6 months ago - Hunt: Showdown - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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520s hey everyone hey chat how are you guys
522s doing and welcome to the last tide of
525s corruption gameplay stream with Ari and
527s Rick who hasn't been here for a long
530s time hey Rick how are you it's been a
531s while yes I'm good thank you very much
533s Bens how are you doing today guys I'm
535s great I'm really happy to do this uh
537s again with you guys especially and uh
539s the event is ending in two days on
541s Wednesday so I'll try to finish it today
544s uh I'm on uh I I'm under 15,000 extra
547s points and I have 13,000 done so
549s hopefully today oh man okay well we're
551s trying hopefully be able to try and
553s grind that out so um but yeah no it's
555s really cool to be back and also we got a
557s bit of a an old school um gameplay
559s stream going on here it's been a while
560s since the three of us have been back on
563s streams together so um you know we uh
565s just yeah it's it's going to be cool
567s it's great to see you all here and you
568s might have noticed that we've added a
570s few things like the channel points and
572s uh we brought back the emotes that uh we
574s have and everything so um feel free to
577s go nuts with them and um as you can see
579s we have a donation goal of 50,000
581s Channel points if you want to see the
582s three of us do a naked run which um I
585s think that could be kind of funny um but
588s yeah so um it's great to see everybody
590s and uh yeah great to have you with us
592s and hope we can entertain you all a
595s little bit so yeah and uh we will have a
598s bunch of giveaways during the Stream
599s stream uh presented by Ari so uh make
602s sure that you're in the chat and uh here
604s during the stream because you can been a
606s bunch of DLCs this time so it's going to
608s be a lot of fun all right the key master
611s yeah I got all of them ready to go uh
614s we'll also have a secret giveaway that
615s we'll put up which is a giveaway where
618s you enter on a different social media
620s platform uh but we only talk about it
622s during the live stream so you have a
623s really good chance to win some DLCs
626s after the stream even ends
628s today
630s awesome so a lot of winning
632s opportunities today yeah seeing a lot of
635s familiar names in the chat welcome all
637s folks it's good to see you and to all
639s the unfamiliar names it's great to see
641s you as well hope you're having a
642s wonderful day um we should we try our
645s first match before they make us do a
647s naked run yes that's true actually
651s that's true oh I see we're already 14k
653s raised oh god oh wow we're getting there
656s that's quite that was quicker than I
657s expected I just got the 25% um
662s [Music]
665s message Fred on Fred Fred Donaldo
669s [Music]
673s um worth a shot you know um at least try
677s but
680s uh so yeah somebody asking about naked
683s run yes it's a per like completely naked
685s run absolutely nothing um no weapons no
688s consumables no tools nothing um so
693s that's what yeah you guys get to punish
695s us today if you if you so like and if we
697s can get to the uh the gold so fingers
699s crossed we get enough people here um so
703s might as well actually spread the words
704s as well you know if there's any other
706s people um that might want to come and
709s punish us and make us have a a fun time
712s in in Hunt let them know that come over
714s spend their Channel points um and uh
717s we'll be happy to entertain as much as
719s we Poss possibly can shout out to Violet
721s shout out to Violet in the chat Violet
723s normally runs the gameplay streams um
725s but unfortunately she couldn't do so
727s today
730s so had to have uh all the old schoolers
734s on oh and by the way chat we also
736s brought back the emotes so you have some
738s free emotes to just use for hunt
740s actually a bunch of them and I think one
741s for climb which is so feel free to use
744s them yes so while uh just to let
747s everyone know while we're playing we're
748s not going to be too focused on answering
750s questions but we will um go back to them
753s uh once we have a a break between the
754s games so um make sure if you have any
757s questions for us we'll try our best to
759s answers we might not be able to answer
760s everything but we will try our best um
763s but yeah we just we're just here to have
764s a good time talk about hunt and try to
767s um show you how badly we suck at the
769s game or sorry how how badly I suck at
770s the game while Ari carries us so no way
774s I'm I'm right behind
776s you
777s yeah see you're watching my back see
780s already a good teammate you know are you
782s on the front Rick is that is are you
784s number three I am no no I am at the
788s front that's R is number two I see yes
792s I'm the iron
794s bark chat has informed us we're already
796s at 54% to you kidding me
800s seriously that's
803s amazing what is the square root of 32
806s what CL don't no I don't do mats man M
809s I'm I'm Matt is like my weakest weakest
812s thing possible so um yeah that's not
815s happening you're getting an answer to
816s that
821s 11 V apparently you're quieter than us
824s too am
826s I according to somebody in
829s chat yeah actually let me know about the
831s audio levels because uh yeah we're
834s fiddling around with stuff fiddling
836s around right so I'm thinking rer bit
839s closer to
841s it yep that works too yeah oh pumpkin I
845s know it's crows but
847s pumpkin got to get those extra hunt
850s dollars damn
852s right okay even yeah bid has said that
855s you're very quiet okay okay I'll uh yeah
858s I mean to be fair Ben does end up
860s screaming at at points so you might be
863s thankful that he's that quiet uh in a
866s while uh as we got today's stream kicked
869s off I just pinned a message on Twitch
872s about our secret giveaway uh if you want
875s a chance to win a DLC after today's
877s stream head over to our Twitter there
880s should be a video that we posted earlier
883s about the new weapon charm that you can
886s earn after you finished the event and
887s gotten an extra 15K event points um all
892s you have to do is go to that post give
893s it a like and then comment and let us
895s know if you've already earned that
897s weapon charm or if you are still working
900s on it um you don't have a lot of time to
902s finish it up but just like bence you uh
905s might be able to squeeze it out right
906s before the end of the event yeah I only
909s need 2,000 points to finish the event
912s so I need 14,000 but still so so someone
917s keeps saying I look like mcloven and and
919s I don't know how to react to this um and
922s also somebody asked you to Blink twice
924s if the next event is called tide of
926s Darkness B so iink
930s so basically you have to like keep your
931s eyes open uh and to not give any hints
934s away at anything what the next event
937s will possibly be but actually guys on on
939s the topic of the next event we don't
940s have any details to share on it today um
943s you're going to have to keep an eye out
944s on our socials we got some more teasers
946s coming up of course as always um but
949s yeah it's it's uh we're excited for it
951s but yeah we're not going to tell you
952s anything here I'm very sorry to tell you
955s that yeah but there's as Rick said a lot
958s of stum coming out soon so just keep an
960s eye out and you will learn a lot maybe
963s already a bit uh if you play very close
966s attention to recent things yeah we had
968s some stuff over the
970s weekend okay looks like we're heading
972s back to Chapel or we can just go for the
974s other Bounty um by heading to lock Bay
978s as depends if you guys want action we
980s should probably go to the other Bounty
982s cuz I think we're hearing shots on that
983s side of the map or okay I don't mind
986s yeah I'm just kind of running around
988s following you guys if I'm honest with
991s you
993s wait get let's go scra beak while we
995s have the
996s ammo sure sure so that we don't have to
1000s go like running for more ammo before it
1004s cuz I'm terrible with that also I have
1006s an explosive crossbow so oh that's good
1009s I have a uh challenge to do crossbow
1011s damage to players so can help me with
1014s that that's why I brought the crossbow
1016s so nice same I have a little hand
1017s crossbow
1019s see that Teamwork Makes the Dream
1022s workor uh whose screen are you guys
1025s watching the stream is currently showing
1027s F's
1029s screen that is me that's spinning the
1032s knife all the time that's
1039s me I'm just running around following B
1042s like ahead of this chicken
1043s here strolling through the B you can see
1046s me spin the knife too then there yes I
1048s can oh hang on look at my gun look at my
1050s gun oh pretty
1052s look like James
1056s Bond oh my God it
1058s is yeah I'll I'll adjust the volume chat
1061s after the
1063s game uh someone in chat wants to know
1065s which legendary knife you're using
1068s B uh so it's called the pain and it's
1072s with the committed uh DC DLC yeah it's
1076s it's a piece of
1077s glass it say favor actually I have the
1082s Sion um the the knuckle um knife cuz
1086s knuckle knife for life you know mhm oh
1089s you like it okay oh I'm a knuckle I'm a
1091s knuckle knife for lifer definitely but
1093s uh you have to take the knife because it
1095s just looks cooler when you
1097s spin I mean I I get you but yeah no I
1100s just I'm I'm a knuckle knife for Life
1102s guy that's and that's my motto from now
1105s on I'm on the uh other end of the
1107s spectrum I'm using throwing axes and uh
1110s currently rocking the sides from oh ni
1114s death's heral
1115s nice thanks for um blowing up the
1120s putting fire on the stairs problem oh
1122s wait no it's blown up someone no that
1124s was me that was you was it
1128s yeah uh I'm going to be setting some
1131s traps the compound so keep an eye
1136s [Music]
1137s out
1141s uh chat while we working on the boss we
1145s should get some
1146s questions that you guys have for uh
1148s bensa or Rick uh as there our special
1151s guest today oh
1160s gosh burn the loot but that's fine we
1162s don't need
1167s n
1172s oh yeah I'm supposed to stop shooting
1173s him when he fires off the concert oh
1177s man uh people asking about B's
1182s haircut I do get a haircut from time to
1184s time you
1188s know that's a good question though I
1190s like
1191s it you
1195s would there he is he's dead now well
1200s done let me try to mess with the volume
1202s until until we wait for the
1205s bunny do we expect to see hunted any
1207s other events over the next year yes
1210s hopefully um it's too early to say for
1216s sure um but uh yes uh I would I would
1219s hope that we will be but uh we'll see
1222s when the time comes we'll make sure that
1224s people know if we have anything going
1226s on uh someone to ask asking when will
1229s quests return I believe they're asking
1231s about quest lines uh we have not
1233s announced when the next quest line will
1235s begin um so you'll just have to keep an
1238s eye out for when or if those do make a
1241s return um we do have the challenges
1244s during uh every event which is kind of
1247s an involved version of the quest lines I
1248s think so you can just do those weekly um
1251s careful while you're running around the
1252s compound I have traps on
1255s barrels and by the way is the volume any
1258s better I add 20% myself so I don't know
1260s if that fixed it or
1263s oh Brazilian Community manager Gustavo
1266s coming in with maybe the most important
1268s question bensa what's your favorite
1269s legendary Hunter right now uh the newest
1272s one that's the
1274s answer but which one is the newest one
1277s is a captain lafat I don't know how to
1281s pronounce his name but it's a laett I
1285s think it was or laet I'm not sure it's
1287s something around there
1291s yeah where have you trapped because like
1294s I you know I'm a trap magnet so just on
1297s any barrels I think it's been I think
1299s there are four red barrels around the
1301s compound more towards the edges that you
1303s need to keep an eye out for um okay yeah
1306s no concertino poison traps so if you
1309s don't see a barrel you're
1312s good uh is the Twitter post DLC the only
1315s one for today I think they're talking
1316s about the secret giveaway no that's just
1318s in addition to the keyword giveaways
1320s we'll be doing throughout the stream as
1322s well so uh stick around and you'll be
1324s listening for a keyword that we give to
1326s everybody you'll need to type it in chat
1329s and then uh you'll have another chance
1330s to win every time we pull some some
1332s codes for
1334s those so what is my go-to gun it has to
1336s be the Sparks and the uppercut so just
1339s the Classic you know uh you don't need
1342s to spam the keywords you only have to
1344s type the keyword in once uh and you're
1347s good to go once that comes
1351s around uh M1 cap says keep up the good
1354s work guys I think that's for all of us
1357s and probably the whole hunt team so
1359s we'll have to pass on that feedback for
1362s everybody thank you so much there's a
1365s lot of Co stuff coming
1368s soon um someone asking about better
1370s balancing the weapons and inconsistent
1372s damage output I can't say I've heard
1374s about the inconsistent damage output but
1377s um we have a game design team that is
1379s always trying to keep um as many of the
1380s weapons quote unquote balanced as you
1383s can um so I mean balancing is one of
1386s those like ongoing things it's it's kind
1388s of never like uh you do this and then
1390s it's done for good kind of thing um so I
1393s mean there's going to be balance changes
1396s almost every update uh it's almost a
1399s guarant well I would't say it's almost a
1400s guarantee but generally speaking there's
1402s always going to be changes of some sort
1403s to uh most weapons and stuff like that
1406s so um if you've got any in specific that
1410s you think maybe needs to be looked into
1411s or investigated you can head to our
1413s official Discord and report it uh to us
1415s in the like bug report sections um by
1418s all means we're more than happy to pass
1420s on anything that you might actually
1421s think is incorrect um you know uh we can
1426s at least take a look uh and see what's
1428s going on from there but it like that's
1431s really uh Crow are they you that was
1434s yeah that was me yeah it was me uh no
1436s one is around us I just didn't want to
1437s interrupt you so I just just started
1438s running to the other our Discord is
1441s probably the the best place to report if
1443s you think there's an inconsistency let
1445s us know um we'll pass it onto the team
1446s and they can have a look at it and also
1448s I realized I said that we were going to
1449s like not answer many that that many
1451s questions during the the game play but
1453s because we haven't encountered any
1454s Hunters it's kind of been easy to
1458s talk normally the flow is uh lots of
1461s chat engagement up until the first time
1463s you see an enemy Hunter and then chat
1465s has to take a little bit of a backseat
1468s oh by the way guys I forgot to ask if
1470s you see an emulator please uh kill it
1472s with a choke bomb sure sure okay cool um
1476s we did have a question about plague
1478s doctor returning um so we can say that
1480s plague doctor won't be making a return
1482s to the Bayou uh at least in his original
1484s state so he may be coming back as a
1487s little bit of a different variation but
1489s um the version that came with as the
1491s crow flies is exclusive to that
1496s event oh yeah we got some pledge marks
1498s to spend what feeling so I already have
1504s you're already pre-ged yeah I'm
1506s infernal because I'm the burnt
1509s Marshall so I'll have two uh
1514s two uh two
1517s Rampages so I've seen I've seen a couple
1520s of uh questions and post and stuff in
1522s the chat about cheaters um that's one of
1525s the ones I'd like to wait on if you guys
1527s don't mind so will don't worry I'm not
1529s ignoring it I have seen a couple of them
1531s couple of the questions there when we
1533s get out of this round we'll have a
1535s little chat and I can at least try to
1539s address some of the points that they've
1540s been brought up
1545s anyway I'm not sure what to go yet
1548s normally I'm an infernal but yeah we
1551s don't have wild card right now I've just
1554s gone death uh I'll go demented to round
1557s us out then
1560s yeah I went death and took Relentless
1564s so V is already on his
1567s way it's an
1569s 8% you know uh maybe I can grab a little
1572s beet
1574s somewhere um someone asking about the
1577s Nerf to flash bombs um we are definitely
1581s keeping an eye on flash bombs from their
1583s big change um they definitely were in a
1586s spot that was a little bit too strong
1588s for how much they costed and how often
1590s you would get them for free um but now
1593s with all the changes you know we're
1595s always keeping an eye on them and seeing
1597s how they can be tuned and adjusted to
1598s have the best spot by you uh did you
1600s guys do you have a silencer cuz we just
1602s got shot at from the south no that was
1604s me yeah I don't see anyone around us
1607s still I have one second left only no
1610s you're good you're good I have 4 seconds
1612s still I haven't used as much yet yeah
1615s just wait till the Bounty and then you
1616s can take over skinning
1618s they are heading out to the their East
1621s right now from Ranch so um we might
1624s catch them outside of the compound that
1626s might be a little bit better
1629s actually yeah maybe more directly
1633s south or they could just be holding
1635s waiting for us Ranch is kind of hard to
1638s push um will there be a new boss we
1641s haven't announced any plans for a new
1642s boss quite yet but um we also haven't
1645s said that we're stop we're going to stop
1647s making bosses we did just have Raja who
1649s came out at the last event she's not a
1651s boss Target but she is a wild Target um
1654s which is a little bit similar uh the big
1657s thing that we've announced that we're
1658s working on right now oh [ __ ] yeah from
1661s did I got the emulator at least yeah Yes
1666s actually dang they got they got what's
1669s the weapon was it a sniper or no it was
1671s a regular Sparks wow great shot on their
1675s part you did not get the KN
1680s theat godamn they still see through the
1685s fence they are underneath that ping in
1688s the window um I don't have a great
1691s ranged weapon for this and I have no
1693s range
1695s weapons do you have
1697s Nei just give do I yeah I do I don't
1701s mind dying and I have a choke in front
1703s of me so maybe it
1705s helps Rick maybe try to take some pop
1708s shafts at that window draw their
1709s attention away if you can vence is about
1711s to come up in half a second he's up can
1714s you ping which
1716s window it was this window but we got
1719s sounded like it was coming from back
1720s here now uh yeah they rotated to no what
1726s 115 me head shot
1730s wow oh uh he's right
1733s here I can Echo you up two sure uh Rick
1737s you're by yourself you might want to
1741s rotate they are basically on you yeah
1744s you know I see
1746s them got to hit on one
1753s oh okay oh the thing is it's Sparks up
1757s I'm dead yeah great try great try the
1761s Sparks for just killed me instantly
1766s yep
1769s are you going you go for h no I'm on
1771s Sparks will kill me too I don't know
1772s what we both went down okay okay one to
1775s to a spark there
1776s see what is it's another spark it's
1779s another
1785s spark jeez great job on their
1789s part yeah the first shot on me was
1795s nice well uh every would say it's a warm
1798s up game but we didn't really have a
1799s chest warm up that much every is a warm
1801s up game until you win one just for some
1804s awareness we're at 86% of the all do a
1807s naked run uh goal so yeah uh anybody
1811s wants to throw in more Channel points
1813s onto that
1815s then yeah there we go so um just to take
1820s a few moments so couple of people
1822s calling out things about cheaters and
1823s everything like that in the chat and I
1825s just wanted to kind of take a few
1826s moments and kind of you know try to
1828s talk a bit about it and just explain a
1831s few things as to why we don't really
1832s talk about it that much um so first
1836s things first one of the reasons why we
1837s don't talk about it is that there's a
1840s lot that cheat creators can learn from
1842s the information that we provide about
1845s our Banning processes our procedures the
1848s numbers that of people that we ban
1850s everything like that um it can give a
1852s lot of information
1854s away pretty quickly to be honest with
1856s you um one thing you might notice and
1859s this is something that kind of happens
1860s in a lot of different games as well um
1862s and just kind of just it's it's a it's a
1864s pretty well-known practice in an DG
1866s throughout the industry is that you
1869s obviously band waves are called band
1871s waves for a reason because they happen
1872s at one specific point in time a massive
1874s amount of banss will end up happening um
1878s the reason it's done like that is
1880s because rather than Banning every single
1883s day I mean obviously we do ban uh people
1885s every single day every game uh Bans
1887s people every single day but when it
1890s comes to like say like taking down an
1893s entire cheat you know for example say a
1895s new cheat comes out on the market all of
1897s a sudden the same bot thing works and
1899s everybody can use it and whatever the
1902s antiche then will go and try to reverse
1904s engineer it figure out how it's working
1906s figure out how to find ways to work
1907s around it but also to make sure that
1909s when we do they do find a way to work
1911s around it the cheat creators can't work
1913s around it again very quickly so the
1915s reason it happens in waves is to Stager
1917s that it's rather than giving the cheat
1919s uh creators time to catch up very very
1922s quickly um it staggers it out and then
1925s you get massive band waves you Knowle
1928s week or two apart or couple of weeks or
1931s a couple of months depending on the game
1932s depending on the company and everything
1933s like that and these are to kind of
1938s reduce the cat and mouse game that comes
1940s with cheating and anti-cheese cuz that's
1943s what it is it is a cat and mouse game um
1945s you can talk to any developer any and
1948s Che company about this and that is what
1950s they will say um so to kind of address
1954s some of the things yes we do actively
1956s ban people um we do actively ban
1958s cheaters there have been some recent ban
1960s waves as well I'm not going to go into
1961s the details of when and how but they are
1964s quite recent so the main thing to
1968s understand is that while we may not be
1969s overly communicative about it we are
1971s incredibly active when it comes to our
1973s anti Che and in uh the recent uh road
1976s map video from David he did actually
1979s mention and in one of the previous roap
1981s videos as well he did mention that we
1983s are constantly trying to refine our
1985s antiche process to be the best it
1987s possibly can be um these things do take
1990s time um but I can say with 100%
1993s certainty that we really are doing a lot
1995s to try and tackle the cheaters that uh
1998s people do encounter and we know that
2000s there's been an increase in reports
2001s recently and like I said there was a
2003s recent B wave so I know it's probably
2006s hard to
2009s get on board when I say this but trust
2011s me when I say we really really do care
2013s about it we really do a lot about it and
2016s we are as active as we possibly can be
2018s and continue to try and update um our
2021s our systems as best as we possibly can
2023s and will continue to do so because we
2025s want to make sure that we keep the game
2027s as Fair place as possible for everybody
2029s so look I know that maybe that doesn't
2031s answer every specific question that
2032s we've been asked but I hope that it does
2034s give a little bit of insight to so that
2037s you can kind of know that we're not just
2041s saying words we actually are actively
2044s doing things we just cannot talk about
2045s them and there's a lot of different
2047s reasons there's legal reasons behind why
2049s we can't disclose uh information about
2051s banss and what we
2053s do and there's um like I said the cheat
2058s creators can end up getting a lot of
2059s information out of anything that we
2061s provide and the last thing we want to do
2063s is give them a helping hand in any shape
2065s or form so look
2069s that's thanks for coming to my TED Talk
2071s um I hope that at least answers some of
2074s the questions and also I have to point
2079s out that we have hit the community
2082s challenge already yeah we are already
2084s naked so uh it's our second ready yeah
2088s is too so I mean there's nothing to buy
2091s so uh we on yeah I did adjust some of my
2095s uh traits though I traded in some what
2097s what would have been better traits so I
2098s could get like Tomahawk and ghoul which
2100s I think are both be pretty
2103s valuable okay well we have no Med kit so
2108s yeah that's the yeah that's the wor
2111s Point uh also someone said I'm smiling I
2114s know something I always smile so that
2115s doesn't really mean anything yeah no
2118s benser was smiling through that because
2120s he loves it when I go on those rants
2122s because they generally give a really
2125s really decent explanation and I always
2127s get into a flow with them so he just
2129s loves sitting there listening to me rant
2130s like that he's been doing this for years
2132s so yeah I was like oh we just started a
2135s stream it's 40 minutes because Rick uh
2137s talked about Rick
2139s talk yeah um speaking yeah don't go on
2144s no I was just going to say look it's an
2146s important topic so you know I'd like to
2147s at least touch on it um but you know we
2150s can't talk too much about it that's the
2152s main point but anyway Ari please take it
2155s away I want to get our first keyword
2158s giveaway going so exclamation point
2160s redeem doesn't do anything I'm not sure
2161s why yall are doing that but we do have a
2164s keyword uh for the first giveaway we
2166s will be doing the newest DLC the law of
2170s Salvage and if you want a chance to win
2172s you need to type corruption in chat um
2176s there is you also need to be followed
2178s and you need to be on Twitch to enter
2181s this giveaway so if you happen to be
2182s watching on YouTube Facebook steam or
2184s anywhere else we are streaming please
2186s head over to T and type corruption you
2188s don't need any exclamation marks or
2191s anything like that um and once you type
2193s the keyword in once you are good to go
2195s you just wild you have to uh hang out in
2199s chat until we pull winners if you do
2201s leave then your prize will be forfeit to
2204s somebody else um I will get a pinned
2206s message up for everybody I really need
2209s to find some melee weapon we got to find
2211s oh God this is going to be harder than I
2213s expected it just took all like all of my
2215s stamina to get two cruds
2217s yeah why is the hi chasing me dude come
2220s on we need to the as well by the
2224s way
2226s h i where is it oh it's up
2230s here I have I'm going to die guys I have
2233s no
2237s stamina yeah I'm going to
2240s die okay
2246s wow oh wait I left my
2250s a
2253s so I have to destroy the lantern over
2255s the chickens how am I going to do
2258s that eventually when we find weapons um
2261s if you guys could like kill that hi and
2263s revive me that would
2265s [Laughter]
2268s be uh I'll try yeah I think
2273s yeah how hilarious is it going to be if
2277s we get taken out oh you found an axe
2278s okay that's going be something I was
2281s just going to say how hilarious would it
2282s be if we were taken out by a hive on a
2285s the first 2
2287s minutes I wouldn't even say 2
2291s minutes ah is there any health
2294s around uh there may be uh sometimes on
2299s the second
2302s floor my cats Su if they want some
2305s attention oh no dogs dogs okay I'm
2307s turning back no no no no no no no no no
2310s no uh Rick maybe grab this Lantern um
2314s there's an enemy team here oh yeah there
2317s he is I have all right I let's just
2319s let's just move let's move north north
2322s into the forest this is no chance we're
2324s winning this with no weapons let's just
2326s book it I'm down 50 I cannot we are
2330s unarmed no I don't know if that's I
2333s don't know if that's my push to top it
2335s was it was please do not kill kill us we
2337s have no
2340s weapons I have it turned off uh for the
2342s stream so I cannot hear just to be
2345s safe it's probably a good idea yeah all
2349s right Lantern grunt here nice uh yeah we
2353s should try to import a Towers yeah
2358s than someone grab that uh other lantern
2362s yeah where is it I think he dropped it
2366s I'm not sure
2376s please I let there be a healing this
2377s coiler someone in chat saying don't
2379s don't tell them we don't have weapons
2381s they'll push for sure that's actually a
2383s fair point just he heal heal he oh thank
2387s God uh look for more melee
2391s weapons Towers obviously would be
2393s helpful um saddle bikes saddle bikes
2397s sadle
2398s bag sometimes in Blanchet we might be
2400s able to find saddle bags and hopefully
2403s that enemy team gets uh thoroughly
2405s distracted with the banish and gives us
2408s some time to scavenge some weapons whose
2410s idea was the no weapon run uh it was
2413s chat's idea cuz they all pledged
2416s 50,000 uh 50,000 what's it called viewer
2420s Redemption points I mean
2425s technically very
2428s excited my
2432s idea so you usually nude you we answered
2436s your question a little earlier dude umbe
2439s come back and rewatch it um so just so
2442s you know uh an axe anything so there was
2447s nothing that was a frag bomb hey that's
2451s something can I punch people with a frag
2453s bomb I don't know know and I don't think
2456s I I cannot really give it to you unless
2458s you have something to put on the phone
2459s no no no it's fine don't
2461s worry uh because if I if I drop it then
2464s one time yeah yeah don't drop it B
2467s please please don't drop
2470s it uh when will the next developer
2473s Insight video come uh we haven't
2475s announced when the next one may be
2477s coming but make sure you follow us
2479s follow us at
2482s youtube.com/ hunt Showdown yes follow
2485s the youtubing
2487s and the the explosive barrels do not
2489s explode if you hit them with an ax
2490s because there's no
2495s ignition so I'm currently only have
2498s about 34 of my screen
2502s to
2507s so
2510s okay okay where is where are the other
2513s Towers there is one here right somewhere
2516s well we might find a saddle bag in in
2518s blanch it was my hope would be even
2521s better there's like a two this
2530s way boss inspired legendary Hunters like
2535s um you mean like uh the um butcher fever
2538s that came with the of corruption a bit
2541s maybe uh The Souls of the feather uh
2545s DLC he those are somewhat boss adjacent
2549s themed uh legendary Hunters you should
2552s go check them
2553s out that's the kind of thing you're
2555s looking for I know I love it and they
2558s look awesome and they done a pretty good
2560s job but
2564s uh you guys at least I have
2567s explosives I'm running for the um Supply
2570s point just in
2572s case
2574s maybe I've been looking for melee
2576s weapons for you guys as well but I
2578s haven't seen um I was lucky enough to
2580s find a axe just around the world I got a
2585s fire
2590s bomb that's all I
2592s got ooh I think death Packa would
2595s probably be pretty good here if we can
2597s earn a pledge Mark and we can see where
2599s enemy Hunters died and maybe if uh you
2603s know after a team fight we can go and
2604s steal some weapons from from
2607s that's a good idea I'm that pack but we
2609s need the pledge marks yeah we got to
2612s earn more points don't know wait the
2615s other bosses are we running to the
2618s boss we are we're running at the boss I
2622s yeah I don't think guys you
2624s have we have an axe we can I mean we
2627s have two axes I have a lantern so we
2629s just run at them right no chance just
2632s run it down I'm going to look for a
2634s melee weapon up in here
2638s they found me in the water oh yeah they
2640s are right in front of me oh oh B
2648s no I also lost my axe
2652s okay yep I lost my axe too oh it's in
2656s the water your ax I'm I'm almost dead I
2658s threw it at an
2661s armored there's not much I could have
2663s done uh I don't think you should have
2665s gone that dire
2667s oh I just assume we go for the Bounty no
2675s way well at least I get watch okay while
2678s I'm watching
2680s guys do you guys know that we have these
2683s plates it's a perfect grip for the
2685s holiday season Rick has one in the
2687s background as well so uh mine is the
2689s tide of corruption one his is five of
2691s nightmares uh there's a bunch of design
2693s on at this place so you can grab them
2695s and uh it's very very good gift for the
2697s holiday season no they're burning
2702s b Oh I thought we had a a command setup
2705s I did not get one
2709s yet you have to unburn me AR save
2715s me I found an axe uh you can find them
2718s on the this plate website we have like
2720s like if you look by game you can find a
2722s bunch of hunt stuff
2725s there
2727s uh I'm going to head com for you B
2729s you're going straight for B okay at
2731s least IX I'm
2734s Invincible uh the Bounty is in
2737s Blanchet
2740s yeah I'm doing it they
2744s have I don't think if you ran you would
2746s make it to Pensa
2747s but look I'm uh I still have a big bar
2753s they're near
2755s me
2757s and I can't see my screen move cats
2759s please if you don't run I'll
2762s die if I do run I will die yeah they're
2765s right in front of me yeah I'm
2768s aware
2771s ah ah you have to come ah
2775s no I mean it was inevitable really to be
2784s fair out of the hunting who's the best H
2787s player oh man I think either Fabian
2790s or there's there's a couple that are are
2794s up there as
2795s well actually I know who's the best
2798s probably James
2800s Delan yeah yeah that's probably
2803s well I don't know we'd have to match him
2806s we'd have to match him against against
2808s Fab and against Dennis and against all
2809s those guys
2813s so wait are you going to move so I can
2816s see and play the game
2823s properly say car you need to get a
2826s kill say
2831s hello want to say
2835s hi uh yeah about the haunt Award
2838s nominations we we apologize for the
2840s delays but it is coming very shortly uh
2843s I believe we already reached out to all
2845s the nominees and the the voting should
2848s go up uh very soon so just keep an eye
2850s on our socials for
2859s that wow my body is still burning yeah
2863s oh wow you're nowhere near me that's
2864s fine uh you have to sacrifice a chunk to
2868s save him I think oh
2871s the get him
2875s Mari
2877s oh did we both burn out you have
2879s Tomahawk you're
2882s clever oh I hit him no die no way that
2887s was nice that was fun how much
2890s damage uh I delt 67 damage cuz I hit him
2894s in the leg a that was nice oh man but
2898s that was brilliant though well done
2900s thanks thanks sorry that was funny I'm
2902s going to need a I need a second I'll be
2904s back in a moment okay sure um
2906s this is uh your last heads up for the
2909s giveaway to win a law of Salvage DLC um
2913s if you want to enter please head over to
2915s twitch.tv/ cryc give us a follow and
2917s type corruption in chat uh we'll start
2920s pulling some winners but you can still
2922s enter as we're pulling a winner if you
2924s do happen to be the name that nightbot
2926s pings as the winner and what we call out
2928s in uh the stream then please give us a
2931s message in chat to let us know you are
2933s still hanging out with us if you do not
2935s respond to your name being called as a
2937s winner we will roll your prize to a
2940s different winner so um first up is Stax
2944s 4861 if you're in chat please give us a
2948s message uh would you ever take a PS5
2950s streamer for partnership so uh yeah
2953s night of the hunter partnership has no
2955s restriction on it um even our content
2957s creator program doesn't have a
2959s restriction as far as platform that you
2961s play on um it's just going to be about
2963s uh stats normally is at Le Le the the
2966s entry point for the content creator
2968s program and for the night of the hunter
2971s program Stacks is with us in chat
2973s congratulations we'll pull more than one
2975s winner so uh just cuz you did not get
2977s pulled for the first prize does not mean
2980s you can't win later on next up for this
2982s keyword we're looking for Rice raw if
2984s you're in chat give us a
2988s message uh yeah AR you almost did the
2991s tomahawk uh secret steam Mission I which
2996s which is the only one I don't have so
2998s you can't talk about it it's a
3001s secret exra achievement that's the
3003s proper word I actually don't have that
3004s one still so if you have done it on
3005s stream that would have been very
3006s impressive uh but the guy obviously had
3009s a gator lag so it did L
3013s me uh still looking for Rice ra you have
3016s another 30 seconds or so before we will
3018s roll that
3021s [Music]
3022s code um someone says that they did not
3026s see that this giveaway was for the law
3028s of Salvage DLC so even if you do have
3030s the DLC you can enter um we can't roll
3034s your code into a different DLC but we do
3036s encourage you to if you do win and you
3037s have the DLC maybe to give it away to a
3039s friend that uh wasn't able to purchase
3041s it quite yet um last call for Rice Rob
3045s before we will roll this
3047s winner and then uh I guess for us as a
3051s team we actually have to put on some
3052s weapons and stuff this time around yeah
3054s I'm already ready
3057s ready to
3058s rumble our next winner up looks like
3061s dragster 222 if you're in check give us
3063s a
3064s message oh Ben said they want to know
3066s which Sparks you're using oh it's the
3069s new one cedent
3073s teeth very cool uh someone asking about
3076s if any krych people play on controller
3079s have any of us ever tried it um I have
3081s tried it it's uh I like the wheel
3084s equipment system quite a lot on
3086s controller um and then we do have people
3088s in the company who play on controller as
3089s well I actually have about 250 hours on
3092s console on Xbox as well so um so yeah I
3097s I played quite a bit on uh console back
3099s in the day but uh nice my controller
3102s skills are not as not as good as they
3104s used to be
3106s so bensa any challenges I can help you
3109s out with or Rick uh I I have a Windfield
3112s challenge just a basic Windfield C
3117s deal damage to enemy Hunters with any
3119s variant of the calwell Rival
3121s 78 calwell and Windfield C I don't think
3125s I can pair those two unless you have
3127s Quarter Master I don't have Quarter
3131s Master I'll go Caldwell and then we'll
3133s uh we'll go Windfield for B after okay
3136s then I take Windfield into of my spk
3138s some somebody's asking about like very
3140s in-depth and very decent question about
3142s the displays that designers use and I
3145s honestly can't answer that question I'm
3146s so sorry I wish I could go into that
3149s level of insight and it is a fair
3150s question um but I would assume that they
3153s would do they would use whatever is best
3155s um for them and whatever would show up
3157s best but I can't give you the the ins
3158s and outs I don't know what systems
3160s everyone uses
3162s so uh dragster 222 is in chat with us
3166s congratulations next up we're looking
3167s for Lord hemomancer if you're in chat
3171s please give us a message you've won a
3172s law of Salvage
3174s DLC
3177s um if you guys have already typed
3179s corruption in chat you do not need to
3181s type it again I see it still coming up
3183s quite often once you've typed it once
3185s you are entered twin you don't get extra
3187s chances if you type it more often um you
3189s just kind of fill up the chat
3194s more which is fair you do just fill up
3197s the chat
3198s one um Lord hemomancer is in chat and he
3203s says last time his bestie won so I'm
3206s glad now both of y'all are winners very
3209s lucky friend group then yeah we had a we
3212s had a pair of brothers who won backtack
3215s DLC giveaways I don't even know how it
3218s happened it was yeah a few streams ago I
3221s love to see it uh after Lord hemomancer
3224s we're looking for predator
3225s 6665 if you're in cheat give us a
3234s message
3237s okay let's try to win one fight um what
3240s do you mean let's try I'm always trying
3243s P what's that implication for for it's
3246s not my fault I suck okay to we didn't
3249s have weapons on we had a first game
3251s which was a warm-up game so we haven't
3253s really played a game yet uh
3257s well technically we have so oh no no
3260s this is first game first
3262s try B is going to cut the VOD to
3268s apparently bidy agrees with you that
3270s it's time to try so I got to pull off my
3273s you know my top tier two Star skills um
3277s and carry you guys you do Esports comes
3279s from that one
3281s like uh Kenny in chat comes with a great
3283s question asking if this DLC giveaway is
3286s only for PC no this is for all platforms
3288s so Xbox PC and
3292s Playstation uh last call for predator
3296s 665 to claim your price sorry no no no
3300s you're fine you're fine I was going to
3301s just something that I remembered um when
3303s I spped away you were talking about the
3305s partner program and the creative program
3306s and if we accept console players and of
3308s course we accept people of of all uh
3313s platforms that's the best way to put it
3315s we don't um I mean you know FS playable
3317s on those
3318s platforms except you program um
3321s basically like you like I already said
3322s there are requirements that are that
3323s need to be met it's not all just about
3326s stats although stats you know they are
3327s quite important um but one of uh some
3331s some big factors come down to things
3333s like being a positive influence in the
3336s community who was shooting I saved
3340s someone from a lan ground yeah uh you
3343s were about to set on fire so right okay
3346s well I appreciate that no
3348s problem but yeah so I mean we also look
3351s for people that are
3353s positive you know I First Community of
3356s their own as well very inclusive um and
3359s just all around good people you know um
3362s so I mean one of the best ways um for us
3366s we don't have like the the partner
3368s program itself doesn't have an
3369s application process it is an individual
3371s um system at the moment but if you are a
3374s Creator head over to creators. hun
3376s showdown. comom and check out our
3378s creator program on lurkin and this can
3381s be a really really good stepping stone
3382s to kind of work towards uh partnering
3384s with us um we look for creators that are
3386s around 25 CCV on um on Twitch and then
3391s there's YouTube requirements as well
3393s average of about a th000 views per video
3395s I think or something less I'm not sure
3397s but if you're interested in kind of
3399s going that direction the creative
3400s program is probably your first best of
3403s call and choice to go down
3406s so do have a higher chance of getting
3409s into the partner program if I identify
3410s as a headsman
3412s no sorry found the RO face
3416s nice our next winner many grunts at this
3420s compound our next winner for the
3422s giveaway is chosa 23 if you're in chat
3425s give us a message uh did you still need
3428s an emulator with a choke bang B yes
3430s please I need a two actually uh do you
3432s guys want to go for RO I think we could
3434s find her because it's on the edge of the
3436s map like uh where we came from basically
3439s I don't mind well uh we going up to you
3443s like I don't mind maybe let's
3445s people want fights I
3448s guess but yeah yeah
3452s yeah we can go back to the extraction at
3454s the end if we win I guess uh free
3457s Fanning right
3459s here uh chosa is in chat
3470s congratulations I mean I don't even need
3472s it with this gun but you
3473s know no that's a
3477s that's a that's an axe that's a that's a
3479s hammer it was over there I think B might
3483s if I already took it then you can take
3487s D after chosa our next winner up is Lady
3491s Zell if you're in chat please give us a
3500s message so wait where are we going we're
3502s going for Roa no no uh she's uh Roger is
3505s probably at like wol sh very did you did
3508s you get a number which direction if she
3511s was in uh yeah just at the corner
3514s because like she can only be in water so
3516s has to be there but I guess we go for
3518s the regular B I think B was saying it
3521s was directly east from uh it was like
3525s the edge of the map like uh
3527s Southwest Southwest okay so closer to
3530s like
3531s yeah
3533s yeah um someone was is asking about the
3536s krych career page uh yeah there is a
3540s section there no no no no no no no no no
3542s this was a mistake this mistake that was
3544s a mistake please please please please
3546s please oh you got
3549s lucky oh wa goodness
3553s gracious wow okay even I got lucky
3560s there good thing that I'm very quiet
3563s when
3564s playing
3566s lady zel was in chat with us
3568s congratulations we'll try to pull
3571s another one enjoy your Salvage looking
3574s for Trader 197 if you're in chat give us
3577s a message um as I was mentioning yeah
3579s there's a section on the CR career page
3581s where you can just send in uh a resume
3584s even without a specific job I think you
3586s just need to put what um team that you
3589s would be joining so like if that's the
3590s art team uh production engineering game
3593s design any of those so um but best of
3595s luck yeah it's kry.com career if you
3598s want to see any of our
3600s openings what do you guys want to go for
3601s the last clue uh justock we might as
3604s well just head straight across
3607s mhm still looking for Trader 197 if
3611s you're in chat please give us a
3613s message and now I cannot see chat
3616s because my other cat has decided that's
3617s where she wants to
3619s sit uh someone asked what's your your
3621s guys's favorite weapons I already said
3623s mine earlier so oh man
3627s um it changes but uh like I'm loving the
3631s drilling at the moment I just find it so
3633s satisfying and I have no idea why um but
3637s normally I'm a
3640s um uh Springfield that was not our crows
3643s were they they were they
3645s were
3647s um the Springfield compact um Striker I
3651s love that um what I used to bring like
3654s oh kill it kill it I need to kill them
3661s okay thank you um yeah Springfield
3665s compact Striker
3667s and uh with half regular ammo half
3671s explosive ammo and then a hand crossbow
3674s that's like my favorite load out with
3676s hand crossbow with like poison um double
3680s poison there I believe also my solo load
3684s out if I ever actually play solo it was
3686s a very specific load out
3689s actually so I I actually there's a story
3692s behind it do you remember the as the
3694s crow flies the event which I'm sure
3696s everyone I think everybody who wants
3699s plague doctor remembers that event MH
3702s sorry to bring that up again but um yeah
3704s so it was from the as the C flies event
3707s in that you had it was one of the
3708s challenges was to
3709s kill um to to to burn the crows or kill
3714s the crows and I found that I was playing
3716s solo a lot at that point I thought okay
3719s best way to do that is with
3723s um is with uh what you call it uh poison
3727s and crossbow yeah cuzz it was quiet and
3730s stealthy and all that so it CH the
3734s entrance uh the Clue's going off homies
3737s yeah I'm uh yeah they are fighting
3739s inside I'm going to throw a grenade up
3743s here I killed second emulator with
3746s choke
3748s oh I Ted
3753s one
3758s bees oh got to love the
3766s wall our next Winer we're looking for
3768s Wonder Brian and then uh I'll talk about
3771s my favorite guns in just a little bit
3773s come in the house please no it can't
3776s because there's a hive bomb here I'm
3778s waiting for it to to
3781s dissipate I'm protected by this
3786s wall there t
3793s [Applause]
3796s again one dead out here oh a whole
3798s another team coming yep I killed one but
3801s then uh the second one got me they
3805s coming from the West I believe Southwest
3810s side one oh I'm there's no no no you're
3814s good you're so
3818s yes oh
3820s crap I ran straight into
3832s him I love that even after six years I
3834s Still Still jump in this game that
3840s Hive
3846s turn they're shooting the other
3852s team it's a grunt it's a
3863s grunt
3867s two
3869s shot this is not a good spot Jes no
3880s no do you have
3882s Necromancer uh
3887s no just very quietly everyone's typing
3890s corruption in the chat for the
3893s giveaway
3901s oh
3901s oh oh nice dude he's
3910s amazing so close so close great try
3913s great try that was awesome dude well
3915s done I really tried to rest
3919s but that was very very unlucky we done
3922s dude thank you at least I got my uh
3925s Windfield challenge I'm pretty sure yeah
3928s good job I killed one of the two water
3931s Devils we
3932s need that's still no damage with
3934s crossbows although I did do damage to
3936s one guy with crossbows in the previous
3937s round I don't know if it added
3939s up we did uh find our last winner for
3943s the corruption keyword giveaway so we
3945s will give you guys another keyword to
3948s type in chat for the next set of
3950s giveaways um and then for my favorite
3952s weapon I think I mean very very
3954s interested in the drilling also just
3956s love the idea of having two medium ammo
3958s slots or shots and then a shotgun
3961s underneath um but I think the neant
3964s officer carbine is still my number one I
3967s just love how much of a weird
3968s amalgamation of a pistol rifle thing it
3976s is so for our next giveaway I think
3979s we'll do some laa Mala uh a fan favorite
3984s but we need a new keyword for chat so
3987s Rick or bensa do you guys have a good
3989s keyword for chat um so they can try to
3992s win a laa Mala
3994s DLC um
3999s [Music]
4001s um
4002s uh
4004s Cleaver Cleaver it
4007s is uh so if you guys want a chance to
4009s win a laas Mala DLC for any platform
4012s please go ahead head over to twitch. tv/
4015s cryc give us a follow and type Cleaver
4017s in
4020s chat uh we will pull winners probably
4023s after this match or maybe after two
4025s matches if this one goes very quickly um
4028s and you do need to be in chat and
4030s present to
4032s win come here come here hi so I need to
4036s set Hunters on fire or can you do this
4039s we have another cat wow I see just a
4042s tail a tail yeah that's that's what we
4045s get uh I'd be happy to set Hunters on
4048s fire for you
4050s B 100%
4053s cat sorry I muted myself when I picked
4056s her up I just put her face into the
4057s camera so you just see the one
4059s eye for anyone wondering my cat only has
4062s one eye and but she's adorable don't
4064s don't her ow please don't bite
4073s me give the c a treat I don't have any
4076s treats with me my treats are are in the
4078s other room you messed up on that one
4081s Rick you got she gets enough treats she
4084s gets
4085s enough her sister the vacuum
4091s cleaner um so please
4094s remember oh sorry go on oh uh I was just
4097s gonna say no need to type the keyword
4099s into chat more than once if you already
4100s typed it in you are already entered to
4102s win you just got to hang out um but you
4104s do have to be present when we pull
4105s winners so don't leave quite
4108s yet we do a cat tax for everyone
4112s there's and there's two they're
4117s helping yeah look helping by biting oh
4122s yeah that's my serenity thank you it
4125s gets your blood stimulating it triggers
4127s your
4133s adrenaline
4135s so Z Zora is currently sitting where I
4138s um normally press W and D um like
4142s literally sitting across the keyboard
4144s corner of the keyboard um so yeah this
4148s is going to be an interesting
4152s game ready up Rick and let's cats play
4155s yeah yeah I'm
4157s getting um I'm just getting weapons give
4161s me a minute you should get your cat to
4163s like reload for you he
4165s you yeah that would be great but okay
4168s come on I have to move now come on thank
4172s you uh Rick we have a question they want
4174s to know the names of your kitty cats so
4177s the no that's that's oh sorry one second
4179s she's decided to move now from the
4181s keyboard to sitting on top of the mouse
4183s so come on sweetheart come on hey come
4186s here to me come
4189s here so yeah apparently she just doesn't
4191s know where she wants to go um so the
4193s mostly the mostly black one this one
4195s that is currently walking around me that
4197s is Zora her name and the other one with
4200s the one eye this
4202s one Serenity yeah that's
4206s Serenity right C uh someone asking about
4210s the DLC the current keyword giveaway is
4212s for laas Mala uh we also have a secret
4215s giveaway going on outside of today's
4217s stream uh we'll talk about that more at
4219s the end of the stream today if you want
4220s another chance to win um and then we
4222s might even have a third keyword
4224s depending on how quickly games go and
4226s especially how quickly our winners claim
4228s their
4230s codes what if you have laas Mala already
4233s um you can feel free not to enter you
4235s can have us roll the code to another
4237s winner or you can just take the prize
4239s and give it away to a
4246s friend yeah Ari has a beautiful ASMR
4249s voice that's why I'm I'm not sure
4251s someone said they fall asleep when
4252s listening to because it's nice
4255s smooth you
4259s know I brought the uh the brand new
4262s silenced
4263s bornheim someone said something about
4266s the website not reachable since a few
4269s days really um not I'm aware of where
4272s like specifically what is it the hunt
4274s Showdown site or the CCH
4277s site and where are you accessing it from
4281s in the world not exactly obviously
4283s General region
4286s I'm not aware of any current issues but
4288s I mean no we've had a little bit of a
4291s hiccup that happened on the shop page
4293s but that was uh about a week ago now was
4295s resolved
4297s quickly will you
4300s smiling someone said it's nice to see me
4302s so I
4303s raved
4305s yeah I smiled cuz somebody in chat said
4307s that um the winner said that they could
4309s have the code and I thought that was a a
4312s great try oh the bus is here oh nice how
4318s long is it already
4321s yeah no B already went in though I think
4324s so no chance to get the clue after oh I
4327s have a shovel um what were you going to
4329s say sorry dude I keep interrupting you
4331s man no no you're fine just trying to
4333s answer questions when we can uh someone
4335s was asking how long they have to redeem
4337s the code after they win I don't believe
4340s uh the PC codes have an expiration date
4342s but the console codes they think need to
4344s be a little bit more timely about
4345s redeeming those that is correct I would
4349s recommend redeeming them as soon as you
4351s get them cuz then that way there's no
4352s confusion and you don't end up
4354s forgetting where you put it or losing it
4357s and you get to have it straight away
4358s then but also yet whoa did you just
4360s shoot me or is there somebody else in
4362s here it's white so you're good but none
4365s of us were inside so uh was it just the
4368s ranged assassin attack might have been
4371s actually just like
4372s sh
4374s bleeding yeah it did cause bleeding oh
4377s no it didn't no it
4380s didn't I'm wondering is there somebody
4383s shooting yeah but there's no one because
4386s now I'm bleeding but the first time I
4388s got hit I wasn't
4395s [Applause]
4398s bleeding um someone asking about teaming
4401s within Soul Survivor um so basically the
4406s code of conduct states that uh as long
4409s as you're not teaming before a match so
4411s trying to get into the same match with
4413s somebody and then use that as a benefit
4416s but if you create the team within the
4418s match so you're just using in-game voice
4420s Channel or text chat to say hey do you
4422s want to team up um then that is okay but
4425s we also say that uh basically at that
4428s point there are no rules in the buou so
4430s if someone does turn on you and take you
4432s out um you know no hard
4438s feelings yeah basically you can't like
4441s basic the short version is you can't
4443s pre-team you can't like go in like try
4446s to kill with one of your mates and then
4447s even come like if you know one of your
4449s Mates is in the map and then you
4450s encounter each other in in-game voice
4452s that doesn't that also counts as teaming
4454s if you know well that you're it's one of
4457s your mates and that's why you're doing
4458s this but if it's a a truce in the bou
4461s that's totally fine you know um uh you
4464s meet somebody and you decide right you
4466s want to wait until the end get rid of
4467s everybody else that's absolutely fine um
4471s no issues there
4473s but otherwise it's an
4482s issue uh we did have a question asking
4484s about our favorite packs for this trade
4487s uh do you guys have a certain one that
4489s you've lean
4491s towards but I really love the
4494s pack
4496s but burning and getting healed while not
4501s burning well also the fact that you can
4503s get your health back if you play
4504s aggressive and kill people that's
4507s amazing uh but it's a bit more
4510s situational I would
4512s say come
4513s here I've never heard about this uh
4516s killing players thing could you explain
4518s that more to me yeah it's called Rampage
4520s it's a burn tra so uh it costs two
4523s pledge marks and you can stick it up
4525s with three times like every new Burn
4527s trade uh no I'm pretty sure that trade
4529s doesn't do anything bensa
4532s mhm so if you kill an enemy Hunter then
4534s you get your uh Health
4538s back uh he brick sanity in chat mentions
4541s or asks if Ben sent me my hunt Showdown
4545s Lego
4546s torso the office um soon I I I don't
4551s want to say one and uh I'll bring one on
4553s to Rick actually what what yeah I want
4557s to
4558s show and uh Ari actually visiting maybe
4561s from the US soon so I can give one to
4563s Ari I'll be there I'll be there in a
4566s just a few weeks I heard I am a tree I'm
4569s only coming to pick up that uh hunt
4571s Showdown Lego torso so uh I'm going to
4574s grab it and then I'm going to jump right
4576s back on the plane and uh head home it's
4579s going to be the first time I've seen Ari
4580s in like 4 years I think yeah it's been
4584s too long it'll be my first time seeing
4586s him in a
4588s month and I think okay the excitement of
4592s it is like least important for Rick
4594s because he's like I was kind of sick of
4595s him already I I saw you I saw you a
4597s month ago I don't I don't need to see
4598s you again it's
4600s fine I'm joking of course I look forward
4602s to
4605s it um I'm not sure if you saw Rick
4607s somebody in the community I think it was
4609s brick sanity made a Lego B oh
4616s really it was scarily
4618s accurate I haven't been in the office
4620s since because
4624s uh I already have it
4628s prepared watch your traps yeah yeah yeah
4631s I found
4634s it I already lost a Chun to the
4638s Trap I think one on the back side of
4640s this building
4642s yeah yeah that's not going to work I am
4645s kind of stuck here yeah I'm trying to
4647s give you uh cover on the right side just
4650s tagged her on the right wow I'm I'm a
4653s good res but she one tapped me to the
4654s head that was a great shot where was
4659s she thank you
4663s B one in the tower no way I thought I
4667s could have gotten
4669s that I'm having an awkward time playing
4673s with both my cats on the
4675s desk I love them my God Med kit over
4679s here B if you need
4681s it I Tagg the the tower
4693s one I'm scared
4698s AR I think they threw conc on they threw
4701s concertin on you
4705s awesome one running on the left side B
4708s on a in a east of the compound I didn't
4712s see him I just heard him
4715s running and someone in the building B it
4719s oh God and B is out of the
4723s building it's okay they fired off their
4725s own entrance in so I think we're a
4727s little safe one was pushing the Sparks
4730s down
4731s here pman
4734s nice nice I'm hiding behind some
4744s fish you killed us F yeah oh nope oh
4747s he's inside he took our took the
4760s Bounty one dead nice
4765s sh the other one was right on top of me
4767s headsman about to get the rest uh on my
4769s body
4770s benser we're on the
4774s stairs oh unlucky unlucky great try
4778s great
4779s try I thought she would move uh to the
4781s right so I try to shoot that
4784s way
4788s damn nice try
4792s though
4795s so I see couple of people asking on and
4797s off about stuff with the um the new
4798s engine unfortunately we don't have any
4799s details to share right now um over the
4802s update anyway um once we do we will post
4805s it about it we will make a video about
4807s it I'm almost certain of it so keep an
4809s eye out um when we can talk about it we
4811s will um obviously we're eager to let you
4814s all know but uh yeah we're not
4821s there great try team
4823s which Hunter should I
4826s take
4829s um too many good choice see though you
4831s were take Lala you wereing as though it
4834s was the giveway for the last one okay uh
4837s and I'm going to take butcher Cleaver as
4839s it's the cleaver
4845s keyword um we will start pulling some
4848s winners so if you haven't yet and you
4849s want a chance to win a laas Mala DLC for
4852s any platform all you need to do is head
4854s over to twitch.tv/ cryc give us a follow
4857s and type Cleaver in chat um if you
4859s already typed Cleaver earlier you are
4861s good to go just keep an eye out from
4863s nightbot and from us calling your name
4865s if you do get called as a winner please
4867s type something in chat so we know you
4868s are still around and we will get you
4870s that laas
4871s Mala first winner up is way fari if
4875s you're in chat please give us a
4878s message what weapons Rick's going some
4881s calwell Ben anything Rick do you need
4884s more calwell damage I do um I brought so
4888s I just need more fire damage I see I see
4890s a couple of people kind of asking about
4892s cheaters and stuff like that um I know
4893s it's probably not much good to you now
4895s maybe in in a while if you go back to
4896s the VOD a little bit earlier in the
4898s Stream maybe about 30 minutes in um I
4900s did a big thing talking about cheating
4902s and stuff like that um so yes we are
4904s actively doing stuff about cheaters um
4906s there has been a Rec B wave as well um
4910s um we don't really generally give out
4912s many details about about cheaters um
4914s because that information can be used
4916s against us by cheat creators and those
4919s were the kind of main talking points but
4920s I did a a much longer version if you'd
4922s like to go back um a bit later on to the
4924s VOD and um
4926s see thank you Rick still looking for way
4930s fari if you're in chat um we had a
4932s question about getting to work remotely
4934s for a keyway job unfortunately none of
4936s us control which jobs are available for
4939s remote work and which ones aren't you'll
4940s just have to go off of the website to
4942s see what is eligible at the time um
4944s someone asking about my beanie we gave
4947s these out at our twitchcon party at Las
4950s Vegas they're not currently available
4952s for everybody but we have been getting a
4953s lot of community requests about them
4955s during streams um and we are looking
4957s into if there's any way we can make them
4959s available for you guys to purchase and
4960s get your own at home um a question about
4963s twitch drop skins that aren't available
4965s right now there is no other way to
4967s obtain them until they come back through
4969s twitch drops um we've brought them back
4971s with a twitch drops quest line in the
4973s past and just as a regular drop so we'll
4975s see um if they make a return and how
4977s they might in the
4980s future
4982s yeah uh looks like we don't have way
4985s fari with us quite yet so we will roll
4988s to bismo funions if you're in chat
4991s please give us a message you've won the
4996s DLC
4998s right um why is there nowhere the hunt
5001s logo as a PNG to find there is actually
5003s aware of a easy place if you go and look
5006s up the hunt Showdown fan kit um it
5008s should be hosted on hunt showdown. comom
5011s at a certain um place you can download
5013s that and you can get the cross logo
5016s please remember anything in that fan kit
5018s is subject to the non-commercial policy
5021s that you can find in there as a Word
5023s document um so you can't take anything
5025s from that fan kit and make any money off
5027s of it but if you're using it for
5029s personal use um then you can as long as
5031s you follow that policy
5042s see someone asking about a free weekend
5044s so um we have done some in the past and
5046s you know there is potentially
5047s consideration for them again in the
5048s future um we just don't have any
5050s information to provide right now on if
5052s there is one coming up soon or not so um
5055s look the best thing I always say with
5057s stuff like that is cuz there's always a
5059s possibility um follow our social
5061s channels uh Twitter Facebook Instagram
5064s whatever your you know dealer's choic
5066s basically um and as long as you're
5067s following them the first place or at
5069s least one of the first places anything
5071s gets put is on our socials so for sure
5074s you should definitely um do that and
5077s keep an eye you never know I might get
5079s lucky
5080s soon um we did so for the socials I
5083s Linked In Our twitch chat um our Twitter
5086s Facebook Tik Tok Discord Instagram um we
5089s also have steam we try to post basically
5090s anywhere we can um our last winner was
5093s in chat and we have the new one up
5095s looking for CA 941 if you're in chat
5099s you've won a
5100s DLC um some questions about what uh
5104s krych looks for in a uh a new employee
5108s that is unfortunately way out of our
5110s realm that's all going to be HR
5112s recruiters that kind of stuff uh but we
5114s do have certain resources on our uh
5117s career page that can help you out with
5118s that I mean yeah we can't say specifics
5121s of what like you know
5123s um generally is looked for within each
5126s departments and stuff like that but I
5127s mean
5129s the I mean just from just from a general
5131s point of view of like you know
5135s um nerds that's a good way to put it you
5138s know and not that's not true it's not
5139s just nerds but like we have a very very
5141s like wide variety of people that uh work
5145s in krych so there isn't any like one
5147s specific thing that oh you have this
5149s you're guaranteed to be hired you know
5151s um we just we look for awesome people
5155s that want to make awesome games that's
5157s really kind of the best way to put it um
5160s so like I would always say when it comes
5162s to say like putting up putting together
5163s your CV and stuff like that make sure to
5166s highlight the things you know and also
5169s make sure that whatever you put on your
5170s CV you can back it up okay cuz people
5173s will know very quickly if you can't back
5175s up what you say on your CV people will
5177s know um but in general it's it's the
5181s biggest thing that we look for is
5182s passion passion for making awesome games
5186s that's really the best advice I can give
5188s what's up people you can show your
5189s passion for making games or passion for
5191s wanting to get into making games that
5194s will get you very very
5195s fair I think uh your cover letter would
5198s be a great place to put if you have any
5200s association with hunt if you're already
5202s a hunt fan um or what kind of games you
5204s are interested in and why you'd like to
5206s join the hunt team um and there's
5210s another thing to remember is like things
5213s things in your everyday life can also
5215s contribute very well to uh a CV for
5217s example I saw uh an example on uh
5220s YouTube yesterday on YouTube shorts a
5222s developer specifically saying that on
5225s your CV if you're involved in say d and
5227s d games and you know you create your a a
5230s GM uh a DM I don't
5233s know DM don't kill me my friend B is
5235s still here don't kill me um but if
5237s you're a DM you know you and and you
5240s have something ongoing I mean that shows
5242s quite good leadership skills you know
5244s what I mean and you wouldn't think it
5245s but it's like if you can keep people
5247s engaged in in a good campaign in D and D
5249s for a very long time an extended period
5251s of time that's that's management skills
5254s right there you know what I mean um it
5256s also could work towards like you know uh
5258s creativity narrative style of thing you
5260s know you keep a story going for a long
5262s time was that behind us I don't think
5265s that was
5266s us was
5267s it uh I shot once if oh it might have
5271s triggered the crows
5277s um our next winner up we're looking for
5279s Alec
5280s 053 uh you have won a prize uh Spider is
5284s here we White
5287s currently okay do we have a sticky by
5289s any chance um no sticky from my end yes
5292s I do actually nice
5296s nice uh I did
5298s see I saw a question asking when is the
5301s road map going to begin well the road
5303s map videos that David has done the last
5305s two are already you know being worked on
5308s right now so big things we talked about
5310s were the engine integration the new map
5313s all of that is already being worked on
5315s we don't have dates yet um but once they
5317s get closer we'll be sure to share those
5319s with everybody uh I'm putting down some
5323s traps yeah um so that was kind of freaky
5326s I opened the door and it was staring
5328s right at me and screeched so I just
5330s panicked through the sticky bomb and
5331s actually managed to hit it this time
5333s yeah that's the best time to get it is
5335s during her Screech she does uh an
5337s initial Screech normally the first time
5339s you enter the
5340s compound and I didn't even have to shoot
5342s another another bullet at her she just
5344s died while going through the
5346s fire how are we we were so white check
5350s anyway yeah they bag the other B the
5353s other Edge um so do we want to go over
5356s there or protect this one cuz they do
5360s have an EXT yeah yeah down to push how
5363s about you Mr let's go sorry um pushing
5367s where the other Bish with without the
5371s without the Bounty I mean if you wait
5373s for this they just going to leave
5374s because they have an EXT right next to
5376s them okay if we must all that's trap
5379s almost killed me again uh watch saw
5385s that um someone asked about Souls Of a
5387s Feather on the kitech shop it was sold
5390s out and has not gotten restocked quite
5392s yet
5392s um so you'll just have to check that
5395s website in the future to see when it
5396s does get
5399s restocked uh someone asked about drops
5402s sometimes we do reuse the redo the drops
5404s and rewards uh from time to time so kind
5406s of keep an eye out for whatever campaign
5409s um comes
5410s up um like Billy has come back a couple
5412s of times um
5414s so honestly it's there's no details we
5417s can share on that it's kind of as it
5418s happens you'll find out so but there is
5421s a chance uh we have gotten a few
5423s questions about the next event coming to
5426s hunt some people calling it the winter
5428s event um so we haven't released any
5430s details about what is coming after tide
5433s of corruption besides the fact that it
5435s is part of the tide Trilogy uh what is
5438s happening after you'll just have to keep
5440s an eye out on our social media we have
5442s maybe a few teasers already out there um
5444s but no hard details quite
5448s yet yeah but uh you know like this event
5451s is ending on Wednesday
5453s so you better keep an eye out on the
5456s social soon because there's going to be
5457s a lot of stuff going on soon so if you
5460s haven't yet also um please make sure to
5464s jump on to hunt finish up your weekly
5466s challenges try to get as far as you can
5468s in the event um we have said with as the
5472s crow flies that those legendaries are
5473s not making a return there's a chance
5475s that these legendaries will not either
5477s so if you like anything you see in TI of
5480s corruption not bad to try to grind out
5483s the event try to finish it by
5488s Wednesday uh do we uh prefer to attack
5491s or defend the compound I actually always
5493s prefer
5494s attacking uh I'm just a very aggressive
5497s player so I prefer just pushing
5498s everything and just fighting as soon as
5500s I can uh how about you uh Rick sorry
5504s dude what's that do you prefer Defending
5506s oring Your
5508s compound
5510s um uh sorry I'm currently running from a
5513s meat head
5515s um oh I prefer
5520s attacking um
5523s personally oh we have to run yes way but
5528s I'm bad at both so you know there is
5530s that also a thing I have to factor in
5532s when I
5534s play um next up we're looking for keik
5537s Cory 95 for the DLC giveaway if you're
5540s in chat please give us a message
5542s you have won a laas
5545s Mala um we did see a fun question about
5549s how do dlc's get made and legendary
5551s hunters get made is it more uh a start
5554s from like narrative or is it more a
5556s start from um the art team and we did
5560s have someone from narrative on I think a
5562s year ago or so uh and they gave the
5565s great answer that it can kind of depend
5567s um
5568s so um I believe like yeah
5574s uh the false Saint or Kevin uh started
5577s from narrative and then art worked with
5579s them um and sometimes ideas can start
5582s from the other direction and then
5584s narrative can help fill in the gaps
5588s too no way did they get out oh crap yeah
5592s they just straight up sent it to
5596s Sure run all the way back now we could
5600s just extract too no oh well I suppose no
5604s I want to the next okay uh do we make
5607s hunters from contact creators no uh so
5609s far no uh legendary Hunter has been
5612s based off of any content creators I
5614s think we've been asked to if any
5616s legendary Hunters are based off of
5617s specific krych employees nope um they
5620s are all kind of in Universe fun designs
5624s that we think would either match The
5626s Narrative of hunt or match kind of the
5628s design and
5631s style um how are Keys sent to Winners
5633s you should have a private message from
5635s the krych twitch asking you a few
5638s questions um and then you will get the
5640s key probably after the stream just cuz I
5642s don't quite have enough time to get all
5644s the winners during the stream unless I
5646s um die or we have an extra second during
5648s a boss Spanish um but as long as you got
5651s that preliminary message from the CCH
5654s chat you are good to
5657s go Kiko Ari was in chat congratulations
5661s to them we'll see if we can get a few
5663s more laas Mala winners we're looking for
5665s demig gon 1326 if you're in chat give us
5668s a
5670s message whoa was that you do you you
5673s shooting stop
5676s shooting you're off over to the side and
5678s it's freaking me
5681s out you know I haven't heard any players
5685s there were some gunshots at this
5686s compound
5688s but I'm not sure if there's still
5690s players
5694s I'm going to go to
5697s pledge yeah I took a little detour good
5700s idea actually
5704s myself they were going to be so eager to
5706s leave the map oh they left so quickly
5709s yeah they were out of
5711s there um will we ever get new game modes
5714s we haven't said that there's you know no
5716s chance of new game modes in the future
5717s but we also haven't talked about um any
5719s new game modes that are currently coming
5721s uh the best place to see what we're
5723s working on is the road map video that
5726s David put out um just about a month and
5729s a half ago um and I can get a link if
5732s you want to watch I think it's it was
5734s about that yeah fights that's cool they
5738s picked up our bnny they picked up oh my
5740s how dare
5742s they that's good
5745s good there people off I'm going to yeah
5749s you guys are pretty far back so I'm
5750s going to stay back so hope they don't
5752s see me on radar and maybe we can catch
5754s them on the West Side um someone saying
5756s region lock please there is already a
5759s ping uh cap for playing um that should
5762s solve a lot of
5766s um problems with people who might have
5769s too high of a ping to make good matches
5771s but um we haven't said that we're
5773s expanding that system any further for
5774s right
5776s now I say we go towards the like blank
5780s yeah yeah yeah that's where I'm angling
5782s right now
5784s same but I'm I'm lagging behind cuz I'm
5787s I'm keep going too close to crows I need
5790s to take a longer Route
5794s Around well now they know I'm here as
5808s well crows yeah look look free the birds
5811s that's that's what I'm
5813s saying free bird you said free the birds
5816s you know let them fly let them be
5819s free uh last call for demig gon our
5822s winner for the laas Mala
5825s DLC guys they're running to extract like
5829s oh
5838s no not like this two times
5847s that was mine
5854s sorry going to shoot in their Direction
5857s I guess yeah they're
5863s on they on extract aren't they yeah
5868s yep I got no visuals of them
5875s Dam it
5877s dang you don't see that
5882s often well V triy to fight you know
5885s that's that's that's all that matters
5887s yeah yeah but I I didn't I say leaving
5890s without the bounty to the other side of
5892s the
5893s map God damn you
5896s guys sounds like I I don't need the
5898s money it's fine and like it's not an
5900s issue but I'm just like Dam
5903s uh don't extract without me please I'm
5905s so far back yeah I saw I
5909s saw
5911s cheeky I would never I would
5924s never
5926s ow am I actually hitting any of you no I
5930s definitely got hit yeah here
5942s oh oh you missed
5946s uhhuh
5956s oh um yeah we're not going to address
5960s any more region lock stuff right now we
5963s already made a comment about it but um
5965s we definitely hear the feedback and
5967s happy to to push it
5973s along uming started this chaos no it was
5976s not even me it was Ari
5978s actually uh regarding cheaters Rick did
5980s do a nice little monologue about them
5982s earlier in the Stream So if you go back
5985s to I think around the 45 minute Mark um
5987s somewhere around there you can catch
5989s actually 30 minute Mark around that
5991s that's SM
5992s yeah just I think so anyway somewhere
5995s between 30 and 45 anyway you'll see me
5997s ranting a little bit for like five
5999s minutes e we'll see if we can get a few
6002s more laas Malo winners cuz I think we
6004s had some people wow claim yeah we're
6007s looking for Brick sanity if you're in
6008s chat give us a message yes for the Legos
6011s uh seems like
6015s luy guys I'm 30 points away from
6018s finishing the
6019s event oh nice uh just a quick answer the
6022s Scarecrow Hunter is not an exclusive I
6024s believe it doesn't go away after the
6026s event you are correct yeah um both uh
6029s the Scarecrow and the Waldman um that
6033s are in are available to purchas blood
6036s Bond will still be around after the
6037s event um congratulations to Brick sanity
6040s we have a whisper sent out to you next
6042s up we're looking for marvelous moth if
6044s you're in cheat give us a message
6046s marvelous moth I like that name
6049s marvelous moth indeed yeah
6052s someone ask if if I will ever do a wild
6054s card with all the bosses on one one map
6057s and I'm almost 100% certain that's a no
6059s I don't believe it's actually possible
6061s um to put all four of
6063s them believe the game mode is designed
6065s in that way I'm I you know at least my
6069s understanding um
6071s also truth
6074s enough um someone was asking about Lulu
6077s if she's making return we haven't
6079s announced if she is or how she'll be
6080s making return turn so you'll just need
6082s to keep an eye out on our social media
6085s uh marvelous moth is with us uh and we
6088s all love your name so thank you for
6090s joining us for today's stream keep an
6092s eye out on your
6095s Whispers oh wait not ready not ready I I
6098s I need sorry I need uh traits next up
6101s are aridan if you're in check give us a
6104s message
6109s please P beginner sniper
6114s um I me you can use anything as a sniper
6115s but do you mean like a weapon that has
6117s scope and good for
6120s beginners uh maybe the Springfield could
6123s be good it's I think the dead the dead
6127s ey Scopes are normally a good place to
6129s start with the Scopes and kind of moving
6131s your way up the
6133s magnification okay that's also so good
6135s but like uh I guess the Springfield is
6137s very early on at least so and pretty
6138s quick to reload and the marxman version
6142s is pretty good that I very good uh
6147s yeah uh will we ever get uh more trials
6151s so we have announced that the delal
6153s trials are currently kind of on pause uh
6156s we're not working on making those
6158s instead we have moved our Focus to more
6160s of the stuff that is on our road map
6162s that's not to say that they're never
6163s going to come but it's not something
6165s we're working on right now or have a
6166s date for
6170s them
6178s yes cry engine is uh by krych that's
6181s correct it's our own
6183s engine uh last call for R aridan our
6187s current DLC winner that we're waiting to
6190s uh
6193s respond um some we have seen some
6195s questions about the headsmen and that
6197s they're a little bit more difficult than
6199s other legendary Hunters to see right now
6201s The Bu you um we have passed on that
6203s feedback to our design team but we do
6206s not have any um information about if
6209s it's going to be change or when that
6210s change is going to come for right now
6211s but we do hear your sentiment and we are
6213s pushing it
6215s along so I see a question about the
6218s Creator program um I can't give you an
6221s exact time frame um but the to give you
6225s some some insight we've had more than
6227s 450 applications to the Creator program
6230s it's uh it's actually been quite uh big
6233s uh in terms of how many people have
6235s applied to it and we are trying our best
6237s to be as personal as we can and and you
6240s know actually check out everyone's
6242s content get to see the kind of person
6244s that they are um and everything like
6245s that so I'd like to say that on average
6248s it's kind of working out to about a week
6250s or so but I also know that there are
6251s some that have still that are sitting
6253s there for um a bit longer than that I do
6256s apologize if that is the case I promise
6259s we'll get to you soon okay that's really
6261s the best I can say right
6264s now uh we have pulled another winner
6266s looking for Alex B Morris Mor moras uh
6272s something similar to that if you're in
6273s chat please give us a
6275s message another horse got set off I
6277s think uh that was me uh I set off horse
6281s and I
6284s killed thought there was one got set off
6286s to the east but maybe not
6294s let's see if we can get one or two more
6295s winners before we wrap I stabbed you
6298s already this giveway looking for crusty
6301s 1337 or crusty Elite if you're in chat
6304s crusty the clown
6310s no guys we have to get 30 vent points we
6312s are at 12
6314s yes uh we'll get it B yeah yeah yeah it
6318s would be the perfect ending
6323s uh I did see a question com close to the
6327s end question regarding quest lines uh we
6330s haven't announced any quest lines for
6331s right now um so none that we uh know are
6335s coming in the future that's not to say
6337s that they for sure aren't coming but
6339s there are the challenges that you can
6341s complete during uh events that will help
6344s get you event boosts or event points and
6347s those are similar to the quest line so
6349s not a bad idea to check check those out
6351s during any of our EV no that's not a
6354s never
6355s mind say
6357s they quest lines uh there's a lot of
6360s things we refined for the uh for the
6362s challenges based on the survey feedback
6364s as well so if there's a survey make sure
6366s to fill it out because it helps us a lot
6368s actually so uh but yeah we are always
6372s working on making the challenges even
6373s more
6374s fun uh crusty was in chat with us and
6377s has won keep an eye out on your Twitch
6379s Whispers um last one hopefully we're
6383s looking for Baboo Enos if you're in chat
6386s give us a message
6388s sorry we'll still give you guys the
6391s information about the secret giveaway
6392s happening outside of today's stream for
6395s an extra chance to win uh some more
6405s DLC um I finished somebody asked did we
6407s finish the event di I have technically
6409s i' I've like got to level 50 but I don't
6411s have enough points for the um the
6414s charm oh
6416s no you got another day Rick can we grind
6419s out 15,000 points for you I don't think
6422s we
6424s can oh
6427s Roa R so
6430s remember 75 oh crap no that's that's a
6433s bad
6436s idea 75 from
6439s us
6442s like yeah maybe underneath Pearl oh my
6446s God I'm going to die to anator are you
6448s kidding me oh I'm
6450s coming you back up a bit n
6454s fine that was so
6457s stupid Rick 204 hour stream no like
6460s maybe 48 until the end of the event oh
6463s no way
6465s man now last call for baboos if you're
6470s in chat
6472s uh we are getting shots at King Snake
6474s y'all go to king snake where um just
6478s north of us uh between King Snake and
6480s Stanley there was shots and an
6482s explosion fight let's go fight let's go
6484s fight I think people in front of me for
6486s our last game really okay then we'll go
6488s fight I see like a that things on
6490s witness and I mean I don't know if they
6494s did it earlier or not
6496s but our next one up we're looking for
6498s Alpha clat C if you're in chat give us a
6504s message oh
6506s V I need two more event points before we
6509s die
6511s guys then
6514s how ningo ningo 2000 how old do you
6520s say see as you brought it
6523s up is it a gr oh no that's a
6529s person 44 for all right yeah you are
6531s older than
6533s me oh we can't cross this Gap
6538s though uh we have positioned ourselves
6540s to get sandwiched by the team to the
6543s north of
6544s us I need to event points I'm moving
6549s south um okay yeah we can we can ride
6552s this Edge and go south we just can't
6553s stay here I don't think or we're going
6555s to be sandwich for sure South okay I was
6558s moving well South Southeast
6562s okay I'm
6564s done vent is done let's get some hype in
6567s the chat for B acquiring that weapon
6570s charm and finishing up tide of
6572s corruption right before the end of the
6574s last
6580s stream try and to our West okay we need
6584s to we need to push either further south
6587s or Head
6588s East I'm going Southwest
6591s going for the these guys coming up or
6593s let's actually just sit around here
6595s because we've got this um the FG there
6599s sure give us a bit of a hint thank you
6601s everyone I can there it is there it is I
6604s think I just heard a
6606s mail over
6608s here uh just west of us B outside of
6612s this Forest
6613s mhm try first I think we need to get out
6617s of
6618s here oh they're right here they're
6620s pushing
6623s I think there somebody in the tower near
6625s the Sniper Tower yeah either up top or
6628s the base of it I don't
6632s know I'm moving northwes
6639s is
6641s oh ah he's on the RO Bas of the Sniper
6644s Tower going to
6648s see uh we still need need to keep
6651s pushing these people so we don't get
6652s pinched yeah now the behind people are
6655s getting this
6660s s t nice nice push up push
6665s up we need to keep moving so we don't
6667s get
6672s pinched he's right
6675s here yeah running should they run
6679s back got a
6683s hit wasting my sticky bomb
6689s but wait was that a chaos bomb not a
6691s sticky
6695s bomb
6699s nice is there one more is there more I
6702s was shooting a grunt no um I'm not sure
6705s if there is one more though I don't
6706s think we killed three no we only killed
6709s about a team behind us
6711s yeah there's some ground acting weird up
6713s here to the South somebody might have
6715s ran into the compound so let's see if we
6717s can find a burn in that Sniper
6723s Tower they're right in front of us East
6725s 0 out here yeah that was the team I was
6729s trying to avoid us getting sandwich
6734s by for
6739s region
6743s got a
6745s hit he behind this tree here I'm going
6747s to thr a chaos to our our Southeast side
6754s sure going to go look for a lantern real
6756s quick in The Sniper Tower hope I don't
6769s die oh you K I traded I traded yeah I'm
6774s a good R
6784s though oh you're drinking are I was like
6786s wa what is this glad that was just a
6790s sorry sorry I was pouring
6794s tea oh got a hit I don't know if that
6796s was a no it wasn't a head shot though
6798s there's another one down here though uh
6802s yeah tagged I have a med kit for you
6805s here uh I have a region but you can oh
6808s use the
6809s two we should get off this Tower though
6812s I
6813s think yeah I'm going to Beetle from here
6815s and then leave I need ammo I a Special
6818s ammo at the top of the tower no regular
6821s ammo
6822s dang uh I can drop you an ammo box Rick
6825s uh once I'm done with this Beetle I'm
6827s just trying to scout them out oh God Dam
6830s oh you have a be I have a be as well
6832s actually the thing is they have long
6834s ammo it's like not the best fight to
6837s take at least we have The High Ground on
6839s them right now that's
6841s true I'm going to use my Beetle
6846s yep Nice kill Nice kill give me a ping
6850s she was de
6852s there where where where is
6858s it I was not even sure
6861s yeah they're uh difficult to see in
6864s Beetle
6866s mode and the other is like further back
6869s uh here
6870s somewhere we we should try to burn is
6873s the fire Beetle oh no okay hey they have
6877s a beetle here too or is that yours yeah
6880s that's you
6882s guys Beetle
6884s bade I cannot spot them in this
6887s brush uh B can you see that dead body
6890s still yeah I hope so uh I'm in a kind
6896s of yeah yeah yeah give me another ping
6899s if you can that body here is it in the
6903s grass oh I see it I see laying behind
6905s the three
6908s yep hi Rick
6913s hi I'm not
6915s sure all right we might just need to go
6918s uh get some fire or something on that
6921s what if you got like a a little
6923s Christmas already oh Beetle plushy I
6926s want it so
6932s bad
6935s there what person
6938s yeah behind this hot oh
6949s sweet
6951s no yeah he was running uh somewhere
6955s there was that you shooting or yeah yeah
6958s I shot the I think he ran in there I'm
6960s not
6964s sure I mean already do we have anything
6966s to burn the B guy I don't but I'm going
6969s to I'm going to keep
6973s looking um yeah if you guys just watch
6975s that body maybe don't extend too far out
6978s Rick you're in a pretty good spot right
6979s now
6981s now hiding near the
6983s toilet the L's Mala is still dead over
6987s here which is
6989s good if we do hear an alert trip mine
6991s that's the L Mala just for
6997s reference I'm pushing a little far back
6999s right now for looking for burns
7002s so give me air support
7006s here I'm looking over the ruins I can't
7008s see anything
7011s I have
7013s a yeah CR wow in the compound I think
7018s so okay and the clue is right there
7022s right there
7024s yeah but then it's two teams because
7026s it's not us or are you triggering it
7028s with the beetle uh he can Trigg me I'm
7031s at it with the beetle yep yeah yeah no
7035s worries no
7038s worries I'm
7041s scared well now it's uh not uh red
7045s anymore so they must have uh push
7048s further
7050s out and I'm going to grab the clue here
7052s and uh go from there
7059s yeah one burn I'm going to put a tool
7062s box down maybe we can get lucky and get
7064s a second they heading towards the BS
7068s actually
7071s dang not
7072s lucky all right one of them is burning
7076s the one for their left I'm going to see
7078s if I can find another
7083s burn I'm just going that way oh B you're
7087s solo right now you're you're going to
7089s get yourself in trouble as always but
7091s I'm too
7098s impatient
7108s you still in the tower b or who's still
7110s in the tower no one I'm at the already
7113s at the supply C I am in
7118s prison yeah like I what I think is they
7120s may have gotten a pack now and try to uh
7123s heal the down player
7128s M okay I'm running to to
7131s you I got a second Lantern to light the
7134s blue shirt and then I will be on my way
7136s to you not sure about that L's Mala
7141s but that's you with the birds no okay
7145s let so this
7148s way uh nothing with birds from my side
7152s being good for a
7153s change yeah the he says two of crows
7158s around
7160s it sounded like kind of from
7166s here I'll check on the boss if it's red
7170s oh yeah they are fighting it never mind
7172s are they okay cool
7174s yeah
7177s defit uh I burned the second Hunter and
7180s I'm making my way to y'all
7188s now
7196s I think they cleaned out this uh Supply
7207s Point did I kill
7211s scabby no you kill it no
7215s no for a second I thought I killed it
7218s accidentally I think I saw some cash as
7221s if we killed the Jack Lantern but
7223s someone is right next to
7224s me it probably it's just one guy working
7227s on the boss if we think he's the end of
7229s that
7231s Trio tagged
7234s one is it uh oh it's multiple people
7245s okay that's me you shooting
7247s oh just clearing out a Hive before she
7250s becomes a problem oh yeah uh running
7253s over a
7263s bit right in front
7269s STS down these
7272s stairs she's running this way
7276s oh
7278s that dead
7280s yeah one de
7283s nice there is still one
7285s left yeah I think he's side The Bu
7299s sler he's Tak he's over here he's taking
7302s shots at me I
7304s think uh yeah there's an alter on our
7307s right side over here and it's not going
7308s off so he's definitely
7314s West oh I saw his head already he
7317s peaked uh this alter is going off now so
7320s they might have pushed a little bit
7322s closer they might be trying to come for
7324s the
7328s rest not that from somewhere here around
7330s the
7331s train where was the girl you killed pens
7334s it's a far on the east
7338s side
7343s I thought it was the V
7347s here I mean they're still fighting uh
7350s scrub as well
7354s inside if you have a moment to give me a
7357s ping I have a lantern for whoever you
7358s killed uh it's like far that way
7362s basically
7363s somewhere is that you Rick inside yeah
7368s okay
7372s be
7375s careful oh I hit
7386s something I'm not sure where this person
7389s you killed is
7390s Bens uh yeah I'll try
7393s to she was like running uh more even
7397s further out was kind of far
7402s actually no NOP they're right here they
7404s got the rest Romero on the
7411s FG good
7428s tag let's go high
7431s up okay then they left the bus room I
7434s guess yeah it's
7445s F
7457s ow it's a Romero so he only has one shot
7459s before he has to
7464s reload
7467s nice and there's the rest left then I
7470s think so
7473s yeah do you see two here or I only saw
7477s the scaled Ward but she he was right you
7479s know close to where you said the like
7481s girl you killed was so could it be a
7484s solo but there someone def
7488s inside and SP didn't kill him so maybe
7492s just watch that body see if he sell for
7494s us it's white over
7495s here I have a burn
7501s here wait where is he up it's the
7512s scraps back
7514s up run away run away run
7518s away
7522s still
7526s white nice good
7528s job oh give me those chunks
7535s back it may have been the same Hunter I
7540s killed
7541s H and
7544s the whis Smith here yeah I grabbed one
7550s copy of it I already have it
7565s so oh okay no there's another there's
7567s two that someone uh told me to use Vitas
7571s to find a body and uh it was a great
7572s idea because I found the
7575s other that is not where you pinged at
7577s all when you said that you killed well I
7579s was Far
7581s okay okay but then to that for sure
7585s yeah okay
7595s uh does anyone remember where
7598s R uh
7601s 90
7602s [Music]
7603s from just if we go 90 there's a
7607s water yeah but it could been River it
7609s was from when I looked at it it was 90
7611s okay so if you go 90° East I'm pretty
7615s certain we'll find Ro actually you know
7617s what I'm just going to go over we don't
7618s know how deep it was right so it could
7620s be like below us
7621s now maybe at like the r a testimon or
7630s something uh the key word to enter a
7633s giveaway uh that we have wrapped up that
7636s giveaway for right now but yeah it was
7641s uh we'll still go over the secret
7643s giveaway at the end of today's stream
7645s that once we uh finish up this
7648s match um these two might have been
7650s paired with that L's Mala that we never
7652s found the teammates
7654s for it's possible oh yeah because they
7656s ran this way I think but they had long
7658s range weapons and I think one was like
7662s like a dark clothes I I don't think like
7665s I'm not
7668s sure
7670s they're all so like jumbled and mixed
7673s up what DLC is the secret giveway it's a
7676s great question um we haven't chosen
7678s quite yet sometimes we do different DLCs
7681s uh kind of random ones for all the
7682s winners and sometimes we do one DLC
7684s across all of them
7687s so nice all right could you give me the
7691s ammo
7692s box found a clue one or the
7697s other
7700s o bloodline XP for
7704s anyone
7705s yay check out my sweet ammo box too
7710s beautiful thank
7713s you oh it gave me so much ammo thank you
7717s yeah it gives you half
7727s High
7730s let's watch R die too
7733s for uh someone asking would the hunt Dev
7737s team be good for beginners or do you
7740s need more experience we have a ton of
7742s different roles normally listed at the
7744s career page um if you're a beginner
7746s you'll be wanting to look for a junior
7747s role normally those aren't expected to
7750s have any experience but a regular or you
7752s know senior role or anything above that
7754s then you probably will need some level
7756s of experience or um you know relative
7759s job training or you know degrees can
7762s help but anytime you guys want to start
7764s shooting you
7766s know just looking at your
7768s Technique I have no bullets left so you
7771s know would
7774s [Music]
7787s be
7789s ow there goes my
7806s stamina oh I was about to kill it and it
7809s killed me oh I was not looking when you
7811s died too
7816s bad I was trying to kill it with my life
7819s shots Rick you can stay here to get the
7822s Bounty for we can grab the other
7825s two um someone asks has the devs ever
7829s shot the weapons similar to the ones
7831s that we put into the game um I don't
7833s know if we've ever shot them but I know
7835s we have some very cool uh replicas at
7838s the office that were used for some gun
7841s models and stuff early on in
7844s Hunt um you might be able to find an old
7847s Dev video that goes over the them
7849s probably in the early days of our
7850s YouTube page 5 years ago or
7854s so money I found
7858s $2 really I got 17 from whatever you
7861s just did there oh that was a pumpkin
7868s yeah I love smashing the
7871s pumpkins they give you
7875s money I think uh we have a little bit of
7878s time now as we wait for that Ro banish
7880s and grab this one I think we'll start a
7882s last keyword giveaway um and do some
7885s quick winners right after this match and
7887s then go over the secret giveaway and
7889s then wrap up for today if that's good
7892s with
7897s everyone and also it's like we killed
7900s two
7901s teams uh or maybe almost three the
7905s double Bounty full extract wow perfect
7909s finish the event it's like the perfect
7911s conclusion to the stream Perfect Storm
7913s po we get shot in the
7915s head someone is asking me about my
7918s favorite tea so I just drink basically
7921s plain black tea with um maybe a little
7924s bit of cardamom flavoring um maybe a
7926s little bit of honey but not often but
7929s Rick is also a big tea drinker uh do you
7931s have a favorite tea in combination you'd
7933s like to share standard black tea from
7936s the UK or Ireland with milk that's it
7940s nice strong copper but milky so I can
7942s drink it straight
7944s away no copper CHS we say back
7957s home all right for this last keyword
7960s giveaway it's going to be something that
7962s you got to do uh a little bit more work
7964s than usual so I'm not going to give you
7967s the exact keyword but is that you yeah
7970s it's Ben I have
7974s no uh I'm going to let you guys know
7976s which DLC we're giving away and the
7978s keyword is going to be which uh of the
7982s packs that this DLC is pre-ged to so
7985s you're going to have to have a little
7986s bit of information of Tide of corruption
7988s if you want a chance oh no Beetle oh it
7990s a fire
7993s Beetle I got
7997s you thank you P thank you no
8002s problem uh yes I do pay for imem which
8005s means in your monitors instead of
8007s headphones uh there's a bit more comp
8010s here for me but they are not for
8011s everyone as for example Rick has a weird
8013s ear shape so he doesn't like yeah they
8016s don't just don't fit in my ear at all
8025s ever good job team GG's nice least we
8028s got our
8030s win so that was fun death death to
8035s all okay don't keep typing it though I'm
8037s going to have a protection that uh you
8040s have to type the the correct one so if
8042s you type it too many times you'll become
8044s ineligible so I'll let everybody calm
8046s down and chat
8049s quickly calm down chat calm
8057s down
8060s all right let's see did I finish the
8064s event I'm sure you did so we did kill
8067s two
8068s teams it was a duo we
8071s confirm yes I did nice dude congrats
8075s thank you and we got a triple stack is
8077s what it's called if you get the Roar and
8079s the other yeah triple stack I like that
8084s six Hunters I mean you guys kill six
8086s Hunters I did that this keyword giveaway
8089s is the the keyword is the PCT that
8093s Phantom of the Catacombs is pre-ged
8100s to uh we will go ahead and pull some
8103s winners in just a second we'll give you
8105s some
8108s time and it's just the single word
8110s before packed um and we have an
8112s implementation that if you have tried to
8115s type multiple keywords um then it will
8117s not let you enter this one so I really
8119s hope you guys only chose the correct
8124s one our first winner up we're looking
8126s for Yam 460 if you're still waiting to
8129s get that packed in chat um you can still
8132s enter as we're pulling more winners but
8134s we're looking for Yam 460 for our first
8137s winner and you are going to win a
8139s phantom of the Catacombs
8141s herself yam is here
8145s congratulations congrats yam
8146s congratulations congratul rations to
8148s everybody who has w a DLC today to the
8151s rest of you we are sorry come back next
8152s time you might have a chance looking for
8155s to come back to a new uh another D
8157s stream serg what we got serg 797 if
8160s you're in check give us a
8162s message
8166s 79 um if you guys do want to watch
8168s future gameplay live streams uh be sure
8171s to give us a follow at twitch.tv/ cryc
8173s maybe turn on that notification Bell um
8175s we basically always do giveaways during
8178s the gameplay live streams and then you
8180s can always get some q&as anytime we do a
8182s developer update stream if you have
8185s specific questions about new stuff in
8187s Hunt I know you guys love asking us
8189s about what's to come in the future of
8191s hunt not quite the purpose of these
8192s streams but um we have had streams in
8194s the past called developer update streams
8196s that cover more of that kind of topic uh
8199s Ser is with us in chat
8205s congratulations after serg we'll go for
8208s for squi 7 if you're in chat give us a
8210s message so many giveaways well
8214s mhm oh it's uh it's always a fun 20 or
8218s 30 minutes after the stream trying to
8219s get everybody their correct redemption
8221s codes and uh you know getting the
8225s streams all all fixed up so they look
8227s nice on the
8228s vods squick is here congratulations
8231s let's see if we can get two or three
8232s more while while we're doing this can
8235s you guys please stop complimenting bensa
8237s I'm finding that his his egoo doesn't
8239s fit in the screen at the moment what do
8242s you mean I see I see the I see you
8245s blushing every time somebody says
8247s something nice about you so I had to be
8250s I had to be mean and call it it's my way
8252s you know that next up is boat Swain
8255s Albatross if you're in check give us a
8257s message you have won um yeah that's why
8259s Ben had to be kicked off of the gameplay
8262s streams is because he was getting too
8264s many compliments he's just too d
8269s brick don't worry we all
8273s know boat Swain is with us Dr Nick don't
8278s worry he knows I mean it with love it's
8279s just it's how we are uh it's how we are
8282s I I make fun of him he laughs that's
8284s just how it
8286s works next up looking for Dollar Store
8289s Jello if you're in chat give us a
8292s message yeah I got a compliment too
8294s thank
8297s you
8299s oh hermit's coming in trying to start a
8301s fight shots shots fired no I would
8306s never uh Dollar Store Jello was here
8309s congratulations and let's try to get one
8311s more everybody for a impressed with the
8314s names that are coming out today like SW
8317s Albatross and Dollar Store I mean that's
8321s in dollar dollar J sorry our
8326s last but I feel like
8328s everyone else
8330s more look for Bes wow if you're in check
8333s give us a message you have
8335s won apparently I have some series ask me
8338s for cash outside kfz what the
8344s hell I'm used to Rick I've been I
8348s deserve that almost six years now I
8349s think we've been working yeah well I've
8351s been I've been here six in a bit years
8354s six six years and three months and in
8357s three months time you will be here for
8359s five years no six six I'll be six in in
8366s February all right so that is our last
8369s winner for the keyword was death if you
8372s were not 100% sure with the thousands of
8374s deaths in chat um for the Phantom of the
8377s Catacombs congratulations to all the
8378s winners if you happen to win this
8380s keyword giveaway or a previous keyword
8382s giveaway you should have a twitch
8384s whisper waiting for you I will get you
8386s those codes right after we wrap up
8387s today's stream we still have one more
8389s way to win a DLC though if you didn't
8391s happen to win one of the many giveaways
8393s today um and that is the secret giveaway
8396s so all you need to do is head over to
8398s our Twitter find the post that shows the
8400s video of the uh end of uh event weapon
8404s charm the Argent Argent crown and give
8408s us a like and a comment with if you
8410s finish the event and already redeemed
8412s the new uh weapon charm or if you're
8414s still working on it and I will go
8416s through all of those comments
8418s make sure that you like the post and get
8420s some winners going also um the Seeker
8422s giveaways are something we only talk
8424s about at the beginning and end of the
8425s stream so you have a really good chance
8427s of entering if and winning a prize if
8429s you actually go and follow all those
8431s instructions um yeah that's that's
8434s basically he's talking about yeah but
8436s before the end I have to say Ari is
8438s beautiful too oh my God thank
8441s you uh it has been amazing to get to do
8445s an extra gameplay live stream with my
8448s long-term friends six years now and what
8451s a journey it has been thank you
8453s everybody for playing tide of corruption
8455s I hope everybody got to the end of the
8457s battle pass you have one day and seven
8460s hours something like that left 11 hours
8462s hours one day 11 hours 11 hours 31
8464s minutes so please if you haven't yet go
8466s try to finish up the event get those
8468s sweet legendary Hunters you got blood
8470s bonds at the end of the event past two
8471s if you haven't claimed those um so and
8475s don't forget completely random again you
8478s can now buy hunt Showdown displate on
8480s displate.com
8484s have amaz stores uh if you like shirts
8487s or looking for a good sweater for
8488s Christmas or something like that make
8490s sure to check those stores out yeah we
8493s just released a post about the different
8495s packed sweaters so if uh you like the
8498s death packed infernal packed or demented
8500s packed um we have some artwork to go
8501s with all of those and you can pick up
8503s some merch if you happen to be in the
8504s correct uh regions B is showing off last
8507s Year's Devil's Advocate uh sweater I
8510s think Rick has on just a hunt Showdown
8512s shirt I am unfortunately just wearing a
8515s regular krych sweater so you can't get
8517s these ones but you can get the hunt
8518s Showdown stuff yes get all the hunt
8521s Showdown stuff and and again just to say
8523s because somebody asked where these you
8524s can get them on displate displate.com
8526s and then search for hunt Showdown or I
8528s think displate.com hunt Showdown and
8530s there are many to choose from including
8532s this wonderful FL of
8535s n sorry I love them I'm just plugging
8537s them in every chance to get no no I'm
8538s going to get a command up and ready to
8541s go so we can promote those more in the
8543s future there's something very new to uh
8546s to our merch line that you can pick up
8548s and decorate your office if you do
8549s happen to get any of those and put them
8551s up by your gaming stations please send
8553s us a picture on social media give us a
8555s tag hunt Showdown um hunt theame on
8558s Instagram we'd love to see that um the
8560s beanies aren't available quite yet we
8562s know you guys want them right now they
8563s were just for a party we did at
8566s twitchcon um but but yeah they are
8569s fantastic bensa Rick anything else for
8572s y'all to promote push for till the end
8574s of today's stream I think with that we
8576s can wrap up and uh thanks everyone for
8579s joining us it was a lot of fun we did a
8581s naked run too so are we going to do more
8583s challenges like this streams I think in
8584s the future so make sure to check back if
8586s you want to have some fun uh thank you
8588s Rick
8590s yeah uh you have follower emotes too now
8594s yes true that you can use in the hunt
8598s sorry Rick no I was just going to say
8600s and thank you Ben for hosting today
8601s while Violet was unable to do so and uh
8604s rest well Violet we hopefully see you
8605s soon hope you get better yeah have a
8608s good night everyone and we're gonna go
8610s eat because I think Rick and I are very
8612s hungry uh now so yes it has been a very
8615s long day we going to meet at the KFC see
8617s you all yeah going to meet you at the
8618s KFC make sure you have that money for me
8620s man okay so but yeah everyone thank you
8624s very much for joining us it's been an
8625s absolutely wonderful evening with you
8627s all and uh we hope to see you again next
8629s time so from me from Ari from BET take
8631s care all bye good night everyone byebye
8640s bye so we go and slow We
8647s rise hold the course the storm the eye
8653s dark the b b the s
8660s waves are strong clouds
8667s rolling steady on load your gun steady
8674s on and will
8682s come the sky is red I see the face
8689s of the one who take my
8694s place I say a prayer and close my
8700s eyes my name is true the bull
8709s FES steady on load your G steady on and
8718s will come steady
8721s on load your gun steady
8726s on H will
8729s come steady on load your G steady
8736s on and will come
8741s steady load your G steady on and will
8752s [Music]
8754s come the seeds we sow the fruit we
8761s re TI of death is
8766s r and No Grave can hold me
8773s down on foot in hell