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Hey guys ! I need some clarification regarding DoTs:

  1. Does enemy elemental resistances affect my DoT ? For example: i want to ignite by using fireball, will Flammability node (Fire resistance shred) affect damage of my ignites ?
  2. How exacly aliments inflicted by minions work ?

I thought the formula is:

" base ailment damage * increased minion damage over time * increased minion damage with that ailment* increased minion ailment effectiveness"

and meanwhile i seen some guide boosting their own Frostbite Damage / applying it with minions. At least visually we have only 1 "slot" for given ailment, does it "secretly" keep track of both ailments (inflicted by me and my minions) or does it only count first hit and then keeps multiplying it - e.g. i have high Frostbite damage so i make sure i'm the one applying first hit and then my minions just multiply the amount of frostbite stacks with my damage multipliers ?

Was i wrong all my life or was that guide BS ?

3. Shock description says it substracts 5% lightning resistance, is it a flat or relative number ? e.g. if monster have 50% lightning resistsance, will i need 10 or 20 shock stacks to bring it to 0 ?

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over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Kalashtiiry

Don't worry about it too much: they can't get lower than 0 nor higher than 75%, so value of 2% reduction would anyway lie somewhere between 2% More and 8% More. So if you really wanna compare value of 1 shock to anything else just get the lower of those two (that is, 2% More) and compare with it.

Enemy resistances are not bound by any rules. Unless otherwise stated, they all have 0 in every resistance category. It can be reduced well below 0 and it is possible to have one with way more than 75. I don't think we do this anywhere but it's not a rule.

over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Each stack of each ailment has its own stats and actually remembers exactly what applied it.

Increasing your own ailment stats do not by default affect your minion ailment stats. There are some abilities which let you carry them to your minions like balista and manifest armor.

over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by TransitionEven6481

Devs confirmed that they will be reworking all ailments in the near future. You might want to stay away from ailment builds for now.

The biggest nerf coming to ailments is to the shred ones and it's not even that much. Ailments will still be good.