@Dreqm5 @HypixelNetwork Don’t tag me or else I’ll expose publicly what you did.
Make your appeal if you think it’s unfair, but tagging me is not the way to go my friend.
@PoqUps @Dreqm5 @HypixelNetwork well, in this case he would be wasting time because of the replay clip I got
but tagging me publicly for this is a big mistake instead of doing it the proper way
@ItsBlueCmdr I got reports that you are SELLING access to a copy of our SkyBlock maps/game.
This is not OK. You are selling download access, this is crossing the line. A YouTube series is fine. Paid/download not fine.
Quite disappointed, I was looking forward to your series.
@MineclasherP @ItsBlueCmdr This is literally selling access as part of the package.
It's like saying "I don't sell anything illegal, sir, they just happen to be given for free with any purchases!"
FYI, it could have been a mistake because a helper said yes in a topic, and then that conversation was used to "confirm" it was OK.
Helpers have no legal rights, they are just like any players.
The helper in question has been warned.
I really hope this is a simple mistake.
@Tricklyy @Dreqm5 @HypixelNetwork the only lag I saw during the whole replay happened to be at the right moment to win the game
but sure, just lagged 🤡
@Dreqm5 Thanks for coming clean to the community, I understand it was a 1-time incident but it got reported and we have to act on it!
It sucks because you were doing so well. I will not extend your ban btw.
We are adding new code to easily catch "f3sing" when reviewing replays as well.
@FinlayPacks @Dreqm5 @HypixelNetwork that was before replay system, now its much easier to double check on our side, whereas before, it used recorder' client to make judgement
@elonmusk @peternowak Will Starlink cover most wilderness areas like traditional internet satellites?
I can't stand the horrible internet speeds of where my family spends their summer at. This would be a legit game-changer, I would even consider buying a lakehouse there.