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Will we ever be able to reroll stats of uniques, similarly to a divine orb in POE?

I feel like it could be cool to have the nemesis be able to reroll stats on uniques, maybe only once per item?

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20 days ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by i_dun_care

I would love to see a system where we had a Unique upgrade process, borrowing some concepts from the Poe2 reforging bench:

3 LP0 uniques (same unique item ofc) could be reforged to one LP1 unique where the modifier values are rerolled.

Similarly 3 LP1 uniques reforge to one LP2 and so on until LP4.

This would be especially beneficial in CoF where every unique item contributes to your progression instead of being useless unless it has high LP/good rolls. Almost every unique drop would turn into a potential upgrade at a later point in time

This is a frequently suggested system. The big issue is with the relative rarity of each stage of LP being different. So each unique would have it's own number to combine and it would have to be way more than 3:1.

20 days ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Foreynn

I do think the idea of a reforging bench, like the 5-to-1 vendor recipe in POE1, that would allow to sacrifice 5 of the same unique to get a new one (with rune of ascendance LP chances) could be a great addition.

Make the resulting unique untradeable if any of the 5 was bought in the market, to prevent flipping, and this would help COF players reach some of their goals by giving them a little more targeted access to a desired unique.

I'm in the process of getting a decent 1LP slam on a Prismatic Gaze, but every 2-3% roll feels useless, and simply not worth picking up, even with 1LP.

This is kinda what the nemesis egg is for. Let's you reroll the LP which is basically what you'd be doing be combining several together to have a shot at LP on the new one.

There are some new crafting avenues coming in season 2.