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Hi guys,

never really played arpg that much. Got hooked by lost ark when it first released, lost interest when it was frustrating with upgrades. Was totally hyped for D4, lost interest (around lvl 60) because of unrewarding gameplay. Now I‘ve started Last Epoch, because it seems promising. Haven’t played more than a few hours yet but I feel the gameplay not as smooth and fun as e.g. in Diablo. I know this is an Indie game and I’m not here to criticize (I am also very unqualified for that).

My Question is, because I mainly have played league of legends and Guild wars 2 (mmorpg) in my life: Is this game maybe not for me (too spoiled from other games/need to be an mainly arpg enjoyer to fully appreciate such games) or do I just need to let it cook? What are your experiences in such situations?

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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

GW1 was what got me into MMOs. Loved GW2 but I fell off after about 6 months. GW1 has been a huge influence for me on the design of LE.