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so i started levelling a new necro as i finally farmed the relic from the dragon boss after 30+ attempts. i played for maybe 3 hours and got through most of the campaign. i left my pc for a while and it disconnected me from the game. i load the game back up and my character is rolled back to level 7 and from what i can tell, the random items it had equipped disappeared too. there were some random uniques with LP which is just frustrating that they are gone.

but the real problem with this is that what if it happens at a high level after finding a rare unique or hitting a crucial craft late game? i have 200 hours since i bought the game on multiplayer launch so i have spent a lot of time enoying this game. but a bug like losing character progress for an online character is just crazy and it has really sucked the enjoyment out of me.

man this sucks bigtime. hope it doesn't happen to any of you

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

We have identified a new problem that caused a set of rollbacks in the EU region. We shouldn't see any more instances of this specific cause for unintended rollbacks. We are working on a long term fix for it not to become an issue again in the future.

I'm not 100% sure this is the cause of all of the rollbacks in this thread but the timeline fits quite well.

almost 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by vali1005

Never played LE, but, are you saying they have no Support system, no way to submit an Incident Ticket, anything of that sort ?

Ok, so, your character got rolled back, there's no one on LE side that can look into this ?

Mike mentions in this thread that we’ve identified what caused this rollback for multiple EU players that were online at that time. As I’ve said elsewhere, rectifying any issues that may cause data loss remains our #1 priority. Since launching server authority with 0.9 we’ve found a number of surprising ways that varying degrees of info loss could occur that we didn’t expect and we’ve got multiple developers solely focused on making sure those are water tight. This data-center outage was a use case we didn’t foresee but now that we know it can happen we’re addressing it quickly.

Our sincerest apologies if you were someone impacted by this. We know data loss is the absolute worst and we’re working very hard to identify and correct any potential causes that we may not have seen before the MP beta launch.

almost 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Mike mentions in this thread that we’ve identified what caused this rollback for multiple EU players that were online at that time. As I’ve said elsewhere, rectifying any issues that may cause data loss remains our #1 priority. Since launching server authority with 0.9 we’ve found a number of surprising ways that varying degrees of info loss could occur that we didn’t expect and we’ve got multiple developers solely focused on making sure those are water tight. This data-center outage was a use case we didn’t foresee but now that we know it can happen we’re addressing it quickly.

Our sincerest apologies if you were someone impacted by this. We know data loss is the absolute worst and we’re working very hard to identify and correct any potential causes that we may not have seen before the MP beta launch.

almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Txixo

Well, its not. It just happened to me and lost a BiS unique for my build which i'm sure i'll not get anytime soon. 😢

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. There was a set of rollbacks that happened around the time this thread was created. Those won't happen again. We haven't fixed all causes of them yet but are working on it as a very high priority.