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When I have 3 Skeletal Vanguard summoned with the Shepherd of Thralls Node, is it possible to trigger Awakening Presence Node effect by killing my Skeletal Vanguards by summoning new Skeletal Vanguards?

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14 days ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by tadrinth

The other sources of vanguards that I've played with seem to stop triggering once you're at the cap, I never noticed them falling over or anything. So I would guess this doesn't work the way you're hoping.

You could use a Skeletal Mage with the Profane Oblation node to detonate the vanguards, though. Someone posted about a necromancer built around that interaction. The mages are very aggressive with the Oblation skill as long as the vanguards or warriors are next to an enemy.

The mages are very aggressive with the Oblation skill as long as the vanguards or warriors are next to an enemy.

The AI specifically works by only targeting minions that are currently using a melee attack. And the mages prioritise that spell above all others, and it has no cooldown, so they'll generally detonate a melee skele as soon as it gets in melee range and starts using an attack.