11 months ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
1s foreign
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36s amazing
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53s [Music]
71s foreign
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108s foreign
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140s foreign
144s foreign
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209s [Music]
217s mm-hmm
219s [Music]
233s [Music]
251s thank you
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292s foreign
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305s [Music]
330s thank you
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353s [Music]
361s foreign
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417s mm-hmm
419s [Music]
435s foreign
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474s foreign
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507s foreign
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522s [Music]
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553s [Music]
561s foreign
570s [Music]
596s thank you
599s [Music]
609s [Music]
635s thank you
636s [Music]
668s foreign
677s [Music]
689s [Music]
703s thank you
705s [Music]
721s [Music]
731s thank you
734s [Music]
739s foreign
752s [Music]
769s [Music]
781s hey everybody welcome to another game
784s play live stream by hear your friends
789s VR Community manager in a community
791s manager and liveops Community manager
793s also known as the Western Hemisphere
796s Squad
798s or what did we say the America's team
801s yeah American Squad
804s all right so I'm I'm readied up already
807s I am ready to jump into
811s somehow Showdown
813s I'm using a Romero it's my challenge my
815s weekly challenge that I rolled uh this
818s morning because the challenge is reset
819s this morning
820s so yeah
823s oh can we get twitch off of emote only
826s is that something we can give me oh yeah
831s which should be opened up
834s nice there we go
839s my challenges are pretty easy
841s my coffee's really hot it has a few
843s hives you Hunters
845s oh well look at you
848s uh we are also working on the quest
852s currently the Vengeance of the skin me
855s and violet are still going through
856s Gustavo do you have some some more cool
858s ax yeah I am I'm done yeah uh I'm here
862s for you guys so what do you guys need 21
866s days guys
869s actually I'm not let's not ready I'm
873s gonna use
874s [Music]
875s this guy
877s I need uh both
879s Gustavo and Violet's help on one of
882s these uh questline challenges because I
884s have to land headshots on enemy Hunters
886s well I have and I just can't do that
889s again so I don't you got do you have a
891s pistol though
893s hey I see I see a Pax there I see a Pax
896s should I bring a Pax all right that's
898s fair
899s I have a Pax this time
901s um oops friend I'm on theater trips and
905s extracting
906s I also have to banish some bosses
911s which uh before I had this challenge I
913s was doing every game and then right
915s after I got this challenge I don't think
917s I saw a boss for like four games in a
919s row classic classic someone asked well
922s we have twitch drops no
924s but we do have giveaways we will have
926s giveaways so true you want to earn some
928s DLCs on steam or console whereas Ari's
933s Prestige it got lost I prestige so much
935s that I couldn't keep drag of it anymore
937s it warped
939s yeah once you get past 255 it can't keep
942s track of the bit anymore so just for
944s sure you know invalidates
946s uh will previous events ever repeat such
949s as as the crow flies we don't know
951s hell's hellscry
953s uh uh maybe someday but
958s currently it hasn't
962s um I have some upgrade points on this
963s Hunter did either you guys have oh
965s Gustavo I haven't done to it I'm level
967s four
968s okay uh sorry I am I am bloodline rank
973s four in case that's not clear I was
976s asking if anybody had conduit already in
978s Gustavo you do so you'll have to remind
980s us to let you get the Bounty or get the
981s clues okay yeah you'll you'll you will
984s have to remind me that is true
986s I didn't even notice
990s one of the best perks best perks okay
995s last work is Tomahawk
998s the best perk is Magpie oh
1004s I did Prestige this weekend right
1009s yeah that's true necro is the best perk
1012s you're right
1013s necro is the best part that's so true
1014s one of the best merch too yeah and one
1018s of the best tattoos
1021s yeah you're right what does live Ops
1023s mean live Ops is live operations it is
1025s the active activity of the game
1029s everything that you guys participate in
1032s is part of the live operation of the
1034s game
1036s speaking of merch we've been adding some
1038s new merch to the store so if you guys
1040s haven't checked it out yet go look a
1042s doctor just got its own trait shirt
1046s um we also had one other one
1049s oh I actually have linked my crytek
1052s account for 5 000 hunt bucks it is uh it
1056s is a visual bug I cannot do it again
1058s Ben should be so happy I wish I could
1061s get five thousand more dollars
1062s it's been years many live streams ago
1065s many gameplay live streams ago I used to
1067s have this elk uh poster behind me like
1070s way back on my wall and it looked like
1072s it gave me antlers it is nothing again
1074s it just happens to be in the right
1076s position oh yes it's because you moved
1079s your
1080s oh my gosh
1082s oh mind blowing have returned
1085s it only took like two years I know new
1088s camera who dis
1090s yeah I'm using my my big fancy camera
1092s today so uh will there be any awards
1095s given today there will be DLC
1098s um giveaways
1101s I'm gonna come up with some awards for
1102s for Violet and Gustavo though I think
1105s you guys deserve some Rewards or some I
1107s do Awards and uh I can't wait to give
1109s them to you guys at the end are we ever
1111s gonna get the chance to get past event
1114s slash twitch drop Hunters well Billy's
1116s story did come back
1118s um he originally came out in 2021 and
1120s then he came back last year in 2022 so I
1123s think that the precedent at least for
1125s twitch drops
1127s um has been set but
1129s that's uh he's the only one so far
1131s that's come back from twitch drops
1136s yeah my cat ears was my pillow and I
1138s decided that the pillow was hurting my
1141s posture actually so I've gotten rid of
1144s it
1147s uh by which Quest steps are you working
1150s on currently um I need Gator traps ooh
1152s and I need us to extract the Bounty
1155s yeah so that just because that happens
1158s because they're wrong
1160s well I already had I have two out of
1163s three so
1165s so close
1168s I just need one more
1171s oh man I lost my my extract bonus streak
1175s last night too damn it
1179s I had like three days going already
1182s I didn't have time to play yesterday I
1185s didn't have time either way
1189s uh we will not be talking about any
1191s upcoming updates for this stream if you
1193s do follow us at twitch.tv crytech and
1196s turn on your notifications though
1197s whenever we have a Dev update stream we
1202s will normally go over what is coming to
1204s hunt if that's going to be a update
1206s maybe a live event a different stuff
1208s like that
1209s oh thank you
1211s we want you to get that sweet seat
1213s stamina I know I'm just gonna start
1215s taking it from him
1218s I shouldn't remaster anytime soon
1221s um I mean I wouldn't use the word
1222s remaster but we did talk about in the
1225s 2023 roadmap video with
1228s um senior community manager Rick and
1230s David our general manager of the hunt
1232s franchise that uh the engine integration
1236s happening
1238s either late this year or uh sometime
1241s next year will be a big step towards a
1245s lot of upgrades both for console and for
1247s PC actually so that is kind of the first
1251s necessary step
1252s that must be completed for for both
1256s I guess I was gonna say platforms but
1258s there's two platforms on Console I guess
1260s so both types of platforms
1263s uh no date on when Lulu will be
1266s re-released or if she's going to be
1268s re-released
1270s um McLoud I'm sorry we've answered that
1273s question I think twice already so if you
1275s do keep spamming it we might just have
1277s to time you up I'm so sorry
1281s foreign
1285s no drops today we saw that a little bit
1288s more but we will be doing DLC giveaways
1290s for both PC and console so if you want a
1292s chance to win one of many DLCs then
1295s stick around with us we'll give you a
1298s keyword that you'll have to type in chat
1300s as well as following us on Twitch and
1302s then we will pull a handful of winners
1304s from everybody who typed that keyword
1306s after one or two matches
1309s uh
1312s no don't acknowledge that one
1315s I left
1317s uh we'll also be doing a another kind of
1321s secret giveaway at the end of today's
1322s stream if you guys stick around with us
1324s towards the end and those last giveaways
1328s are probably the best chance for you to
1330s win a DLC today if you're willing to
1333s join us for the whole stream
1338s [Music]
1347s silent killer
1353s foreign
1355s coming coming
1358s what other people
1361s I'll get her trap I forgot to look for
1362s them I just stumbled upon one oh there
1365s are people Fishers
1369s do you think they want to be our friends
1374s oh people
1377s Amy had us right behind the tree shotgun
1382s nope a redneck way back in the forest
1386s killed one yeah
1389s you're amazing no just for you
1393s they're back here behind these trees two
1395s of them a redneck and I think of Felix
1397s did you cue the acolyte yeah I killed
1401s over here somewhere oh Ari is already
1404s there I never saw that guy I mean I saw
1406s him as I died
1407s scared me
1417s where did you kill her why are there no
1419s EU streamers you mean here right now
1421s someone killed him uh very close to my
1424s body movement or just in general because
1427s I think most of our streamers are EU
1428s streamers
1432s yeah that guy jump scared me for sure
1435s right in front of me Harry
1438s [Music]
1442s I don't see him back there
1446s um
1450s life it's 6 p.m in you so it's like a
1454s lot easier for oh I saw him the people
1456s that are actively working to do them
1457s also I enjoy doing them uh and have
1461s volunteered so
1463s yeah seeing him he's going left he's
1465s going left
1466s he just went right across he's fine I
1469s could be around here they don't have a
1471s good line of sight I'm trying to get
1472s some elevation
1476s but when he switched it's like my
1478s favorite gun
1480s I don't know who you're talking to
1482s no
1484s Speedy did not get fired
1486s I mean he was just on our 112 developer
1489s stream
1492s not sure where that shot came the brunt
1495s Community right there
1499s I'm running
1501s a fair size
1503s below this tree
1509s he ran he's got a bomb left there I
1511s think so
1513s what's your favorite gun loadout the
1514s Winnie Swift and crossing the river
1517s um do we want to rotate around to buy
1519s regular
1521s uh regular is right behind contact ammo
1526s don't have a good sight behind that
1528s white Shack
1529s no
1535s good wrap around
1540s I heard rumors about adding Bots to hunt
1542s well that would be a rumor and not
1544s anything we've ever said
1547s you can watch our 2023 road map
1550s on YouTube it's a um
1553s the title of it is a little confusing
1555s it's just like developer update but
1558s oh yeah I believe in Ari for sure
1561s I'm just talking to you guys because I'm
1563s dead I missed all my shots
1567s oh maybe
1568s maybe he's looting me will there be any
1570s chance of getting items from as the crow
1572s flies event we don't know I think they
1575s just ran right past you
1577s yeah oh come on come on come on
1581s saddlebags have a different Loop pulled
1583s in toolbox
1589s I would say there's a possibility but
1593s um how high that possibility is I do not
1595s know
1598s is there any chance that Lulu comes back
1600s to the shop any chance yes comes to the
1603s shop no I don't think if she came back
1606s she would come back to the shop
1608s um I think if she came back she would
1610s come back as another twitch drop
1613s but that hasn't happened so
1621s and another have you considered adding
1624s armor best
1626s um I mean I'm not on the game design
1628s team but that's probably been
1632s [Applause]
1634s how to say what I'm trying to say
1637s um every idea you could possibly think
1638s of has at least at some point probably
1640s die
1644s when's Lulu coming back we don't know if
1646s or when she'll ever come back
1650s would a new engine fixed Saturn well a
1652s new engine would just be a new game
1654s right
1656s so
1659s that would just be an entirely different
1660s game
1662s here we go here we go
1667s dang good try those guys were amazing
1671s with their shots
1672s good try
1679s all right
1685s [Music]
1688s I've completed the quest line and the
1690s hunter is still locked for me is anyone
1692s else having this problem yes some people
1693s are having this problem and it happens
1695s if you disconnected during the match in
1698s which you complete the quest line
1701s super random but you can fix it by
1703s sending a message to customer support
1706s and they can fix it for you easy peasy
1708s oh my God I didn't get the free person
1709s with the stand shot and now they're gone
1713s cry
1714s oh no I know I have made a mistake
1719s okay with my Romero I did
1724s I did get a singular headshot
1731s can customer support get me out of five
1733s star lobbies no I don't think so
1735s oh that was funny though that that was
1739s funny that made me laugh
1745s is customer support down I emailed but
1747s have had nothing back they're not down
1749s they just currently have uh I don't know
1751s what they said two to three times more
1755s um
1756s tickets than they normally do so they
1759s are a bit behind and they are uh trying
1761s to catch up
1768s um to be clear
1771s I don't know how your name's supposed to
1773s be supported uh supported
1776s whatever anyway said
1779s um but we're not moving to a new engine
1782s we are doing an engine integration with
1785s the newest
1787s version of cryengine
1792s so
1794s a new engine would be something
1796s even more
1799s big and and difficult
1801s we're doing an engine integration
1806s last year there was some talk about a
1808s Prestige work no procedure work this
1810s still will there be a Prestige rework
1812s this year
1813s um it's not on the roadmap
1815s um but
1817s that doesn't mean it won't happen but
1819s it's not one of what uh at least David
1822s and
1824s um Rick considered a big beat that they
1827s needed to cover in the roadmap
1830s but we don't have any more information
1831s on it
1844s uh yes times when floating items
1846s suspended in the mirror in the air yeah
1848s the known
1850s it is only visual
1855s uh the road map can be found on YouTube
1858s it's a video called the developer update
1861s and I will link it in the twitch chat as
1863s well
1865s is there going to be a battle pass there
1867s will be an event this summer
1871s which is mentioned in the roadmap haha
1874s uh someone says they would work customer
1875s service for crytek well you can go check
1877s out if we have any open positions right
1880s now at crytech.com career I think we
1883s have a link to that I can try to get to
1886s you
1886s yep that's what I did
1890s true
1892s go ahead check out that link it has all
1894s of the open positions for hunt uh crisis
1898s for working title and then just generic
1900s cryengine and crytek stuff as well so if
1904s you see anything on there that piques
1905s your interest you can submit an
1907s application or there are ways to get in
1910s contact with our recruiters through
1911s Linkedin for more information
1915s bad hand is still available in the dark
1917s tribute yes he is is the chance just
1919s really low yes
1921s yes and yes yes and yes
1923s yes
1926s we have a lot of pretty Hunters
1928s pink Heather ether
1932s yeah I think uh a lot of them I think
1934s there's a lot of pretty Hunters
1940s um we don't have a update to share with
1942s anyone about the engine integration
1946s uppercut
1951s [Applause]
1956s and instantly headshot cool
1960s is it this cold uh nope it was just a
1964s Crag
1968s thank you
1970s nice I'm not a great res but
1975s I killed uh Navigator yep that was the
1980s one one of the ones I tagged with
1981s uppercut
1986s nice last one's behind the owl house I
1988s had him ah stuck in a tree behind the
1991s the toilet
1993s he's running back he's running back
1994s towards the skilled work
2000s that's fine
2006s where is the other one
2008s he ran back here
2011s again
2013s trying to catch up
2019s get him I wish I could see
2022s too many trees
2031s that's
2035s tagged again somehow it didn't trade
2041s super tight
2044s she's right here
2046s ran back I hit her three times
2050s Rock she's further she's further okay
2053s I'm resting
2054s okay
2055s that's nice
2064s down here
2071s tagged again she's a left of the
2074s schoolhouse white building goodness
2077s gracious and this lady is a little
2079s straight running
2082s find the white uh maybe going right
2084s still back there
2092s eyes finally another team that wasn't us
2094s that wasn't us another team
2096s oh Jesus oh Lord there's someone back
2101s here by this fence
2103s I'm down to 100 Max
2108s I'm gonna go get the clue
2118s what no new pack experience
2126s the regular packs and the packs claw
2130s hey guys we do see your comments about
2131s asking for Russian players to be removed
2133s from European servers currently as long
2135s as you meet the requirements for uh the
2139s main person of the party having a ping
2141s that is within the boundaries for any
2145s server you're allowed to play on it uh I
2147s don't want to see any more of those
2149s comments right now so anytime we see
2151s another comment like that asking for a
2154s certain people to be removed we're just
2156s gonna give you a timeout thanks that's
2158s that dead body right there
2165s no idea where they at I don't
2169s they want to go for the bus I I mean I'm
2172s down a lot of Health I'm down 25.
2176s I'm down 50.
2178s I had to fight in him later at the very
2180s beginning and I had no stamina oh
2187s let's go right here that's pretty sure I
2190s see someone North
2196s I'm handing out timeouts for any of that
2199s Spanish message right now if you guys do
2201s come back from the timeout and say it
2202s again we will just issue a ban
2205s hope you understand things
2215s it's the best way to reach six star in
2217s your opinion um just keep playing them
2219s trying oh my God another emulator why
2222s I think you can adjust your playstyle a
2224s bit if your goal is really to reach
2226s these Hive or rank as possible
2230s isn't there the bridge oh no
2233s I had more to say
2237s uh anyway I was gonna say try and learn
2240s from like every day
2244s uh white shark white shirt yeah white
2246s shirt male tag behind the white yeah
2254s I think using uh every death that you
2257s as like a learning experience is
2259s valuable
2263s I think it's a solo
2266s I don't think intro on there might be
2267s better Swift right now
2272s oh where there's like only one
2274s uh I just heard a melee was that you
2276s Gustavo oh yeah it was me
2279s okay yeah let's go Lantern I'll keep an
2281s eye out where Avalanche
2285s uh this gentleman right here oh yep
2288s oh you're across the river I'm so sorry
2291s oh gotta cross the river
2302s to do
2305s all right Light It Up
2309s Bridge back across
2312s I'm
2313s I mean it was weird to have a solo come
2315s and help but I'm so glad they have
2317s finally endless goose chase
2322s oh I know there's like a lot of medkit
2324s skins but I don't care medkit Skins are
2326s my favorite skins in the game oh I got a
2328s damn shot
2330s let's go
2335s bone Mason best hunter uh Bill Mason oh
2339s I'm sorry I thought you were gonna
2340s continue on about the medkit skin on the
2342s bone Mason because I was talking about
2343s medkit skins and I was like no I love
2346s the medkit Skins but that one's that's
2348s too much
2350s too much for me
2355s hey we have almost an antlered Hunter
2357s with uh reap what you sow
2364s Twigs to Antlers right okay we got some
2366s shots at quarry I think your Shipyard
2369s yeah oh that's the extract yeah yeah
2373s that first that first aid kit from the
2375s bone Mason DLC or Phantom of the
2377s Catacombs is
2379s and she comes with an uppercut
2382s down right here
2389s I'll get to the clue someday
2392s hello barneko
2396s uh what raffle skins will we be giving
2399s out today well we'll be doing full DLCs
2402s so not just a single legendary
2405s um currently we'll be definitely doing
2406s some Phantom of the Catacombs to earn
2408s yourself that you Med kit the new
2411s uppercut and the bone Mason herself but
2414s we'll also throw in some other DLCs and
2417s then we'll have a special DLC for our
2420s secret giveaway at the end of today's
2422s stream
2424s oh
2427s I just got that clue and um it had
2430s already been taken and I was like
2432s hmm
2435s see another bigger trap over there
2437s got one in front of me and then one on
2439s my left
2443s and kid Skins are the best I see it
2445s every game look at my beautiful waxwing
2448s I love it
2450s man was bone Mason uh so Phantom of the
2453s Catacombs is out on all platforms if you
2456s did want to pick yourself up the new
2458s uppercut Med kit and bow Mason yourself
2462s um you could also wait till after the
2463s stream maybe you'll get a chance to win
2465s it
2467s there will be a uh giveaways during and
2469s after the stream uh exclamation point
2472s Phantom doesn't do anything that was me
2474s trying to remember what our code for the
2476s bone Mission links is so
2478s yep I think uh I just see the the
2482s command and they trying to get as much
2484s of a chance as they can apparently
2487s [Applause]
2492s well
2493s I have 100 HP in a dream so let's go you
2496s know
2499s uh we have not announced anything about
2501s a roaming boss we have said that the
2503s wild Target will be joining hunt in
2505s summer though so it's as much
2508s details as we've given
2511s do we just have to be here watching we
2514s can be here watching and then we'll do a
2516s keyword after this uh game probably
2522s yeah I hear him in there
2525s oh who's looking at you guys
2531s oh shoot one on the roof
2535s are they pushing you I don't know
2537s doesn't sound like it
2543s I wish they would
2547s have a shotgun
2557s there was a weird sister here oh yep
2560s Hail Mary on the roof
2563s on that little side right roof yeah
2567s oh one is way back left
2571s peeking out of this little window why do
2574s they have to be so far when I have a
2575s shotgun
2579s uh
2580s this one in the back left is on the
2582s second floor of the barn the dog
2584s the dog looking out towards me
2589s she moved
2593s I got one I'm pushing it with her
2600s where'd you get the one oh right here
2606s you dead
2613s trying to get in with you guys
2615s where'd you go
2622s one left she's going outside
2624s on the roof
2625s yep
2634s nice thank you that's all three oh I'm
2636s gonna
2640s oh I was gonna watch you die Gustavo but
2642s you lived
2644s not working on a fix to the reconnect
2646s feature barely works half the time yes
2651s who needs more than a hundred health
2654s Nami
2661s anybody got vulture
2665s I do
2668s um someone asking about old event skins
2670s coming back to be purchased uh we
2672s haven't made any hard announcements yet
2674s but there is a chance that old event
2676s skins will make a return during similar
2678s events
2684s no Bounty for you yeah
2687s also known as boldness which I do not
2689s lack sometimes uh which is a detriment
2693s I don't really have a lot of uh
2695s self-preservation instincts I just kind
2697s of run in
2701s weapon skins causing a little visual bug
2704s when equipping them yes
2712s if a twitch drop skin does come back
2715s it'll probably come back through
2716s withdrops again
2718s most likely so if Lulu ever comes back
2721s which we haven't said uh yes or no to
2723s like definitively yet
2726s but if she does come back it'll most
2728s likely be
2730s rude push wraps
2732s they Violet get a new mic hmm not since
2735s December so I mean yes in December but
2737s if you've been here since then
2739s no
2746s any news about the prestige system none
2751s oh my goodness
2753s um I'm alive don't look into it
2757s life just don't
2758s it's a bar
2760s and the bow is held upward
2763s s
2763s um but
2764s it is only visual so
2771s what news do we have uh so in the
2774s gameplay streams we don't really
2775s announce anything new we save that for
2777s our developer update streams those also
2781s happen on this cry Tech Channel these
2783s streams are more to Showcase stuff
2785s that's going on in game sometimes to
2787s Showcase new DLCs and to give back to
2790s the community a little bit with some
2791s giveaways
2795s oh touch
2797s anyone ever talked about a replay system
2799s uh yeah so that's something at least a
2801s 2d replay system so which is different
2803s than like a replay video but a 2d replay
2806s system definitely has been talked about
2808s um actually for several years and then
2810s it got kind of put on the back burner
2812s and then uh re-put on like uh people
2816s maybe do really want this when the
2819s combat log beta first came out and
2821s everyone has been asking like oh what if
2824s the combat log did this or that and
2826s everyone was like hmm how could we do
2828s that oh hmm we could probably integrate
2830s that with
2832s um like the 2D replay system so it is
2834s something that we're interested in but
2835s we have a lot of plans
2837s for you know this year and next year
2840s that are already in place
2843s so we will have to just uh wait and see
2846s what happens but I would love a 2d
2847s replay system for sure
2854s yeah I would love even more info about
2856s the past match I can't believe we lived
2858s through that
2859s honestly uh yeah that was a uh tomorrow
2863s my back my buyers all right I did all
2866s the damage I needed with the Romero on
2868s that one goodbye Romero
2873s um Harry still needs I'm confused no I
2877s am good on headshots thank you so much
2879s when do I get the veterly now oh my God
2881s the vetterly doesn't unlock until rank
2883s 14.
2887s I have the better at least uh apparently
2889s forgot I don't think you could handle it
2891s right now at your current bloodline rank
2893s so it's probably good we save it till oh
2895s my Lord
2896s didn't realize it was so late now
2902s I could either go for dealing damage
2905s with shotguns or dealing damage with
2907s poison
2908s um I have neither of those I'm rank nine
2911s I can do some damage I'm gonna do some
2914s Centennial Boys
2916s double Centennial
2920s uh I'll only I only have space for just
2923s the poison because I'm still working on
2925s banishing bosses so but we can both use
2927s poison work on poison shotgun win oh I
2931s meant to answer somebody asked about
2934s the uh poison bug where you constantly
2937s you're poisoned throughout the whole
2939s match if you're poisoned don't use your
2940s antidote shot like as you're poisoned
2943s um
2944s that just helps cut down on that one
2948s but I know you might be joking with
2950s poison shotgun uh but I wasn't somebody
2952s said it and I thought it was funny oh
2954s well like I was like oh yeah poison
2955s shotgun when yeah
2957s but just like how dragon's breath is
2959s kind of different from incendiary I wish
2961s the poison shotgun would be like just
2962s bees that fly out of your Barrel it's
2965s like you're just like stopping bees in
2968s like a really old like musket you know
2970s like yeah you just put the bees into the
2972s shop you shoot the bees out
2978s I think that's how it would work that
2980s would be so funny Hive shotgun yeah
2990s more skins with small glasses like the
2993s detective
2994s I don't know maybe
2997s old glasses
2999s yeah the detective has like little tiny
3002s specks and he's got he's got small
3003s speckies
3005s um
3006s did she start our start our first
3007s giveaway we should uh on Twitch if
3011s you're not on Twitch please come over
3013s uh please come over to Twitch and that's
3016s where our bot lovingly
3018s does its job
3020s that is twitch.tv cry Tech uh make sure
3024s anybody in chat if you're watching and
3026s you want to be entered to win uh follow
3028s us at twitch and then we will give you a
3031s keyword
3033s um we are giving away a some Phantom of
3036s the Catacombs uh Gustavo or Violet do
3039s you guys either of you have a good
3041s keyword for our chat to type in
3045s uh five
3046s do you no
3048s oh we extracted stop stop the queue
3055s okay you're gonna change the questline
3057s okay I forgot the key word can be no I
3061s have one okay you have one okay uh it's
3064s gonna be B shotgun all one word if you
3067s want a chance to win a phantom of the
3070s Catacombs go ahead and follow us at
3072s twitch.tv and type B shotgun all one
3076s word in chat
3079s you are giving
3081s people in there for a second
3084s I know rip the bombland skills I'm rank
3087s nine not doing the bombland skills
3090s guys are dealing with forces beyond your
3092s cane
3099s as a reminder for these giveaways you do
3101s need to hang out with us in chat and be
3104s around when we pull winners in one or
3105s two matches if you do happen to leave
3108s early and are not present when we call
3110s you as a winner we will re-roll the code
3113s if you need help spelling bee shotgun or
3116s anything like that there is a pinned
3117s message on Twitch it is not cap
3120s sensitive someone asked
3122s great question yeah not cap sensitive so
3128s Mr Gustavo we gotta ready up one more
3131s time just because I had two changes
3134s what about a fire Whip or a bee whip
3137s that would be a fun weapon sounds like
3138s dark lion just wants any sort of whip
3140s yeah yeah I think that's accurate
3144s it would be interesting I mean the
3146s longest range melee we have right now is
3148s like either the throne ones or like the
3150s saber right with the charge attack
3152s because it's a Thrust attack as opposed
3155s to the bomblands like swipe yeah I
3157s wonder how if you threw the bomb Lance
3159s that
3161s that would be interesting I'm just I
3163s should still work with Tomahawk it's not
3165s fair that it doesn't huh
3169s just Hawk the bomb lands at somebody
3171s just so you bring in your bomb Lance I
3173s want it like a javelin toss you know
3175s you also bring it yeah I just want to
3179s throw all of my weapons at my opponents
3181s yeah it's so good yeah like when you
3183s throw the shovel or the fork
3187s exactly I think it shouldn't even be
3190s exclusive to melee weapons or melee like
3193s weapons that can go in your primary slot
3195s just all of your weapons if you run out
3197s of ammo you should have the option to
3198s just throw them and deal like you know
3200s empty damage I don't think right
3202s Tomahawk have an interaction though
3205s someone asked and I'm I don't think I
3207s don't believe so no it's only I think
3209s pitcher might even say that it's only
3210s for consumables yeah
3212s yeah
3213s does it not affect like fuses or decoys
3216s though because those are tools
3218s I don't think it affects tools but I
3220s can't I'm not much player I don't bring
3223s anything that you toss except viewsies
3225s so like
3227s you know I'm not gonna picture my fuses
3231s I guess
3232s I do bring the throwing axes
3235s um but I don't bring throwable
3237s consumables because I always forget
3238s about them the only time I have them is
3240s when I loot them off of the the little
3243s tool boxes
3244s I can't play without throwing axes
3246s anymore
3248s I don't know if they've helped me but
3251s they do feel good like I love the the
3254s fantasy of just throwing that the
3256s throwing axes I don't know how to kill
3258s an Armored without that homework I'm
3261s sorry oh okay any news on removing
3264s health or removing trait slash health
3266s bars you said a year ago would be
3267s swapping from blood bonds to hunt
3269s dollars yes and it was mentioned in the
3271s roadmap video for 2023 that that will
3273s happen this summer
3277s hmm did someone take conduit I did I
3280s don't I don't have access to conduit yet
3283s oh I'll keep asking
3285s I will probably next game but I I do not
3288s currently have access to
3295s big said
3302s the Centennial trauma just getting to
3305s one hit uh an emulator oh that felt good
3309s all right someone would conduit
3314s will we see a VI Ari or Gustavo hunter
3317s in the next DLC probably not um I think
3319s if any dad was gonna get their own
3322s legendary I think Dennis or David are at
3326s the top of the list yeah actually I
3328s already have one
3329s but I already has a non-legend I have a
3332s tier one
3333s yeah I have a Winfield so I'm covered if
3337s I was someone got the clue Gustavo oh I
3341s don't have a conduit anymore what do you
3344s mean you're playing the same that's my
3345s job no I'm not we died we didn't yeah we
3350s died
3351s no the first match we died oh that was
3354s the first match I thought that was last
3355s match
3357s oh it don't matter
3359s time flies when you're having fun
3362s if I ever got the opportunity to get an
3364s in-game Hunter I would demand that I
3366s would only be a free Hunter a tier zero
3369s like here's the only place I belong yeah
3371s oh my you wouldn't even be able to
3374s recruit me with any you know good
3375s weapons only the free Hunter only only
3378s the guy who has like duties and a combat
3380s ax
3382s someone asked about the new boss uh if
3384s you watch the road map you would know
3387s it's coming this summer except that it's
3389s not a it's not a boss Target it's a wild
3391s Target
3393s which um wild you know it means it'll be
3395s a little different
3397s Brown brows
3401s we will see I'd love to see a hunter
3402s with a modern hoodie cap and glasses uh
3405s I think that might that would be a
3407s little out of place yeah
3410s a little different but a way dangerous
3412s Maybe
3417s when comes the leaderboard bag
3419s who knows maybe never yeah we haven't
3421s announced any plans to bring back the
3423s leaderboard for right now
3425s it's the last iteration it was for an
3428s event it came back
3430s so a wild Target instead of a compound
3432s boss or both a wild Target is the only
3436s quote-unquote boss coming this summer
3441s but what exactly a wild Target means
3445s we'll just have to see
3447s uh fire arrows for bow or fire bolts for
3451s the crossbow I know it's something we've
3452s looked into but I can't speak too much
3455s more than that as none of us are on game
3457s design
3458s um but we haven't announced any plans to
3459s bring them in for right now
3462s I'm still looking for the B
3464s the Beats what I want
3468s fire arrows at the end of its spray too
3471s if it did turn into like a little cloud
3473s of bees that would follow people they
3475s would just be too strong it would be too
3477s strong but it would be amazing and I
3479s wanted it will it launch after the quest
3480s line is over
3483s so I would say that the quest line will
3486s be over this summer
3489s but that's about it
3491s speaking Quest Lanes uh why do you
3494s remember how many days people have left
3495s on the Vengeance of the city crossing
3498s the tracks
3502s yeah so we're falling right behind the
3504s team that just entered in yeah the last
3506s one just crossed the tracks
3509s perfect uh we have no more information
3511s to share yet on wild Target I would
3514s follow us on our social media as we may
3517s or may not be releasing some another one
3519s here
3520s it's another team yep yep
3526s another one on the southwest side
3529s [Music]
3530s Plateau or just black outline out there
3533s one holding this
3545s I thought you were okay you're closer no
3548s there's a lot of them out here
3550s unfortunately buddy you had I think one
3552s team on your right closer
3558s social is best to follow for Content
3561s Discord or any of the like actual things
3565s shot from the right from that Facebook
3568s Instagram yeah we're gonna get pinched
3571s here we might want to just push East or
3572s something
3585s um I do have a necro by would you like
3586s to uh
3591s when you pick the winner after a game or
3593s two
3595s when do we pick winners for the giveaway
3597s it will probably be after this match or
3598s the next match and then we'll be running
3601s more giveaways throughout the Stream
3603s good luck fight
3604s resilience gaming
3607s oh bye staying over there she's
3610s well yeah what do you think I'm gonna do
3612s run back across the open field oh God
3617s trying to get to you to add some cover
3622s trying made and tagged with poison she
3624s just went behind the pink wall she's on
3626s the left of that vulva
3631s she's not poisoned anymore
3640s further out there's one inside here he's
3643s inside
3650s oh where oh
3652s my god
3656s oh Jesus
3661s I got the shrine Maiden there's still
3664s the horn back with bow
3670s you might be able to get me on the
3671s swallow bar but
3672s horn backs out oh no that's uh
3675s follow me I I trade it I traded I killed
3679s both and I traded you killed the horn
3681s back too yeah cool I killed their heart
3684s on the back and the mama
3687s um none of this was the boss team though
3688s or the Bounty team yeah probably not
3691s what did you do to do bounty's just
3693s still in there they might be overlooking
3695s us from up top
3702s yeah wait
3706s um bye
3708s oh I found her I could not find the
3711s shrine mated I was like what I was
3713s worried
3715s put the stamina in my veins
3719s all right now I'm ready
3724s these people didn't take like any pot
3725s shots from on high so I'm just assuming
3728s they're not watching and looting
3734s they all have long ammo I think
3736s oh good then they'll be terrible if we
3738s rush in oh no they're dead they're dead
3741s they're dead yeah they're on the ground
3743s bounty's on the ground oh dang
3748s everybody did
3754s that was uh kind of a quick full server
3757s fight yeah that was crazy oh somebody
3758s dropped a dulch to dolches no no that's
3761s not adult a swift animals
3765s oh my weapon
3768s I stole it is that yours
3770s no I just stole it
3772s okay thank you
3774s I'm gonna represent
3778s a voucher so you guys can I really
3780s didn't do much everyone
3786s what does a live Ops Community manager
3788s do well as opposed to Ari and Gustavo
3791s who have like regions that they focus on
3794s rent BR and n a i focus on the live
3797s operation of the game
3799s which is
3801s bugs servers
3803s day-to-day in and outs
3806s like that
3809s can you guys tell David that I love the
3811s podcast oh sure
3812s and then go over here and get this uh
3814s the Miko
3817s is
3822s oh
3826s do you guys wanna uh search for some
3829s Gator traps oh yeah just uh by the water
3834s here
3835s although I don't see anything in this
3837s guy so
3839s two meat man's killed and they didn't
3841s even drop me any poop I do not want the
3844s ground again
3849s so we're gonna talk about making combo
3851s shots we've never announced any uh
3853s any plans like that
3855s that would be cool but Magpie now does
3858s give you all three
3860s uh shots effects for 2.5 minutes
3865s that's pretty I feel like it would be
3866s fun to have a magpie shot that was like
3869s a little bit cheaper but you didn't know
3871s one one of the three shots it would give
3873s you no because Magpie gives you
3874s alternate I know it doesn't work anymore
3876s yeah
3878s devs devs making
3881s worst traits better any shots of a
3883s shotgun with a melee that does
3884s additional damage to lock doors
3887s um I mean you could just use the Romero
3889s hat which doesn't do additional damage
3891s to the locked doors but it does just
3893s destroy a locked door really really I
3896s think slashing damage might do more to
3899s doors than like piercing damage
3902s but I'm not 100 sure
3909s but a healing arrow that you shot at
3912s your teammate be too Opie
3915s sounds like nothing
3918s I don't know if it's too op I have
3919s gotten to speak with David a little bit
3921s he does like the idea of adding more
3923s kind of
3924s team mechanics that help you
3926s uh support your team more than just all
3929s aggro
3937s um any thoughts on being able to pick up
3939s your downed partner's gun when Perma
3941s dead I think it just opens the
3942s opportunity for more unnecessary team
3945s killing
3947s um in like randoms and stuff so I think
3950s the least amount of benefit you can get
3951s up everybody Hunter is probably the best
3955s I made it past rank 10.
3959s I can get conduit now
3963s oh
3968s okay nobody wants this gross
3975s nobody meeting me let's be clear
3978s and I can't get any other fun treats
3984s has anyone ever pitched the idea of a
3986s coagulation shot to prevent bleeding
3989s um I liked hearing you say coagulation
3991s yeah it hurt I I don't know why I don't
3994s love that word
3995s I we're not sure it might have come up
3998s but
3999s um we're not on game design so a lot of
4001s those more intricate ideas
4003s um we probably won't hear about
4008s hey Trey
4012s still need shotgun
4014s um I don't uh Ari was looking for poison
4017s and I probably need more I think it's
4018s 1500 oh I forgot that at all that I
4021s needed to kill Meatheads with melee
4022s damage so you know
4024s if we could like get a meathead low with
4026s guns and then melee them to death that'd
4029s be cool
4030s yeah um we can bring additional frag
4033s bombs if we want that's a really good
4034s way to
4035s easily kill some meat mans
4038s you think I have rag bombs unlocked
4043s for you because I'm friends
4046s I would love to favor perks and then
4049s filter that way that would be so good
4052s everything
4058s you work on private lobbies um and we're
4060s interested in but we just have any
4065s does violet agree that the latest manga
4067s chapters of spy family uh I don't read
4069s the Manga
4070s manga slash comic books are just not
4073s interesting mediums for me personally
4077s um so I watched the anime
4079s which is great
4080s it's one of my favorite animes
4083s but sorry I still need poison damage
4087s bringing extra frags for Vi
4090s do you need anything Mr Gustavo
4094s not really no I'm gonna use the restroom
4097s while you guys pick your loadouts I say
4100s you guys but really we all know it's
4101s already well I gotta start the giveaway
4104s soon too so oh actually I need to kill
4106s somehow Hollands with fire damage okay
4109s and Destroy dog cages
4119s laughs
4123s Gustavo you said you already have
4125s vulture correct
4126s I do have vulture yeah
4131s well I don't know what to take then
4136s I think this is the only uh perk that
4140s you don't need everyone to on your team
4144s to get it uh vulture and conduit right
4146s those are kind of the one per team
4153s no use for me getting necro either
4155s because I'll always die first so
4158s no that's not true
4160s all right first last match
4167s we will go ahead and start our uh
4171s giveaway for the Phantom of the
4173s Catacombs this is for any platform if
4176s you haven't joined yet then come to
4178s twitch.tv crytech give us a follow on
4181s Twitch and then type B shotgun all as
4184s one word in chat we're going to be
4186s calling names as well as the bot will
4188s ping the name in chat of whoever's one
4189s you have about a minute to claim your
4191s prize if you don't claim your prize
4193s within that minute though we will
4195s re-roll the code for somebody else our
4197s first winner is
4200s Mr Fogle 93 uh Fogel Mr Fogel 93 if
4207s you're in chat please give us a message
4208s let us know you're still hanging out uh
4210s Mr Fogel is here
4212s uh and if anybody does happen to be
4214s joining us in the middle of us pulling
4216s winners you still have a chance to win
4219s so go ahead and enter as we are sending
4222s a whisper out to Mr Fogle
4235s thank you
4238s here we go
4242s wait a minute Mr foga
4250s how long is the learning curve in this
4252s game I've been playing for a while and
4253s I'm still kind of stuck um I mean I
4255s think that really just kind of depends
4256s on
4257s who you are and
4261s the clues over there our next winner is
4264s Gamecube gll or g-i-i
4268s if you're in chat give us a message
4270s Council
4271s the learning curve it was way higher
4277s base because there are so many answers
4280s to the internet
4283s yeah there's definitely a lot more
4285s resources now I think yeah
4295s that looks like a fun New grunt because
4297s they were uh I had two grunts that were
4298s like right on top of each other and it
4300s was like a new variant of grunt that's
4303s what I looked like
4306s uh we are still looking for GameCube gll
4310s uh you have another
4312s very hard
4318s crown and King no
4320s in our community
4322s uh does a great job creating content for
4325s new players
4328s I I actively think that the crowning
4330s King is the worst shotgun in the game
4331s I'll be right back
4335s that's that is truly what I think
4338s I hate this vector
4341s the Specter is the one that I struggle
4344s with the most but I think that the
4346s crowning King is the worst one
4348s if that's so bad with the crowning King
4350s the ground I think everyone's bad with
4352s the crowning King I am always surprised
4354s when I died with ground and King
4356s I would rather have a Romero or a
4358s Caldwell rival or a slate for sure
4367s by far the best one in my opinion our
4372s next winner was Flair and they were
4373s right away ready to answer each other
4375s congratulations
4382s the Romero is the best and now I'm
4386s I'm coming towards um coming towards the
4390s Slate as being the best next up is saxo
4394s gaming if you're in chat please let us
4396s know you are still watching so we can
4397s get you there
4399s by the way we're by water right so
4402s check for those Gator traps
4406s a day killing someone with a Romero is
4410s way more
4411s satisfying it is very satisfying but
4415s this latest is better
4417s next stuff is awesome it's one of the
4421s best in the game
4423s next up is schnee Christian I feel like
4427s we might have had them as a winner
4428s before
4429s a repeat from another stream yeah
4434s um if you are in chat please give us a
4436s message
4444s [Music]
4444s um
4445s when I was so much a much babier Hunter
4450s I um
4452s I have a clip of me killing an aftermath
4456s with a Romero and I just called it Chad
4458s Romero
4461s our next winner is all one beard picking
4465s up Conan King
4468s is there just one sitting there
4470s yeah
4472s there's a cotton King AT Pavilion Church
4474s oh the shots I was I'm in my own world
4477s thinking about the clue
4480s uh
4486s all right we are still looking for all
4487s one beard for a phantom of the Catacombs
4490s DLC
4491s move one just let us know you're still
4494s watching
4502s uh we've never had that as a restriction
4504s so feel free to continue to enter I
4506s don't think we have
4508s we're being shot at I'm running I'm
4511s running uh we have had somebody win two
4515s giveaways in one stream but um there's
4517s no rule against it I thought maybe you
4519s saw
4520s there's one over there
4522s yeah I figured they'd come up through oh
4524s attacks
4531s [Music]
4534s healed I think the skin
4538s I saw a uh like tier one Roger
4543s someone through yeah
4546s oh I got poison ammo so I can't fight
4548s through this fence well
4556s back left side of the fence at him his
4559s poison his poison the tier one the red
4562s shirt
4567s oh there is one across the river be
4570s careful
4572s egg the one across the river
4577s two across the river two across
4580s I knewa's gonna die there running a guy
4583s what uh play doctor way across
4589s are you going to replace voice acting
4592s for the granny and we have no plans to
4594s or no announced plans to do so
4597s [Music]
4598s [Applause]
4601s money
4608s I thought they were all closer but we're
4610s not
4612s shot at me back here Unfortunately they
4615s are watching by his body
4617s uh doomster
4620s I don't like the martini Henry very much
4630s I'm like not a bad res if you have necro
4632s but
4635s I do something you're gonna die again
4638s yeah they're still watching uh
4651s just one's male and one's woman a female
4654s that's male one's a woman they got
4657s Vision through this fence I cannot see
4659s on their side very well at trees uh you
4662s can read
4664s 112 patch notes about the other side of
4666s the logs uh some plans for ammo
4669s balancing there are more cover here
4673s our upcoming I guess plans
4678s I already have the bone Mason but my Duo
4680s partner has a really hard time and I
4681s will gift with him nice
4684s I'm looking around find the logs too any
4686s idea when we will finally see the fourth
4688s bounty on the map if the third Bounty
4690s was extracted by a single player oh that
4692s is a known bug
4694s definitely doesn't happen every time
4696s though
4698s we're at
4700s yeah the plague doctor across the river
4702s yeah
4706s thank you
4708s wide is changing freaks cause blood
4710s bones underneath that pink and it's just
4712s how it's always been but it'll be
4714s changing this summer
4715s it was great for me oh I think the
4717s muslim's great yeah I love the mosey
4720s any plans for the Caldwell packs to get
4722s some new variants not that we've
4723s announced you might be holding their
4726s attention enough Gustavo I might go for
4727s a DNA for your thoughts on Solo queuing
4729s in together it had quite a bit this past
4733s had it happened quite a bit
4735s um it's bannable to pre-team
4744s Centennial still underwhelming
4746s he's about to come up try to hold him
4748s off
4749s I don't even see them
4751s let's just go kill the boss make them
4754s push in
4755s yeah
4756s it's hard to hold when they're just
4758s holding those trees yeah
4760s you can kill the boss we are gonna hold
4762s them up
4764s uh video sticky no
4767s is the prodigal daughter gonna go on
4768s sale anytime soon I have no idea
4771s um the three of us are not like in sales
4773s so
4777s um
4778s we do announce most of our sales there's
4781s a special channel in our Discord when
4783s stuff goes on sale for 16.
4786s not a bad place
4791s now
4794s [Music]
4801s can we get the fireworks back at Las
4803s Vegas um that'll be for
4806s anniversary and um New Year's
4812s out of all the current bosses which one
4814s do you hate the most the spider
4816s I'm so annoying
4819s there's no help
4822s nope he did drop some two boxes of ammo
4825s though so I'm gonna poison him up
4832s he's gonna search for a random teammate
4834s with an existing Duo
4836s um that might happen
4844s everywhere
4854s [Music]
4860s uh ruchira you have to actually listen
4862s to the answers because I don't want to
4864s keep repeating the same answer over
4868s foreign
4870s ever gonna make more music uh probably
4873s they have pretty consistently been
4875s putting out
4878s um albums songs
4884s um we still have a few more codes to
4887s give away for the Phantom of the
4888s Catacombs our last winner did not speak
4890s up so we're looking for jeremina Thor if
4893s you're in chat give us a message
4904s they just gave up on us that's
4906s I mean yeah they were just a crossover
4908s shooting
4911s at the spider's stockings during
4913s Christmas
4914s um I I don't think that makes the spider
4916s less annoying unfortunately
4919s I think they're very fashionable
4922s for the same person over and over that's
4925s correct I don't
4929s a different person asks yes of course
4934s another 20 seconds or so for germina
4937s Thor stupid claim your DLC
4940s yeah I've never seen them yet
4943s hi Lido
4946s uh I'll do concertina down here has been
4949s cleared out and we do have a few ammo
4950s boxes if you guys need them and uh two
4953s lunch boxes
4963s my favorite member skin I do it's
4965s Fearless I love her
4967s she's so good
4970s I'm between uh Billy's story or the
4973s Reaper
4975s I saw you do it playing the reaper
4977s earlier today
4978s yeah
4980s I try to use the uh the newest DLC uh
4985s most of the time but Reaper is a really
4988s nice fallback I do like right when they
4990s come out but we've passed that window
4992s for granny I don't
4995s still granny time no it's not green
5000s and Sofia yeah one of my favorite one of
5003s my favorite one of my best friends
5004s only goes in as granny now she refuses
5007s it's like her favorite skin
5010s next winner we're looking for a save JS
5013s we'll try to pull a few more if we have
5015s no people claim them then we might just
5017s need to wait till the next giveaway
5019s starts
5021s handlebar mustache
5028s um I'll save this year
5030s love to see it
5038s oh I almost that when you're on track
5042s next up is neki 666 and I will I have to
5046s step away for a quick second are we
5049s clear on the site yeah we're clear I'll
5052s be right back we're still looking for
5054s Elise
5057s are we extracting
5062s let me uh are gonna are we yeah I'm just
5065s gonna leave the other one it's pretty
5067s far away
5070s we gotta wait for Ari though oh they
5071s shot him are you ready no that was them
5074s okay so we're not about maybe we are
5077s gonna go down south
5079s what's going on sorry guys
5083s oh we got we got homies
5086s oh yeah oh we got close homies
5090s very close I see only two
5092s 165 all three
5096s there's one far away on uh
5100s behind the logs yep I killed one
5105s is this the one you killed by the one
5107s really close yeah
5111s gonna grab a lantern
5114s yeah he's too far away
5118s another one uh other building
5121s no homie yeah yeah yeah yeah over here
5130s then left
5138s he's still over here he's right here do
5141s you want to burn him yep yep I was
5143s afraid
5145s back up back up Sparks
5152s yeah it's not worth it I'm scared
5169s [Music]
5172s foreign
5182s the other one is with me
5191s tagged him
5193s you're gonna die my friend I'm running
5196s Bill buyer is poked out of the right
5198s hand side oh man he's so far
5204s kill buyers pretty close on this
5206s backside attacked him with poison he's
5208s here somewhere behind a love maybe
5210s another one
5213s because I'm bad
5215s okay uh kill buyers back in the set of
5218s trees
5222s one is on your left yeah
5227s I killed a grunt
5229s get it
5234s here one is way back here on me by this
5238s bundle of stuff
5241s foreign
5256s he burned out
5260s here one's way in the back just tagged
5261s him with poison he's back by that hole
5263s that we are holding before goodness that
5266s dude's burned out
5268s and the kill buyer just shot he's been
5269s following on the right
5273s where are these guys
5275s the kill buyers close on the right he
5277s tagged me
5282s trying to push I could use help on the
5285s kill buyer please I'm going I can't find
5288s anyone attack him his poison
5292s he's killed white shirt
5294s kill buyers double tagged Adam he's got
5297s to be very low with poison why you're
5298s dead
5300s he'll buy your way nice
5303s good job easy
5306s do you have that girl
5311s you have what sorry I'm sorry necro do
5314s you have uh yeah
5316s as I do okay here's one I thought you
5319s were trying to ask him to necrom me well
5323s I'm just like I said necro but my brain
5326s meant vulture
5328s great job getting this guy back here bye
5331s I just couldn't see anyone and then
5333s finally I was like ah here he is do you
5335s think this is the same team that was no
5337s it's not there's no plug doctor oh no
5340s plague doctor
5343s we can't be the best long hair Trio I
5345s don't have long hair
5346s I don't know white shirts looted yeah I
5350s looted the white shirt and then the
5351s other guy burned out we can't loot him
5353s okay uh do we want to push to pitching I
5356s think this might have been the team at
5357s pitching that just left and came
5359s straight to us that's true because they
5361s did come up on the the South Southwest
5363s side
5364s I mean might as well
5367s I'm at work
5370s I'm in a new Prestige so you know
5374s will we ever see plague doctor again
5376s unknown
5377s unknown currently
5383s uh mad is correct there are no current
5386s switch wraps active
5389s we do have giveaways uh our last winner
5392s did not speak up so we're looking for
5394s Fred's 83 if you're in chat
5401s foreign
5406s no not sure I think it's too dangerous
5409s like I think it's already probably
5411s pretty gross to be treading through the
5413s swamp with pants on let alone
5417s I don't know but I say that and now I'm
5419s just thinking about like Kane's feet
5421s canes the whole self yeah
5438s any new guns planned to come out uh well
5444s can't say anything but you know
5447s you can at least earn a few new variants
5449s through the current questline
5458s coming out so
5462s you know there you go
5465s I'm gonna go up here and see if there's
5466s a
5468s continuous register
5473s the tower yeah we got friends everyone
5475s thanks everyone who entered that uh B
5479s shotgun giveaway for Phantom of the
5481s Catacombs
5485s we're gonna wrap up that giveaway for
5488s just right now we'll start another one
5490s right after this match though so
5492s and that one will probably be a
5494s different DLC when do we get the code
5497s possibly
5504s we will get to you as quickly as
5506s possible
5508s I didn't see anything on skin
5511s uh we did get the last winner for that
5513s one guys yeah
5519s um and earliest that you will probably
5522s get the code is after this match and
5524s latest is after the stream but as long
5526s as you got an initial message asking you
5528s which platform and which region you play
5530s on from the crytek account then you are
5533s good to go we will get you that code
5536s thank you foreign
5544s stuff from the first quest line that was
5547s available earlier before renting to the
5550s skin uh
5555s we totally forgot to kill the mid hash
5559s oh yeah oh I have two friends I was just
5561s waiting for that oh I've already shot
5562s him a bunch he just needs to be stabbed
5566s I got you thank you I'm bleeding
5574s nice oh he dropped something too
5577s physician
5579s oh hell yeah
5582s I don't because it's a very late trait
5586s you saw but you don't need it
5588s I oh
5591s my God bloodline
5594s let's go
5599s who banished this boss they didn't get
5600s any of the goodies
5602s well let's see I think they're probably
5604s they wanted to come say hi to us
5613s apparently we will see
5616s we do like our Easter eggs we like our
5619s Easter eggs I'm thinking back to uh the
5623s dancing Nano suit soldiers I can't
5625s remember from what crisis game they're
5627s in but
5629s there is a way to in an elevator to have
5632s some Nano suit guys give you a nice
5634s little dance party
5636s yes we did
5640s in a silent Winnie silent Centennial
5642s Authority
5644s um it is still locked
5646s uh
5649s and it will become part of the regular
5651s progression in the summer update
5658s NYC that's a great question I do not
5661s know how many bomb lamps melee has
5664s I think anytime I have a bomb Lance from
5668s CME head I just uh make him go boom with
5670s it
5672s he died thank goodness
5679s hacks that I
5681s that would be pretty funny
5687s we have somebody who finished all the
5689s crisis games and enjoyed themselves glad
5691s to hear it wonder if you tried the
5694s originals or if you tried out the
5695s remastered so that we released one or
5697s two years ago as uh those on Modern Day
5701s Hardware look very nice
5704s yeah I finished the first one recently
5707s nice it's pretty cool nice
5711s amazing someone asked how many Health
5713s points a meathead has uh I don't think
5716s any of the speak yeah AI has like us
5721s um
5726s uh Meathead has less Health points than
5729s a sticky bomb Lance uh bolt will do to
5732s it is how much I know because it always
5735s makes them go boom
5739s I'm gonna explain that crossbow shot
5740s bolt counted towards shotgun damage in
5742s the questline has anybody noticed the
5744s same
5745s um I don't use the shop bolt personally
5747s but that wouldn't be surprising to me if
5750s it did count
5752s is there a reason the Nitro sites can't
5754s be put down yes balance
5758s mm-hmm
5762s that's true the combat log does kind of
5765s allow you to see
5767s that
5769s it's true
5772s health and stuff
5777s oh I need to be killing hives with fire
5778s damage
5779s forgot
5783s that's my biggest problem with the quest
5785s uh challenges is that I forget to look
5787s at the new ones and then they just kind
5789s of go away in my brain
5792s what's your favorite gun the Winnie
5793s Swift
5806s why are you taking our arrows from
5807s players on the count as melee damage um
5809s probably because it counts as bow damage
5811s is my guess
5813s has this been reported before yes
5817s for being not being able to pick up
5819s arrows
5825s The Silo Winfield sites are truly
5828s um not my favorite either
5832s I love the new Army I just I don't know
5834s I can't
5836s can't quite get it with the new Army
5838s sure
5841s although I don't really like any of the
5843s silent guns so I guess maybe for me you
5845s know they're just not
5847s they're just not for me
5849s although one of my favorite things is
5851s the mark always red
5855s what are we playing now Mr Ari
5858s what do you let us see let's see a quest
5860s sign we got going on we got the poison
5862s damage nice we still have to banish one
5865s more boss for me
5867s um and we are moved on to shotguns I
5869s think
5871s again
5872s no uh the shotgun one was an option but
5875s we went with poison instead oh
5878s Gustavo has been doing shotguns for you
5881s oh no oh yeah teams share the quest
5883s progress yes they do
5886s luckily Goose that was helping me blast
5889s through these quests
5892s oh I poisoned a lot of hunters that
5894s match last match
5896s yeah we we knocked out that one I think
5898s in two games
5899s have you thought about removing the bed
5901s Ironside in the winning silencer uh it's
5903s definitely been suggested
5906s it has definitely been suggested whether
5907s or not that will happen that's up to
5909s game design not us but we have suggested
5911s is there a way to submit clips of
5913s cheaters Yes you can submit them to
5915s customer support on our website
5921s yeah losing hatchets after throwing them
5923s is very annoying for sure
5930s what's the point of steel ball ammo um I
5932s don't understand the question
5935s it's like a shotgun slug but silent
5939s it's great but take real long to reload
5941s well yeah but that's because it's a
5943s melee weapon
5946s is it better to retire your Hunter to
5948s help level faster any benefit to maxing
5950s it out to 50 and keeping it um if you
5952s get someone to level 50 and then keep
5954s playing with them your bloodline rank
5956s goes meow
5961s it acts more like a shotgun than
5962s explosive the steel ball yeah the steel
5964s ball is like a slug
5966s it's not an explosive at all
5969s that is the point of it being different
5975s it's like shooting a Romero
5978s yeah but a slug
5982s uh but do you still need Meathead melees
5985s yes two more
5987s you got it
5998s any plans on updating the prestige
6000s system um it's definitely something that
6002s we want to look into
6004s but it is also not at the top of the
6007s priority level and was not included in
6009s the 2023 roadmap
6014s yeah so it is faster than
6017s retire if it's faster to use a max out
6019s Hunter than retiring but if you can't
6022s keep the maxed out Hunter then retiring
6024s as faster but um I just stopped retiring
6027s my Hunters because then I never get to
6029s play with perks and it's kind of sad
6031s that's fair
6033s I think we are going to start a new
6036s giveaway and this one is going to be for
6038s a prescient night DLC
6040s but I need a keyword
6045s via Gustavo I cut you guys off last time
6047s so I will let you have wait what are we
6049s doing
6051s um rewind It's gotta be rewind rewind
6054s good one yeah because if you haven't
6055s seen the trailer
6057s that's like my favorite trick it's so
6059s good it's so good I know I know all the
6061s trailers are good okay I'm just saying
6063s that's my favorite one though like that
6065s one is
6069s good well you heard it if you want your
6072s chance to win a Prussian IDLC this is
6075s for any platform so steam Xbox or
6078s Playstation go ahead and type rewind in
6081s our twitch chat you also need to be
6083s followed to us on Twitch if you happen
6086s to be coming from a different platform
6088s go to twitch.tv crytek to join us over
6092s here so you have your chance to win
6094s we are going to pull some winners after
6096s this match or maybe two matches away
6098s depending on how quickly they go you do
6101s still need to be in chat to claim your
6103s prize but till then just hang out with
6106s us ask us any questions if you have or
6108s watch some amazing gameplay from Violet
6111s and Gustavo and some subpar gameplay
6113s from Ari
6118s if you had a question that hasn't been
6120s answered yet and or that you're curious
6123s about just give it a second because
6124s right now we have like
6126s constant that just rewind and any
6129s question that I see go by just like
6131s flies away immediately
6133s um so just you know give it a second
6142s someone said Ari your gameplay is par oh
6145s that's all I can ask for
6148s that's that's the highest compliment I
6150s think I could have ever received
6155s different uh bottom line sales I don't
6157s know
6160s uh there are no stated plans to remove
6163s the Contraband status but I think
6165s cleaning a weapon and then removing
6167s Contraband would be really cool
6172s puppies
6179s Oh no you're killing my dogs
6182s weekly uh right now yes it is
6185s um so far been happening every uh
6192s man words
6194s are hard
6207s Blockbuster challenge do you find the
6209s hardest cash
6211s in here
6214s the Boneless one is the hardest one in
6218s my opinion yeah probably the bond Lane
6220s swings I don't really like the bomb
6221s Lance and because I prestige so much
6224s um
6225s it's just kind of annoying for me
6227s because I don't have the bomb Lance you
6228s know
6230s that was me uh there's a meathead out
6233s here that I'm working on some melee
6234s damage for me
6236s oh he's being mean though
6247s planning to bring back the Wild Card uh
6249s I hope I assume a wildfire see I read
6252s wild card but you said Wildfire yeah I
6255s sure hope so because I really like The
6257s Inferno and I would love to Play It
6259s Again
6260s no joke free resilience and free light
6263s but back here
6266s I'll have a ping on it it's on the uh
6269s South Southeast corner of the compound
6271s I'll hang out until you get here I'm
6272s sorry for anyone that just had to hear
6274s me cough
6278s I'm muted in Discord but I didn't have
6279s time to mute for history
6290s uh that is just five on the roof
6294s applied foot
6296s oh yeah
6301s pre-health kit
6302s if you got hurt by that uh
6307s it's at Nichols
6309s what if we add the B shotgun for hunters
6312s yeah but then we add a high variant that
6314s also has a b shotgun and she she can
6316s shoot you with it hey godsend
6321s [Applause]
6329s I just play how I always play forsaken
6343s any plans on like a smoke bomb um I
6346s think it's probably pretty low chance
6351s the fire bomb already kind of works that
6353s way and so does the smoke uh
6358s one of these Hive just eat one of my
6360s throwing axes
6368s well there's soccer bitter inside the
6372s buzzler
6373s uh like a lootable one or an enemy one
6376s yeah
6377s oh I've been noticing more of them kind
6380s of on the walls and stuff I don't know
6381s if I've just been getting luckier
6383s means I think it's on a new boss or a
6385s new map well let me tell you
6388s lots of news the wild Target will be
6392s coming this summer and a new boss will
6393s be in 2024. our new map I'm sorry new
6397s map 2024 wild Target this summer if you
6401s want more information check out our
6403s roadmap video on YouTube
6407s very good link can be found in our
6409s twitch chat
6419s that would be really really good I don't
6422s know how I would balance that not a game
6424s designer but that would be very powerful
6426s [Applause]
6430s all right we stay here we go to Wendy
6433s sweet bell Hardin I know somebody
6436s I would love that you know what I mean
6439s yeah let's just run straight to Arden
6442s I'm already on my way
6445s if I was like I've been there for five
6446s minutes I'm already there what are you
6449s guys doing
6450s oh my God a deep decoy cash
6454s someone interacts with it
6456s that does give me big is
6460s that is
6461s that's so mean
6464s oh my gosh
6465s it gives you big mimic vibes from uh d d
6468s the chest that's actually a monster that
6472s is just so me
6476s uh we don't have any
6478s have any servers but if
6481s if that'll be something that we will
6484s definitely
6485s announce everywhere
6490s huge sad
6492s I'm hearing Steph north of me
6501s throwable coin purses that causes poison
6503s when interacted with you have a devious
6505s mind a devious mind
6509s that will be cool
6511s I hear it we'll just have to do all of
6513s them right like uh they're not you leave
6515s at the boss they're at Salters
6517s leave one extra ammo box at a resupply
6520s that happens to be a fake that's so mean
6529s I want to kill them but I don't want to
6531s torment them psychologically
6534s I know I would never trust anything ever
6536s again
6539s Flint uh sets a trap inside
6543s um a present you know and kills one with
6547s that
6548s hey guys
6551s someone traded
6553s I think the most devious might be a like
6557s in World Med kit because people are only
6559s going to those while they're already
6560s damaged you're so mean
6567s it we're enforced there I killed one
6571s fine nose for one did you kill the one
6573s that opened yeah
6579s I just saw one go on the roof
6582s yep back of the roof
6585s by this panel
6587s think they pushed a little bit back
6589s they're still up there jumping off it is
6592s someone was over here and shot me with
6594s bleed
6595s there's one on the east side of the
6597s compound she jumped off the roof down
6599s here somewhere
6600s [Music]
6602s um
6607s no one nice
6610s inside
6615s no no outside
6616s attack him
6618s is behind a hate they're inside now
6622s we're gonna rotate from this oh no he's
6624s not himself
6627s got him nice that was a lucky shot that
6630s was a Levering head trap
6632s that looks a little rude there's another
6634s one inside
6635s up I'll type just jump that's nice
6638s double tap add nice that's four dead
6643s is this the one that you killed no
6648s no this one it's my bomb
6653s well I have vulture so okay you guys
6657s dude everybody
6664s oh God someone's still alive hey it's
6668s the person I killed they've been down
6670s once they have a lament with slugs
6673s they got arrested killing a meathead
6675s have they been down already
6680s another one inside there's like real
6682s life
6689s it's a whole team alive
6691s yep
6694s um at least one's two have been dumbed
6695s at least
6699s white shirt and uh
6707s one's just holding by his body
6709s that in that main door with bombland
6711s steel ball
6714s yeah
6716s the joke
6720s nice bag once white shirt
6724s oh did you I think she'd oh he's not
6726s that he's not that
6730s no
6733s that scared me on by his body it's just
6735s a bomb lens I didn't think they'd come
6737s out
6740s slugs increase range and they want to
6741s adjust
6743s oh
6744s he just wow okay
6747s we just know
6750s that sounds real
6756s good try hey I just assumed they were
6759s all dead I was looting I was I was
6762s looting and scooting
6767s uh yeah everything can one shot headshot
6769s in the correct
6773s range range
6777s man shouldn't have been looting before I
6779s was sure
6788s no the first one I killed then
6791s the first one I shot died for sure I'm a
6794s hundo percent
6796s just need some Gator traps and I guess
6800s I'll kill emulators with choke bombs
6801s because I don't feel like using
6804s different ammos and I don't have a bomb
6806s Lance
6807s and these really should be done at the
6809s same time
6811s There Goes My Level 50. Preston peace
6819s um I still need
6822s shotgun damage we got all the boss
6824s banished though
6825s nice is awesome
6829s shotgun okay
6831s shotgun or just kill eight water Devils
6836s which sounds very easy so I might just
6837s go for this water double one don't no
6840s need to bring shotguns
6843s yeah the giveaways now type rewind
6845s the giveaways now once I get a Loadout
6848s ready I will pull some winners this is
6849s for a prescient night DLC that sounds
6852s terrifying dark lion I don't want a mob
6856s that attacks me from the trees I would
6858s hate that
6860s trivia for buy I would constantly yell
6862s what do you remember what comes in the
6865s pressure night DLC
6872s crossbow oh
6875s [Music]
6877s I don't remember I don't remember
6878s anything else
6881s that sounds right I can't remember
6883s either
6890s I would love for the crack to disappear
6892s from a scope gun when you clean it
6897s people are saying betterly Dead Eye I
6899s don't know why oh and there's also a
6901s better legal oh yeah yeah yeah you're
6903s right I was like why are you guys saying
6905s that
6908s this is also an impression night duh
6914s has a smoke grenade ever been considered
6916s considered yes going to happen probably
6918s not it already like has that Niche
6921s Filled from the regular Fire Bomb which
6924s creates smoke and the
6927s choke bomb
6931s all right we're gonna start pulling some
6933s rewind winners
6935s um
6936s go for it right
6940s uh if you haven't yet go ahead follow us
6942s at twitch.tv slash crytek type rewind in
6946s chat and hang out and call or type
6949s something in chat if we pull your name
6951s as a winner
6954s first up we're looking for big papa 2099
6957s if you're in chat give us a message
6975s they are here with us congratulations
6977s keep an eye out on your Twitch Whispers
6993s next up is
6999s dark Anarchy star if you're in chat with
7003s us give us a message
7011s [Music]
7015s they are here
7030s congratulations the next up uh tat daddy
7033s Tim if you're in chat
7058s foreign
7066s is that I get up to go to the bathroom
7068s really so I can blow my nose
7073s true facts
7080s someone said Brazilian question mark and
7082s I don't
7083s uh
7085s I'm assuming that they're asking about
7087s Gustavo and Gustavo is Brazilian yes why
7091s not both well yeah both but like
7093s I'm really just like man I need to blow
7095s my nose because
7111s I would love a banjo skin I just want to
7114s banjo in game
7119s actually it's not Arabic it's well
7122s what's the name of the phone
7124s or something like that yeah
7129s uh last call for Tat daddy Tim for a
7133s prescient Knight DLC voice exactly
7139s man on my glue next up is
7144s the God sent zero seven godsend let's go
7155s all right
7157s [Music]
7160s this is fine
7162s oh my God God sent come on man
7166s we don't hear a lot I'm gonna tease you
7169s about this later if you're not here
7176s Dome animation
7178s your skin ready
7184s oh I'm gonna tease them about this later
7187s godsend has another 30 seconds to claim
7190s that godsend come on man
7197s [Applause]
7198s he's about to get teased oh
7202s oh wait
7206s I think they're
7208s there's people at Golden I've heard of
7211s Millie was that you I meleeed recently
7215s um
7221s I think he left
7227s got somebody get teased all right
7230s unfortunately the godsent does not seem
7232s to still be with us
7234s you're gonna have to pull a new winner
7235s I'm so sorry
7237s and next up is a salty Munch XXX if
7241s you're in chat please give us a message
7253s they are with us
7256s there was um
7260s nobody had read that clue awesome
7262s I don't think anyone was there
7268s are there plans for a weapon inspect
7270s animation uh I don't know about plants
7275s but it's red
7277s that have requested it the clue is red
7281s oh
7284s I tag him
7289s another team came up behind them
7293s uh more in the Southeast across the way
7296s I think Forest Area yep oh God that
7299s hurts
7301s [ __ ]
7307s two back there at least uh both haven't
7310s crossed the river quite no one's close
7311s though this clue was red
7313s which means someone is closer to us than
7315s that those guys were way far away for
7318s that I think that's the secondary team
7319s that's holding out here and uh there's
7323s another team that's more like straight
7324s south on the train track area
7327s we might want to Loop like Northwest to
7329s try to come around
7332s I could see these two
7333s not
7340s no
7342s north side
7347s where he was in uh the house to the that
7350s post office house
7359s oh he's crouching right in front of me
7370s killed her
7372s great shirt
7377s oh I should have had the first kill
7378s though Johnson no now you're here
7383s the current winner we're looking for is
7387s pc2400 if you happen to be in chat
7391s what happens once you win the DLC you'll
7393s get a whisper on Twitch from the cry
7396s attack Channel at some point soon but we
7400s are
7401s actively doing this so it might be a
7402s minute
7405s I got you killed so
7415s person already is a Winnie
7419s on a work called Moon
7430s uh we'll pull one or two let's see if we
7433s can get one more winner for the
7434s suppression night we're looking for hell
7436s Guardian T if you're in chat
7441s I didn't get to kill any water levels
7452s said
7454s only two upgrade points which is
7455s basically
7457s iron repeater
7461s oh a locomotive driver's skin they just
7464s typed oh yep there they are nice cell
7465s Gurney
7467s thank you thank you
7475s congratulations everybody who entered
7478s the Prussian night giveaway we'll wrap
7480s that one up right there and give you
7482s guys a new keyword
7488s now I gotta be thinking oh you got to be
7491s thinking this one's going to be for
7492s Shrine maiden's hell
7495s Ryan Maiden
7497s uh either of you guys feel free to toss
7500s any keywords that you want same rules as
7503s before uh for all the people entering
7504s you have to be followed to twitch.tv
7507s crytek you gotta still be with us when
7510s we pull winners and you gotta type the
7512s keyword in chat
7514s Shrine made himself
7517s I don't know I don't have any keywords
7518s for this one what about you
7524s sushi
7526s [Laughter]
7527s I don't know
7529s I'm hungry
7530s I'm also hungry
7532s well now I'm hungry
7535s all right if you guys smoothie this time
7536s I'm a fool
7539s if you want your chance to win a shrine
7541s made in hell this is for any platform
7543s follow us at twitch.tv crytech and type
7546s sushi in chat
7553s yeah it is lunchtime
7555s right here right now I'm starving oh
7557s someone asked about a train locomotive
7559s skin um I think that would be
7561s interesting but the trains have clearly
7562s not been working for quite some time in
7566s the bayou
7567s so
7569s they would still be in an old outfit I
7573s guess
7576s you know maybe that's all the outfits
7578s they have though who knows
7588s um
7590s he's on he's unemployed now it's true
7593s locomotives aren't going anywhere
7596s oh gosh
7599s the best hunter at crytek it's probably
7601s Fab Fab
7603s yeah QA gets a lot of hours in game
7606s design has some really good Hunters I've
7607s played with some people from Level
7609s design that are pretty good too oh Tom
7611s was really good Temple is really good he
7614s has an interesting he's more of a
7615s passive play style I think
7617s um of like staying back with long range
7619s stuff same as Dennis like you put a
7622s sniper in Dennis's hands he's gonna get
7623s some head shots oh yeah
7625s uh luckily I think so much of the
7628s company are fans of hunt either before
7631s or you know during their employment at
7633s crytek so we have a lot of different
7636s co-workers to choose from
7639s foreign
7642s I haven't played with everyone in crytek
7645s so that would be really hard to
7647s say anyway
7650s you know this guy
7651s no that's probably not true
7654s actually you know what I know for a fact
7655s that's not true
7658s definitely not already
7660s dang intron just throwing Jeremy or
7663s Nick's Attack under the bus
7665s oh
7669s poor Nixa I mean he's in Creative
7672s services like he's busy making trailers
7675s and stuff he doesn't have time to get
7676s good to hunt
7681s oh spooky map
7684s um I know fire arrows have definitely
7686s been suggested I'm in quite a lot but
7690s um there's never been an announcement
7691s that
7693s they're gonna be in I see a gator trap
7695s let's go
7696s oh okay so I I
7699s picked up with a sniper and we got a
7702s foggy map it's all your fault
7704s how could you
7706s this is the way
7712s um no I've never heard of anyone doing a
7714s click play only
7716s Thrice egg server
7718s see
7720s the wild Target will be coming out this
7723s uh summer someone as else asked about a
7727s snow map or a winter map and
7732s um the next map will come out in 2024
7734s and we have no details to give past that
7740s do water Devils eat your throwables
7751s can you guys please kill someone so I
7755s can pick up their loadout
7758s okay what do any of you have
7760s no oh I'm I'm with the veterally that I
7763s I do not have condo but I can't see
7765s anything
7769s nope
7772s follow it nope
7778s I do not
7785s yeah
7787s saw something you know out of the corner
7789s of my eye
7790s your water dolls are always so hungry
7799s and there hasn't been any announcements
7801s about our new time with the slush
7805s wild card
7808s condition
7818s rain plus fog plus night mode oh my gosh
7826s like my worst nightmare
7828s that's what I think is happening
7832s tonight Plus Wild uh
7837s iron Sharpshooter for the Craig yes
7843s both on the Crag and the Crag Bandit
7861s don't forget wind
7867s do you have data on how many people like
7869s or dislike or night Maps uh I mean me no
7875s is that something that
7878s is Strat yes
7881s well probably not like this like more
7884s like leave don't leave
7888s oh there is a bomb blance coming to us
7891s yeah I heard a shot North at Port
7894s hail oh man hail would hurt I think hail
7897s would just be like constant damage
7900s you could never reach him yeah
7903s it's like losing Health counseling
7905s hail's hitting you in the head
7910s I'm uh kilnson watered owls out here if
7913s you guys are stay from there for now
7923s I miss it
7928s I missed the really dark nights where no
7931s one could see me cry oh come on man
7937s [Music]
7938s [Applause]
7941s [Music]
7944s so who knows
7956s I mean you can come in with your knife
7958s there's a shovel River
7964s [Music]
7967s [Applause]
7978s I have spam risk calling me
7985s I am all done with my water devil
7995s any plans to add UV ray damage where we
8000s stare into the sun too long and our
8001s vision's permanently no
8005s what a fantastic idea and
8010s um and also how dare you
8012s [Music]
8021s just miss a lot of the devil's movie
8023s stuff actually it's really fun
8029s yeah just use the Spyglass and look
8031s directly into the sun yeah and you can
8034s be blinded
8036s it's like a
8038s a perk but you know negative
8053s someone named UV Spectrum saying I do
8056s damage in the bayou
8059s honestly perfect I mean thank you for
8062s appearing
8065s how do you move around
8067s um I don't use WSC to move around yeah
8069s that's just
8072s long and the short of it I guess
8075s we haven't announced any plans for the
8077s re-release of the vinyl track but we
8080s have seen uh people's requests that they
8082s would like it to be released and that
8085s not everybody who got a copy is able to
8088s or not everyone who wanted a copy was
8090s able to get one
8091s there is a username for every occasion
8094s so true
8096s I also don't use ES BF I'm so sorry
8102s are we gonna go to the other Bounty are
8105s we just hanging up
8108s I mean
8115s I don't know what happened to them
8117s though
8119s do you have a bow
8121s yeah
8123s it was making easy work of those water
8126s doubles that's good
8129s yeah
8130s I did lose a lot of arrows though and
8132s the water Devils weren't eating them I
8134s just wasn't finding them in the water
8136s no news about a new Rye son of brown
8139s that'd be cool though
8140s we haven't even we haven't announced any
8142s plans that that's something we're
8143s working on uh apparently the game that
8146s is being worked in progress is Crisis
8148s four and that's just a working title for
8150s right now so might be named something
8152s differently at some point
8155s um yeah I don't use my keyboard to move
8157s guys at all
8159s peripheral
8164s I use my thumb
8170s I'm a weirdo
8174s I didn't know if I could make that but I
8176s wanted to well there is there is a
8178s barrel very good for you to set up a
8182s trap right over there oh on the other
8184s side of that oh guess what I could stop
8186s it let me blow your mind I already have
8187s a trap do you have a favorite oh really
8189s because I always I almost altered that
8191s no I'm not rolling I don't use the
8194s keyboard on my left hand at all
8197s if you didn't think I saw that Primo
8204s I was gonna vote over that fence
8207s but I
8209s okay what happened twice Puerto Rico
8212s boys
8214s hey where you want to go there
8217s I mean
8219s I want to pick up and scan and find them
8224s yes
8226s watch out for my traps
8229s I'm gonna let Elia scan
8234s you just can no I'm waiting for you skin
8236s I'm gonna scan watch out for this trap
8238s people people Southeast okay don't hit
8242s the trip close uh 30 meters or so yeah
8246s in the compound yeah
8250s oh God sorry
8253s [ __ ] traps man
8255s I've just said
8258s you didn't tell me about the yellow
8260s Barrel one you just warned me about a
8263s red Barrel
8264s one out here
8265s [Applause]
8267s I'm down a small bar
8274s one over here
8276s I killed one yep nice
8279s there you are come back
8282s [Applause]
8284s oh my God Ari
8286s oh you gotta tell me
8290s I'm gonna die
8295s okay I was not warned about the bear
8298s trap either
8301s just saying
8303s I'm so sorry
8306s I had a general policy of yes traps
8310s that I have a general policy of are
8312s there both here yeah oh my gosh
8316s I'm Haley
8318s I can't see him through the fog
8321s they can see me though
8323s [Applause]
8326s they're both back more so one right
8328s there where's the one we killed do we
8330s have a fireproof here
8341s yep
8342s it's over
8346s I'm down to 75.
8348s bad life
8350s oh
8352s yeah
8356s good that's good because me and my
8358s health bars are sad
8361s hey epistolero uh do you have vulture
8364s probably not because I'm right you can
8366s come on for your seconds
8370s no you can you can loot them
8373s I'm good you deserve it I'm Gustavo you
8377s know you want to kill one person
8381s you deserve it yeah does Ari get an
8383s assist for me dying no but that'd be
8385s funny
8386s uh
8392s oh well
8395s Ari's just helping me respect my health
8397s bars even though that's my favorite
8399s setup
8400s I'm keeping uh you
8403s vigilant
8405s training you to watch for traps
8408s oh they died because they didn't hit me
8409s in the chest or the head
8413s you had just warned me of all her trap I
8417s knew we're right next to a red barrel
8419s trap I was scared and then Ari hurt me
8422s with two traps that weren't red Barrel
8424s traps
8429s this is like the level one
8431s easy is that you
8434s yeah that would be me okay
8436s I got scared one went by me and I was
8438s like oh no
8441s unfortunately I can't lower my camera
8443s right now it is set up on a tripod kind
8445s of uh past my desk so it would be
8449s a little inconvenient to to get it off
8451s but I have no fancy peripheral like set
8455s up like by I'm just using the keyboard
8457s in the mouse
8461s I am kind of jealous of uh the little
8464s pad that by uses
8466s I only know of one other person that
8467s uses this
8470s so I was thinking about getting a
8473s special peripheral
8474s it's called an azeron
8477s I wasn't gonna go for it straight that I
8480s was looking at getting maybe a smaller
8481s dedicated gaming uh keyboard
8485s but I feel like it would be
8488s a little bit wasteful to have like
8491s two different keyboards
8493s there you go
8499s oh my God dirty Larry uses one too let's
8502s go can you show us the pet I linked you
8504s what I have
8507s free resilience
8510s oh you guys uh still need the meat hats
8513s no no
8514s just Gatorade I just killed the meat
8517s because you know free poop looks like
8520s you know is there a gator trap over here
8522s no okay
8523s such
8526s can you show us the pad that would mean
8528s moving my camera and that would be a lot
8529s of work we could just Google it or click
8533s on the link oh I have not enough light
8535s for that
8536s wait I need that Arrow back it's on the
8539s ground you almost killed me
8543s that you're immediate
8549s I actually used to use a Razer Tartarus
8552s and um the azeron is basically just a
8555s better version of eraser Tartarus in
8556s every way shape and form based on how
8559s you described it I thought it was a
8560s razor Tartarus but I think it's just
8562s because that was the only it was the
8564s only one I've ever seen yeah
8567s [Music]
8569s intro version if you are interested
8574s it's cheaper and
8577s um not as good or not as high quality
8580s but
8582s if you are interested
8584s I would just recommend going to the
8585s azeron
8587s even though it's more expensive it's
8588s just so much nicer
8594s they don't make the Razer one anymore
8596s really that's news to me I had one
8599s pretty recently actually
8602s [Music]
8605s it's not a mouse scam fishers on my left
8608s hand it's not on my right hand
8610s it's not a mouse at all
8613s I have a regular Mouse alternate input
8616s device
8621s I have a regular Mouse
8624s rewards acquire two flash bombs
8629s will there ever be an in-game social
8630s menu uh I don't know maybe
8635s we've only had bad experiences with
8637s Razer stuff yeah that's because Razer
8638s stuff is you know in my opinion not the
8641s highest quality
8649s Don't Mind If I Do
8659s oh I still can't get Necro
8662s please okay cool thank you
8668s I think it's bomb Lance time for me
8671s the bomb Lance o'clock
8673s bomblands o'clock I think let's check I
8675s gotta check out the next one oh my God I
8677s forgot to kill emulators with choke
8678s bombs
8683s you know that instead of the bombless
8685s you can uh
8689s do the explosive
8691s um
8693s feel explosive damage yeah if you did
8696s the explosive you don't have to do the
8698s bombless one
8700s hand crossbow works for the choke
8701s challenge well I don't have a hand
8702s crossbow either well I have the regular
8704s hand crossbow but I don't have the uh I
8706s don't have the choke bolts
8709s I guess I'll start with the uh Crag
8712s damage if you uh buy nice probably not
8715s but okay uh yeah no I don't have enough
8718s money for that yet yeah
8720s well I mean I have money I just how
8721s about this I'm too early in my Prestige
8723s to want to be spending my money let me
8726s see if I can like actually pick up my
8727s azeron
8728s because everybody's chomping at the bit
8730s for it
8731s yeah
8734s here is my this way
8737s but I already grabbed conduit so yeah I
8740s can do it
8742s your goal for the Crag one right yes I'm
8746s on uh Crag and Gator traps
8749s I'm on Gator traps
8751s did you do the bomb Lance one no uh I
8755s mean the Nola screw thing yeah forever
8757s ago
8759s I I didn't though I took one and
8763s um my friend just got three kills
8765s uh I didn't see anyone that entire round
8768s she was just like one dead another one
8771s dead another one dead and I was like
8775s okay I don't know who that friend is but
8777s can you send them uh can I get their
8779s steam ID and like
8781s okay
8785s is the azeron quiet yeah it's silent
8789s like it'll eat your fingers
8792s um it hasn't yet still have all my
8794s fingers
8795s luckily
8797s Mr Gustavo what are you pairing with
8799s this Craig just an uppercut oh I guess
8801s for ammo yeah I have a keyword for
8803s writing text for like work and [ __ ] and
8805s Discord
8806s I'm not a monster
8819s it will eat them at some point oh Lord
8826s I know it's Paddington
8828s I love the Paddington that already has
8830s he's so cute I actually just watched
8832s those movies like really recently
8834s Addington 2 is a masterpiece it's so
8837s good I think I liked Paddington one
8840s more
8842s but Paddington 2 was really good there's
8844s gonna be I heard there's gonna be a
8845s Paddington three
8847s just saying
8848s as long as they're amazing you know I'll
8850s take it because I'm just saying I did
8851s hear there would be a third one
8853s do you know if we'll ever be able to see
8855s how many trios we killed I don't know if
8857s that'll ever happen but I would like it
8859s I didn't think it's not that famous here
8861s so
8863s we'll have to watch it together Gustavo
8865s it's really good yeah yeah I liked it
8868s revenge of the marmalade I'm gonna talk
8871s to our uh like
8874s lead in the the department we work on I
8878s think that should be our next uh like
8879s weekend yeah weekend movie night yeah
8884s I'd like to get an azeron but I question
8886s the build quality do you have any issues
8888s I have no issues and they have like a
8890s lot of
8891s um
8893s support for if you have an issue uh and
8897s like they'll do basically anything they
8899s can to fix it
8902s I forgot the giveaway no we're just
8904s we're just letting it roll you know and
8906s then we can do we can pull winners after
8908s the match
8911s yeah new Hunter Paddington that's that I
8913s mean I'm with it
8915s do you think we'll ever get Advanced
8916s controller settings like changing the
8918s dead zones or response curves
8921s um I would put my money on yes
8924s someday but when I don't know
8928s um hopefully
8930s soon
8934s to the giveaway immediately after I
8935s enter it so I have better chances
8937s uh that you won't have better chances
8940s right after you enter but we will start
8942s pulling some winners for the giveaway of
8945s shrine made in hell it's for any
8948s platform and uh you do need to be
8952s following us on Twitch and type Sushi
8954s and chat you still have a chance to
8956s enter right now if you're just joining
8958s us if you happen to be on YouTube
8960s Facebook steam or anywhere else please
8962s jump over to twitch.tv slash crytek and
8965s type Sushi and chat and follow so you
8967s have a chance to win
8969s where can I redeem the code on Console
8971s it'll be in the like door right yep
8975s wherever whichever store
8979s machete did I
8982s first winner is sound garden
8984s azeron's Larry holy I just have the one
8989s one free chat Apollo crytek okay
8995s Soundgarden they are here
8998s isn't that a band
9000s uh
9006s Don't They isn't it Black Hole Sun is by
9009s SoundCloud I really like that song
9017s oh shoot I'm coming we'll pull more
9020s winners everybody
9022s focus on this fight first when will the
9024s redeem code inside the game work um it
9026s works it just we're not giving you
9028s things to redeem uh you haven't yet
9032s register yep
9036s I'm reloading
9040s some over here oops not that far here as
9042s well
9045s almost on Gustavo
9056s nice oh I killed him
9059s that must have been the weird sister
9061s because I heard a woman
9063s should we push up on the body of him
9065s behind that oh left of the shack
9070s unless it
9074s healing up Gustavo
9076s traded okay oh it's lady dragon slayer
9081s these are friends
9083s we just have one more last scene was
9085s left of the shack but I'm not sure where
9087s they're at now
9090s you sure
9105s Nice kill is it what is there another
9108s one yep they just got a rest oh another
9110s team
9111s oh she said that's all that team no no
9114s it's yeah but we have all another team
9115s and I am out of ammo no leave me alone
9120s you guys leave me alone
9129s get off that route
9131s you're not bi you're not allowed to be
9133s on the roof
9137s that was a zombie
9143s maybe you can rest her yep yep I'm doing
9145s it
9146s long run
9149s thank you
9160s no how'd you know I was over here
9163s so mean
9166s and another more people behind no please
9184s foreign
9201s good try
9202s does the free leg from a legendary from
9206s Prestige enzyme five no ten
9212s ten not five
9214s you are forced to get the uh Louisiana
9217s lustrum though
9226s okay
9228s those were friends
9239s in our giveaway are you looking for a
9244s diapateros one if you're in chat give us
9246s a message
9252s uh yeah don't know what the original
9255s question was about finding a team but
9258s there are oh my God
9261s lots of ways to find teams
9264s uh on our Discord
9267s uh yeah we have a lot of lfg channels
9269s that you guys should all check out
9273s I have
9276s messed that up
9279s all right I'm gonna go Reaper and we're
9280s gonna have an amazing game and I'm gonna
9282s finish all my challenges and everybody
9285s will get a DLC
9287s any thoughts on prestiging without
9289s losing your hunt dollars um that I think
9291s would defeat the point so
9294s probably not
9295s gonna happen but just guess
9331s 400 hours and I'm so horrified of
9333s playing solo I'm 800 1800 hours in and
9336s I'm so horrified of playing solo
9339s honestly I'm about to uh on this chat no
9342s that's going to be our enemy
9347s looks like our last winner was not here
9350s so we rolled to broccoli if you're
9353s exactly please give us a message
9358s uh what is your favorite music band
9362s AI Gustavo do you guys have a favorite
9364s band no I don't really like
9366s you know
9368s I would say Iron Maiden I don't think I
9370s have a favorite I'm so basic I'll just
9373s say Led Zeppelin I they I just I always
9376s go back
9379s um
9382s Iron Maiden and AC DC
9388s no
9389s I don't know don't have one
9394s uh no
9397s definitely not Taylor Swift
9399s Taylor Swift's not even on the level of
9401s people I like at all
9404s someone says broccoli is spoken but I
9406s don't see it and I'm just am I dumb
9408s broccoli has broken they just said yay
9411s thank God sorry I missed it broccoli
9413s broccoli
9416s um
9417s I'll also say I think Foo Fighters are
9419s up there for me uh and then weirdly
9421s enough I think Bee Gees
9423s my dad was a really big BG's fan and I
9425s think uh that just passed down
9429s saying Port sulfur band good job yes
9432s correct answer good good answer
9435s our next winner we're looking for a sag
9437s Bloss
9439s if you're in chat give us a message
9443s uh there was
9446s there is one day where I was working on
9448s something that requires like my full
9450s attention and I didn't notice that I
9452s just had rise up dead man on repeat in
9454s the background for I think two to three
9456s hours
9457s like it was only Horizon
9460s okay
9462s I wasn't mad about it it just like
9465s became the normal
9471s oh really
9473s yep
9474s Southeast spawn South spawn yes trying
9478s to get some elevation
9481s I just do I have this ballpoint for me
9486s why do you have to be here right now
9496s oh I'm getting shot
9498s underneath you guys one
9503s eggs here oops here here we go I think
9507s from the tower
9511s there's one very close right behind in
9514s the compound with you
9519s please be quiet please let me vote
9536s oh I should have waited for Elias
9539s oh well
9544s oh I can't tell that there's been a raid
9546s but someone said there was oh I hear him
9547s everywhere
9558s I actually don't like the wrestlers I
9559s was just saying that the other day I
9561s think the red ones aren't distracting to
9563s me somehow I don't know why maybe it's
9565s because they're more rare oh my God
9572s oh well that was a short one
9576s e z
9579s and out
9588s my steam overlay is Frozen
9603s yes
9607s I need a new Hunter
9612s mm-hmm
9618s supposed to be using a betterly
9622s guess I could do that
9624s uh next up in the sushi giveaway sorry
9626s we keep getting uh
9629s interrupted
9633s looking for a
9635s diapros one again
9639s and oh there they are
9642s easy
9647s after that
9649s uh haunted stuffs if you're in chat give
9652s us a message
9653s uh Justin I have no idea what you said
9655s so you're just gonna have to repeat it
9661s we are also playing the game and there
9664s are lots of chat messages so
9669s are they on test servers test servers
9671s are not active right now
9674s that would have been impressive though
9684s answer questions that's what we've been
9686s doing for the last few hours so thank
9689s you I guess you're welcome I don't know
9692s I wonder where to report mod abusing
9694s your Discord server ah okay uh you can
9696s just pry the message a community manager
9703s no charms on guns no it is uh very
9706s distracting for me personally
9714s I've tried to do that well
9717s I am
9719s if you have messaged a community manager
9721s then I'm sure they have read it
9724s and yes if you win the giveaway you will
9726s get a message from our crytek Channel
9730s next up
9732s atti 90 if you're in chat give us a
9734s message we'll pull just a few more for
9736s this Sushi giveaway
9741s Justin you can just message me if you
9743s want on Discord
9745s I'm just Violet I'm at the top of the
9747s list
9750s it also might not be a community manager
9753s ignoring you but we do receive a lot of
9755s messages per day and I wish we could
9758s answer every single one but you know
9760s some might fall through the cracks so
9761s not a bad idea to just shoot another
9764s message make sure they saw or try
9766s another Community manager if you already
9768s got a definitive answer from one
9770s Community manager please don't just
9772s message all of us though so
9774s uh there is a hunt Showdown
9777s Discord
9779s there is an official Discord
9782s Justin just message again then I
9785s if I didn't respond that means that I uh
9790s probably just got a million messages and
9792s uh forgot so I'm sorry what happens on
9795s the Discord um people chat about the
9797s game people play games together there's
9800s a lot of lfg channels looking for group
9803s we have announcements channel so that
9805s you guys can uh opt into if you want to
9808s get pings about maybe the servers uh
9810s pings about new releases like
9814s um
9815s your feedback
9819s I'm not huge personally on social media
9821s so uh having the Discord pings is really
9823s nice to get you know stay up to date
9825s with the game if I'm not interested in
9827s you know watching Twitter or Instagram
9829s that kind of stuff
9832s a figureless voice
9834s um the so far like special events uh
9839s haven't Hunters haven't come back yet so
9841s like the play doctor but seasonal events
9843s like um Halloween and the winter
9845s solstice those Hunters have come back so
9848s currently that's been the system
9854s we have someone says that the Discord
9856s has been great to learn from community
9857s members as a newer player so really
9859s great to hear we have lfg sections uh
9863s looking for a group and if you're new to
9865s hunt and you're looking for somebody to
9867s kind of give you some uh like help
9870s getting through your first few matches
9872s or you know just tell you about stuff as
9874s you're playing there are a lot of people
9876s in the lfg who are experienced and
9878s willing to take on new hunters and show
9881s them the ropes and uh normally I think
9883s that's the kind of best way to learn
9885s Hunt is with somebody who already knows
9887s a lot about it and is happy to take that
9891s time and tell you about it
9895s yeah lfg stands for looking for group
9899s still I want to get at least one more
9901s Shrine made in style okay we're looking
9903s for IR Denton if you're in town
9910s [Laughter]
9916s now I will be coughing for the next 10
9918s years
9929s that was confusing
9935s I was like what are you guys doing
9939s uh IR detention is here congratulations
9945s do you guys think we can get one more
9947s for sure
9951s did you sometimes slip your stab like
9953s that it's very sad
9955s uh epic silver if you're in chat last
9957s night you have a shrine made in hell
9959s what's your name on it oh this is
9963s going to do can the red random legendary
9965s item in a Prestige be a charm
9970s um I don't believe so but I'm just
9971s thinking because we introduced the
9973s random legendaries way before charms or
9975s anything uh but I can't say for sure
9978s yeah I'm not sure
9980s I would say
9982s yeah I've never heard it happen and I
9985s think that would be something that was
9986s would be brought to our attention
9989s serious question uh any internal
9991s discussion aimed at making the MMR less
9993s volatile
9995s um the matchmaking is always something
9997s that we're looking into and
10001s you know looking at how it could be
10003s better so
10007s I guess it's something that we're always
10009s you know watching
10013s people right in front of me
10016s we're a little far from you by a few can
10018s pull back if not we'll be there in 10
10021s seconds
10026s [Applause]
10028s oh
10029s they shot me I'm healing
10033s he got my shot
10040s behind this house on the left side
10044s I'm reloading reloading
10049s here mailing behind this house
10053s that guy too late
10055s I died of the simulator
10057s oh we're not I wish I had died to the
10059s emulator now
10062s all right
10065s pretty bad player I can still go from
10067s three to five stars in a day and get
10068s pretty outmatched uh it's just based on
10070s who you kill and who kills you so I'm
10073s burning oh you are burning yeah the
10076s emulator it hit me they shot the
10078s emulator
10080s no
10085s wasn't I mean oh I'm happy to tell you
10087s that we're dubs
10090s work on the game just like everyone else
10092s just saw one to the right of that pink
10094s by the red house
10096s oh don't you
10098s that was oh I'm sorry anyway MMR is
10101s based on who kills you and who you
10102s killed that didn't hit me oh I'm still
10106s on fire
10108s so it is not based on like KD or you
10116s yeah you can burn a body one good shot
10119s yep there's the headsman popping up and
10120s down on that pink
10124s I'm healing up right now Gustavo if you
10126s can hold down
10132s nice yeah Justin you can just message me
10135s again if it got lost in my DMs it got
10138s lost you know one of my dead questions
10140s are being answered for game knowledge uh
10143s we can't answer any questions about new
10145s things because
10147s uh this is that's not what the thing is
10150s that's some of the stream is just
10151s gameplay stream
10152s good try everyone good try
10155s nobody answers me in a DM am I doing
10157s something wrong you're not doing
10158s something wrong we are just currently
10159s playing the game
10162s as long as you got a starter DM asking
10165s for your information about what platform
10167s and reaching your plan then you are
10169s locked in to get a code
10172s um you just gotta be a little patient
10173s yep thank you there's a question for
10176s possible fixes uh I guess
10179s I would need you to ask it again but the
10182s general answer about pretty much any bug
10185s is that the team is working on it and
10188s you know the next update will have a
10191s bunch of bug fixes with it you plan on
10194s making any additional changes to the
10195s game new maps new monsters yes new map
10197s 2024
10199s um
10201s I still need the battery and a wild
10203s Target is coming out this summer
10206s oh wait I want to skin we need we need
10209s the battery yeah I need the bed early
10211s when will the next update be released
10213s this summer
10215s it's very exciting
10225s win new boss wild Target this summer
10228s did you finish the crack one
10231s uh that is a great question let's see
10234s not quite yet
10238s I almost felt 400 damage with my bed
10240s early so close our matches are going so
10243s quick we haven't had much time for Gator
10245s traps I know is the summer updated
10248s update related to the new engine
10250s longer than that
10252s it'll be late this year or 2024 but we
10256s don't have any more information uh
10258s whenever we do have more information on
10260s the engine integration not not a new
10263s engine engine integration uh we will
10266s give it but we don't have
10268s uh any update yet
10271s what is a wild Target oh we'll just have
10273s to wait and see
10275s browse browse I think we'll go ahead and
10279s start our last giveaway for today we'll
10282s also do one quote-unquote secret
10284s giveaway at the end that will tell you
10286s more information about about how to
10288s enter and that final giveaway uh the
10291s secret one probably has the best chance
10292s of you actually getting a code so I'd
10294s stick around till then for right now we
10297s will host a la Las Mala giveaway for any
10300s platform if you want a chance to win
10302s type Les Mala all one word in chat make
10306s sure you are following and this is at
10308s twitch.tv crytek if you happen to be
10311s watching on YouTube Facebook's theme
10313s anywhere else please jump over to Twitch
10316s and type Las Mala and chat so you have a
10319s chance to win
10320s uh caps don't matter but you do put Luz
10323s and Mala together in one word no space
10325s uh and if you have a question that
10328s hasn't been answered please give it a
10329s second and let this
10331s that you see let this go by
10335s because we can't
10337s it's going too quickly to try and read
10338s anything
10341s just give it a second
10344s let everybody get their keywords out
10350s um
10360s key words going by yeah probably gonna
10364s slow down soon though
10367s you only need to type it once so once
10369s you've gotten your Les Mall in there
10371s made sure that you're followed you can
10372s just hang out with us until we pull the
10375s winners
10385s all right looks like we're starting to
10387s slow down now so
10390s now if you have any questions please
10392s retype them so I can actually read them
10398s ah
10403s who do I contact to verify something is
10405s a feature and not a book um either mod
10408s mail in the Discord or I don't know just
10410s one of us
10412s anyone else in four-man groups would be
10414s fun yeah
10416s that'd be fun I don't know if it would
10418s ever happen but I think it would be fun
10422s is there going to be a fix for the Ping
10423s issues like always saying you're in a
10425s different region um if you're in a
10427s different region that means the host has
10428s a different region selected than you do
10430s that is not a bug that's a feature
10433s um it is annoying though when it happens
10435s because I'm like yeah I know I'm playing
10438s with my friends
10439s that's just me uh and if you are locked
10443s out of all regions then you should just
10445s restart your game uh or steam sometimes
10448s restarting steam just like refreshes
10451s your connection to us
10453s do you have people from Poland in your
10454s team I'm pretty sure yes there are some
10456s Polish people on the team my favorite
10458s piece of merch it's the necro shirt
10462s you can get your own hunt merch on our
10465s Amazon store oh I missed the head uh
10469s currently available for a decent number
10471s of regions some stuff like Canada is not
10474s currently available but we have heard
10475s requests uh if it does ever become a
10478s possibility we will for sure make more
10482s regions
10484s oh yeah the um
10486s all the anniversary shirts are really
10488s good so like five of nightmares oh my
10490s gosh they're all really good
10494s okay
10497s uh we have uh employees from all over
10500s the place now as of last year
10503s we had we started a global work from
10506s home policy that has opened up
10509s the possibility for us to get employees
10511s pretty much all over the world for a
10514s majority of our positions which is
10515s really cool
10519s produce often trades occur in the game
10520s with close quarter combat um it is a
10523s complaint that we have heard
10525s um and it is something that we will be
10528s looking into with the engine integration
10530s does project do merch giveaways to you
10532s or no just DLC that'd be cool though
10534s maybe someday
10537s that would be really cool giveaways yeah
10539s I love that I do worry that
10542s we just have a limited you know number
10545s of regions where we give away words and
10546s I'd hate for somebody to win and just
10548s not happen to be in an area that we
10550s could get that March out to them would
10553s be awesome though
10555s once we get the stalker Beetle plushies
10557s which have not actually been announced
10561s or anything it just happened on that
10563s sorry it's the lantern
10565s yeah I was so bad but I just paused and
10569s was like no one's all bad
10573s now
10574s oh
10580s yes new map next year somebody asked
10583s something what is this engine
10584s integration means it means that
10586s currently hunt does not run on the
10588s latest version of cryengine and the
10590s engine integration will integrate us
10593s to the latest version of crying oh we
10597s gotta go south
10599s welcome to them
10600s [Music]
10602s I really want a skin for the soccer
10605s beetle in game currently there is not
10607s one but I wonder
10610s that'd be cool though
10612s me and VI have proposed at least two
10615s dozen different soccer Beetle skins
10617s that's if not three or four dozen
10619s honestly
10620s yeah oh people people okay
10624s [Applause]
10625s what will the latest engine help with
10627s for the game
10628s so many things uh and when will it
10630s happen when somebody asked earlier a
10632s gator trap
10634s um it will happen basically as soon as
10636s it can but it takes uh quite a bit of
10638s time
10639s if anybody plays fortnite the
10641s integration from ue4 to ue5 took them
10644s over a year and
10647s so you know
10649s we think this new engine made me a
10651s better player
10659s I'm crazy
10661s Saddleback
10663s Centennial trauma too in case
10665s anyone wants to switch
10668s [Applause]
10672s moved on maybe today yeah I think they
10674s headed west yeah
10675s it is it has been taken
10678s I think all teams are there yeah ooh
10681s interesting
10688s but definitely a tiny tuxedo was on the
10690s list for sure
10691s is there a rough timeline for the engine
10693s upgrade
10694s um and we're hoping to have more
10695s information later this year or early
10698s 2024 but that's not necessarily
10701s um a date that it'll happen and just
10703s like information
10707s um but yeah it'll be as soon as it can
10708s be
10709s I think they may have gone to prison oh
10711s it's at prison I thought it was a Darren
10712s for some reason
10713s mishread the map
10716s what Hunter mathematically has uh no
10719s don't redirect
10720s no idea it's a creative question it was
10724s a creative question I thought
10726s mathematically and I was like I'm what
10730s benefits would there be for doing the
10732s engine upgrade
10733s um I it's hard to be all of it like
10736s you're truly it's basically everything
10739s there's like right here A Team
10741s uh bugs could be easier to fix depending
10744s on the bug
10747s um I've tagged someone I've missed
10749s someone else I tagged a different person
10754s one underneath this ping on the left
10755s hiding in the bushes reloading
10760s um better graphics
10764s everything
10765s there's a dead person if I was pushing
10767s up
10769s buy a Sparks I'm healing yeah I think
10772s he's in these last bushes I cannot see
10774s him though with my bad eyes
10777s it was a granny
10780s also can't see anything
10790s they were really close though yeah
10793s give me a pink
10796s granny far back
10807s again oh okay
10811s unexpected
10813s you're in a good set of bushes just pull
10814s back
10816s pushing up on the right
10819s oh God
10820s I tagged the granny
10824s the what's his face carcassrunner pushed
10827s way up on the right
10828s yeah are you healing up different skins
10830s uh gun Runner are close to buy almost an
10835s answer and I just
10838s I've lost it
10841s is the engine of
10842s the ocean one time for now yeah tag
10846s please
10850s not something that would be like regular
10852s though last time was there any event yes
10855s the gun Runner was right on by his body
10857s hurt again what's your favorite anime
10859s spy family and ask them both
10866s Gun Runner's Still Down Low by
10870s she's like a was that a boy
10873s no he got me the Polar Star which is a
10877s Precision yep
10880s someone asked a question earlier I
10882s wanted to answer but um
10885s I don't know where
10886s ah Jesus double bolting on the the Crag
10890s is very annoying
10892s never happens to me though I don't know
10894s why
10895s oh
10897s David Henry's a Reaper the reaper is
10899s really good
10900s will there be another variant of the
10902s stalker Beetle I think
10904s Rick a rick uh Dennis has already kind
10907s of alluded to that being something that
10910s this team is interested in
10914s will there be anything new happening
10915s with the servers anytime soon
10917s um oh I meant happening to me scam not
10920s anyone this isn't me no bad
10926s but
10927s I don't think the mama May is a granny
10930s ggs good try
10933s damn I tagged them so many times oh man
10937s I only got like a couple and then I just
10938s nah
10941s mm-hmm
10946s all right well those were good games
10948s as it gets dark in my office because
10950s it's gonna rain I guess question mark I
10952s don't know
10953s Halloween question questline was mama
10956s made yes
10958s will the flash bottom duration ever get
10960s nerfed ever I don't know
10962s Maybe
10963s is it a suggestion that we have heard
10966s yes
10968s um I don't yeah I don't think Mama May
10969s is a granny
10973s he's a mama she is a mama but that
10975s doesn't mean she's a granny you know
10976s what I'm saying
10978s all right let us uh let's pull some
10983s some a lot of smaller and get ready for
10986s that secret post stream giveaway too
10990s no past Halloween skins coming back so
10993s far every Halloween past Halloween skins
10996s have come back so
10999s um
11001s I would say there's a high likelihood
11003s what do I have to do on this Quest do
11005s damage using Killian's chance yeah you
11007s do damage with the officer brawler
11010s Killian's chance
11012s to enemy Hunters
11016s that's it
11018s all right we're gonna start pulling some
11020s winners for the Luz Mala giveaway if you
11023s want your chance to win please follow us
11025s at twitch.tv cry Tech go to the twitch
11028s chat and type Luz Mala all one word in
11031s chat and then hang out while we post
11033s some winners uh and if you want another
11035s chance to win a separate DLC then hang
11038s out after we're done pulling these and
11040s we'll tell you guys how
11042s first winner is uh rifter Smith if
11045s you're in chat give us a message
11058s sorry oh they're here nice
11067s rifter Smith is here
11077s tellscribe this one is la Luz Mala
11081s next up is
11084s zemnus2704 xemnas what is the weird
11087s writing on the upper right corner it is
11089s uh Voynich hunt script hey
11094s zemnas is here
11098s foreign
11101s it just covers the region that I'm
11103s playing in and my ping in fps
11108s it's basically to reduce stream sniping
11110s next up
11112s zoji with lots of eyes if you're in chat
11115s give us a message
11119s there you go I don't feel like you you
11121s like held it long enough so I had to do
11123s it again
11124s um
11124s like they didn't understand you know
11128s uh you did clear it up it's good
11135s just in case
11138s uh Gustav I'm going to shoot a quick
11140s message into our group chat if you have
11142s a second
11144s oh okay
11151s uh so what was the name again Violet one
11154s more time
11164s well it's not there I guess what uh zoji
11167s is in chat congratulations let's go
11170s after them uh looking for a dwayland
11174s Ballin
11175s if you're in chat
11177s let us know
11203s they're with us congratulations yeah
11206s there's always really good names
11212s what are the requirements to become a
11214s partner with crytek for hunt um
11215s currently it is uh
11218s uh what's it gonna call it invite only
11220s yeah
11223s uh we do have a night of the hunter page
11226s that you can still find at
11227s huntshodown.com that goes over some of
11230s the parameters that we're looking for so
11233s that can give you kind of a good
11234s ballpark of at what level will we start
11237s inviting
11238s um any sort of content creator we do
11240s streaming on Twitch you can stream on
11243s other platforms like Facebook or YouTube
11244s and then we even have some just like
11247s video creators uh part of the program as
11249s well
11252s uh after Dwayne Ballin we're looking for
11255s flavored grass
11257s flavored grass not quite sure
11260s what grass could be flavored as I guess
11263s lemongrass is a flavored grass
11267s I don't want to find out I guess
11270s you know
11271s yeah yeah I mean
11274s I'm not I don't know oh flavor grass is
11277s here great flavor grass you gotta tell
11279s us what flavored grass what flavor are
11281s you uh and in the meantime
11284s um
11284s I will answer someone asking about the
11287s prestige rework it is something that we
11291s are interested in but
11293s uh no info right now
11296s I'm still waiting for flavored grass to
11298s tell me what flavor we understand
11301s any flavor no that's
11305s gonna do one or more of the Lalas Mala
11308s and then let you guys know how your last
11310s chance to win is sweet grass
11314s oh sweet grass so interesting okay uh
11316s looking for a petroleum crusader
11320s interesting interesting they're right
11322s there right there hot damn right there
11327s that's my favorite kind of giveaway
11329s right there boom
11333s and last love to round us out before we
11336s talk about that's a perfect last
11342s how many winners get picked about as
11344s much as we can squeeze into the time
11346s period um I think for this one we're
11348s sitting at I think about eight winners
11350s eight to ten was how many we picked for
11352s the Las Mala but you still have one more
11355s chance to win with the secret giveaway
11357s after we wrap up the Stream
11360s a trait that allows you to see dead
11362s bodies in dark side I think that's been
11363s uh
11364s discussed multiple times and um never
11368s made it in for
11370s uh I don't say balance reasons but like
11372s mystery you know
11374s oh Last Love is Here
11377s I think it's something that game design
11379s wants it to always be a question of
11383s you know
11385s unless you can count the bodies yourself
11388s are they here are they alive do they get
11390s rest you know we always want to keep you
11393s guessing yeah
11397s all right thanks for everybody who
11399s entered not only this uh last giveaway
11401s but everybody who has entered our
11403s giveaways throughout the day it's been
11404s awesome to get you guys out some codes
11406s if you're still waiting on a code I will
11409s address most of them after the stream uh
11412s you might already have one waiting for
11413s you and twitch Whispers though so double
11415s check there if you don't happen to hear
11417s from me in a little bit feel free to
11419s send another message to that whisper I
11422s don't want to forget about anybody but
11423s we had a lot of winners today
11426s for our secret giveaway if you want
11429s probably the best chance to win so far
11431s from today's uh giveaways after the
11434s stream I am going to pick a whole bunch
11437s of winners who go and reply to both of
11439s our steering stirring Shadows trailers
11442s that we released on Twitter I need you
11445s to like that staring Shadows trailer
11447s tweet and then also reply with a duck
11450s emoji and that's for the regular Twitter
11452s and the hunt BR Twitter I'm gonna get
11455s you guys some links but I'm gonna pick
11457s probably 10 or 15 winners from there and
11461s about an hour so make sure you jump over
11464s to both our hunt Showdown Twitter
11466s account and our hunt Brazilian Twitter
11469s account and reply to those tweets with a
11472s duck emoji and like those tweets you
11476s have about an hour uh Gustavo you wanna
11479s say it in Brazilian
11481s I want to say it in Brazilian yeah sure
11484s uh
11488s um
11499s trailer steering Waters
11511s which one is which uh DLC we're giving
11515s away
11515s as a little mix between the regular on
11520s Twitter and the Brazilian hunt Twitter
11521s our Brazilian Hunter
11533s foreign
11539s thank you Mr Gustavo make sure you do
11542s both the regular hunt Twitter and the BR
11544s Twitter post if we do find a winner that
11546s only commented on one unfortunately we
11549s will have to move on to somebody who is
11551s able to do both uh which post on Twitter
11553s is it it's the steering Shadows post on
11556s both hunt BR and the regular hunt
11559s Twitter account
11561s um that is the one where there are some
11562s Hunters churning through the water and
11565s they get attacked by something but we
11567s don't really know yet
11573s but I did laugh pretty hard at everyone
11577s um correcting Ari not Brazilian
11579s Portuguese
11582s um that was making me giggle quite a bit
11584s sorry
11586s no problem uh you guys have about an
11589s hour to go ahead and comment on both of
11592s those posts and then I will pick a lot
11594s of winners so keep an eye on your
11596s Twitter messages afterwards see if you
11599s happen to win and best of luck to
11601s everybody because we're only going to
11602s get a few probably people who do both uh
11605s tweets you have a high chance very high
11608s chance of winning this so make sure you
11610s jump over there do we need to follow
11612s both Pages you do not need to follow
11614s both Pages if you do happen to follow
11615s one we would appreciate it if it's more
11618s relevant to you to follow the English
11620s one or the regular Brazilian or the
11622s Portuguese one whichever one
11625s um also we are going to uh throw out a
11629s raid can you set that up Ari
11631s I can do you know who we are doing we
11634s are rating one of our partners Average
11636s Joe
11639s let me make sure that you spell it
11642s correctly it's very important yeah give
11643s me a
11645s thing oops okay it didn't hang on that's
11648s not it didn't
11651s it wants to uh like correct it in
11653s Discord
11654s no it's still trying to there's
11657s underscores in there
11661s I don't know why it is
11664s I I've put
11666s spaces
11667s I've seen no spaces you know what I mean
11669s multiple it still just really wants to
11672s uh
11673s I don't I don't understand why it does I
11675s think we got it I think we got it all
11677s right you got it there's underscores in
11678s there be careful
11681s everybody get ready there's an
11683s underscore raid Average Joe he's one of
11686s our cry attack Knight of the hunter
11687s partners and he is rocking some hunt
11690s Showdown I think I see maybe it's a
11693s martini he's using I'm not sure
11695s uh we don't have uh our next live stream
11698s announced yet but we will be sure to let
11701s people know
11703s uh keep an eye out on our social media
11706s uh if you want to know when the next
11708s live stream is happening uh we also have
11711s hunt merch going on that you can find on
11714s Amazon bunch of new stuff getting put up
11716s there all the time and then the quest
11719s line how long do they have by 20 days
11722s make sure
11724s almost 21 days you got to get on earn
11727s those rewards you don't want to be
11728s missing out about the skin is such a
11731s cool legendary Hunter you gotta make it
11733s to the end and earn him
11738s uh do we have anything else oh uh do we
11741s want to shout out the regular hunt
11742s Brazilian Twitter
11747s on br
11750s a go follow the Brazilian hunt Twitter
11753s if you want to get a bunch of updates
11754s and stuff in Portuguese uh coming out at
11757s the same time as our English ones
11760s uh your DLC you can still earn a DLC
11763s with the secret giveaway going on if you
11765s didn't happen to win one during the
11766s Stream
11768s all right I think that's all we have bye
11771s guys we're gonna go eat lunch
11774s do your duck emojis and uh
11777s see you later
11779s bye
11790s [Music]