over 4 years ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
14s [Music]
22s [Music]
28s [Music]
38s [Music]
54s [Music]
66s [Music]
96s [Music]
114s [Music]
143s [Music]
161s [Music]
179s [Music]
186s [Music]
194s [Music]
198s hello how's it going everyone welcome oh
201s oh
202s should I don't have sound up that's
204s right see if my monitor kids are seed
207s this can you quickly do the PC one
212s editor and then turn on and off the wait
215s I don't have sound in general I have
219s this and you have my sound waiting lives
222s outdoors
223s where's the sound John this headset no
230s oh wait is that my headset
232s this is one plugged into the computer
234s and this one I mean I can hear the mics
236s as well yeah you're seeing half my face
240s ah no no no I see a C's I did you switch
242s that again it seems every time we turn
245s the computer on it changes wait yeah the
247s thing is you have sound still no no you
249s don't know but I know I've lost I've
253s lost show games and now no is it me okay
263s wait
263s see you hear sound again right nope no
266s [Music]
268s yeah
270s they are Garda is not kidding yes sir
273s it's weird because I don't know him why
275s don't I hear sound
278s maybe it's because sometimes don't go
282s there with these guys
283s ah that explains it that explains it no
288s sound out yeah do you know is it plugged
292s in that explains it but it does
296s wait isn't no no that should be the
298s right Nick Sam is it not plugging this
303s at the yeah that might be why it's not
306s one thing yeah that's why that should be
313s plugged into the optical port at the
315s back it made a popping noise
340s no the mix I'm picking it back up again
344s no no no I knows I'm not
353s I can hear a mine yeah but how's this
355s even real
356s the oh don't go getting any bit all
364s right now nope
365s I'm also stuck because you put your hand
366s on the wife thank you you must take that
369s vaccine is this what you should be
371s hearing I mean we can do it like a nerd
373s no sovereign but that would be really
376s really really hard I mean we have people
378s who are deaf but I would not be able to
381s maybe if I just plug it in front I guess
383s I'll just do that I mean I was comes to
386s worst I could tell you these kind of
389s things are hearing on the night bear
396s with us jet we got this well so do we
401s need both Mike song I mean yeah house
406s cuz I'm hearing myself and how about now
411s yeah you're a second okay ah a lot of
415s worlds we're here
416s well how about you come a bit closer or
417s like move to what kind a little bit like
419s that what do you do okay so we're gonna
422s play some quick play because I need some
425s hunters I have sound Italy also I see
427s Katara in the chat and it's a birthday
430s so happy birthday Catera
432s I'm not gonna sing cuz I just can't I
434s was about to sing so I was South can
437s sing you I mean I could but you wouldn't
441s want that so what I'll do is a message
444s Danica and get her to sing happy
446s birthday that will be much better sounds
451s good yeah we can have him mm-hmm
453s I mean we should have actually some I
455s don't have Spotify in Solem this PC
457s although we have like a internal link
459s where we can listen to the music but
463s I don't know John this oh it doesn't
467s matter I can read it in there on the
469s other things
469s oops it is indeed a Spotify already it's
472s a Spotify it's on Google Play or Google
475s Music YouTube music something we have
480s like Yandex Pandora a lot of the major
484s streaming services have the hunt Center
487s it's weird though cuz I feel like I hear
488s I'm not sure what I actually hear maybe
491s it's like - sighs did someone just say
495s new content please you're dying for
496s something else we just set the new
498s update like what is it a week and a half
500s week two weeks a week since 1.9 isn't it
506s 27 yes only the fifth that's a week
512s three plus five is eight it's been eight
515s days I was off by a day yeah what's up
519s sea beast and wrote technically a new
525s update for the Xbox is coming in 14 days
529s exactly on a 19 uh September also it's
532s really weird to hear myself speak at the
535s same time sounds like a speaking in slow
537s motion it's very strange I can't do that
538s is like off buddy like a sec like as
540s microseconds loss I'm hearing myself and
542s then why don't you put this on because
545s everything sounds fine so I'm gonna take
546s this off for a little bit cuz it's
548s really jarring yeah I firstly can't do
551s that the robot will be updated in a near
554s future we're like constantly are
556s currently really busy to determine like
558s what we want to add also we're looking
559s at like all the community features I'm
561s still updating because like I gathered
563s all the top ones from discord today of
566s August so that will be updated like
570s tomorrow because I will not have
573s Thursday night but I just have to add
574s them there so people can refold for them
576s but I already added like all that - uh I
579s actually just that's why we're a little
580s bit late I just send a big ass email for
583s the roadmap preparation you know with
585s all kinds of stuff preparing or like all
589s the community feedback that we've had
590s and stuff
593s over the days and months - no thanks
599s you needed this game on ps4 like
602s yesterday and I have to wait a little
603s longer unfortunately thank you good oh
607s yeah I mean that's the thing right like
609s as I said in the stream we're so
610s actively working on the game so even
613s though there might be things that gets
616s changed or oh it's because I can turn
626s the game up obviously yeah
628s I've ever seen by default maybe it's cuz
634s you're plugged in like maybe that's it
636s yeah exactly
641s thank you go kill the washy Lara doing
644s your menus how are you going to see what
651s it would like a place gives a small bit
653s of stare I don't really have heard
655s anyone about input like I mean I
657s personally don't notice input lag but
662s yeah if people have Buddhists I just got
664s really weird okay do you hear it
666s normally I think it's like the cables
667s either look like it's logged in
669s correctly but it's definitely sounds
671s weird did you hear that - yeah oh god
679s now I hear nothing
680s oh now you're signed again I don't know
682s I don't know cut the sound to the screen
685s very briefly as well oh that's so weird
688s hearing myself but I want to make sure
689s that sounds fine restraints it's the
693s sound sounds really muff right now I
695s think I have something in the settings
696s definitely not right
700s because it's like the output is the
704s speakers but it sounds like a on stream
710s so spineless true at least I hear yeah I
718s know like I hear it I hear it a bill I
721s don't know might just be my imagination
723s I guess but I definitely hear things a
727s bit more muffled I just seems our other
729s stream at least it's picking it up right
733s in the with the Oh cat or than good
738s because you would going through you're
740s so used to using the mix and obstacle
743s going in yeah no I don't think that's
746s the issue cuz like I personally don't
748s use to make sense ever myself no because
753s it doesn't work usually with it makes an
754s O a hear shots close but it's really
761s hard to determine because of the sound
763s I hope yeah it one tamed max of teams of
767s three really good huh yeah it's really
771s nice yeah but I can't decide where it
773s comes from because of the mic coming
776s from this salad why is this a straight
781s didn't get it anyway oh here let me see
790s yeah here like Alyssa is that weird I
793s mean I'm curious right here to here I
796s had
798s oh that sounds very different yeah you
800s know sounds like it's like on light mode
802s almost yeah and I guess not like basted
804s it yeah it is you've got my bass
806s whatever settings are there zero base to
808s this I'm all about that bass but when I
813s hear myself as well yeah which is really
815s jarring to open I mean I preferred this
819s a oh good
820s oh wow okay that's right just like the
824s sound is also delayed because yeah none
828s of this is ideal gaming yeah yeah
835s because I reposes like twice already but
838s it also made a really weird sound when I
839s am i countless to myself I turn when I
843s made it when I connected it I think it
845s might have been that something like
846s driven over the cable or something I sit
849s up let me check bear with me I'm gonna
852s hear behind the computer and check
854s something
854s yeah well I didn't plug it in to chat at
857s all if it's strange sunny blows up it's
859s my fault oh god what do I hear Oh
866s yeah this table is very strange for me
869s yeah it seems it's like they're late or
871s something let me just - oh dude let me
873s try this let me just quickly do this
881s well this should be better for you guys
883s at least cuz like like it's like I feel
892s like this like a second delay and what I
894s hear what I see but then I tripped the
897s same quick way is pretty challenging I
902s mean obviously you're playing solo you
904s have nobody defend honk Dead is dead
907s so I lost all so now he's tweaking
913s something real quick no Chad also lost
919s audio everyone lost audio so if there's
922s a oh my god this reminds me when I was
924s seeing when I see it's awesome and play
928s from our community to its death he did
931s not notice the like things like the
935s house it called water devil oh I hear
941s sound again can't determine if it's
943s better or not
944s oh no it's definitely no better for me
946s oh and it's gone again there's no
955s there's no sobs if you can't hear them
959s am i right I really added one of the
964s smoke bombs as like a community request
966s of that month oh I'm getting I'm dead
968s well it's a warm-up round it's a warm-up
971s round exactly so stretching before
973s exactly like there's two other traps if
975s you can't hear them you know
978s I heard literally zero no that's because
981s there's nothing plugged in
983s I can't do I can't do my late
997s why don't hear anything yeah yeah but
1003s that's not because it's a no
1006s announcements today cuz it's not uh if
1013s you do actually mix em yeah
1017s oh God but noticed you might not hear
1020s anything anymore no I didn't hear
1023s anything that sorry that one I don't
1028s hear anything
1030s do you hear anything no no no I tried
1034s that because I never worked properly I'm
1036s very curious if it's just a headset
1037s that's bored a dart at all right pluck
1043s yourself back what about had two
1044s headphones wait yeah might be something
1047s as you were in the front but then we
1049s should remove the I hear you I know I
1055s can hear myself okay wait let me see oh
1064s yeah or does this no it's so bad
1068s huh
1073s I don't get it someone's like the sound
1079s card is just weird or something
1086s yeah you hear it but lake really does it
1088s sound sighs did I say thank you what you
1093s hear and what extreme please
1095s I would just test something I'm just
1099s curious if I hear something on YouTube
1101s like YouTube plays yeah if it's like the
1107s same way for me
1108s no it's everything is weird it's like
1113s it's literally like a tin can for me
1117s [Music]
1124s yeah when we let you just switch
1126s headphones
1127s [Music]
1128s that's a weird thing we lift you just
1131s switch the headphones it's almost like
1133s it's a sound card or something nuts
1141s troubleshoots it sounds like a tin can
1149s we live now but no audio hey I got your
1152s drink now huh I can no longer this ring
1155s you can hear me no no I hear nothing
1159s turned off sound okay I don't know I
1164s don't know if there's like sound
1166s enhancement stuff that was like
1174s oh I think this might be it actually
1179s where it said on cuz it was said on what
1181s was it said on the which quality because
1186s we can't change that when it's like in
1187s in use all the DVDs so weird chat with
1198s Rosa this I use gone what oh my god I'm
1205s sorry guys
1206s oh wow that it just crash or something I
1212s mean they can hit us how they should go
1217s to history again now
1218s I mean how that's so strange I lost
1221s complete sound in this and I can't hear
1223s anything
1224s okay they coming through here like I
1227s thought nothing yeah okay but that's
1228s right yeah yes we do plant it no it's
1233s not the game as YouTube I think it's
1240s something wrong with this headset
1246s there may be things we can request as
1248s the brand-new pink pants which are
1250s really nice I don't know it's so strange
1254s I never had this issue I think I might
1257s spend Monday in here
1260s well that's the thing I was trying I
1262s don't know what happened hmm
1267s it's like something like got reset or
1269s like it's definitely something with the
1274s Kia so if it's studio-quality it should
1276s be fine
1277s support it maybe spatial sound advance
1282s general oh my god
1295s I know they've lost it now as well oh my
1298s god Waze is happening every time
1303s you
1306s okay what I'll do we'll just I don't
1309s know
1310s I'll just have ten can't sound it will
1311s be a bit hard for me to play the game
1313s but it's just not working properly so
1316s well I don't hear the game stuff anymore
1318s and those games sound as well yeah I
1321s don't hear it either I'm just gonna see
1326s if I kind of tend to just quickly
1328s restarts computer no no we checked the
1331s cables we literally just enhance it
1334s audio device properties to select okay
1336s yeah let me just the same as to the fate
1339s of for you meters let me check
1344s what did you say the sound settings let
1347s me just have YouTube open still I'm
1352s sorry guys
1357s because I don't have anything right now
1370s I don't even know what that means yeah
1377s yeah exactly like I heard YouTube some
1379s but it's weird that you guys heard
1380s normal you go up a little bit let me
1387s just close voice mater's to see if it's
1388s done normal because it's the same
1390s without voice meter for me like it's not
1395s voice meter that's causing the issues to
1397s me and it's not a headset I switched
1400s those yeah like when I when I could hear
1404s before this break but the only thing
1407s that I couldn't find is like the where
1409s someone said like the requires further
1414s insulation oh maybe it's this what does
1418s that even mean
1420s driver like the effect thing was the
1429s effects and haunts and it audio device
1431s properties but that's here yeah there's
1435s no additional effect or something
1437s thinking that it might be dead but I
1439s doubt it and it's like no no no
1458s you
1464s everything is working yeah but I can't
1467s play the game okay we're just gonna fix
1477s it offline we're just gonna play the
1479s game I'm sorry if it doesn't work but
1483s yeah you guys are normal so we'll just
1485s try and see what happens
1489s yeah well this I thing that he said
1491s would fix it isn't bad for us yeah I
1493s know I didn't see it yeah I was tempting
1495s to turn the PC on and off for you guys
1497s but no no no no no there's no sound
1502s right now because like I can't even hear
1504s you speaking yeah yeah which I should
1507s hear so I should be hearing with dream
1509s is that this is a chignon directly no
1513s you cannot play offline
1516s nope it's not possible
1527s yeah I fixed a sound issue of mine but
1530s well we'll play a little bit to see it
1533s just
1540s got some games are so glad turbos on
1542s fine oh hey I got good thing is stream
1550s has game sound yeah exactly you can hear
1553s us you have some what games that yeah
1558s girl love the audio issues I mean at
1567s least I still hear it
1580s doo-doo-doo-doo
1583s very good
1592s hmm
1593s Hazel's to winter quarters yeah I know
1598s hmm I know I think it would be good if
1602s that helps helps getting it set up okay
1607s it's real live chat though when do we
1611s see more skins in the future for sure
1613s yes ears are just eyeballs for sound
1616s you're not wrong they should give you
1620s dinner this should give you the ability
1621s to hear other players talking no no you
1623s couldn't you couldn't hear other place
1624s talking if they're playing game no no no
1630s it's something else Ryan because it's
1632s something to do with this be Co me cuz
1635s we're using a double PC Seto
1638s crafting is still planned for
1639s postorbital yes but the roadmap is
1641s getting updated with additional stuff
1643s later I have an idea how we can fix oh
1646s yeah but I don't have to do it yeah I
1648s would have to restart the PC so how many
1656s kills you getting in this game does he
1658s take him down I would probably die
1659s that's why no no costume lobby is so
1674s post 1.0 as well it's on the roadmap if
1676s you guys go to 100 in a comma slash
1678s roadmap you can check it out but the
1680s roadmap is getting updated where there's
1682s no stop okay
1689s at least at least the thing yeah you'll
1693s see move this Thank You sparks a up
1696s ahead box head chopped white words yes
1705s suppose don't buy no if you see but
1707s obviously we have to update some things
1709s add some stuff do some things do some
1712s things cuz we're already at one point no
1716s where were you yeah we're playing solo
1721s quickly right now
1723s gotta get some hunters China
1735s I'm also very system my little channel
1738s liking things
1740s yeah but it's probably because of the
1742s things thank you to find glue I know
1747s there's a water devil so I've got stuff
1751s I've got stock Iona hair height as well
1757s but I've know where it's going from I
1759s hear it I also hear Bert's yes we can
1773s now do to swarm bunch this worm I know I
1784s went to bed early oh oh shit was that me
1793s I don't even know noticed someone there
1797s right is a zombie but there has to be
1799s someone else who did this
1800s I'm pretty sure I heard Bert's earlier
1807s it's like I drank so well to hear tasted
1811s so hard don't we'd ever go to see how I
1816s fell on that yeah I mean you in try it's
1820s fine it's listen yeah trust me is hard
1824s mode like hard mode hard mode oh I'd
1826s like to see you free her better I
1828s promise nothing he said that he's gonna
1831s do it easy easy easy
1833s absolutely just gonna win oh I'm already
1838s mad you got this
1840s oh because you can't play with my mouse
1843s I can play to this oh no I just just do
1847s it you got this just this so what do you
1850s have Mellie set to on yours it's just
1852s the older regular hunter setting
1856s so it's like okay yeah bonobo button
1859s notice left I'm sorry I'm using the you
1864s know the og yeah I guess how are they
1867s gonna yes I mean I'm still used to
1869s hunter that I can't switch I'm very
1871s curious who's playing hunter and who is
1874s playing gunslinger consoling yeah
1878s oh gee Hunter hunter hunter see got the
1885s hunters Honda example hi Jason it makes
1889s sense because they're the mice that you
1890s use it makes more sense for you to play
1893s hunter because you don't have the proper
1894s buttons on the side it doesn't it does
1897s because these buttons but it doesn't
1898s matter I was playing on your setup and
1900s we can so hard to funds on the left side
1903s so she wants Katie once - only - there's
1906s too many buses there's no I mean you
1909s don't use it I wouldn't even use it
1910s Friday
1912s exactly it's like if you're so used to
1914s something that's really hard to change
1916s yeah will do I mean we're probably just
1918s doing quickly because there's no point
1921s in like properly properly getting be
1925s getting so it's really hard like trust
1927s me it's so hard to hear yourself right
1929s now like we're really it's so strange
1931s like is it's super teen can and I have
1936s it's funny cause like you guys hear it
1938s fine which makes it stranger released
1942s that means we know there's nothing wrong
1943s there guarded or something that's here
1945s to hear there's something wrong with you
1947s but that port thank you see on or school
1950s isn't spoon I'm not sure if I pronounced
1951s your name correctly surprises well it's
1955s half of the devil it's not completely
1957s devil half of the title I'm being cooler
1959s already for making excuses for deafening
1961s game but it's fair for what I'm being
1965s called out for my saying this mouse as
1968s much harder to use
1970s I'm making excuse from an F giving death
1972s and gave solo hunter a blaster really
1975s hard though EA plates get used to hunter
1979s aim exactly I mean there are some people
1981s that I think change but Wow
1986s tell us what the two of you are well we
1989s are both Community Managers for my
1990s children
1990s my name is yarmulke and that's Sam huh
1992s have you actually added that your name
1994s yep
2002s don't you move slower with a BS and
2004s God's like I know it's the same it's the
2007s same a bit more slack are you guys gonna
2013s bring Mike so labonte missions without
2015s teams how do you mean you mean like the
2018s solo motor filler huh like you can pay
2024s bounties Saturday yeah I mean you can
2026s play Bunton but I think he means for a
2028s single contract yeah I know the solo
2030s mode at the moment we don't have any
2031s plans we have against the wave was in
2038s the scientists it's hard to determining
2041s where people come from when can we
2044s expect the ps4 release date I can't say
2046s when yeah from this plant for end of the
2048s year and when we have it more you know
2051s the fines I give when exactly it will be
2058s like gunshots just feel like everything
2060s is behind it all the time yeah it's
2061s strange because it's like this so hard
2063s so this is hard mode hunt yeah this is
2066s like hunts as I said you're just we just
2069s mess up the sound
2071s I mean to be fred is actually crazy
2073s cause like when I was watching like
2077s whatever death basically killer like he
2080s literally you hear I mean obviously we
2084s hear that there's like a water devil or
2087s something behind you are a hunter
2088s running behind it and he just doesn't
2090s hear it like and you can like hear it
2092s yeah there you can hear it and the oh
2095s the fact that they don't notice it it's
2098s like oh my god just nerve-wracking just
2101s like you know it but so it's very hard
2107s to play our game without development
2110s roadmap on the rez and the game deserves
2112s a long time so indigo we actually have a
2115s road map on honcho TOCOM slash road map
2119s we've always updated the road map and
2120s there will be in Rotom update soon I
2122s actually worked today I'm like gathering
2125s a bunch of community feedback as well as
2127s like I'm gonna update the all of the of
2130s August yeah it's insane
2132s August feedback from from this last one
2138s on this part of me
2143s if I can lick anything now I can't so
2146s fortunately I don't even know what's
2147s gonna come so can't leak don't know at
2151s the moment we have no plans for cross
2153s play now I don't know upon the thing is
2157s with the having unique first player
2160s first person like Ovie's is that it
2162s sometimes like would bug out with every
2164s the animations and stuff so I don't know
2167s if we plan to do that was the
2173s sensitivity very very odd I yeah
2180s whispering about me no I thought ears of
2185s a bat
2185s I can hear yes it wasn't an excuse but
2188s it doesn't make it any less true that
2189s this is
2193s I didn't see it on the new issues wait
2195s what don't know which women man but if
2201s you have issues definitely just reported
2203s over the news part because it's easier I
2204s can't really you know write things down
2207s we have no plans for its no map for sure
2210s because I know that a lot of people have
2213s been asking for so and I think it would
2214s be really cool
2215s oh well we all think it'll be really
2217s cool the thing is with snow it's not as
2218s easy to make and you reuse times of days
2221s so that means all the maps technically
2222s have snow or would have to have snow no
2227s ah no we're not playing with just one
2230s thank you
2231s team for reducing darkside boost for
2232s five seconds thank you Eric
2234s they've been doing a good job it
2236s switches there from the audience's
2238s movements for months
2239s do you to watch another guide right I
2241s mean it is
2244s this just call yourself uh somebody's
2249s nanny I had that much well good luck
2253s where they are is different question
2256s he needs a shadow over Innsmouth do you
2259s see what fish people chat why'd you hear
2261s them from what direction you you can
2262s hear the game better than I can right
2263s now
2264s that's shooting at me I'm pretty sure as
2265s well yeah don't give them information
2267s they didn't do that for me other eSports
2271s no at the moment we have not plan to add
2274s eSports over here something yeah but I
2278s don't know what I'm hearing could be
2279s anything really that was gunshots that
2281s are really close by Northwest around a
2284s hundred meters no fish people oh yeah
2296s you give us Gus and lovey I promise I'll
2299s be streaming tuners
2299s well that's the thing right because yeah
2301s cause some lobbies would be something
2303s that we need to do tournaments so wow if
2306s those get added we definitely have more
2308s like broadcasting stuff but you see like
2311s we really done a few of the things I
2313s don't know I don't think we're gonna do
2316s much about the FMV because it's not that
2318s much of an FP loss like it's just a
2320s slight difference for the gunslinger one
2324s versus the other ones I don't think
2325s we're gonna change anything at least we
2328s haven't even got a guy gone that much
2330s feedback about it that people complain
2333s about it I guess some people said like
2335s maybe two or so
2338s dogs west-southwest is what someone's
2341s that
2342s since this definitely something from
2345s West oh wait this was nothing Gary such
2347s as my imagination
2348s like ever the honks it was written it
2356s didn't I can hear him shooting it's
2358s alright
2361s hey big Dennis is watching you Sam
2364s you're like who get that is that our
2366s cheese emote I mean it has to be right I
2370s mean a good hunter blames his tools
2372s right not close
2376s it sounds really close West gunshots two
2379s separate guns west-northwest I mean
2383s they're really far probably they sound
2385s close to them they're expect weapons in
2393s game in future any plan Mike we actually
2396s have this you can inspect all the
2397s weapons but not only you can also listen
2403s to the weapons how they sound the
2405s further they are so like say you shot a
2408s nitro you can hear how that nitrous on
2410s swen it's like 200 meters away 500
2414s meters away a kilometer away
2425s so that is already you can already
2427s inspect each weapon and listen to how
2431s each weapon sounds I think that's a very
2433s cool thing and you should definitely
2435s check it out cam gets in updates one boy
2437s noticed since we're at half or full
2439s release so we do not blend out the third
2443s voluntee on the map no we want to keep
2445s it good - max someone's behind me yeah I
2449s don't know I guess that's probably up to
2452s people to decide at the moment
2460s yeah we already already had a talk with
2463s the C CD and then we talked about oh
2466s there yeah that's the beauty shop the
2469s same don't want to point that out but
2472s using a shotgun I mean there's like
2475s three people in this area just used to
2478s like oh it's your emote I'm sorry I
2499s don't speak German I can't answer I
2503s never see you guys have gone after
2505s inspecting game down lobby no we don't
2509s have it in the game like as in like
2511s while you're playing the game but we
2512s have it in the lobby
2518s yes we're gonna have groups of three per
2520s randoms at a later patch because we had
2524s this originally I think we also did this
2527s or something else where we only allowed
2529s like random are like in fight at first
2532s but yes there will be a random where you
2534s can find three are like two players to
2536s play with an invite so like we a party a
2540s staying a party is also something known
2541s as blind for post oh yeah
2549s it's something that is plant that's for
2554s people who want to get because it's a
2556s low base matchmaking it's based on like
2559s how good people's hidden Emma Mars
2562s rather than you know how far they
2564s prestige or whatever that's why you see
2566s if you kill a hunter or hunter kill so
2568s you can see if they're much better than
2569s you if they're not much better deal with
2570s the little arrows but yeah the
2579s persistent lobbies in there it's gonna
2581s come game lobby does fund every game as
2584s any face that's what I said it's gonna
2586s be added it wasn't currently me still
2587s don't have it
2589s should I get a bonus for playing with
2591s randoms
2593s yeah no me that's a good question I
2597s don't know but I can't come up with I
2598s thought we have it but I don't want to
2600s confirm yep Specter in the face in the
2616s face it's so weird it sounds like
2620s they're running behind me
2621s Thank You Billy they're in front of me
2622s exactly this yeah whatever we've broken
2625s or someone else is broken I think it's
2627s just yeah yeah oh you want me to do it
2629s again
2631s birthing they're more will be changed at
2633s the moment uh no we're really happy with
2635s the twelve and I feel that that's the
2637s committee also is very been very vocal
2639s about it they really like the twelfth
2641s player matches but ya know I think
2647s twelve is good
2649s isn't any of room art for reaching a max
2652s level and ten hunters are you gonna ask
2656s boys they're a swipe in the game but no
2661s there's no reward where people can do it
2662s you know because you want to do it you
2669s can show it on us in this court or a
2671s mixer or me not mixer what am I saying
2674s on Twitter and then we can share it
2677s maybe be like oh my God look how good
2679s you doing much riding over the cables go
2683s break
2693s he still Community Challenge come with
2696s your ten coolest Jimmy lays well we just
2698s had an Community Challenge for the block
2700s points and weapons which is with
2702s joystick place and game but yeah we
2705s definitely want to do maybe more
2706s community challenge in the future it is
2721s proximity vibe yes yeah every weight if
2724s it wasn't you can say everybody in game
2727s but yeah but it could be that people
2729s went to private lobby that's why we say
2731s like if you want to do that you can use
2733s this court or whatever but we want
2734s people to use for examinee wear it
2736s because it adds to the game gossin
2739s lobbyists Oakland yes seems quickly I
2744s have put your questions play hmm seems
2746s quite a popular question today he's it
2748s we're getting a
2753s maybe get a speedy basis and damage anon
2756s and kills well the thing is you get
2757s actually more XP by killing monsters and
2760s kill players like you can get more XP by
2764s playing PvE technically than you can't
2767s PvP which obviously especially well it's
2771s mainly for like really really good
2773s players but you can get a lot of XP by
2776s just playing and killing you know AI a
2783s no we do not have any plans for teams of
2786s four I actually feel like a lot of
2790s people say they have more people to
2792s fight that there's constant fights we're
2795s looking at in Frankfurt Germany yes well
2800s that's a payoff if you want to you know
2801s use your dark side or if you want to use
2803s the if you want to use the the dark side
2807s boost but actually had one of the
2809s community features that was added in
2811s this court where people asked they can
2813s have two visual options where they can
2815s for example bind into both two different
2817s things and I did at it yeah I don't
2819s think we should add teams before I fully
2821s read it it's too much well too much in
2823s general not just for solos but just in
2825s general I think it's a bit too much with
2826s the maps and stuff well that's the thing
2835s it's defense right because it's mainly
2837s for players that are really really good
2839s at the game that they get less expedia
2842s set are better than you you get more XP
2845s but we have already improved on that
2847s like you already get more but still like
2850s there's always gonna be a good balance
2852s of like the beginning xp for something
2854s like if you play V V or PvP you both
2857s have a good way of getting it's being
2860s easier and the truth is actually really
2863s good like we've been a lot of people
2864s like recently the other day we Bend
2866s another hundred people and we're
2868s constantly like you know if there's a
2869s cheat updated but we always like report
2872s it and they you know handle it but we
2875s did see that a lot of people have seen
2877s an increase in like headshots due to the
2880s suede decrease I'm not sure if I hear
2882s like a hive
2884s yeah there she right look said base a
2891s nice behind you so yeah a hairless
2897s illiterate in ceará sounds for my shots
2899s this is what yeah so he's just get
2903s everywhere my game Oh
2921s I don't know if I should like think that
2928s like the things are behind me or in
2930s front of me now because if you think is
2933s if you hear behind you and preacher is
2934s gonna be in front of you that's why okay
2936s do you guys hear shots ahead of me or
2938s behind me because I heard shots behind
2939s me so chill right I heard very often yes
2958s so very i really wonder what's causing
2960s it
2961s well one person said itself so we got
2963s some different directions it's always
2966s like okay guys if you hear something
2968s just tell me if it's hot and if we hear
2970s nothing it's cold like if I'm walking in
2972s the rection where it's like the action
2974s is happening you're just gotta say it's
2976s hot hot hot let's just don't see
2979s different things there yeah no no we see
2983s the YouTube jet did we see we'll check
2985s we see I'll Chad yeah but obviously when
2987s playing the game and everything it's not
2989s a ZJ and in fact that we dizzy full time
2992s things yeah we have a lot of jets at the
2995s same time so yeah okay that I'm here to
2998s shot but I can't every direction is
3000s falling huh uh-huh
3005s absolutely and I wanted the away oh yeah
3015s well always I can improve service I
3017s didn't see anything that came is
3019s constant like oh that pistol yeah that
3023s was extra nice I don't know how you can
3026s move that fast
3026s yeah we still have to work I'm of
3028s hardcore mode plant if I'm gonna pop
3031s this back into chapter there's people
3033s asking questions out what's coming here
3037s is the robot oh my god these charts
3039s yarmulke what is poppin I don't hear
3043s things but I'm I'm I'm aiming I'm aiming
3047s little shots what okay I hear something
3052s which is oh yeah I know I'm not very
3059s good with
3062s what do you mean we just have this sound
3065s is it a shotgun mode I mean are hardcore
3067s boys just sounds like I mean maybe I
3070s should go for the car walk cuz it's
3071s pretty good come on enjoy as well as I I
3077s didn't even joke down
3078s yeah but call was the chocolate how are
3082s you you were looking at the other train
3084s yeah yeah well at least I have like
3089s close range in I'm like far range yeah
3094s I'm a big fan if I don't work too close
3101s buyers it's just my imagination I guess
3104s it is so what is your mouth oh I don't
3121s know I just have it on something I don't
3123s even have been like the fine says oh go
3126s I don't even know if I hit that guy or
3129s not it stopped hearing sound of it oh my
3132s guts stop doing this start moving yeah I
3137s know plans were rain because rain really
3139s makes the sound issue are the sound like
3142s a lot harder because it would mental
3146s issues yeah Nate pro game yeah what a
3151s shot
3152s AC I could actually do it hey good I'm
3156s surprised that I'm like yeah he only was
3159s like half the hell yeah I didn't want to
3161s risk it and want to risk the biscuit I
3163s really hope I can at least kill one
3165s person because I feel like I've been
3167s landing those shots on the I pretty well
3169s even though
3173s I can't even hear them like if only you
3180s guys can hear what I hear it's so bad oh
3185s I really wanted I was holding this
3189s anything fix it though
3197s oh my god that's less good but oh wow
3221s there's some health closeby never be
3223s nice
3226s give me some how give me some half I
3229s don't know if I want to switch the shot
3230s shadi for the veteran oh wait does that
3233s help yeah it is oh my god
3237s like I hear shots guys where does it
3239s come from well I heard one shot we're
3246s playing on PC yes
3253s North okay so where the last one is
3256s south oh my god you guys oh sure it's
3260s coming from the north I wish I had a
3270s knife I had a horrible I could join you
3280s see if I see like a knife or something
3284s what here sounds so I didn't know where
3289s you're coming from
3290s oh my god oh my god Don says yeah I hear
3297s sobs aah
3298s show up in the northwest of iearning
3301s Thank You Chad thanks Jan you're my
3306s emotional supports Omega finally good no
3309s but if it's a leshawna we don't need
3312s your health
3313s dad you shot skimming like a knife ah
3318s dusters okay that's good good good good
3320s good good
3321s we got the bastards even if we now run
3324s into a emulator we're good chad is a
3329s hike men are unanswered
3334s I get dusted take that bun take that
3347s much so the first time you went up
3350s against what did you call it huh like
3357s when I first heard the game like I
3359s didn't know the names of the ones too so
3360s I've made it like my own names for them
3362s oh I don't know I don't think oh my god
3365s I hear someone like but the boy from
3370s like from the omelet I used to call it
3371s ash monster the ash monster yeah no I
3374s called armored the armored but I did
3376s call the high of the bead lady yeah I
3378s call it always cool the high of this
3381s warm
3382s thank you double - I cannot get that out
3384s of my own brain I know see I have a
3386s different name for the hornet's nest
3388s monster yeah I don't know I never had a
3391s name for the armored I hear like a hive
3393s but I can't gosh is there I think
3400s chakras over of each other ins a trippy
3402s chuckles all right Chucky about the
3404s southeast I was like there right
3406s somewhere oh my god I can't run my
3408s camera check check up on that way which
3413s way north west and then I lived in what
3415s you're right I don't know I don't know I
3419s can't hear where they're shooting from
3420s what can i I gotta hit a video it's like
3427s I don't know where they come from I
3429s can't determine where they come from
3431s it's a big loss in the south yeah I
3433s think that that way bug lady wanted you
3437s out these there
3439s ambitious together in business yeah I
3442s know
3443s I like it cha-chang oh yeah you won what
3456s you are wet you want what you want what
3459s I don't know you can yes sir
3462s yeah I think there's more shots I don't
3472s know where from I know we're proud yeah
3474s look like it's the no fees so much is
3478s banning hard you bang hard betting very
3486s hard
3487s oh hell yes okay so that's the guy where
3499s I see where I say where is he well he's
3501s like all the way there okay it's deputy
3503s behind is doing babe you I'm brave brave
3514s brave brave for going and not dead like
3517s I just happened to run tower building a
3519s health okay so there are fighting
3522s someone
3528s I don't care I don't care how to care
3535s brave brave got this you might kill him
3549s with the hype on that yourself
3550s yeah at least thank you one person under
3562s damage I was like oh yeah he's not there
3564s and then maybe the shotgun yeah I have
3567s the Fanning kis same pistol but it did
3570s kill one person you didn't think a
3572s sighted person right at better than I
3574s did
3574s exactly exactly
3580s yeah it just it's really hard when the
3582s sound is so cuz like I cannot hear where
3585s people come from because the sound for
3587s me sounds not how you guys hear it right
3589s now so it's like very hard for me to
3591s play the game like I literally like my
3594s shots like I don't hear where they come
3595s from they come from the moon it sounds
3601s like the moon trust me I would love to
3604s see you guys to listen to how I wish I
3606s could record it really like recorded
3608s with my my phone I would love to say
3610s just excuses hey sure like the sound is
3614s Quito with the country's most player
3616s come from us you so like Germany is one
3620s of her biggest salsa from the EU you
3622s know like even this sounds weird yeah
3627s we have China as one of the few biggest
3630s as well Russia and US Russia Germany
3636s China I think I before biggest yeah I
3640s made the only Irish player and Huns no
3642s there is definitely more seamen in Irish
3644s to meet you manager exactly
3647s no Scottish he's Irish Irish
3651s wait where's Rex Raptor yes it's all so
3657s hard for me they have similar accidents
3659s why did I think it was Scottish
3662s just don't let know that he might
3664s naughty nobody tell him that please
3667s I also didn't get the wrong Island
3668s because again casanetti
3670s okay I'm gonna admit you something back
3673s in the day I thought that Wales was a
3676s part of England as I'm like it wasn't
3680s its own country but I thought it was
3681s like a province I've thing the people
3683s hated that province I didn't know I
3688s don't know why to be fair they used the
3691s English currency they have their own but
3693s they use soda Scotland or funds under
3697s United Kingdom but then I'm gonna give
3699s you this see I did not know that but do
3702s you know what the capital is of
3704s Australia Australia it's it's not one of
3709s the main cities it's the you know chat
3714s but the capital is Australia Australians
3717s are not included they can't answer this
3719s question
3723s because like you also might want to say
3726s Sydney but I know there's no save me
3732s another gonna see it's something like
3735s cranberry by nose the cranberry it's you
3737s see that in a chat it's Canberra
3739s yeah that's it see you guys here are the
3742s only oxen Heather right but it's Kimber
3744s do you know why I know this I once
3747s watched this thing right as a kid you
3749s don't know the only reason I knew is
3751s kamberis because there's was once a day
3753s where they had like on the news sweaty
3756s we're on the news that the capital
3757s Australia's like everything is burning
3759s down and camber and I was like okay Wow
3762s and then since then I always remember
3763s and then you know if I know the capital
3766s of Australia I can at least be excused
3770s for you know not knowing that in the
3772s past Wales was the norm country sorry
3777s with travel Oh tourism I mean that's big
3781s right the world is a big place
3783s yeah you can't be expected to know
3784s everything about everywhere I had people
3786s who thought that accident was the
3787s country and the Netherlands the capital
3789s so I'm sorry but at least that's you
3792s know everyone in those hour still see
3797s what we can do with like the hunters
3798s because the legendary hunters like you
3800s know we know that people you know might
3801s potentially won you know different
3803s health drawings or maybe some trade so
3805s we're investigating and like gathering
3807s people's if you guys be a terrible Bar
3809s trivia - yeah I'd love a good pop quiz
3812s okay
3813s chat at the guinea pig family what is
3816s the biggest member of that family a
3820s gerbil no is that a guinea pig that same
3824s same time me what about the beaver think
3827s I mean nothing another one what about
3829s the root what about the guy the animal
3833s with the big porcupine you buy yeah the
3837s thing with the porcupine there we go
3840s capybara oh yeah Debra bar pretty big
3843s well I thought like beavers are not that
3845s big
3846s bigger I know your reason I know that is
3848s because I went to the zoo this year and
3851s it was like biggest biggest member
3853s family then the next day I was a pop
3854s quiz and the question was we also
3860s actually had in Frankfurt we have the
3863s highest escalator of Europe mmm-hmm
3868s wouldn't be Mac she's done yeah what is
3870s this what is the tallest commuting right
3872s at your front the shortest
3874s I'm neither I'm just a middle ground
3877s yeah
3877s okay I'm second to us yeah I think so
3881s I damage that this ticket in a match as
3884s well as average sandwich bread not sure
3886s if we have plans for that upcoming
3890s hamster for us there used to be a beaver
3893s that was ten feet tall at the shoulder
3894s and wish you'd flown them back clothing
3896s them back I don't know if you guys ever
3899s seen beaver rats they're all so massive
3901s I've seen angry beavers the TV show the
3903s Nickelodeon about gentleness thank God I
3906s heard dogs but that's even worse I can't
3909s determine that they come from oh no no I
3911s mean dogs Whitacre no I know this is not
3924s gonna work
3924s I'm sorry I would just like directly
3927s died there's no way there's no way
3932s oh we just let it happen letting it
3935s happen that's not gonna go well has the
3939s EU server by move as us from and they
3941s have 32 fifths of being higher on the EU
3943s servers those are prone no they haven't
3945s been moved but we're investing it
3946s because I do that some people saw it so
3948s like we are looking into what could have
3950s caused it yeah how hard then quick play
3952s is just with a crossbow that's that's
3956s what it is okay more pop quiz what is
3959s okay hunt pop quiz this is becoming a
3962s habit okay okay okay what was the Old
3964s Quarter Master trades
3967s I haven't even anyone's to the question
3968s new learning things my bluff elicits you
3973s are not your uses right to large weapons
3983s that try to be pretty in which the
3988s mounted one to small weapons last known
3991s to be too late
3993s what else would we be get one Donkey
3996s Kong arcade master I reckon my biggest
3998s okay very playable but it's an average
4000s yeah yeah no no I know that it's like we
4002s noticed that some players reported it
4004s was higher so we're gonna investigate
4005s what that's what it is
4008s hmm what else oh yeah
4010s how many helps Jones that the hunters
4013s have in the past it's like how were the
4015s health drugs divided in the past
4030s no no the server's online
4034s how much blood Boise oh I don't even
4036s know that exactly yeah we had different
4040s health for tears that's what I mean like
4044s how many yeah I just didn't want to give
4046s away what do I refer to the water death
4053s was my cousin is three sets one to add
4055s zombie kids oh he's one step you know
4058s relate to like his age so he went zombie
4062s kids I mean I think it would be pretty
4064s messed up in it you know we may have a
4066s minecraft zombie kids in Minecraft
4069s yeah yeah exactly Bobcat from how do you
4074s know what their rating gap does oh I
4076s don't know for sure
4080s that's good that's exactly why I call
4082s this a bonus points for you here's what
4088s how many times is my died to hell huh
4090s isn't it hmm I'm not sure what the
4096s capital is for my run I don't know I'm
4099s bad at this do how I don't know it's
4102s like there's just some countries that
4103s just don't know I also don't know many
4106s many many many Asian countries capitals
4111s like when I was growing up in school we
4113s use that to these that you know that you
4114s have to know the capital like the
4117s country capital in their currency oh
4119s yeah well I mean I don't know like for
4122s us it was like countries really Nava had
4124s to study like riffle rivers oh I'm good
4127s I'm good I know how do you say that uh I
4130s didn't say I'm dry is that nothing
4132s tricky I'm gonna uncle IRA I believe I
4136s thought it was Istanbul so I could be
4138s definitely wrong or Istanbul but why do
4139s I think it's Anka I don't know probably
4142s wrong maybe I'm just calling out a Wow
4144s capital city yes there is a PC LP Cedars
4149s need an fov slider
4155s but it's probably gonna be this simple
4157s isn't it
4158s I know I'm gonna be wrong but I I could
4161s eyes right yes nice I do it I didn't
4165s know but I know it but it's weird now
4168s like his kids like hopefully come from
4170s England so we add to that all the
4171s European cities yeah all the currencies
4173s are now just yeah you're right you don't
4175s have to worry about the Swiss franc or
4178s the douche mark or Lehrer yeah yeah I
4183s back in the day when we had the colons
4185s as well as like a very different I'm it
4188s I missed the lira
4189s it's the borders fun yeah exactly but
4193s that's the thing right it's like Devlin
4194s yeah so it was right I said Tehran I
4196s actually knew it
4197s yes I'm winning on this oh yeah that was
4200s strange like I had to learn the Capitals
4203s no like I had to learn all the rivers
4205s and stuff from Canada and like a major
4208s like the major rivers and but I mean I
4211s don't like we you said to definitely
4222s gonna chew that I was so dented it was
4225s like what we have to use like average
4228s rainfall of the country per year like we
4231s act that was poverty yeah I was like
4233s this is knowledge though i'm not i don't
4237s want to do with this right now
4241s oh my god that's you versus me
4270s turn turn turn turn oh my god how many
4274s oh that's you you were aiming to the
4287s right no I never even seen myself
4294s struggle that Armour that much though is
4296s like next-level struggling even though I
4301s mean speaking struggling implies anybody
4304s out there as han Gamescom and can
4306s anybody guess what my favorite screen at
4309s Gamescom that I saw was because we saw
4311s it multiple times and more so than I was
4313s expecting
4313s oh the redose is here huh that was good
4316s tonight but I do want to have some help
4331s definitely need some help new players
4333s down to how hunting sororo a lot but
4335s that wasn't my favorite skirt we saw one
4337s screen up here three different times
4338s throughout the week and it's a scream
4340s that I've never seen a pitch like a desk
4343s ring I never seen a tear fall damage
4346s nope killed by escalator yes that was
4350s one there was an escalator well I mean
4355s that happened sometimes people in an
4357s escalator I mean an elevator not
4360s isolated hurt my brain it works
4363s sometimes yeah James next latest hunters
4372s escalator thing you know you nearly had
4374s it won't be romantic
4376s I really wish there was some health you
4379s know I just added some help you know the
4384s the screen that we saw three times over
4386s the weekend which I'd never seen before
4389s and it made me very happy was Claire
4393s killed themselves with their own grenade
4394s with the work with the bridge without
4396s own grenade so they threw the grenade
4398s and they ran after it and then just run
4399s and blew themselves up all one time the
4401s guy threw a grenade as is on the right
4403s in front of him and just bounced at his
4404s own feet nice I'm not from Canada now
4407s I'm from the Netherlands Dutch hland you
4411s know that you say you're from understand
4413s and the capsule is legendary
4421s officer care but I want unlike the tape
4422s I mean we're getting more more
4424s eventually more legendaries over time
4426s like it will be more trust me uh be
4432s nervous and get oh if you did you see if
4435s you can buy it in the store to buy it it
4439s should be able to buy it from like the
4441s this shop for like zero yes and if it
4444s doesn't work please make a ticket at
4446s honcho non-kyoto calm because then they
4448s can you know fix it for you I'd you know
4450s it's nice wait
4451s his name is our second one to started
4453s working diagnolly g-man so you guys we
4459s pull the string we were trying to get
4460s our second one into the work so we could
4462s up this called narrative running on a
4463s monitor wasn't it working like whatever
4465s we did is wins hang on and suddenly and
4474s of course I don't know it's yes we do
4479s have character customization still
4481s planned for sure yeah no no no no no no
4496s feels not the Mosin I want the Lebel oh
4505s no I do like this more than the sniper
4507s personally to actualize using the
4515s soundtrack on YouTube the gameplay okay
4517s or will they get any monitor no it's
4519s fine stream staffing sound as well yeah
4529s I know someone I don't know if they're
4530s here I mean I doubt it but there was
4532s someone who asked me if they can use the
4534s sound and I said no thinking name or I
4537s said no you should make your own but
4540s what I meant to say is or what I
4541s understood was that he asked if we can
4543s use the same starting student thing that
4545s we use for our streams which obviously
4547s is unique to our streams so I'm sorry if
4550s that was you I did not mean sit but you
4553s were leaving
4553s you'd love to disco oh my right after
4558s thank you an answer I couldn't give you
4560s the answer like oh my god
4572s yeah that's right so much it's one more
4576s house and you looked up others was fun
4587s so wait what'd I do scroll back
4598s I have shots I'm scared like it sounds
4607s pretty close but ok who knows if it's
4609s action action a place
4618s yes andyb sounds of loud and sorry by
4624s the way there's a friendiy yeah that's
4627s basically it oh yeah you don't say meet
4632s you NEP from YouTube is the only one who
4634s knew the song I was singing it's a bonus
4635s points for you sir shot to conquer the
4639s South appointing to fire up your laugh
4641s the birds are really light as we look
4644s birds almost Sun normal what's the
4649s difference between Holland and and
4650s Ellen's it's the same I mean it's
4652s because like we have a you know we have
4654s two capitals that are called North
4656s Holland and our provinces that are
4659s called North Holland and South Holland
4664s saying England or Great Britain or
4668s United Kingdom and Great Britain or
4669s Albion in England oh my god funny when I
4676s moved to Germany when I reached is
4678s assisting in Germany England was not
4680s listed as a country I'm gonna germinate
4683s sometimes it's called the Deutsch should
4685s they predict and once we leave Germany
4688s the only country that egg attrition mean
4691s Allah who is Islander like you know iron
4706s is that reconnect feature coming soon
4710s question and no we don't have any plans
4714s for reconnect future but I am I mean
4718s wherever we're still investigating but I
4721s I don't we don't have any plans for it
4723s right now but I do take your feedback
4727s and consideration for sure
4732s country yeah thank you
4733s England is having some troubling kinds
4736s right now that's all the ones that you
4758s could have messed it I mean it fires not
4761s too bad actually
4762s I don't think so monk no I don't think
4769s we will have funny plans for that we
4776s actually did but I don't know if we
4778s still have that plan oh god I hear shots
4781s I'm big Shana from where oh my god from
4783s where if only I knew where dad dad I
4790s should have checked where I was from it
4792s was he was up on that wrong way I think
4795s I just saw him oh really
4797s as you driving sure - yeah that's the
4799s thing I don't know I can't determine
4800s where the shots come from because I
4802s found I could be wrong but yeah I feel I
4805s still was I in the right direction like
4808s where I just saw that I don't know I
4809s didn't remember which direction I was
4811s looking at how slow and like Rockstar I
4815s don't like sweet stuff all right bread
4818s not even J laughs would you like peanut
4822s butter don't know that we still need to
4825s have often about a challenge of which he
4826s measures the best
4827s what we still need to have our peanut
4829s butter like challenge which peanut
4831s butter is the best I'm gonna get some
4840s bread bring some Skippy with me we're
4845s gonna trust me coffee peanut butter it's
4847s the best people we're gonna get we're
4849s gonna cool do another game we got cool a
4851s morning meeting and we're gonna have
4853s toast and bread toast and peanut butter
4856s for everyone with different options
4857s I just want nice white bread though oh
4859s yeah yeah that's a night that's the only
4860s way to have toast with peanut butter why
4864s do you make crisis were no plans for
4866s crisis part can't be friends last hand
4875s we be friends why damn ready to be
4878s friends I really wish I could fit like a
4880s single night cuz I love singing but I
4882s can't sing to save my life thank you
4889s you mean Oh skills so we are so
4891s investigating what we can do for the
4893s legend or your hunters like trade wise
4895s or maybe like health trunk wise because
4896s we have gotten a lot of feedback from
4898s that so they have taken that into
4902s consideration
4919s you gotta first dammit all right yeah
4923s it's a little recruiting that recruiting
4926s idea involved in that when you guys
4932s gonna add a subject of mathura well
4934s Renee if you're in Spotify or urine you
4938s have Google using music I'm sorry
4941s Amazon pretty much all the major music
4945s playing systems iTunes let me see it's
4952s out there to save this but the thing is
4955s you just have to search for because for
4957s example we have our own Ben it's called
4960s reports here I this spell right so
4969s that's the and it's a hot shooter
4971s soundtrack all right Chuck I want to see
4982s a 1 in chat if you think I'm gonna get a
4984s kill or two if you can then I die before
4986s I get a kill
4987s let's see what faith you guys having me
4989s Oh lack of
4993s I don't know if you seen - what is it -
5001s means I'm gonna die Oh
5003s duty well someone's won 100 is some
5008s faith Isis Isis ain't to know which is
5016s pending I so got to kill the last time
5019s we played I think it might be about the
5025s deal I see something is about to explode
5045s yeah the AC is really like
5062s just replying to some questions
5076s a see what instant at shots okay
5084s he feels so warm yet so cold I don't
5091s think I ever focused so hard on the game
5095s the place clickers there's already
5106s gunfire night then again
5108s so what do y'all do for work what do you
5110s all do for your work on the game my
5112s wife's curious as like what we do
5114s specifically or what everyone at work
5118s does for the game there's a lot of
5120s people at your company yeah so like Oh
5124s what we do okay so like we're both can
5126s be managers Santis mainly focus on the
5129s Xbox I mainly focus on PC I do also a
5135s broadcaster outrage I do like the
5137s feedback handling the discord managing
5141s sometimes we do some social media and I
5143s do like the developers live stream
5145s planning so a lot of production actually
5148s for that so all kinds of things
5154s Jessica no no no no I shot was the
5157s kanopolis the gunfire coming from if Sam
5159s has been helping me a lot with the wits
5161s and stuff
5163s it's been helping with the streams which
5165s is nice not have to run back and forth
5178s no we will never have a player a life
5185s cow because we don't want that we don't
5188s want that so I don't know well I'm King
5210s he's not play PC yes March no he's been
5213s playing PC he was been playing some PC
5215s for sure like he plays both PC and Xbox
5218s yeah I don't play xbox like it you can't
5220s play noise I know that we talked about
5224s this during one of her live streams but
5226s that's like a while ago but like I don't
5227s remember how many polygons I really
5229s don't remember there is somebody pretty
5233s close to me I like also play console I
5240s mean I even play more games ooh don't
5242s hate don't hate I just like playing
5244s games no matter where they are as long
5247s as their games
5252s exactly yeah I know I saw some feedback
5257s about that mr. Jay gamer so I already
5261s put that I think in the community
5263s overview like there were features that
5265s we requested
5277s I'm not sure California mean you can't
5280s leave it to me on this board though yeah
5284s I was a little bit confused with the PC
5286s game workers like hers like they play or
5288s gives it the weapon block is wrong it
5290s was a bit confusing because he was like
5292s the packs the vet early is the best gun
5295s no we had the old laugh about that I'm
5300s liking the jig no sure what sovereignty
5302s no it's like the readiness community
5304s moderate it because we don't want to
5308s have cuz read it in the wave read it
5310s works we don't want to have it but
5312s obviously like if there's spatulas or
5314s something we'll tell our brightest
5315s moderate is like hey would you guys post
5317s this yeah exactly they watch right you
5324s with the weapons like best
5337s so I'm a positive knowledge people yeah
5339s you can break doors people didn't know
5341s you get bright doors down no I'm just
5347s gonna get out of this there's a lot of
5349s shots going on that I can't tell where
5350s they're coming see that's a funny thing
5352s and I was also something that I saw
5353s mentioned it was actually really sweet
5355s like though Oh
5356s the common people said like oh yeah
5361s there's still things that I discover
5363s after like 100 hours of playing so for
5366s example like the fact you could break
5367s doors for something there's always like
5369s small things that people did know like
5370s you couldn't do so many small things on
5373s the map like I still remember just one
5375s clip from sac Rio when he played a twin
5378s but just at the early access and you
5382s have like those some cages where you
5384s have like the little lever if you shoot
5387s that it actually will fall down like
5390s that will actually happen is there after
5394s this dream you're gonna break every door
5396s yeah if you grab one of those axes that
5400s are on the map you can more easily break
5402s the door now try again I need you how it
5404s was these shots going everyone
5411s sounds like the Easter need the icon I
5414s know they sell but then again I feel
5418s people just say something at this but no
5420s we have to people things I run out of
5424s them with my lantern
5427s yeah the quit play mode well people say
5429s that their distill avoided a liked it
5431s there were not so many people actually
5433s playing it so that's why we decided to
5435s make it like the plague
5446s yeah but we also changed Clues over time
5448s like clues are very different than
5449s beginning as well yeah I personally like
5453s quick plays whoa because like it's very
5454s easy like if you just want to get you
5457s know warm up a little bit and you can
5460s get your hunters yet free hunters with
5462s pretty good weapons if you get out with
5464s them like already which is nice so it's
5478s quite a little gun for naming I'm
5479s wondering if they're trying to go to
5481s that clue it was multiple people
5491s obviously because it's made by a game
5493s team so originally the original concept
5495s was horrors of the Gilded Age which was
5497s from the awesome studio back in the day
5500s and then we brought the idea over to the
5503s US or that you used to do where we are
5505s right now and then they you know change
5507s kit so like the story like the the
5509s setting was already set there but then
5511s obviously the game changed into a
5513s different type of game and that's how we
5516s got to the unique concept that we have
5517s today
5525s yeah that's something that we already
5526s took us feedback as well mr. gamer there
5529s might be something that that we had
5531s planned but we're still determined what
5536s we want to do like we're gonna get some
5538s random if we're gonna give them some
5539s traits or not i but it is feedback that
5542s I've already seen a lot of people
5543s mention and we already you know
5547s already plan when it will happen I don't
5551s know yet but we're still you're not
5552s thanks to thanks Johnny
5555s Sam is dead soon no no I am running into
5559s the the water yeah was it done five what
5563s I think is behind me said probably in
5564s front of me
5566s setting for the wellspring say what you
5573s mean with that
5574s no we're still updating the roadmap so
5576s like we're still gonna add more stuff
5579s for posts and such and then like make
5582s everything up to date but as I said I'm
5585s today gonna well tomorrow I'm gonna
5587s update again this word because I
5588s gathered all the top posts from August
5590s of which ones we could potentially you
5593s know you know taking consideration some
5595s I outside the decline which were popular
5596s but it I know whenever at that and I
5598s rather define then you know yeah I mean
5605s like you can read about every brief
5607s really like doing the wreath everyone I
5609s mean that's obviously not something we
5611s have under control but we write it you
5615s know to give other people better
5617s information or something yeah of course
5620s they really the best firstly I don't
5622s really look at reviews for when I buy
5623s game so I just know like if I want to
5626s play a game I'll just get it myself but
5629s there are people that read them so like
5631s if there's something you know in there
5634s then obviously that's always good I
5637s guess I'm more detailed reviews then
5641s game is bad at games good cuz I don't
5644s know why if somebody thinks game is bad
5645s or good because even for us like seeing
5647s reviews if you know why someone doesn't
5650s like the game
5653s we can improve them that's more valuable
5655s than someone that's us that they don't
5657s like it at all yeah that is know that
5665s we're aware of that one Vito I noticed
5669s that myself when I drink calico somebody
5672s just replied Cadbury like as if they're
5674s like 15 years behind I haven't played
5678s since Mars life
5678s Crytek decide to reset the car so we
5681s always decided that we were gonna do to
5682s reset of the accounts back months months
5686s ago and we've always said that when
5689s we're going to change them because we've
5690s had to if we're going for release
5692s obviously because we're changing a bunch
5693s of things and when we went out of early
5695s access we we had to reset the account so
5698s that's fine
5699s why is full hell right now yeah so we've
5704s always said we keep the prestige so we
5706s gave people enough time also to still
5708s prestige like we let people know that it
5711s was coming and that they had time to
5712s proceed so it's not like I do know a lot
5716s of you were like oh yeah I was like wow
5717s where's my cup guys work for this
5719s hunters but yeah
5728s we actually yeah let me just quickly
5731s check it's like we actually have we
5734s actually did a blog post for the setup
5737s of your sound how to check your hunch
5740s out on how check it out in seconds for
5743s the wind chill down here there's someone
5746s behind it was what I heard that in each
5748s other
5749s I know if you see is link but that link
5751s brings you to the blog post and before
5754s that you didn't shot please tell me sold
5759s up I did it I was shot clip that that's
5764s how you shoot that's how you sure that a
5767s quick stir
5768s yeah nice because somebody clip that's
5771s like it real soon
5773s I don't know alarm I've never seen
5777s anyone gonna quickly or a blue screen of
5779s death like you're the first so if you
5781s get that please check because it could
5783s be something related to you see
5785s eventually because I haven't seen anyone
5786s mention that
5795s I think what you decided me do that I
5811s thought this network I guess that was
5828s behind me but at least we both kill one
5835s person yes I approve nice to hear wrong
5837s everyone thought I was a I want to say
5841s as good as a fountain oh damn uh-huh Evo
5847s face like the house of death both
5854s mothers died here not a quick okay it
5857s wasn't a quick scope but it was still
5859s really really nice shot it was like
5862s really really nice I'll be mad if I died
5866s from it so that the poison bomb lasts a
5870s lot longer than I realized
5871s yes that's the one that I threw in there
5872s yep you should have worked through your
5875s own poison bomb well I had to because
5878s that hunter that was shooting me from
5880s outside there's another one who'd gone
5882s round the other side so that's like
5883s either way like they're gonna come from
5885s that way so if I tried to get out
5886s exactly I could have tried
5888s Bob person
5892s but yeah I mean I think we try to
5896s optimize best we have to and we had
5898s somebody absorb so you had some so we're
5901s getting there
5902s but thank you guys so much for watching
5904s we're gonna fix the audio for next time
5906s so we can actually hear where shots
5907s coming from we're now having splake hot
5909s and cold anymore but yeah yeah thank you
5913s very much guys
5913s pleasure as always and yeah there'll be
5916s an xbox live stream soon because
5919s obviously extreme PC but yeah exactly
5926s and also I'll be updating tomorrow the
5932s discord with the suggestions like the
5934s top suggestions of August and then I'm
5937s gonna update yeah that's the thing I'm
5943s not sure I'll let me cat like I'm not
5945s sure if we're gonna do the Deaf stream
5946s already folks won't put a desk room it
5948s really depends when we can find some
5949s time to probably like sit together and
5952s go through all the community requests
5953s it's like gotta get them community
5955s preston's i want to see what we can you
5958s know add to the game but we have a lot
5959s of people have to look at it and
5960s obviously people don't so busy working
5962s on xbox and stuff like that so i'm
5964s hoping next week but i can't promise it
5966s but we're gonna see and figure something
5968s out what works best for for that but
5972s yeah I'll keep you guys
5978s [Music]
5981s okay so thank you guys so much I can see
5984s you guys see yes like them yes
5997s [Music]
6008s [Music]