshots Oh Jonah getting closer
28s to do now I just must be in here for you
32s cover me covering covering okay
54s come he would step out there's like a
56s team of three inside every one of the
58s exit
60s let's do number two
63s I think the shot got him gonna
68s you think guy come on the left brutally
73s oh nice one there is
102s I'm running away
104s right daddy block one clone you know
112s keeping an eye out okay I see that there
115s been itching over there let's go I get
118s you balancing this get out of here Oh
120s pretty sure there's someone else so I
122s see them through the wall okay he's dead
125s western X oh yeah I see them under fear
127s I see them they're making work work
131s okay
136s cover each other
149s achieved with CryEngine
over 4 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s [Music]
11s Oh do you guys take the show
25s I hear gunshots Oh Jonah getting closer
28s to do now I just must be in here for you
32s cover me covering covering okay
54s I come in with step out there's like a
56s team of three inside every one of the
58s exit
60s let's do number two I think the shot
64s got him gonna
68s you think guy come on the left brutally
73s oh nice one there is
102s I'm running away
104s right daddy block one clone you know
112s keeping an eye out okay I see that there
115s been itching over there let's go I get
118s you balancing this get out of here Oh
120s pretty sure there's someone else so I
122s see them through the wall okay he's dead
125s western X oh yeah I see them under fear
127s I see them they're making work work
131s okay
136s cover each other
149s achieved with CryEngine
about 4 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s No transcription available