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The title says it. I was looking for something to play, not an arpg fanatic more an fps/mulitplayer guy. I'm addicted to this game. I've already leveled up 3 different builds I havent even seen on youtube. They all work. The customization and character build diversity in this game is incredible. Miles ahead of diablo. PoE im never getting in to so this absolutely scratches the itch.

Sidenote: Love the monolith is fun but im curious what the devs have planned for more endgame content.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Love to hear it! Yes, we already have lots of additions to the end game planned. We know we need things like - random events - very challenging static boss content - more incentives when you level past 100 - more axis of progression when you reach end-game - more item types that are not main-slot items

We still have plenty of polish to get into the core game experience, the remaining masteries, item factions (trade systems | bazaar) and then we have some awesome things planned for further end-game expansion.