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almost 5 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by Magic2424

Make sure you do the side quests, they give either passive points or idol slots which are both incredibly important.

Defences: after campaign, the most important thing is to get 100% glancing blow. Builds either go for ward or protections on top of your glancing blow but rarely both. This game protection works differently than other games. there is no cap or magic number of protections you need to get

Personally, i would say this game really shines when you are trying your own builds, its pretty easy to respec (other than your class/mastery which is final) and there aren't too many end game systems so the repeatability ATM is trying new builds and making new characters.

The people who stream this game regularly love the game and are more than willing to answer any questions along with people on the discord

There is a certain quest that you may feel is bugged shortly after you choose your mastery. You may need to make use of the fact you can time travel in this game to complete

Edit: if you find yourself dying in campaign, it generally goes void( purple) to neceotic(green) to elemental damage So you can focus on those defenses for different parts of the campaign. There is a very large difficulty spike going into the elemental portion of the campaign

The devs have said it is okay to autocast this way.

Could I please ask for a link to where this was stated?