about 7 years
ago -
Last Epoch
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | [Music] |
3s | hey guys I'm Mike Waker |
6s | core developer for eleventh-hour games |
7s | and I'm here today to talk about our |
9s | passive grid system to make this system |
12s | we've created a set of axes that cross a |
14s | grid of nodes you begin by investing |
16s | points into one of our four axes as you |
18s | build out your axes the points of the |
20s | end form polygon shape in the background |
22s | all nodes which are touched by this |
24s | shape are available to be selected each |
27s | axis point provides specific stats that |
29s | will help shape your character for |
31s | example the mage axes will give you |
34s | things like health increased cast speed |
36s | or increased critical hit chance while |
38s | primal is players will get bonuses such |
41s | as increased damage increased minion |
43s | damage and increased health gained on |
45s | kills each axis forms a quadrant with |
48s | another axis this quadrant will |
50s | generally be themed to reflect the |
51s | intersection of these two axes |
53s | characteristics so the quadrant which is |
56s | enclosed by plus strength and plus |
58s | minion damage will have nodes that are |
60s | generally themed around those play |
62s | styles this does not mean that all the |
64s | good damage-dealing nodes will be in |
66s | that quadrant at all it just means that |
69s | you'll find several nodes that might |
70s | play off of damage increases from one |
73s | another |
73s | there will always be nodes that you want |
75s | to get but you just can't quite reach |
77s | the two extremes of how people use a |
80s | passive system are those that look at |
82s | short term needs and those that focus on |
84s | long term goals we have created a system |
86s | that all types of players can interact |
89s | happily with for more information on our |
91s | deep game systems stay tuned to our new |
94s | series |
94s | what makes last epoch different for now |
97s | farewell and stay safe travelers |