over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

We’ve previously announced Disintegrate, a new Sorcerer skill coming in our next patch.

Today we’re excited to show you a preview of Disintegrate’s specialization tree! This is the first preview of a specialization tree to include our upcoming new tooltip design. Please note that this particular tree’s nodes have not yet been granted the modifier lines. These will be present when Disintegrate’s specialization tree becomes available in Patch 0.7.4.

The specialization tree for Disintegrate can be found here!

Here’s the mana costs and description for Disintegrate;

5 Mana
Channel to create a beam of pure energy in the target direction. The beam deals fire and lightning damage to all enemies caught in it.

Drains 20 mana per second.

Please note that Amplification should be a single point node; it showing 5 is a bug.

Edit: The same is true of Unbridled Power. Both of these are single point nodes.

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Please give us your

over 5 years ago - Mox - Direct link

No, this is great and thank you for the feedback. While we really appreciate people telling us when they enjoy decisions we make the critical feedback is what helps us make the game better. This is exactly what we’re looking for with posts like these so please keep the feedback coming.

If there are particular nodes, bits of functionality, or branches that stand out as something that could be improved upon please share that with us. We’ll discuss the feedback that we receive this evening on Disintegrate in tomorrow’s skill design meeting.

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

The baseline Mana Regeneration is 10 / second.

That’s fair, and definitely something we can discuss at one of our meetings.

It stems from us wanting to offer both transformative and high impact nodes on our trees, but needing to balance that with restricting how much raw power comes from specialization trees. ARPGs are in large part an item hunt - and if specialization trees are too strong, that leaves less room for items to be powerful. We can tone down the number of trade-offs available, though the removal of downsides may require other adjustments.

Having playtested it internally, my experience was that with some investment in items and passives it wasn’t difficult to cast Disintegrate as much I wanted. My Sorcerer had around 200 Mana. Focus has no cooldown and took ~ 3 seconds to get him from 0 to max.

Click here if you're interested in the build I was playing with.
  • Temporal Entrapment x3
    • 90% chance to slow
  • Backfire x1
    • Explosions
  • Catalyst x2
    • More frequent explosions
  • Concentrated Beam x1
    • More damage (and a prerequisite node)
  • Praesidium x2
    • Ward generation (and a prerequisite node)
  • Cascade x1
    • More damage
    • While this removes pierce, I found enemies generally don’t stand in a perfect line but rather a bit to the side of each other, so in practice, it didn’t matter often.
  • Magnify x4
    • 60% chance to ignite
  • Infernal Ray x1
    • Simplifies gearing / building
  • Stored Power x1
    • Increases mana drain but easily worth it imo.
  • Extension x4
    • 24% Increased damage
    • 24% Increased range

In total the above cost me Pierce and +4 Mana drain / second. The Pierce was offset by the increased range & slows, while the ignites and explosions made the skill more fun.

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

That’s actually a bug (one of which I’d mentioned in my post, but I’d missed the other one).

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

We’re not yet ready to announce a release date.

Currently I expect us to release it mid-November-ish. That’s a guess - not a promise. :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - Mox - Direct link

Hello, Travelers! As you can probably see there were a lot of updates to Disintegrate between this preview and its release in 0.7.4. The design team would love to hear your feedback. Many of us on the design team love this style of skill and we want it to feel great.

Today, internally we have buffed its base damage by 43%. This is not live yet.

over 5 years ago - Mox - Direct link

Great feedback, McFluffin. Thank you!