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Hey, quick question: when you kill a timeline boss, are the blessings you can choose from completely random, or are they weighted with some being more likely to appear than others? I need the spell damage leech one from The Black Sun for my Smiterdin, but I’ve killed Rahyeh like 50 times and never gotten it as an option. Been having to make do with thrown leech for now, which is not ideal since my hammers only actually do like 300 damage themselves, so they don’t heal much.


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over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

The first slot will always contain one of Health, void res or dodge rating, the other 2 get a random option from the other 10 blessings. If my math is right, after 50 runs, you have a roughly 99.999999999999999% chance to have found it.

over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Ylvina

out of interest, since the answer is tailored towards the black sun blessing. is this true for the other blessings too? like first one is always something defensive?

No, the structure is not based on defense/other. There are 2 types of distributions.

1st option is always 1of3 more genetically useful options.

The rest of the options are either random from the rest of the pool or random from the whole pool.

almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Gl0wStickzz

Interesting.. I've killed the empowerd boss 7 times, still no void resistance... The only one that hasn't been brought up.. lol

0.0457% chance of that happening.

33% chance of you getting it next time