almost 5 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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396s hello and goon afternoon
399s hey everybody we got a new face on
401s stream in this our new guys Sam tell a
404s bit about yourself because obviously
406s what do you do where you come from it
408s cetera oh wait I come from where do I go
410s can I dress yeah okay I'm Sam some he
415s may know me as obi-wan Kenobi from this
418s thing called the Internet's been on
421s there for a while now and I was about to
425s quite a movie but it's inappropriate to
426s put them in if anybody has ever seen the
429s movie giant stone above right back you
430s know what the internet is for and that's
431s what I'm gonna say
432s I see yes I joined the hunt team exactly
436s two weeks ago today
437s congratulations three weeks yes I made
439s it I survived
440s how's it been so far good good how much
443s punishment no not too many humming let's
446s the late night since the early hours and
450s those who don't know me a bit about my
452s background I was once upon a time I was
454s a professional actor and then six years
457s ago I transitioned into the gaming realm
460s where I thought I could be more good
462s with the world than acting I felt there
465s was like a space in gaming to do more
467s with charity which is where I got my
469s initial start and then I moved from
470s charity into community because that you
473s can do charity work through community
474s it's the best way to do it actually
475s and so then I was management and other
480s titles for a charity called Operation
482s Supply Drop then I moved to another game
485s company recently and into another gaming
488s company recently moved from England for
494s those of you might be confused I'm not
496s American a lot of people think I'm
497s American for whatever reason every time
503s I meet somebody who's not from England
504s that you to think I'm Australian or
506s American it's mainly Americans thinks
508s I'm Australian and every other country
510s much like most of Central Europe think
513s I'm American for whatever reason that's
518s weird
519s enemies we're gonna play on the Xbox and
521s then in play because I can't play on the
523s Xbox and I have no control and I
527s recently hit my eleven years of service
529s with Xbox Live so I've got a wee bit of
531s experience a me with that Xbox yeah no I
537s I can I really like I'm not gonna
540s embarrass myself because I were anything
541s more than enough on the PC side I mean I
544s don't I don't claim to be good I just
545s know how to use the controller but you
548s just act like you're bad oh yeah from
550s the back acting you just like act like
552s you're back but like I did say the
554s question yeah where does it come to
555s PlayStation it's coming to PlayStation
556s just fall it's just because we want to
561s work on PlayStation first and also
562s because PlayStation doesn't offer like
564s early access type programs that we have
566s with the game pass or game preview
568s rather that's why it's oh sorry let me
575s announce
576s oh no I see I added an extra now it's
582s good no day absolutely extent I'm sorry
584s guys thank you wait how did if I'd kick
588s to start as well so I think that was
589s intentional that watch you were fixing
590s that I was yeah exactly
592s over the screen not actually doing it
594s don't know about you any other thoughts
597s praise that back out there but whenever
599s I am loading in I always like to leave
601s my crosshair in there just I think if
603s it's nice but now is op Center so I got
605s to move it again oh yeah my OCD is gonna
607s get triggered it is definitely so up
608s Center I can see that it's a little it's
610s a bit too low speaking of triggered get
615s out am i see-through
616s oh no wait this is I was like here why
618s is there like a little icon in front of
620s me but that's the the reason I didn't
622s make one mistake before we started what
624s I didn't take my jumper off Laura's
625s gonna get on yeah yeah it is pretty warm
627s they can close up on stream already this
631s is just a certain are you playing on a
632s set or Xbox the Xbox 1x
634s the 1x misses room right or no
638s technically neither cuz it's a dedicate
641s machine yeah
643s but then it's the same as the X like an
646s equality and Qalamoun of the X I'm not
651s 100 cent i've donated at home i think
653s you might be cooler than ever the Xbox
654s one s okay because there's the X 1 X s
657s and then there's the exit I am naming is
661s confusing to me and I don't understand
663s it cuz there's like an S 1 X and X and a
666s one and I'm just like there's so much I
668s understand it assists the dev kits all
670s pretty much look at the same whereas all
672s the other systems are very distinct so
674s I'm like it's a gene it sounds like an
677s ass yes the Xbox x XS yeah when does the
681s XS coming out
682s I prefer their code names I think they
686s should have stuck with that but quite
688s names like thee so like the Dreamcast
690s was originally called the dolphin mm-hmm
692s I mean I know that's Nintendo but like
694s for Xbox the Xbox one X was originally
698s cool well is if you've got this better
700s edition it's called the scorpion that's
706s the X that's the most recent one is if
708s you hit there was like the limited
709s edition Scorpio edition that has school
710s written on the side so the S is not
713s Scorpio but then I brought something
714s that is confusing the 4k the enhanced X
721s works the best one is the Scorpio okay
723s that's really isn't that s it's just
724s what I thought I student s did for slim
727s because it was much slimmer than the big
729s fat Xbox this is very confusing but then
732s we've got the Xbox scarlett coming out
735s Christmas which also then get renamed to
739s something like the Xbox 720 or as the
743s Internet is coining it ok Xbox one AC
746s because they're doing a turn around and
747s everything that they they're yes indeed
751s pretty III actually legit thought the S
754s was two Scorpio think ok I've learned
758s something today
758s I've been passed in knowledge that's uh
760s you guys have a degree in Microsoft at
763s times too I mean I read every government
766s or like I
767s never owned an Xbox because how we spend
769s a Playstation kind of person it's like I
771s only heard like the s so I thought an
773s average Scorpio at some point on an a3
776s so I thought okay it's the Xbox 1x or
779s the S it's just what you used to I guess
783s so it's quite I used to be like the most
786s PlayStation fanboy possible like in my
789s like when I was like 14 15 where or
792s maybe 13 when the original Xbox came out
794s I was so much like a PlayStation fan boy
797s I refused to get an Xbox just like
802s PlayStation so exposes I don't need an
804s Xbox and then randomly for one Christmas
809s my parents had no idea what to get me
811s slow so they got me this is like the
814s original Xbox it's like the BIG's the
816s big big fat ones and I was like okay
821s that's pretty cool like there's some
822s games I've never heard of that I'll play
824s which I was like I guess I'll give this
826s halo and this hello and fables again and
831s then I got addicted to the my favorite
833s franchises of all time and then okay so
839s we're playing on a fresh cat just
842s because we thought it would be a good
843s idea to show this start of the game
845s obviously a lot of you are already well
848s past this but I think it would be nice
850s to start off to give an idea and to get
852s used to the game obviously we're
854s currently playing still against just AI
857s because we're playing by ourselves
858s because the first level of the training
860s would yes the Xbox version will be on
864s the same level as PC so it will have all
866s the same content it will have the
868s emulator I mean sorry the assassin
870s because that one was an added yet and it
872s will have everything for 1.0 so like all
875s the things that you see that we have
877s announced on the developer live streams
878s or that you see them like you know
880s obviously for the Deaf server people are
882s playing on PC will be able to you know
885s already get an idea what you get on the
888s Xbox for the release so everything at
890s 1.0 will be to say
894s it's all the same where I was going
900s you're going to write yes and that is
904s the idea oh no gotta sounds they worse I
910s see some dago's
912s what was my weekly yeah are you gonna
916s actually do the weekly quest kill fifty
918s armored I'm going to the daily which is
920s kill pounds with no they attack swing
925s animus I don't know exactly
928s maybe Dennis can give you an exact
930s answer in that's attack these are I
932s think it will be 30 get away from in our
937s hands that was my mistake
941s just shoot the dogs no so fleeting no we
946s got this the controller click is
948s Ottomans drink right strongly oh listen
952s that the controller is quite loud is
954s that really that bad I mean you can
956s fertilize a plate on the reddit I keep
959s playing like that yeah are you that Pro
961s yeah I'm the pro thrice the first how
965s I'm survived this is going to be thanked
969s Community Managers down to how I said
971s you never die it's right hot and I'm
972s just saying but also a good point to
976s point out because someone asked out aim
978s so at the moment we have with this build
981s and this won't be change until 1.0 for
984s Xbox is that you can't turn off the
987s outer aim yet but then will you be able
990s to do that and also like fine-tune some
992s other stuff we also talked about this
995s during I think it was the last developer
997s live stream that we did that we can
1000s explain what what exactly you get so I I
1003s definitely recommend you watching the
1005s develop relations and in general for
1007s everyone else so because it is giving a
1011s lot of your mission this new tactic I'm
1013s saying if they can hear because that's
1015s what was gonna be done artist is making
1016s this okay
1017s no do you guys hear very loudly or not
1019s is that fine I mean it could turn the
1021s game off but I'm not sure how that we
1023s can't
1024s gave up quite a lot actually so I was
1026s afraid that it would be too loud with
1027s the boys
1029s yeah the ps4 is going into fall yes so
1034s we're playing the Xbox version the Xbox
1036s version has a different stuff compared
1039s to the live PC right now so like my PC
1042s is obviously at 6.8 but the Xbox version
1049s ends to 5.0 some additional things so
1054s they have like all times of day and the
1057s emulators end but they don't have the
1059s new assassin so if you don't have 6.0
1062s yet but they do have the other cirhappy
1065s it's not the spider oh yeah you don't
1067s like the spider don't you who likes
1070s spiders we just add a new new boss like
1073s not that long ago relics yes like if you
1079s level 80 after one for you know it does
1081s reset so what we're gonna do is like and
1084s then fans we're gonna announce people
1086s people that you know we're gonna we ever
1088s know suck you can be wipe so we highly
1090s recommend that people you know level up
1095s quickly and get at least I won't
1097s prestige because otherwise you have to
1098s do all those 80 levels again so mmm-hmm
1103s nobody wants up to do that
1104s Oh again exactly nobody went oh I mean
1107s technically they would because you know
1108s what does precede rewards why not both
1114s yeah alright Steve or ps4 doesn't have
1117s an early access system so that's why we
1118s went for it Xbox first nebula so at the
1123s moment we don't have plans for a cross
1125s play but if that changes that I'm gonna
1127s let you know in the future but at the
1129s moment no because obviously people that
1131s play with a mouse and keyboard have a
1133s very fair
1134s well disadvantage for the players that
1137s don't use an allen key word
1139s yeah we didn't change the butcher I mean
1143s the spider that now feels more like a
1145s different boss so I highly recommend you
1147s try it a need on the tester right got it
1150s people who did say do you have a weapon
1156s just hit it with the stock oh you made
1161s me very scared
1163s the knowledge counts yeah but if you use
1167s like stabbing and will cost the emulator
1170s to explode but if you hit it with the
1171s back gun it's blood damage and then he
1174s doesn't
1174s I thought the knife didn't explode I
1176s thought no no nice it's fun the knives
1180s explode do not change no I just really
1183s ones used in fun stuff yeah if you first
1187s the skin explodes so it didn't explode
1189s then yeah yeah see I actually believe it
1199s nah witness a new update come on the
1202s Xbox are like in general for releases
1204s planned for the 27th of August these are
1207s my least favorite enemy but Thursday's
1208s we have a new concept back coming out
1210s it's like we've had new content packs
1212s coming technically every week now and
1215s we're get more so I mean if you run fast
1218s enough you can get rid of me well you
1220s can outrun the late hats
1223s you can go around and be sick be on the
1225s safe side I mean you could just
1226s scarecrow say food because there's no
1228s other hunters I mean there's other
1231s hunters totally yeah would you guys play
1235s do is for us to get a chance to team up
1236s with you at the moment not this stream
1239s it will definitely do that in interest
1240s rates because we're gonna do more I
1242s spoke streams and then we'll be able to
1245s like you or cRIO back you know 1.0 to
1249s play together that's right I was like
1251s wait loads it yeah it's standing in
1253s front of me but I can't see get the hype
1267s this is hardly room
1269s oh god I'm scared free life yeah I made
1277s myself nervous um let me see
1280s happy winds-day as well keeping my
1283s fingers crossed for a strong antidote
1286s shot for tomorrow as in like for the
1288s xbox exactly or this is 30fps Thank You
1296s Peugeot gamer yes there will be an
1298s option to turn of aim assist with 1.0 so
1301s at the moment we don't have it in yet
1302s but it will be with the update when we
1304s hit 1.0 so in August so next month we'll
1309s have that at the end of the month you
1311s will be able to turn off aim assist and
1313s we have some additional stuff we
1315s mentioned in the last stream so
1316s definitely check that out
1326s yes if your prestige stand now you will
1329s get 10 prestige rewards along feels like
1331s proactive you get a legendary skin which
1334s can be a hunter or an F yes all right
1338s like a weapons skin you have no friends
1341s for a second this is a current xbox
1348s build yep so this is not the new patch
1350s because there's no death server for the
1352s Xbox gamer in the head no no no it's his
1355s main show will there be any special
1361s modes for beginners so what we have for
1363s update won't be no Christian which is
1365s gonna be really nice is we're gonna walk
1367s it through a little bit more through the
1369s game when your new player in a small a
1371s bit off the map close close and the
1377s smaller wait at the map so you have also
1380s more guided tips and you'll learn more
1382s things of the game so we have improved
1385s our tutorial for 1.0 which is also
1387s something of a show at the last
1390s developer livestream so definitely check
1393s that out for sure
1400s I do not know to mix yeah except for
1406s siege 5 because it's a special reward
1408s yeah retroactively you get them rich
1417s yeah they do the chaos bomb like sound
1421s too but it's not actually not actually
1425s right now I mean there's players right
1427s now
1433s well all the weekly update just to be
1435s content till one point oh yes that is
1437s right you get oh oh get out get out get
1440s out of the water get out of why that's
1443s so chilly
1444s yeah it's ring once tend to like one two
1446s three four and then five two special
1448s yes nasty one to hit in general it's
1451s also nasty nasty mom yeah just run
1455s really fast cuz I don't think you have
1456s healing anymore and now I kind of run
1459s out outside boys are done set myself
1460s aside yes if you played early access
1465s you'll get a exclusive skin for the
1469s campus oh yeah the water Devils are
1473s indeed creepy I'm not a big fan of them
1476s yeah Sam is doing the risky place first
1484s because of what that was I never know
1486s like exactly what I aim on them oh there
1490s is another hunter am i saying this
1498s correctly I was like wait what I was
1500s like maybe like pvp's turned off cuz he
1503s was just staring me and I was just
1504s staring at him I thought that was the
1506s case at least it like the start as well
1508s I met he just gonna be as low like half
1510s Evan wait what many just yeah but I
1513s thought they wouldn't go in the first
1515s leg match cuz this conscious is for his
1517s man right
1518s well me unless you're gone good and
1520s that's my Saint my sink is now work sunk
1523s but I was like cuz it takes a longer
1525s dare just like just staring down and I
1527s was like is this like do we add the
1530s glass did we add a mirror so I don't
1532s know am I looking at myself yeah because
1534s like the first verse you're thinking of
1536s the test server tutorial no it doesn't
1542s matter he's still like no I got the very
1544s first levels we did have like I might
1548s confuse I mean I know I am I am gonna
1552s boost okay well your hunters still life
1556s you can still get the same guys he came
1558s back to life William Frey don't let
1560s himself get fried that easily
1562s and if you know what I mean I would just
1566s want to take two
1568s I don't know if you can no no you can't
1571s it was try is my in the beginning we
1578s couldn't play on our account so will we
1580s still get the Champa so how do you mean
1582s exactly we cannot play on our crowns
1590s yeah just because I started that money
1593s yeah the og book of weapon progress will
1596s be reset with the prestige Oh family
1600s sharing yeah I'm let until you can still
1603s just buy the game until we go in full
1605s release so if you still buy the game
1608s before you do still get the skin so we
1612s turned off family sharing because this
1614s is something that originally we wants to
1616s not have on the first place especially
1618s with online games just give it a little
1620s bit of context why we did that obviously
1623s if we have someone who would misbehave
1625s or team kills or cheats or whatever and
1629s we would ban them they could technically
1631s just make a new account family sharing
1633s and that's how they can you know easily
1634s make multiple or suite accounts with
1638s biting users family sharing so that's
1640s why usually in most online games you
1643s don't see this so we turned it off and
1646s because it's gonna be removed in 1.0 on
1648s life we already have it removed from
1650s test so definitely make sure that you
1651s get your own account before if you were
1653s using family sharing and play for that
1658s play on the early access before that
1661s yeah the assassin is coming he's coming
1664s with 1.0 as well for the Xbox as a game
1668s cross-platform between Xbox online and
1670s PC online note that is not true yet
1673s Heiser will not die until 11:15 for the
1675s first 15 levels
1685s there's no exclusive skin for alpha
1687s dancing unfortunately and what do you
1696s besides the spider because I know you
1697s really hate the spider because you hate
1699s spiders
1700s what the West what is your number one
1703s like most ferrets regularly
1706s we're like as in like non boss AI this
1709s wool the like the water devil no sorry
1714s the hype I always call it this warm
1715s because that's just I called it before I
1718s worked it in my own head and and I did I
1720s guess the very first time I loaded into
1723s Honda it was against the hive was that
1726s was looking at me
1727s mmm-hmm and I didn't know how to heal
1728s myself I didn't know where the weak spot
1730s was and it just instilled me and I was
1732s like oh that was terrifying
1733s right because I'm fairly used to
1736s competitive FPS I was like I was like I
1739s don't need other tutorial stuff is I
1740s just skipping past it I need to read
1742s this I know it's it's a gun like click
1747s and shoot everyone died that's no no no
1750s I was like oh I think he's my brain for
1752s this one yeah so I saw two questions the
1755s lore stream is tomorrow actually I
1758s didn't make an official announcement yet
1760s on social media but I did already shared
1761s during the previous livestream that it
1764s is indeed the tomorrow happening on the
1766s normal like deaf stream day so tomorrow
1769s we're gonna talk with our lower masters
1770s and we have her long wait lore streams
1772s definitely tune in tomorrow for that
1774s starting at 5 p.m. or local time and Sam
1777s is indeed our new community manager said
1779s yes I did some help I was feeling alone
1782s it's okay we got you we go thank you
1786s and no I have friends so that's good I
1789s mean like some and I know each other for
1791s like what fools
1792s five years because I I'm approaching my
1796s six years in the industry in January
1798s we'll be in my six years working in
1799s gaming well that's the thing I was still
1802s I was like working in games but I was
1803s also studying and still like finishing
1807s my second study at that time because
1809s that's why I wanted to go to America
1810s yeah
1811s and it was 2011 2014 that we met so if I
1817s know I think 50 15 then it's four years
1819s it's actually shorter than I thought if
1823s it's 2014 2014 is when I started looking
1825s about moving too much
1826s maybe so maybe it's like 14 like so like
1829s 14 years as you know you must it must be
1831s 2015 because I didn't know Joshua until
1833s 2015 it is like this let me see so yeah
1839s tomorrow we're stream very excited it is
1841s some really really good Lord into maybe
1844s the treasure world one I don't think so
1846s but we have a lot of stuff planned so
1849s definitely tune in to find out more here
1851s I thought I was a friend
1852s you're a friend too of course you are
1858s this is one team that artists sadly is
1860s going to get any lawsuit isn't like have
1862s more sons variations or what do you mean
1866s exactly
1868s Wow Wow weird mr. dynamite I see I see
1872s can this one actually play hunt miss
1875s Donna do you not see the stream on
1878s Thursday yeah sure quite a lot of people
1881s know there's truth I don't know if you
1883s saw that community you know broadcaster
1886s first Devon where I killed two people
1887s with the the bomb lens I'm just saying
1890s that was me yeah yeah yeah I would say
1894s that I on our stream on was it Thursday
1896s yeah I was I wasn't in Friday yeah I was
1901s doing my typical role that I play in
1902s most FPSs which is healing and reviving
1905s what he says that I said to carry mm-hmm
1907s yeah yeah sorry what we did then is that
1916s will be players in this game so I have
1918s to be a bit more yeah a bit more careful
1920s yeah not just saying off every nobody is
1924s shooting I'm gonna I'm just gonna run to
1928s that no that's a fan concept Reaper that
1931s you've probably seen I think it was the
1933s video from Queens but that is indeed a
1936s fan concept we have teams of three is
1938s max
1939s there's some class yeah yeah I don't
1946s know if you're like this in chat don't
1947s know feel the same even though like
1948s everything's got an official name I
1950s always end up calling it something
1952s different in my own head I mean we have
1953s that with the hype so for example people
1955s call the hi-c lady I mean grunts
1958s obviously grunts like I notice it most
1960s with the height like be lady I mean we
1963s kind of defined that the Spartan is she
1965s even though it's technically based of a
1968s male model but I mean it's a she I think
1970s it's a she um hi vis Nicolas Cage bees I
1976s mean I just think the lady and the hype
1979s or the hive bomb is called the hive
1981s phone but that was just because I made a
1984s mistake I'm very curious what do you
1985s guys call the water devil it's like the
1987s water now I hear like many people have
1989s like different names but nothing's
1991s specified like one you know defined
1996s water boys the hentai moms danger noodle
2001s see already a lot of different names
2003s I thought danger noodles I like danger
2005s other two it sounds almost like it's fun
2015s Satan that works too I think I just saw
2020s Santa please no it's the aim yeah behind
2027s that rock is that my eyes no not you you
2029s can now have that turn off when we get
2031s the PC don't shoot the emulator cuz if
2034s you do that it'll explode
2036s I'll call it hyper which angry spaghetti
2040s swarm squid see there's so many
2041s different names boop the snoot of the
2043s dots overcome friendly yeah just I would
2048s love a trait where you could like tame
2050s the dogs and they follow your nose dogs
2051s have good boys I'm just chasing bullets
2057s at this one no we do not have plans for
2059s cross play at the moment
2060s but we do have good cosplayers which is
2064s a similar word it's a cross play
2066s everyone saw the tweets at the weekend
2069s yes had some amazing cosplay sure I'm
2071s still like I really kind of want to also
2073s like cosplay a few more hundred but I
2075s don't think I would get even close to
2077s characters like her details are insane
2080s like she did all the weathering and
2084s stuff and like cutting out all the
2086s pieces of the cloak going it's always
2088s like I always love seeing like when we
2091s brought her stuff like friends of mine
2092s her in the oh I didn't wanna do that in
2094s the cosplay community mm-hmm oh no
2100s who Dennis says I like him more puns I'm
2103s not a great fan of call these puns okay
2106s I'm ezel I have pumps was on my resume
2109s that's why you hired me are like okay
2112s but like sometimes it's just too much
2114s it's like too much you know like some
2117s pawns good too many pawns is bad like
2120s you can't over pun it you know it's like
2121s gotta feel that nice balance so yeah no
2124s sure that's I'm sure gonna get any more
2127s fraidy in the sounds weapons that's
2129s something for or won't meet me maybe
2132s Dennis Dennis do you think we'll see
2135s more Cylons weapons in the future
2136s i we haven't done cosplay for game but
2140s coderre which is also streamer she has
2143s made a really cool 100 tier 3 out of
2145s cosplay they can see on our social media
2149s and i definitely check it out because
2152s she also made a whole progress on our
2155s website you can check out it's super
2157s detailed like so much stuff goes in
2159s there and it's really worth checking out
2161s I sounds better Lee hmm who knew my
2167s sister came every cage face dog well I
2170s mean movie cool if you can tame the hell
2172s hunts you're getting teams on three nope
2184s no we're not how does hip firing two
2188s aiming work with Xbox controls well hit
2192s fire you just press the left trigger as
2195s if he would aim down sights and into
2197s ADEs you click down the right stick I
2200s mean I think we also have some different
2203s variations that you can do that's the
2205s that's the setup I use but I also fully
2207s customized on my shoulders and I'm using
2208s an early controller so let's need a
2210s Crouch I just change it manually I just
2214s like I know you can cost myself and
2216s delete controller or something right
2217s yeah yeah yeah pretty much do what you
2220s want on the elite controllers gotcha
2221s well so there's another hunter like in
2223s this building you heard him yeah that's
2226s I can't hear right now but like just you
2228s don't know sound that I just like see I
2234s should bring in this business a that me
2236s haha nice one nice you're really funny
2240s it was definitely shooting JA degrees me
2243s that there's someone shooting like next
2245s to me
2245s okay so Mitch and they actually got a
2247s decrease oh there but are ya know
2251s they're more know I'm not sure anymore
2254s they got decrease right like the spread
2255s is a bit more tight you have to aim more
2258s precise so less widespread I did need to
2262s funny human know I'm funny IV no one
2267s call it exactly you need to do left to
2272s right sway which ones X which one Y X Y
2277s I think
2278s I have no idea
2285s no but at the moment the control support
2288s is not completely supported in for the
2292s live servers but it isn't a server so
2295s definitely try it there but you can turn
2297s that off so there's no aim-assist in
2298s general on the PC that doesn't exist so
2301s was there someone close by X's left and
2305s right Y is up and down no change or
2307s unwanted I yeah I think so well because
2311s there's honors in my imagination okay
2316s maybe in my imagination I thought I saw
2318s someone there was no you were seeing
2320s people I'm hearing people yeah that's
2324s something shooting so I need X's left to
2326s right you say yeah XS like nothing right
2328s Y up and down are we gonna get a list of
2334s hundreds that we have killed we're in
2335s the game were keepin it anonymous we're
2337s still keeping anonymous
2338s I'm not sure when we would get the
2341s debrief telegraphing but I do still
2344s think that we're not giving away I think
2346s all the names I'm not sure on those
2349s details so Alex
2355s [Applause]
2364s I didn't see at you then behind that
2367s going around me any class for a
2372s sleight-of-hand per creo reload quicker
2374s well I mean to defense because obviously
2376s every weapon has different reload
2379s animations so some have slower and some
2382s become indeed easier now with the I
2385s remember Peter for the no I think it was
2387s like a grunt and the iron Peter for the
2391s Winfield's yep that was a clearance only
2400s shooting do you notice how I picked up
2401s the spider clothes and ran the right all
2403s the way in the hope that that clears
2405s everything but you want to do the yeah
2407s what is it red yeah oh yeah yeah I see
2410s watch out cuz there's a bear learning
2412s like should set you're gonna be mess up
2416s I'm sorry I feel like I'm fixing it's
2420s really say when you're not playing
2432s no we do not plant a nerve the shotguns
2435s range right now Oh what oh my god
2440s shotgun reason oh I think so
2444s did you go fool oh there's oh right in
2452s well he must have had like no health he
2456s must be low yeah I think so surprised
2459s and got shot down with the Romero I mean
2462s the Romero I'm just not very good with
2464s the shotgun
2465s I just don't know one I don't need
2467s shotguns in game I make like it's just
2469s not nice play stuff well I like shotguns
2472s but then it's like I like the specter is
2473s really fun Danette uh but not the Romero
2479s cuz I can do the one single cuz I just I
2482s shoot forget to reload panic can't do
2486s anything dead yeah a lot of people start
2490s with the Romero this is like I started
2492s no way you can do it's like you can
2494s check I'm maybe we can just go insane
2495s character should be fine
2497s I know I can always buy different
2499s weapons as well well I mean we are low
2501s so you don't have that much but I mean
2505s we can even leather something else what
2507s we got on offer check what you want to
2516s see the Mary Hart plus conversion pistol
2523s it oh yeah that's a good point because
2525s then you have one shotgun a 1/4 range
2529s he's coming with us you can also just
2533s refresh all too familiar with the panic
2541s and forgetting to reload guns yeah I
2542s especially with the one one barrel do
2545s revolutionary procedure arts willing
2547s both legendary run skins along with what
2549s was concerns just of weapons foods yes
2550s it is both the hunter and the weapon
2553s skins yes it's a random legendary third
2558s fifth I hope I pronounced it right yes
2561s it's going to ps4 in fall
2571s yes no I feel like a Mexican guy it's
2576s fine broiled backseat game in here I
2582s mean I do think I had I mean the thing
2585s is with shotguns obvious because their
2586s spread is like still not like obviously
2590s a single bullet where you just like
2591s shoot one specific spot so it is
2594s sometimes tricky because like sometimes
2596s your spread can like completely beast
2598s primer on site but I do notice that when
2601s I cuz at first I'd never played with
2603s shotguns and then I tried the specter
2605s bayonet at some point and I was like oh
2606s my god this is great cuz like a person
2608s that just runs in like I'm a very
2609s aggressive player I like running in and
2611s just like hammering or shooting someone
2613s down and for me that worked really well
2617s with respect to bayonets and because I
2620s could just run up and I'm really close
2622s and then I shoot them and then that's a
2623s very much likelihood that shoots art
2625s like kill someone because obviously
2626s shotguns are really strong because they
2628s are good at just heard range so for me
2631s that really worked and yes since then I
2635s was playing just factor cuz its own so
2638s it's a nice but then we got the foam
2641s lens and oh oh oh has my life cheese
2645s ever since the new UI we are still
2650s taking feedback so definitely play on
2652s the test server and give us all the
2654s feedback you can give us you can give it
2656s up discord discord did you thought GG /
2659s on showdown DiBiase's where can they
2662s give us feedback I'm sorry insert like
2664s here to the discord I'm sorry I'm
2666s talking too much so yeah the discord or
2669s you can you know mention it on social
2671s media reddit steam anywhere we have
2674s student forums as well frightful this
2677s specifically pretty much up everywhere
2680s book area pigeon
2681s we have an added carrier pigeon have an
2683s annex me back just yet yeah we're
2685s thinking about it yeah
2687s maybe in the future seeing that this is
2694s a very casual stream it might be a
2696s filthy casual street they can't see the
2699s fact that it says casual underneath but
2701s I am it feel to kill you filthy casual
2704s yes many places yeah definitely give us
2707s feedback because it is very helpful for
2709s us yeah we already I think I already
2715s changed didn't we try the new I'm not I
2719s have to say I haven't been super aware
2721s of like the exact details off the first
2724s batch that we did but I know that we
2725s already took some feedback for the Deaf
2728s sound so let me quickly check because we
2733s didn't update it last Monday a look-see
2741s yeah so I already did it first
2744s that's def sound so definitely if you
2746s haven't tried it yet let us know how you
2748s like it after that I'm not sure if you
2749s tried that yet I'm still annoyed by that
2757s last death yeah that was I wasted a shot
2760s into his chest I should it has given
2762s another second and shot me in the head
2763s when he first came through the door that
2764s is true yeah he was actually standing
2766s there from woman in here was like not
2768s sure what he's doing thanks so much
2769s barber tips will follow I was I'd need
2773s to get mine since it's here right that's
2776s right dear predator yeah I mean
2777s obviously like most of the things we
2780s have really positive feedback on but we
2782s also understand that some things are
2783s still not exactly what you guys have
2785s mine or what you like yes tomorrow will
2790s be new expert stuff so definitely let us
2794s know
2797s yes so the UI for the test server that
2800s is the UI the other languages at the
2803s moment are not supported that's why on
2805s tests would recommend you playing in
2807s English because we haven't finished the
2810s localization check for all the other
2811s languages I chat 1 1 2 or 3 which clear
2816s should I go for less being 100k to is
2820s very small but yes two's right there in
2822s the middle and then threes then my my
2824s been with me three you're going three
2827s chats going for four so far which is the
2830s optimal play of running that way just
2833s leaving the game three okay see three
2836s three wins you agree with me all good
2838s yeah I mean Williams group would be
2842s great but I don't think we're gonna add
2844s that I think there's also a lot of legal
2847s reasons for that oh now it guessing once
2850s we finish well Wilhelm scream was
2853s copyright free that's why every is
2855s because it's in every movie and almost
2857s like yeah but like every movie movies
2859s have like a lot of money like even like
2861s super low budget movies I thought it
2864s would be not I think it would be like
2867s copyright didn't mean why wouldn't be
2869s copyrighted it like no your Christmas
2872s isn't copyrighted that's a pretty mad
2875s very popular song producer and the happy
2879s birthday jingle isn't copyright anymore
2881s shakespeare's phrase copyright free
2885s Oh get away from me I'm too lazy just
2889s get your weapon stop stop snapping me I
2919s could get away from him
2921s you're not the one that got away that's
2923s a shoe oh we act like he never saw us
2929s now watches our defense I prefer
2932s stabbing him stopping him is working the
2934s other day yeah I slapped him six times
2937s he sure to gun down
2938s I mean did this take well - you know how
2941s we talk rest in pepperonis I mean it's
2945s fine
2945s I died you how Hans I died to myself I
2948s died to some things in this game as well
2950s so you know it could happen
2954s beginners bad whoever thought before was
2956s the right answer here is actually knew I
2959s was gonna die I mean our ladies are done
2966s I mean they're definitely done
2967s especially the beginning of the game
2969s this
2971s oh that's why all of this aim is like
2975s super low well I mean I can bring that
2980s down
2982s yeah they don't think a lot of blood
2984s damage weapon or what the damage I mean
2986s obviously if you had the dusties it
2988s would be a lot better but I don't know I
2993s mean I personally I can't play what role
2995s it's like I would not be able to I
2997s whenever we do xbox tests I die very
3001s easily very often and it's definitely
3004s not against hunters it is against AI cuz
3008s they just can't do it
3009s I just I'm too confused or whatever I
3012s guess it's just a controller is not for
3015s me it's just funny my sense is Ian I
3017s think it's I mean I think it's
3019s impressive how people can play it shoot
3022s them because it's just so hard it's
3025s amazing to me that some competitive
3027s scenes are still done yeah no definitely
3030s I mean it's crazy
3032s less is like super game's aesthetic like
3034s Gears of War inspects the controller
3036s because yes it is there is a PC version
3039s but it's very much a console game but
3040s stuff like Call of Duty which is now
3043s yeah on PC and arguably has better
3047s players on computer then console but
3050s because it's a wonder how many people
3051s that players switch from you know that
3054s are professional players switch from
3055s controller to BC or PC to controller
3058s like I wonder if anyone actually
3060s switches I know and I had to train
3063s herself to then keyboard and mouse after
3065s retiring from professional because she
3067s was professional and only played on
3069s controller for haloing Cod and then she
3072s went to siege and over what like real ER
3076s and keyboard mouse and now she doesn't
3079s know controller controller and she's
3081s like what do I do with this yeah but
3082s it's so weird to say learn keyboard and
3085s mouse
3086s she she never had a keyboard a mess how
3088s has no any had a keyboard a mouse I mean
3090s I got bored
3091s I had to relearn keyboard a mouse really
3093s because when I was growing up and I'm
3096s not going to show chat this this is how
3098s I used to play video games
3100s I always played like that and then once
3104s somebody was watching you play games and
3106s they lit she's like what are you doing
3107s and they moved my hand Jose oh boy yeah
3112s cuz I'm not that kind of a that I'm
3114s right handed so I'm left-handed
3116s obviously that's I mean said picks up
3121s his keyboard and mouse Susak I mean I
3123s can just do this
3124s so basically I would play cross handed
3126s so I put the mouse in my left hand and
3128s play like that and it didn't make any
3131s sense that's just like that's just how
3134s I'm not sure I would play Unreal
3137s Tournament like online cross-handed and
3142s and be successful as well like I wasn't
3145s ever bottom fragging like I was never
3147s talked to you this actually reminds me
3149s of related but there was this player on
3153s hunt and he had the weirdest settings I
3156s don't know if you can actually find it
3158s if anyone still remembers but yeah the
3161s key binds and you know exactly it's like
3164s someone had the weirdest key vines in
3166s hunts and like a mate $0.00 I wish I had
3170s the post I'm someone has that post so
3172s anyone knows what I'm talking about
3174s I'll say they rushed it is really like
3178s it mates no sense I think it was posted
3181s back in a day at like reddit but it was
3186s the weirdest layout and be like how
3188s could somebody play like this I mean
3190s that makes sense I could be on the
3192s gamepad I mean I know that some people
3193s even though wasn't supported yet yeah he
3197s links it to me training that's um maybe
3203s then it should be maybe on this cord I
3205s should be able to find it but I know
3210s that some people use controller and when
3214s it isn't supported yet
3216s but I think my friend Bray head plays
3227s Xbox games the weirdest way any of you
3231s guys familiar with iPhone it Oh kissing
3235s piss don't die it's my oh are you gonna
3238s go over to Spyder
3239s okay I just want to post it in the chat
3241s so you guys didn't see it it's a very
3244s confusing it's like very I thought that
3250s was in my head oh you already done I'm
3261s sorry I'm still okay well I tried I
3264s couldn't see cuz I was poison but I'm
3266s pretty sure she got up after I shot her
3267s in the head
3268s it's the spread and this is why don't
3272s you shotguns I'm so used to - I aim yeah
3275s they're not gonna learn to shotguns yeah
3281s if you guys know a shurima by the name
3283s of brown man ray from achievement he
3285s used to like 40min Hunza he has like oh
3288s we love anyway yeah he has the weirdest
3291s setup like he plays like the floor
3293s controller setup with bumper jumper I
3295s can actually make me out of it I
3297s understand you guys can see it a little
3299s bit better I don't know what he's coming
3301s to say well I mean it is supposed to be
3303s dark yeah but like I can see it very
3306s well there's another funds issues now
3309s you guys can see it better - yeah right
3313s you guys can see it better now
3314s I turned to game up a bit for the stream
3318s that's key bite right it makes like no
3321s sense it's the weirdest thing I've ever
3323s seen in my life
3324s hmm and now I'm the same icky boy that's
3328s it I mean it please jump make sense but
3333s it's like what what is a you shoot I've
3336s seen he uses if I cut a mouse to shoot
3338s yeah yeah but like how can use all those
3341s buttons
3342s people man yeah it's a a special special
3348s brand whatever works that is true I mean
3352s if people if people are are you know if
3355s that works for them yeah you can't
3358s really poison alright used to be able to
3362s but oh that one has a little bit trouble
3367s rigor mortis setting quickly on that one
3369s my brain is doing a hurt the new final
3377s mass what is the final Mouse I've never
3380s heard of that is that a new branded
3382s Bowser
3388s yeah it's that's why he's probably like
3390s I thought I wasn't sure if that was on
3392s the Xbox like you can still hear while
3394s being poisoned them yeah I mean inverted
3397s yeah that's actually a basic description
3400s or like example he inverted oh it's an
3405s eSports mascot yeah yeah I'm PC it's
3409s correct because it's a head you can get
3411s some ammo by the way thanks Alana
3415s oh no never mind I'm like 40 grabs that
3425s is indeed very lights I don't know I
3428s mean my favorite mouse is still the
3430s recent Naga from - those are some things
3433s the old mouse for small but we have to
3437s watch a big mouse here dude that's
3438s actually really nice I don't know what
3439s like which model it is again but the
3443s Ciccio the g6 102 and it's wireless and
3447s it's actually it feels really good and
3449s has some buttons but it actually has
3453s quite a lot of buttons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3456s I think these are even separates in like
3460s nine nine buttons oh wait and then here
3464s you have to do so there's quite a lot of
3465s things you can buy on it and it feels
3467s very comfortable but like I don't know
3468s if I do
3469s to provide nice I went a little bit late
3471s without too much yeah yeah go ahead just
3474s make sure you realize that's the only
3476s thing I'm gonna give the pricing uh yeah
3480s the switching things mm-hmm yeah playing
3484s would control is really hard also Thank
3485s You sergeant Omega scope yeah there goes
3489s one way to I have you tried destory
3490s Atari playing on xbox
3502s the cameras developer for Mazda keyboard
3504s no delay yeah I mean definitely it is so
3506s it is definitely interesting there's a
3509s fire boy is their mouths for left hands
3511s yeah I think so but they're not a lot of
3513s mice that are for left-handed people do
3520s measurement green side up ah nice I do I
3522s do hear a lot of people how many match
3526s to the home to be played so far I don't
3530s know I count across probably 15 to 20
3537s across base
3537s okay the count so you would say you're
3539s still friend yeah yeah so just still
3544s friendly guys cut him some slack didn't
3546s need to do though I've been playing for
3547s a while now and I still suck I mean no
3551s this actually I got actually better so
3553s I'm sorry I was gonna lift you up but
3556s then I thought I can't push myself down
3559s too much so I'm still buying the cranks
3562s it's loaded I'm better than I was before
3564s but I will not like that's why he's
3568s playing wave controller not me cuz I
3570s can't
3571s and he actually yeah like not to toot my
3578s own horn
3579s like once I understand the game yeah
3581s there's there's a game and yet to find a
3584s game that I'm bad right mmm-hmm
3587s especially yes
3599s do you have the button says the backside
3600s is only lead controller oh wait oh no
3602s that's the aim that is my bed yeah I say
3607s yes I did that mine yeah no sorry can't
3609s find one with some extra buttons that
3611s suited for left-handers yeah I mean like
3613s I'm left-handed so I do always I mean
3615s I've always played with right-handed
3616s mouse but the only game that I ever had
3620s issues with it was oh so that's why I
3622s play with the tablet but that's the only
3624s thing I think playing would like it
3626s right man how's that right hand mouse
3630s most curious of those like a grenade net
3632s is more keyboards keep yeah but the
3638s gamma up a little bit so people can see
3640s it a little bit better on stream the
3652s reason is that we want to also have
3654s because we have a lot of AI still on the
3656s map packs aims which means that with
3658s more players rune half less AI and then
3661s some Regents might feel too empty but
3664s also obviously you're also less than it
3667s awesome the Xbox will leave over an
3671s octave on to you I mean I never tried
3673s the elite I still care they were like
3675s the older ones in 360 360 had one of the
3678s best ones I was a big fan of the jute
3679s which is the original Xbox controller
3682s okay fine 360 is good and I think no I
3690s think the elite controller is the best
3691s controller that Xbox has done and what
3693s makes it because of that customer
3699s insight was my ruler like how about the
3701s feel it feels very soon as this looks
3703s like that's nice it's got like extra
3706s grip there so it's not sweaty it just
3708s stays in your hand you can take the
3711s analog stick off and make it whatever
3713s height you want anyone is trigger stops
3717s so like I know I'm gonna press it down
3719s now but I have to press it let's to
3721s shoot okay interesting and actually I
3724s can show you so but aiming like but if I
3727s have the trigger shuts off that's press
3729s all the way down
3730s which is certainly no fancy fancy
3734s let me see I love left-handed people the
3738s backbones those what they help because I
3740s also question we are in Louisiana right
3743s when we get some feral alligators or a
3744s giant Gator I know that there have been
3746s people that have requested it and at the
3749s moment I can't give any ideas of what or
3752s next day I monsters will be but I would
3755s say just keep an eye out for updates
3759s thank you but during tamer not
3763s separately
3764s let's get em later horses simply fire
3766s instead of you exploding oh that would
3769s be that would be something that's a very
3772s elite controller so doesn't lay the
3778s input like should I think also be then
3781s improved or fix I'm not exactly sure how
3783s much it is but we are doing a lot for
3785s the controlling and I know that they're
3789s working on that as well and I'm pretty
3791s sure that also has to do with the
3792s automatic that auto aim and stuff that
3796s that's something that we're working on
3797s so yeah just can give exact details
3801s because I am not completely exactly
3804s aware of like how the controllers work
3807s compared to the keyboard but I know that
3811s is something that we're working on as
3813s well as have the also you should check
3816s for some health I mean you can check if
3820s there's like a station nearby okay just
3823s don't trigger emulator there's not a
3826s station nearby but I was definitely not
3828s a hunter nearby yeah that's he's having
3833s an issue we went up to him
3839s yeah I think there's a guy up by that
3841s clear yeah that's good breaking ball in
3844s front of me and and emulates the and
3847s take my chances as a birthing boy
3849s looking forward to content tomorrow nice
3852s yeah he's having no one knows stuff like
3862s that someone turned to vibrate Alfred
3867s you are right yeah he's just having
3869s having seizure I don't know if I said
3872s those crows awful someone else did
3874s Wow did you see that I didn't see any
3877s cars but because obviously you can also
3880s see them you know nice superficial stuff
3887s no don't fight you saw me
3894s reload I'm sorry but are you gonna here
3897s or which is your ammo fact I would wait
3900s no don't use no no I can't wait because
3902s someone sued the closed ball you okay
3908s like super like within 100 meters
3912s okay that's super spy based on my
3917s hearing I can't hear anything
3920s no enjoy healing with poison well at
3927s last
3928s yeah that is yeah I'm gonna take
3930s advantage of that as much as I can
3932s that is definitely was been a rough G
3934s yeah well that was one kilometer right
3938s kilometer yes I heard that actually I
3939s heard a shot where is he no oh
3944s left yeah yeah II think you I don't
3946s think he knows I'm there yeah it's one
3950s kilometer by kilometers so square sure
3954s sure no you can only heal well poison
3958s still on the Xbox because we change that
3959s to be
3961s not oh oh I'm sorry I'm so buzzed
3986s I mean I did get the other one yeah but
3989s it is drinking it is drinking you were
3994s very close it was very easy if I had had
3996s my my rifle I could have picked them
3998s both off you but you could have done
4000s with the the pistol ready you can start
4002s off with pistol like from distance but
4004s you got close I was afraid for your life
4008s that's how close you got I don't want to
4010s miss with a shotgun but you kill one yes
4013s you don't want and you're alone so I'm
4017s just saying you I always like to make
4020s games harder for myself than their shirt
4022s like if there's a method in game I will
4024s do the opposite and like yeah there's a
4029s chance of win squads or surveys I always
4031s go so you're the one that's gonna play
4033s single-player against you oh yeah 100%
4036s yeah I'm very curious like how many
4040s people are actually gonna do well I like
4043s also extract because that's obviously
4046s not easy
4049s so now you can actually do quickly I
4051s would say it do Cleveland yeah do you
4053s want to have random gear you want
4055s one medium range short range or a mainly
4061s I person always go for medium yeah oh
4066s yeah take them to filter good point good
4069s point good point
4074s much better
4075s yes yeah I did it for the dirt something
4083s she'll that I could do the crotch to bet
4085s that hurt well I can't play on xbox
4088s don't you really cuz he also said yeah
4091s if we have 2x boxes we can play together
4093s it was like I was gonna bring my suppose
4094s from home we couldn't know I don't do
4097s controller it's like you might as well
4100s better not take me and then you still
4102s have a better chance of winning than
4104s when you actually take me like I would
4107s bring you at a disadvantage
4110s all right what did I just explained most
4112s controller disadvantage PC I'm good good
4117s enough possible
4120s hey Lisa what's up how's it going so
4125s yeah quick play
4126s have you played many people play
4127s mentions and erm not on the Xbox main PC
4131s games because there's a more PC office
4134s which is exactly any plans to release a
4139s scope version the Mosin again giving it
4140s sniper history at the moment not that I
4143s know of but maybe in the future but yeah
4146s I don't when I level up and get that I
4149s want to do just crossbows and Tory
4151s knives and does that's my business
4152s islands yeah oh yeah I definitely may
4157s break I can imagine
4159s give him the crossbow well you might get
4161s a crossbow
4162s cuz he's a quickly
4166s but we did add a new spoke LaBelle marks
4172s what's also just gives me nothing just
4174s only have fists fists and their healing
4176s yeah so you can use a controller PC but
4180s now for 1.0 we have the fool like
4184s control support activate it so yeah it's
4192s amazing how different like yes you can
4194s use controller to controller support is
4197s okay it is very different yeah exactly
4199s when I'm not gonna promote another game
4201s when X game had only yes you can use
4205s control of there's no controllers what
4206s you could only if you use the controller
4208s on the PC game of it you would only turn
4210s at 90-degree angles okay no no there's
4213s nothing for us like this quite okay no
4215s I'm sorry yes the Mosin del cyber sniper
4217s area I am not paying attention but the
4220s Lebel also has a scope very now my brain
4223s is not working right now the the game
4228s has some like usability with a
4234s controller but not everything is like
4236s obviously we have things like dark side
4238s and stuff I don't know if you can use
4240s all of that with a controller already I
4242s know there are some people that play
4243s with a controller already but it's not
4244s optimized for it but you can do more
4247s than three circles yeah that get me
4249s something but I do think I'm curious
4252s because I do think that the steam
4253s controller works better maybe but I
4256s don't know not that many people used to
4258s yeah I've actually never got hands-on
4260s with a steam controller I tried like the
4264s thing very nice yeah no worries and
4269s we're also if you're playing on xbox
4271s lorrison we're also improving the feel
4275s of the Xbox in the input lag and also
4277s for the out and because a lot of people
4279s weren't happy without it aim so you can
4281s turn that on and off to your preference
4284s I think like also aim is such a weird
4287s feeling for PC players and as work is
4290s like you're almost actively pulling away
4294s from where like the aim is to use you're
4296s used to manually doing it and when it
4298s locks in you're like oh no like I guess
4299s so like my like I will line up a shot
4301s move away and then bring it back
4303s like I could have just taken the show
4304s the first time yeah phantom get said
4306s love using bomb lines with Dulce I
4308s personally think the Bourne iron with
4310s the bomb Lance cuz I know that I like
4312s having a little bit more ammo but the
4314s dole SH and the bomb Lance is great but
4315s like though she secondly are the Bourne
4317s I mistakenly the delicious little
4319s brother so sweet I have just a fist oh
4321s yeah that's why you're gonna find
4323s weapons because we're doing quick play
4326s baby you can't actually put marks in the
4330s map well not on the map itself but you
4331s can now do the pink system on the test
4334s server we can ping things on the in the
4337s game I've worked on his xbox got an
4341s update this week this week so as in like
4344s this screen week it's getting an update
4346s Thursday so that's the Marmara kids is
4349s it right yes yeah you can use the disco
4354s but also the Xbox clubs should have the
4356s ability to make looking for group which
4359s I actually see quite often of G yeah oh
4362s wait no I got blunt weapon I didn't
4363s actually take this guy on that's not a
4365s blob walking around that's an X right
4370s but you can use your fists
4373s if you we saw how well a my last time
4376s when I was swinging for the fences
4378s against this guy Hunter yeah what are
4384s you guys like of the legendary Rogers
4387s which is your favorite legendary hunter
4388s I'm very curious I see a lot of people
4390s do be referred al-sisi's and really mess
4392s of things that I never wanted remember
4394s in see again but I mean it also still
4397s really really like the the butcher guy
4399s unfortunately had to remove the the pipe
4403s because of age ratings because smoking
4406s is very hard
4408s I know people asked for that whale in to
4410s us via the the car cause is also the guy
4414s yeah nice area that feels just amazing I
4417s also really like the black boat one the
4420s one that ice was using industry oh yeah
4422s Oh Richard how could I forget about
4425s Richard how could get about yeah the
4431s preview player is to get the same skin
4433s as the early access players so we all
4434s get the special change skin that is for
4437s you know playing during the early access
4440s or game preview period
4443s yeah the Black Codes
4445s yeah he looks so fancy like a baron or
4449s something the ghillie hunter yeah that
4453s one is really cool too I like that one
4455s too I mean in general like there's some
4456s really really cool skins by default
4461s yeah the chance Awards a legendary
4464s hunter so for update 1.0 or full release
4467s which is coming the 27th of august we
4469s are gonna have cosmetic skin so we're
4472s gonna have legendary hunters and
4474s legendary weapons and obviously they
4478s have different stuff so we got one
4480s that's like a butcher obviously a lot
4483s less differ a lot different from the
4484s other of Richert also hey exploding
4486s blade and he you know keep out to go and
4489s we got some skins black coat or the red
4495s shirt he has like a big target and a red
4497s shirt which is really cool
4499s there will be more legendary yeah
4501s definitely it will be more legendary
4502s down roads I don't wake what's up I feel
4506s like I'm always wearing a red clay even
4507s when I'm not in this game alright yeah
4510s like a red shirt guy red shirt no yeah
4511s yeah maybe forget I could just for me
4515s just for you it's just like a long
4517s letter red coat like a black letter
4519s letter especially I don't know why I
4521s imagined letter but
4527s I was blind could you give the Xbox fans
4532s a sneak peek we're getting the update
4534s tomorrow sadly not yet but just have to
4538s wait and see tomorrow it's only one day
4541s I think you can live today I proved this
4547s for PC obviously we do a lot but bug
4555s fixes and stuff certain ice and
4557s performance improvements also done but
4559s the update obviously not as much as we
4561s did where we focus just on performance
4563s but every update we perform or like work
4566s on for oh my god the dogs oh my God he's
4569s going through your things I can actually
4575s get them through the ice like yeah oh
4585s nice ice which one did you mug
4590s that's why I hear someone yeah it's this
4594s guy okay I've made my since Avenue one
4599s trash cool see you later
4602s it's again whack-a-mole yeah pretty much
4606s yeah I mean either Shaymin chivonne Wow
4610s when did I say I don't know what yes the
4617s game is coming to appeals for info throw
4620s bowls I don't know I can't I'm not gonna
4623s say anything yet for me just that's the
4625s wait till tomorrow but what I can't say
4628s that tomorrow is tomorrow we're also
4630s gonna have a developer livestream
4632s it's floristry to be precise we're gonna
4636s talk about the lauren honcho down I mean
4638s ever Laura masters come and yeah share
4641s some cool stuff this plan of your stream
4644s was mainly planned a while back or
4648s mainly it was planned a while back but
4649s unfortunately I got really sick and then
4652s one went on a holiday and then the other
4655s one in a holiday it was back-to-back so
4658s it was delayed for quite a while but and
4659s then II hired somebody and got to train
4661s them on yeah basically guys write books
4665s it's all my fault
4668s yeah must be it yes
4671s nope no unfortunately yet no I remember
4673s I got like a my kid or something
4678s it was a great doesn't sound great no it
4681s was not a great experience I mean like
4683s overall I don't get sick that often but
4686s that was that was not fun
4687s I guess sake to often cuz I don't have a
4690s good immune system yeah diabetes yeah
4692s that's because that's actually with the
4694s I said ask me
4696s like what you have oh yeah class dog tag
4700s it's my medical bracelet but no people
4703s can either get medical bracelets and
4704s medical school so when a hunter kills
4709s them to grab their drugs because that's
4711s a big dope people realize it would be
4712s cool if you can grab a dog tag of a
4714s hunter you know kind of like that they
4716s have dog tags already back in today like
4718s did they use some in Louisiana like the
4720s 1800s no I would say sorry not the most
4724s knowledgeable person on when dope ties
4727s came into that I'm very curious when dog
4731s dicks can never thought about that
4734s amateurs but it seems like something
4735s they had during like World War two
4737s I mean they were definitely but not like
4739s during yeah could anyone google it I'm
4741s very curious how about takings wallets
4745s what Matt Crozier
4748s alright flashbacks for me I've been I've
4750s been robbed once in my life and that's
4751s not fun would not recommend it August 27
4756s is I'm sure no overall is the question
4758s who let the dogs out the dogs imaginary
4762s answer that question also one huge of
4765s this games got that was the previous
4767s game concept but it should already be
4768s changed to hunt children like it's been
4770s changed to intrude on you for a while
4776s it's been oh wow
4785s I decide what a few more strings we
4787s explain how different creatures came
4789s about along with bosses so they have
4792s quite a lot of content plans but the
4797s what exactly say the first dog tags are
4802s made in the 1906 technically from what
4805s oh come on
4807s you know from a lore perspective it
4811s would be a little bit too late
4813s it would be this is too early at times
4816s to really have no side did that we have
4822s but we have nemesis maybe you know they
4825s could have been on some more so I think
4827s it was very much on on the edge of it
4830s but you're interesting cuz like okay
4833s this sounds really weird but like now
4834s I'm thinking like back in the day you
4835s had like just brewing slates or the
4839s where people engraved in like stone so
4844s the concept of it is in the sense I mean
4847s it would just make a doctor where people
4849s have like a sheet of metal if they like
4851s scratch into is that then also doc
4854s Dekker would that be like not even the
4856s fridges toxic is this too much in the
4859s past or something yes so the planned
4861s progression is going to be resetting the
4863s release day we're going to give more
4864s details for that in general I think the
4866s light is going out yes I'm very stuffy
4872s but yeah and we will give you more
4891s vision but everything will be reset
4892s except for prestige so gotta make sure
4895s you receipt before that if you're close
4897s to proceeding or if you you know you're
4899s not close but you want to proceed few
4900s tents yeah but it gets
4908s okay hoards a name style of paper and
4913s they remain in the Union in 1906 okay so
4915s that was already like a pretty old way
4919s of doing it according to the u.s. army
4922s quartermaster pronation prior to the
4924s Battle of mine run North West Virginia -
4926s 1863 Gen George made troops wrote their
4930s names on beautiful nations on paper tags
4933s and printed them to send them to the
4934s clothing at the same time other soldiers
4937s created prototype identification Zacks
4938s on a piece of wood Oh perforating one
4942s and so that could be worn on the string
4944s around their necks that's like really
4946s old school dog tags uh-huh I mean we're
4949s learning things this is actually now a
4952s history stream this is now history
4955s welcome to class at the moment we are
4960s not sharing anything about ideas that we
4962s have from you
4963s Bounty's potentially because we've just
4965s had the the assassin we're update 6.0
4969s which is not that long ago at a boss
4971s takes well i had a lot of time to make
4973s so at the moment that we don't have a
4977s plan for a specific loss in the near
4980s future so i don't know the exact
4988s technical reasons but it would be maybe
4990s nice if you ask him in the discourses
4992s who we do have people that can tell you
4996s exactly tales about that
5003s but how do we have these dark sites I
5005s mean that's that is something you know
5008s obviously veggie didn't I cry it's at
5011s the 1800s 1910 all human that she had
5013s down sights exactly do we do
5017s I mean maybe he's gonna he's gonna prove
5020s me wrong yeah I mean maybe maybe there's
5024s people that are magical they're still
5026s around possibly oh he's a very bad boy
5031s the horse dream starts tomorrow at 5
5033s p.m. we have our thorn and horn aka
5037s James and Nicolette's joining us for the
5040s street tour and I'll be there as well -
5042s good
5043s I got Darkseid's would have sunglasses
5046s on yeah I mean close enough and as I ran
5056s to another one which Louisiana de-solder
5060s sold for bounty and ended up getting it
5061s twisted
5069s music mmm get it together well the thing
5080s is that we didn't want to take monsters
5082s that were directly taken from like
5084s Generic
5086s you know Laurel or lost profit of
5089s generic already-existing you know
5091s concepts that's why we didn't want to
5093s wear off because well a werewolf would
5095s be cool it is very laid out play it out
5098s exactly like it's something that you've
5101s seen a lot of things as well we wants to
5103s go for some more original concepts for
5106s our so wonder how many people are yeah
5114s okay so how did you're playing by
5115s yourself
5116s uh-huh all right people ready died I was
5117s not sure good I think the quick play is
5121s then alone I'm the forgetting I'm not
5123s sure I never you know hundred percent
5125s for that cuz I always forget I'm joking
5128s any classic crazy boss put boss move set
5131s or make her two bosses so as a moment no
5133s plans
5134s add additional boss move says but we did
5137s actually add and we have already been
5139s doing some alterations to for example
5140s butcher and the assassin the spider now
5144s also has a little alteration where she
5146s both you and actually leaps not just
5149s like leaps and you know pushes you over
5151s she also now attacks in her friends he
5154s mode where she runs after you and
5156s attacks even fast frequent repeated
5159s actions yeah
5164s when when the 1.0 get out on the
5167s official PC servers here that's right oh
5174s yeah and how it should be only automatic
5178s weapons only not automatically I mean
5181s automatic weapons are definitely
5183s something that was more new so that's
5185s why we don't have a lot of automatic
5186s weapons our boss with weeks boss it can
5190s expose few different spots exposed by
5192s different things like maybe you can
5194s expose that's a lot of expose that I see
5197s right there
5198s maybe you can expose a weak spot by fire
5200s by only a one bike on fire
5202s I like the spider changed exactly so
5204s like we are working on the the bosses
5206s and like maybe in the future you know
5207s maybe we can add more alterations like
5211s have them get more different than what
5214s what do you wanna do another bond jion's
5215s yeah when i want to get my revenge own
5218s oh my god oh no that one game that one
5222s guy do you know what do you know where's
5224s houses find it it's in the bayou
5233s well the big K TV reset after press 1 oh
5235s yes everything but prestige so if you
5238s have a bad KD this is your chance like
5241s me this is my chance I can fix my broken
5245s Katie and ruin it once again that's why
5248s I'm not gonna bother fixing it so just
5251s make it worse but like do you would you
5254s say that you would be better if you see
5255s your xbox or getting better obviously
5258s cuz like you haven't play as much like
5260s Xbox but where do you think you would
5261s Excel it PC Xbox probably PC see I can
5268s be good at both is my like my thing with
5272s export like with X was right now and I
5274s still haven't played out my own system
5275s is my sensitivity okay yeah I haven't
5278s found what works for me like I have a
5281s basis which might change everything to
5283s once I remember to change everything but
5285s I still haven't found where I met my
5288s flows and whereas my mouse is like even
5291s if there's in game settings my mouth
5292s overrides
5294s settings so it's just what I like but
5301s what do you prefer like what do you
5303s usually like more like the play on
5305s console oh that's hard because the game
5309s I've got the most hours in is a PC game
5311s that my favorite franchise that growing
5313s up there isn't Xbox game and I've played
5317s a lot more Xbox in my little console
5320s gaming in my life and I have PC but in
5324s recent times because of my addiction to
5326s another competitive game it's the only
5329s game I played in like three years
5330s yeah and my previous job I was working
5333s on a PC only game there was no yeah
5335s absolutely
5335s so there was captive boom make sense we
5341s do not have any plans for show map as no
5343s map sorry uh Nibiru
5345s says I love you 3000 - love you 3000 you
5348s I did a super Saffy Saffy tweet based on
5352s that one's yeah I thought I miss you
5355s 3000 hey I don't want any console are
5363s like console platform wars I think
5365s everyone should just play wherever they
5367s want to play cuz personally like I I
5369s personally have played on PC but I also
5371s really like playing on my playstation
5372s but I also really like playing on my
5374s switch but they're all it's like oh it
5377s really depends on the game but like
5378s shooters I would never play a home
5379s controller cuz that's why I also never
5381s finish the Last of Us I just can't shoot
5383s never finish this I always ran out of
5386s ammo and then I eventually turned
5390s everything down but it was already out
5391s of ammo and then I was like fist
5392s fighting clickers and that didn't work
5394s so I gave up and never came back
5396s yes I wish them a PC player and me try
5400s and play and shoot I think I should just
5402s watch like a video but funny enough did
5405s you know that the Last of Us came out
5407s well the last HD remake came out five
5410s years ago yesterday that's it but that's
5412s the one I was playing but I'm really bad
5414s I'm really bad like I just
5415s you can't shoot on Troy that's why me
5417s playing hunts on console is the worst
5420s idea you come up with
5423s you're very curious to see how keha is
5426s gonna do like oh how many people are
5429s gonna get something because it's also
5430s interesting like how big the streaming
5432s is gonna become if you also think about
5434s like the 'they are like the are seems
5436s and might be i thought more people
5438s thought it was gonna get bigger than it
5440s is currently
5441s so when they launched they thought I
5443s felt in my personal idea was that people
5446s thought that it would be be bigger I
5449s even personally I think it would have
5450s been bigger in my imagination like I
5453s think it is I think it came to home too
5456s soon
5457s yeah I don't know that's what I think
5459s like if they launched VR now maybe much
5462s bigger because I mean they're still just
5465s steam just made of here yeah a lot of
5469s people who had buy their first VR
5470s experience was software that was not
5475s good okay I remember the first time I
5477s tried it I got a headache and I was
5479s parking a car but for example have you
5483s tried to climb yet from our yes and I
5487s thoroughly enjoyed it I actually thought
5489s that it's super cool so I haven't played
5492s in general a lot of here and then when I
5494s started working here I played the climb
5495s and it's super cool like I was literally
5500s almost like tumbling cuz I was like up
5503s this platform in the middle I named
5505s literally thought I was on a height it's
5507s really cool and I personally would love
5510s to have it but it's like it is yet
5512s another like you know 300 euros to get
5515s the controller or the console that early
5517s and then you know it's base for it
5520s because some people just live in small
5522s small apartments so yeah I know yeah
5529s have a ham yes care you get the climbing
5532s scheme I don't know maybe I don't know
5534s anything about that for the future but
5535s uh if we do keep an eye out on the
5538s future and meet my friend in the book
5542s where objects and walls didn't loads who
5544s are able to see people and well any
5545s plans to fix yes we are working
5547s obviously on improving the rendering so
5550s that that doesn't happen anymore
5551s so that is something where's credit
5555s based you're based in Germany in France
5558s yeah our early access players on early
5562s access and xbox game preview local get
5565s our same skin they will get the special
5571s team
5572s I see two missiles yet I'm like seeing
5575s within I'm reading it and ps4s ps4 port
5579s is coming in fall yeah at the moment I
5586s know a lot of people do want to snow but
5588s I can tell you that it's probably not
5590s gonna happen most likely not gonna
5594s happen I know a lot of fuel but I can't
5598s I can't say that it's not something
5600s we're working on maybe it will change in
5603s the future but like we have no plan the
5605s climb is one of her of your games in
5607s which you well literally like you climb
5610s like your climber and there's puffins
5613s it's really cute you climb in different
5614s like places and it's it's really old
5617s like it's actually the budget like it's
5619s super bowl-like
5621s and you actually see the sights and
5625s stuff it is if you have a VR system I
5628s highly recommend try it does not snow no
5632s easy on it exactly it doesn't even Sony
5634s is in it doesn't beat ice especially in
5637s the time period this is before by the
5639s warnings it's because Greg the woman
5646s doesn't mean whether he's my dream which
5653s is the common misconception yeah boys
5656s didn't get it ice familia t yeah yeah
5663s yep it does I mean it works do your job
5668s there's also another one today me I
5671s can't give any details about a new map
5673s unfortunately we have no new weapons
5677s Greenlee but we 1.0 we are getting some
5680s variants so we're getting a extended
5683s bore name so you have more ammo
5685s ammunition like space and we're adding a
5689s labelled marksman and we're also adding
5691s I know you're adding thisi passionates
5698s its climate change
5699s yeah I know I always think that it's
5701s just making things harder that's because
5703s that's the only effect it has said
5704s because it hasn't snowed because I don't
5707s know if it's the same just like in
5708s England back when I was in the
5710s Netherlands when I was younger it would
5711s snow way morning with us now now it's
5713s fairly
5717s it's snow like I didn't see some England
5720s for about 20 years but now I'm seeing it
5725s more and more often like normally like
5727s most February's will get like a
5728s snowstorm really yeah especially the
5732s further up north you go like closer to
5734s Scotland even - even down south by the
5737s sea I still get I say it's still an
5739s eternal hey yeah okay yeah yeah I'm
5746s gonna get like a couple of inches
5748s nothing spectacular but it will shut
5750s down the entire city Wow okay I mean
5752s trying to remember if we have snow this
5755s year and Frankfurt like maybe one day
5757s but I remember back in a day it would
5760s snow wave the exact opposite yeah there
5766s is another hand to really close by if
5769s you can appreciate us know in real life
5770s you can definitely appreciate it in a
5772s video
5772s I think I definitely appreciate it more
5774s in a video game because it doesn't dirty
5776s all the roads in real life I use no
5780s lover D like a dualist night yeah but
5783s like also if you have to go somewhere no
5789s boarding gear like I'm good in this
5792s night I hate being cold like being
5794s colors for my least favorite thing
5796s colder too hot I'm not trying to be too
5799s hot like I'd rather be sweating out than
5801s shivering like I guess so grumpy but as
5803s in like you would not be able to because
5806s obviously you can still wear clothing
5808s when you like the heater on you could
5811s sit warm and they're flankin with cozy
5813s warm clothes yeah I would much rather be
5815s too hot and too cold
5816s yeah that's because I when I like when I
5819s go to like a snowy climate for
5820s snowboarding or whatever like I come
5822s prepared I bring like yeah but then are
5826s you technically you know you can dress
5828s for two boats
5828s yeah but then wouldn't really be too
5830s cold because if you dress yourself
5831s you're not actually - yeah because you
5834s might end up in a blizzard at minus 13
5836s your hair freezes over which is
5837s happening to the air past you have to be
5839s evacuated off a mountain before you
5841s freeze today that's true which is coming
5844s to me in the past
5845s yeah first rate cuz like especially with
5847s the 40 degrees we've been
5848s having here now in the past few weeks I
5850s definitely think I start saying that I
5852s prefer cold or heat but because when
5858s it's too hot you can't do anything about
5860s when it's too cold you can have an
5861s electric blanket and like but even eat
5864s ice cream as a regular snack wait you
5867s can eat ice cream is aromas like a win I
5869s mean I'm sorry you can do that any day
5872s you don't need anyone or for that you
5874s can eat ice cream matter what a
5877s hurricane that would be intense yeah
5879s yeah we do have indeed we have our own
5882s soundtrack and more news about
5884s soundtracks in that and the future by a
5889s hurricane winner I mean that would make
5891s the game very different
5892s it's called aircon yeah we don't have to
5894s have it in Europe that much it's very
5897s cool I mean I would say northern Europe
5900s because in Spain and stuff you do see a
5902s season side but Germany Germany England
5906s yeah places no cool is except for
5912s clothing who planned for this idea for
5917s the games me said Louisiana versus a
5919s Texas um I think I I mean this was
5924s already back in the day when it was
5926s still the horse of the Gilded Age but I
5928s don't know what exact he deals but my
5930s idea is that I mean this is something we
5933s can ask two more enduring Norseman well
5936s to give a preferment like a confirmation
5938s but the way obviously that Louisiana has
5942s more of that voodoo you know weird
5945s spooky stuff there yeah right so like
5950s only the public swing we have that too
5952s like public spaces in Germany I would
5954s say that's here - case - yeah yeah I
5958s really wish we had more ACS I would I
5960s would beg for an AC everywhere and in
5964s Europe I feel super bad this last week
5966s is the only one a see was just pumping
5969s into my desk and no one else so I was
5971s there like putting in a jumper and I
5972s always got a bit chilly and everyone
5974s else like sweating buckets so it's
5977s but in the moment I got away from my
5978s desk like I'm melting
5979s yeah I know how you guys go now even AC
5982s in a backyard shit Hawaiian math when I
5987s love you music Rises at that man has
5989s such complex raisa lyrics chat you know
5995s there's gun shows right like if I just
5997s run past someone that nice thing I mean
5998s why do we even have the most minutes in
6001s America so unless you know obviously
6008s have thee all the white Americans were
6012s in there before so they were all from
6014s England mainly in Germany they can bring
6018s things no man
6020s Louisiana's pop I was pop I'm from
6022s Louisiana I didn't even know today is
6027s there any way you're gonna put a
6029s steamboat in the map like a large wall
6031s like the Titanic and trade yeah
6039s obviously
6040s I heard crusted wish dish did you yes
6044s and it's north-northwest this is big are
6047s you excited that you're going to inspire
6048s no not really just chasing hunters
6052s instead of gun nice uh what about a
6058s legendary skin with a bucket on your
6060s head but how are you gonna play the game
6062s show me your head
6067s a huge stone a steamboat Steamboat
6071s Willie the Titanic was Steve oh right
6080s yeah oh nice
6089s you got to refresh yes and there's still
6091s someone else around Oh widget oh that is
6094s not there yet yeah I've had a taking
6101s partners I heard gunshots um I know
6105s you're not plan to add a leading job
6109s again that's nothing that throws me off
6111s is not adding that lean because I did a
6113s lot of I competed it
6115s rainbow succeed yeah you can still in
6117s salute but that's gonna be changed
6119s there's people in the house yeah the
6121s crafting is still for one post bump
6123s right now you have a bad day sir
6127s Benny free no he's not an intern er yeah
6133s a nice a Ken
6140s that's a lot going on at the moment I
6143s think we do want to get 4k enhancement
6146s eventually when I'm not sure for when
6148s that is planned I don't know if that was
6150s 1.0 I don't want to get an answer for
6153s certain than that but it is not our
6157s priority at the moment but I do know
6159s that it's we talked about it I think we
6162s mentioned during the expo stream that I
6163s just feel good oh yes well that's an
6167s easy yeah but there is somebody's like
6170s really really close again but I can give
6173s an actual answer that so that's why I
6175s didn't really want to give an actual
6177s answer
6187s yeah we did I mean it's actually a
6189s pretty old concept so I think that one
6191s was made like at least seven months ago
6198s Wow what sucks is there's another hunter
6207s around here - couple more beasts got me
6220s yes I'm reloading
6223s yeah air condition does solve a lot of
6225s issues
6230s did you ever thought about this that are
6233s able to walk like some of us dancing a
6236s song looks like that there were actually
6237s real
6259s he's dog sneaking up on me I mean then
6263s give the employee revenge and every
6265s letters are super tricky especially
6267s because they're so fast
6268s yeah like they've worked really fast and
6271s I've got laid stop never mind okay
6275s unfortunately you did you don't need
6281s that he'll bar yes you did
6284s ever since I'm limors addict I always
6287s carried a toaster yeah but he hasn't
6288s announced yet as he starts from these
6293s dreams I don't know it said guster
6295s vest-- duster but I think that's a good
6300s moment for yeah we did a good job like
6305s he he has killed the guy do we you see
6309s all right guys anyone cuz I didn't hear
6310s if there were other shots and it is
6312s where the emulator was and the dogs
6315s where there's another guy around the
6317s corner hey I was running towards and
6322s what were andreas the tastic
6324s [Music]
6325s be aggressive I mean it was aggressive I
6328s was running to his gunshots even though
6331s he ignored great healing I was to say
6334s resonate healing or like putting the
6337s bleed down maybe I could kill him
6343s but did he did really I think I think
6348s you did well yes I think you have done a
6351s good job breaking tears I'm foi not to
6355s 31 achievement is what some is like
6358s these demons are coming also you have
6361s that update one I know so yeah thank you
6364s so much watching fifi let me be my first
6368s official yeah you've heard a very quiet
6371s faint voice me yes I out of the broken
6373s microphone look forward to doing more
6376s Xbox streams and helping some PC yeah we
6380s should definitely play more PC as well
6382s because then we could actually play
6383s together as I said Naga would have
6386s controller yeah my keyboard immersive
6390s and I've got my proper keyboard and
6391s mouse the game is coming to ps4 at the
6397s end of this year yeah so yeah thank you
6401s guys so much it was a pleasure it was a
6404s pleasure also seeing some more people
6406s mixer interactive obviously you know
6408s most of you guys play on xbox
6409s so we're finally doing the Xbox streams
6412s as well as obviously we still the PC
6415s streams have a little bit of both
6417s because it would be good today so
6424s tomorrow definitely tune in at 5 p.m.
6427s CST because we have the lower stream
6430s that was planned many moons ago but it's
6433s finally happening with our masters hard
6435s and earth on that also the QA a little
6438s while back on the discord and make sure
6441s you join a discord discord GG / punch
6443s showdown we're also now a new feature
6446s that we have exclusively to yeah
6452s we now have stability when we post new
6454s posts we're gonna have the ability for
6457s other people that have their own
6458s descriptor browser let's say you have a
6459s discord server with your friends you can
6462s now follow that news and that will
6464s appear in a disparate server of your
6466s choice together so let's say you want to
6468s have full of game news of the games that
6471s you play and you just want to stay in
6472s your own discord if you think are just
6474s Buddhist kiri
6475s we still want that news you can follow
6476s our news posts and then the ones that we
6478s publish will be appearing in your
6480s channel we're still fine-tuning so
6483s definitely give us feedback we're if you
6485s think that you know which posts you
6486s would like to see are which ones you
6488s really think are important I assume like
6490s the server announcement is something
6492s that obviously a lot of people will
6494s appreciate those are the big beads like
6500s yeah all the thing all the information
6503s everyone needs exactly yeah just let us
6506s know you can message those to private on
6507s discord if you have any feedback on that
6510s I think that's the easiest way to try it
6512s yes just bother us and it's Makwana zong
6515s discordant oh you know me which is
6517s double o and I I mean that's it you'll
6520s see on the right it has make a point of
6522s that because my my ex-girlfriend spent
6524s spent my name in wrong the entire time
6526s we together and I didn't realize it's
6529s like my ex or my boyfriend didn't
6531s compress my name properly this is
6534s very Dutch he is not very good but yeah
6538s it's actually a funny with names it's
6539s always complicated
6540s but anyways we're a discord just say hi
6543s and let us know what you think and have
6545s a good rest of the evening and we'll see
6547s you hopefully tomorrow yes dance than
6552s that
6561s [Music]
6571s [Music]