almost 6 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Our art team are continuing to work on additional 3d models for equipment. The next armor set implemented for the Primalist will be low tier armor. Today we’re posting the Design Sheet for the new models, and tomorrow we’ll be ready to show you the models themselves!

Primalist_T1_Design_Sheet.jpg3340×2325 2.6 MB

almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link
almost 6 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

As said in the OP, this will be low level armor. This isn’t what your Primalist will be rocking at high levels while facing the evils of the world of Eterra, but rather a representation of the kind of clothing he would have had equipped when performing more mundane tasks.

One of the fun parts of an ARPG is your character’s appearance growing more impressive as they equip higher level gear. To have that sense of visual progression, equipment has to start off looking less significant - you can’t have a journey if you begin at the destination. :slight_smile: