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I know everyone is in super hype mode and anyone questioning the system is downvoted but I wonder how CoF will be able to compete with MG. Will CoF be able to match the drop rates and gear rolls of 20k people killing a boss and just selling and buying the gear?

I wonder if MG players have heavily reduced drop rates compared to CoF. Impossible to tell until we test but my guess is MG is going to be the only way to compete. I can’t see how CoF can compete with the drop rates of the whole player base.

Very interested to see how this plays out and what kind of tuning it will need and if they allow MG in competitive events with real prizes or leaderboards.

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by ArmaMalum

In the exact comparison of drops it's a math problem sure but there are number of factors that can qualify as incentives for one faction for the other.

As an example, many people don't like trading due to the time/effort put into the actual act of trading. By extension CoF players will usually have more overall drops per unit of time on top of the actual faction buffs, since they're actually killing stuff instead of trading.

We aim to reduce the friction of interacting with the trade system as much as possible. It behaves asynchronously so you don't need to wait for someone to respond or join your game or anything like that. You will also have access to very powerful in game search and sort functionality that will let you narrow down your options very quickly.