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Specifically, I am asking about the spell Avalanche with the Wild Path node, which turns it into a 5 second duration spell. If I get an effect that increases cold spell damage halfway through the duration, will that effect apply to the second half of avalanche? Or are effects only applied when you cast it?

I am mostly curious whether Avalanche with the Wild Path node benefits from the damage increases from the Halvars/Last Gift of the Mountain set

Last gift of the mountain:


Halvar's Stand:


I am looking at the affixes on these two that read "Increased (physical/cold) spell damage if you have directly cast a (cold/physical) spell recently". Avalanche is both physical and cold, so it should trigger and benefit from both effects. However, if you take Wild Path and give Avalanche a duration, technically the effects wouldn't be "active" until after you cast it. So do the effects still increase the damage from that cast?

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over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by yoLeaveMeAlone

Gotcha. So it goes:

-Press the skill button

-"on cast" abilities trigger

-casting animation starts

-casting animation finishes

-A snapshot of all active effects is taken and applied to the spell

-The spell effect starts, using said snapshot of active effects for the full duration of the spell

Not quite, these are asynchronous, meaning that the animation could start and end at different times.

Stats are calculated on the same frame that the button press is detected.

On cast triggers happen after the ability object is created, often 1 frame after the button press is detected.

over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by yoLeaveMeAlone

Stats are calculated on the same frame that the button press is detected.

On cast triggers happen after the ability object is created, often 1 frame after the button press is detected.

So Avalanche does not benefit from the increased physical and spell damage from the set I linked?

Any physical spell damage done by Avalanche is increased by halvar if you have cast a cold spell recently.

A spell can't trigger a if you cast recently buff for itself.

Edit: if you cast it twice in a row, the first one will buff the second one and that one will buff the next one and so on. But the first one isn't buffed.