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Blessing rolling :

Every time you reroll your blessing, you will always have a chance to reroll the blessing you currently have.

Random encounters during monolith:

-Every monolith has a small chance ( something like 6-8%) after completion to spawn a strong unique boss with many buffs, and upon killing will grant multiple random monolith generic rewards. This can just be a buffed act boss.

-Also a smaller chance (~2%) for a weaker shade of orobyss to show up , and killing him will grant 1 stack of Gaze of orobyss as well as his unique drops.

Empowered generic echo rewards ( exalted items rarity)

-affix shards : all shards are class specific shards

-arena key : give an arena key and a random dungeon key

-Gold : 5-8 times the normal gold

Some other random QOL :

-If a web is leading to a dead end, the orobyss echo will appear 1 tile earlier.

-Clearing mobs and getting higher stability grant multiplier of loot to all remaining mobs in the echo or to the echo reward itself, this is to encourage clear builds since most efficient monolith farmers now are boss rushers.

-Your alt gets 50% more stability progression.

What do you think ?

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by deljaroo

these aren't QoL, they're power creep

I'm not saying they are bad ideas

thank you