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When multiplayer drops, will we be losing our saves? Will they be forward compatible with the multiplayer drop? I can't find any information anywhere. If it's dropping soon, I'd rather wait to be able to play with friends before investing time in new characters.

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Lonestar_McFluffin

Your saves are currently on the offline client. When mp drops there will be two clients: a server authoritative MP client and an offline SP client. Your saves will stay on the offline SP client so as long as you're OK playing offline you can play your saves, but if you want to play online you'll need to start fresh.

Very close and this was what we had said in the past. We no longer are going to be splitting the clients. Now, it's just one client that you can run in offline mode if you want.

Edit: You'll still only be able to play offline characters offline and online characters online.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Griever9977

So we can play our characters offline or online?

No, everything else McFluffin said was right, you'll still only be able to play offline characters offline and online characters online.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Educational_Sugar601

Still different characters though, yeah?

Edit: apparently I have a different handle on mobile.

Yes, you'll still only be able to play offline characters offline and online characters online.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Lonestar_McFluffin

Yeah I was a little too loose with the term 'client'. Thanks for the clarification Mike!

I only even mentioned it because someone recently linked an old post on the forums which said that we were going to have separate game clients.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by SunnyBloop

Do we still need to run the client in online mode to log in before then being able to play offline? Or will we straight up be able to hop in without Internet access?

The current plan and what will happen unless something goes wrong (unlikely, but it's not fully finished yet) is that you can turn the game client on without being connected to the internet at all and still play your offline characters, offline.

Edit: I'm pretty sure that once the client starts up without an internet connection, you'll probably have to restart the client to be able to get into online mode. This would be an extremely rare case I think though.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by InYouMustGo

Heya I just wanted to clarify my understanding.

  • No Internet Connection = Offline characters available
  • Internet connection = Server-side characters available

When I have an internet connection, will I be able to play my offline characters? Or will I have to disconnect from the WiFi or put Steam into Offline mode?

Thanks for being so open with the community. I know it creates expectations and misunderstandings at times, but I like to focus on the positive aspects :)

Just to be super clear, this is how it is planned at the moment and might be slightly altered if we run into a problem.

With internet connected: you can use online characters online or offline characters offline.

Without internet connected: you can use offline characters offline.