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So with all of the 0.9 things happening, I know the devs have been doing a lot that we all like, but one odd choice is still not being addressed.

If you look at the "Grove Mind" node for Thorn Totems, in the expanded info, it has a statement about the mana cost/increase applying per # of maximum totems, even if the skill cannot summon the max # of totems. Totems would fail to summon due to the hard-coded geometry in which the skill functions, basically trying to make a triangle/square/circle of fixed distance from your cursor when using the skill.

This feels overly-punitive, considering that Thorn Totems is probably one of the weakest Primalist skills, with its only truly viable function being to summon max totems and the sacrifice them to buff Upheaval Totem (pre 0.9, but even with the actual buffs to the skill itself, the Thorn > Upheaval mechanic is still 100% in play).

Can we just get an override to where it will always summon max # of thorn totems if you have the mana, and it just alters the geometry/layout of where they are actually summoned? I can't think of any other class with a skill that has this kind of penalty in place, especially when you dont actually control the pattern layout beyond just trying to click in as open of a space as possible. Feels extra crap in the narrow tunnel maps in Monoliths, where you legit dont control the map layout that you get.

I've seen older posts about this but no dev comment, so Im brining it up again since we have a nice little hype train going this week with the 0.9 launch.

Cheers and keep up the hype.

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

There are functional reasons why this isn't something we have done. The order that the mana cost and ability creation happens in requires the full cost to be charged regardless. The way that minions are summoned and how the navmesh works means that adjusting the shape on the fly is an expensive operation that can cause sever bugs in select situations. While we would like to improve this situation, the only way to fix the problem would be to remove the nodes all together.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by IamnotaRussianbot

Unfortunate, but makes sense.

Since I have you here, could they not all summon on top of each other, making it look like one super-totem in term of # if projectiles instead of 3-5 individual? Would solve the summoning issue, the navmesh (I think, I'm not a dev :D), and would provide all the benefits that you would want it for. I'm almost positive I've summoned a totem inside of another before (storm totem is much wider than the others).

Yes, they could not all summon on top of each other. That causes fairly significant visual issues.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by IamnotaRussianbot

So like, can they cluster tighter? Like, right next to each other with a few pixels in between? I've played both storm and upheaval totems into lvl 100 monos, and I can't think of a situation where I didn't just drop the totem directly on top of what I wanted it to kill. The spacing of the Grove node geometry hasn't ever really y impacted what the playatyke wants to do, aside from failing to summon some # of totems. Tightening the cluster would really help, which I think is really what I'm getting at with this post.

It is possible to change the radius. I'm sorry, I'm not going to be able to commit to any changes.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by IamnotaRussianbot

I don't expect a hard delivery. This is an idea/suggestion for the future for QoL. Maybe in the 1.0 😉

cough not a QOL suggestion cough causes mechanical gameplay changes cough