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This is one of several problems with LE on Steam Deck. Normally with an Early Access title i would expect this but considering LE is supposed to be Linux native i would expect a more stream lined experience. I can play PoE with no issue and LE is the better game IMO. EHG please watch for these issues before release. I want you to succeed.

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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Steam Deck is an unsupported platform that we are not designing, testing or building the game for at this time. Once 1.0 releases we will decide which additional platforms we want to expand the game into.

Due to our Linux and controller support it does work fairly well.

This visual bug is brand new as of Wednesday and will be fixed.

Edit: I know this is too little too late because one of the replies to this got decimated over night but it's fine to have criticisms of the game everyone, please don't downvote people for raising their concerns. We need people to feel comfortable with saying the stuff they don't like, even if it's an unpopular opinion.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Brau87

I really love you guys and this game and it just really worries me when i see this stuff. Almost every game. Even unsupported ones with native Linux support run like a dream on the deck.

Im somewhat emotionally invested with the launch as im very involved in the communities.

If it makes you feel any better, it's just a texture that got dropped in the build process and because we don't test on Steam Deck, it didn't get seen.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Brau87

Yeah ive also been struggling with aim on controller. Im not sure whats going on but i seem to shoot the opposite direction

Yea, that's just auto aim being a jerk and targeting random breakables by mistake.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by GoldenGlovez

Hi Ekimarcher! First, I want to sincerely thank the team at EHG for taking the time to compile native Linux builds of Last Epoch for the 'dozens of us' that play on Linux. I will champion any company that helps support the Linux gaming eco-system (been playing on Linux going back to Unreal Tournament 1999 days).

I've put in a good number of hours across various LE builds, and overall very happy with the experience. The only glaring oddity I was wondering about was if there is any issue tracked to address the long standing 'invisible/purple ghost' characters at the character selection screen?

Thanks for your time.

Every issue you've seen reported here or on our discord or forums has probably also been submitted directly at least a dozen times and we have an issue tracked for it. We have a lot of issues tracked. A lot.

This one is not an exception and is tracked.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Xenu420

This is not meant to be snarky but does the native Linux client get tested in general before a patch? Just wondering since there were some new graphical issues introduced with 0.9.2k. Or was this known beforehand but you did not want to delay a patch because of it? Are those Linux specific bugs something you are fixing for 1.0 (or maybe have fixed already internally) or is this something for after release? Love the game (>3k hours) and >95% of those on Linux native if you are looking for a tester... (also created the workarounds for the purple character select screen and flashing white circles). Thank you.

I'm not actually sure what the Linux testing pipeline looks like. I just asked to find out. I just assume that it gets checked. No idea how much.