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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by ExDoublez

so what's shared between my MG and CoF characters?

crafting materials? and?

gold, keys and any items that dropped organically for you while playing as MG

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by ZurgenWoW

My main question is if the factions will be multiplayer only (I assume?). Just thinking of if you can have the CoF bonuses if you're playing completely solo offline and not on multiplayer.

You'll be able to access CoF offline.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Enter1ch

Am i still able to play Circle of Fortune as a multiplayer mode?

Can i trade items which are droped while my friend was in the same game? Like it was in diablo 3 RoS.

CoF is unfortunately being referred to as SSF mode. You can play CoF as a solo character if you want but it is not required to do so. We encourage CoF players to play multiplayer.

The D3 style gifting system is largely unaffected by the item factions and is still included. The only difference is that if you are playing as CoF and someone else in your party is MG, any items that you gift them will still have the CoF item requirement so they would need to switch to CoF in order to use them.