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Hello everyone,

I am looking for a video that would show all skills available in the game showing briefly the class and sub classes available.

I am not looking for build but just inspiration like "what kind of character I can play with a cool skill"

I managed to convince my friends to start the game with the MP patch and we just want to discover the game "blind".

The only thing we would like is just a kind of character presentation and with which cool skill we could use.

We don't want detailed explanation or build. And if possible we don't want to scroll and open 69 wiki pages that link to a 5 sec video or whatever. That would be too tedious....

If it doesn't exist, it would be cool I think particularly from content creator to have this kind of video.


External link →
about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Weirdly enough, this is kinda exactly what the main website class page is.


about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Space_Croquette

Ohhh 😮 that's really nice.

Yes something exactly like this!

I have no idea how up to date those videos are but in case they are old it would be nice to have maybe an updated video with maybe 10 more sec showing 3 or 4 more skills exactly in the way you see it in those short videos!

Thx a lot !

Ah yes, as the other person said it is a bit out of date. The general theming and style is pretty consistent though. I'll be honest, it was late and I guessed at the url, I didn't actually check the site.

about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Space_Croquette

If this page can be updated that would be incredible as you will have I think a lot of new players that will look for this info for sure without wanted to be too much spoiled oder have to look at a YouTube pseudo guide of 20 min that goes too much in details.

If you update it let me know 😉


We won't be updating it before 0.9 releases. It is on the list of things to do though.