Customizable UI scaling on the way too.
Customizable UI scaling on the way too.
Wich faction is better for an offline character?
Well, you can't buy and sell things with other players if you're not online so CoF is better for offline.
Ok thanks.
So for example if I have: 20% base crit, 300% increased crit and 10% more crit, it's 20 * 3 * 1.1 = 66% crit?
Close, it's 88% because 300% increased is *(1+3) for the same reasons that you put 10% more as *(1+0.1)
I saw some people working on this yesterday. I don't have an ETA to roll out a fix but it is at least being worked on. It looks to me like just UI button missing a reference so I hope it's easy.
No, it only affects the skills on your bar.
one of them is definitely the key for another endgame boss like Aberroth.
Why would they be grouped together, away from the other endgame boss key at the top then?
While we are hard at work on creating content and addressing player feedback we of course do see our concurrent player numbers down, but you will find in the near future that the game is absolutely far from dead. There is a very bright future for Last Epoch and LE players.
We’re working diligently and faster than ever. If you look at our patch notes for major patch releases you’ll see that they’re very extensive. 1.2, or Season 2, will be no different, and very significant.
We look forward to seeing you in game!
This was the Unity 2021 Upgrade patch. This should not affect anything player facing as these changes are for internal support only such as new tools for our team to utilize.
up on all the major places we can find.
You never post patch notes on the official EHG Pornhub channel :'(
It better not just be a bunch of clips of me on stream.
Thanks, that's good to know. However, this introduces my old man shaking his fist in the air opinion of the reliance on Discord being the primary or regular means of distributing game updates being silly. There has been a huge trend towards it over the last few years and people who don't use Discord are kept in the dark unless the information is shared on other channels, like a Steam announcement or something.
It's a tricky thing to distinguish what is important enough to get sent out everywhere or not. We make sure to put all the important stuff (edit: like all patch notes) up on all the major places we can find. This one was only really important because of the size of it making it seem like it was a big deal.
Announcement! Nothing to see here! Move along please!
Isn't exactly what people are excited to read. We probably should have realized that the size of it would make some waves and had a little post saying what it was.
Most of the news posts on discord are actually just links to our forums.
Edit: There seems to be some confusion. We didn't post this on discord initially either. We didn't post it anywhere at all. We replied to people asking us about it on discord. I actually confirmed it was the engine update on reddit first. We didn't post the patch notes because they are empty patch notes.
Zero heating problems in any other games, despite having RTX on and uncapped frame rate. It's only in Last Epoch
The thing I've seen help people with powerful cards in the past is to cap your frame rate.
Does this resolve the very annoying memory leak that's been plaguing the game forever? I would say that's a major player facing change if so.
This update shouldn't make any player facing changes at all.
Please... don't be like that, is it really new engine update? :O
sorry, yes it is the engine update.
Hell yeah - I wonder if they dropped the new engine update!
Edit: This update does not include any player facing changes.
E2: Yes it is the engine update. But really, we don't expect players to notice anything different at all.
You can go into the options, far right tab is challenges. Abandon the challenge there.
You don't have to do quests 1/2 in empowered, you can just click right on the boss quest on the left side if you have enough stability on the bar at the top.
SGU was just hitting its stride when it got cancelled. Had a bit of a BSG vibe to it in the best way possible.
I also realized that the episode I was thinking of was “200”, not “Wormhole Xtreme!”.