almost 6 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Some of the most common feedback we receive is disappointment that the visual appearance of characters does not change when you equip different items. This is due to our art team being busy with other work, making it difficult to find the time to create more 3d models for equipment. The good news is that a couple of artists have been working on this!

In Beta 0.7.0e we implemented some additional equipment models for the Sentinel class, and we’re actively working on more. A couple of weeks ago I posted a teaser of upcoming models for Mage armour, and today we’d like to show you some for the Acolyte.

The armour shown in the images below is not yet finished - however at this stage we are only planning a few minor changes prior to it being considered ready.

We’d love to know what you think!

Acolyte_3.jpg1428×900 373 KB

Acolyte_1.png933×916 466 KB

Acolyte_2.png1028×919 523 KB

almost 6 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

As always, we’ve been reading your feedback with interest and discussing how we might be able to act on it. I’d like to clarify that anything in this post was created very recently - we started getting this feedback less than 24 hours ago, after all - and is thus non-final.

With that disclaimer out of the way, we have been experimenting with making the bottom half of the Acolyte’s new set longer. Here’s a video to show how it looks from every angle;

The art team have been discussing how best to rig such a design. Making the cloth longer does result in clipping issues being more prevalent than they previously had been.

Do you prefer the modified version or original? Does either design better suit the theme of the Acolyte class? Any other thoughts? We’d love to know what you think!

A rear close-up of a variant with longer cloth.