Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker



That is an extreme outlier. I'm not sure what it causing it but something is going extremely wrong there. Loading times on average should be measured in seconds, not minutes. I sadly don't have a magic answer to fix it. I know that VPNs can cause issues in some situations so if you've got one, as an experiment, try turning it off and see if it does anything.


Another good ui suggestion for today! I’ll pass it along to the team.

23 Mar


Yea good suggestion. Will run by the team


Originally posted by ddarkspirit22

Before 1.1 they talked about plans for reworking black hole I think they forgot about

Haven't forgotten about it. Just waiting on something else before we do it. It'll all make sense later.

22 Mar


Originally posted by tetsuomiyaki

Time to play on 3 ultrawides

Just in case someone sees this and expects the screen size to affect it. It is a fixed radius that isn't quite your whole screen when playing 16:9

21 Mar


You're very unlikely to have this problem in Season 2.


Side note: you can press G in game to open the game guide to get info on topics like this one.

20 Mar


Originally posted by MisterCrow2

Get this guy a woodworking or light themed unique in the game!

That was my first thought but someone suggested another idea which I'm trying to get approved. If it doesn't work, I'll probably do that.

19 Mar

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The reason that it being meta defining would be an issue is that it would create a burden of optimal play that would force players to take non-intuitive and tedious actions that aren’t fun. Frequently taking the time to switch your build completely like that to do content more efficiently is not something that we want to promote.


Originally posted by Peeping_pete

this should be on the wall behind you while doing friday´s streams :)

It will be. I rotated my desk in my office so that I would have a better spot for it behind me for it.


Originally posted by Assywalker

Maybe a skilled carpender npc in LE 😅

Love that idea.


Probably the coolest physical LE related thing ever created. Extremely cool and well done. Making the rounds in the internal studio channels :)

18 Mar


I'm still in shock with how amazing this is and I can't wait to see it in person. I will cherish it always. I don't really know how to properly say thank you for this yet but I'll find a way.


Twitch Drops will now run from April 17th -April 21st.


The dates have been updated to reflect the new Launch Window.

Drops and Support a Creator will now run from April 17th to April 21st.


Hello Travelers,

We’ve recently learned that our friends in the ARPG space have chosen a release date just a couple days after ours which would divide the player base and hinder the success of our Season 2 launch. Last Epoch is still a smaller studio in this space that looks towards each of its launches as a way to continue to sustain the studio financially and work on the things we are most passionate about.

It is with a heavy heart that we are forced to move our release date of Season 2 - Tombs of the Erased, to April 17th.

As we adjust our launch date, we invite our community to help us spread the word so that everyone can join in the Season 2 experience — a massive update to Last Epoch that we’re thrilled to share with you.

Judd “Mox” - Game Director

15 Mar


Originally posted by itsnotcomplicated1

Here it is

They didn't specifically say it's an MTX. Are you certain it's not just an update to the base model?

You're right, it's just an updated model.

Side note: I love it.


You hear that they are coming back for a reunion tour?


Originally posted by TheOneBrew

Are symbols and sigils the same thing? 

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Yes, it's the same skill, just reworked a bit so that you don't have to keep pressing it for what was effectively a passive effect.

It was renamed to avoid any confusion with the Sigil mechanic that we've hinted at before and are adding in a later update. All existing items and effects that interacted with Sigils of Hope will now interact with Symbols of Hope.