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I am experiencing constant rubberbanding in EU. I started after 0.9 dropped so naturally I made my characters online. However, many of them are unplayable because using movement skills causes extreme desync. This makes all endgame content, especially dungeons, extremely hard to finish.

I haven't managed to kill t4 Julra yet because my judgment paladin is jumping around uncontrollably in that fight.

Yesterday I decided to just play offline until EHG fix this. It's sad that the offline progress will be for naught though.

Do you guys experience problems with lag spikes/rubberbanding/desync?

If so, what is your strategy for dealing with it?

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almost 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We're certainly aware of instances where people are experiencing "lag" which is manifested from a number of different things. Sometimes its a skill being used, sometimes its a certain function being called that is less performant than it should be, etc. A number of fixes we've been putting out are to rectify certain cases of these but we have plenty more in the works. We're aiming to eliminate all of these causes by 1.0 and ship them as we make the fixes.

Apolgoies for when you do experience these in the mean time!