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Hey community =)

After much insistence from a Discord I play games with, and some research tonight, I've decided to dive into Last Epoch starting tomorrow =)

My preferred playstyle is a minion playstyle with my favorite two classes from any ARPG being Necormancer (D2(R)) and Cabalist (Grim Dawn). I've also enjoyed the D2R Pet Druid build as well so I am very open to either a darker twist or animal/nature twist on the minion playstyle.

So, which would you start with? Necro and Beastmaster both look interesting from just a basic glance (planning to look more in roughly 2 hours) and just due to time commitment I'd like to put hours into the one I am more likely to play on launch.

So, minion class users - what is the most fun minion-based or centered class? Ignore, to some degree, power in this equation as I don't need the build to be "S or A tier". Thanks =)

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

The big game philosophy difference is that the BM is designed to get in the trenches with your minions. You get buffs for both of you by attacking and your companions will often buff you too. By contrast, the Necromancer is much more interested in using her minions as a resource. She has several active summoning skills that will have you standing back a lot more.

The big BM build right now is squirrels (it's wolves but converted with the helmet Ziz made). You get a sizable squirrel army and go to town. My favorite way to do BM is to get Raptor, Bear and Sabertooth but it isn't very good right now.

My favorite Necro build right now is zombies. I like taking the jump node and it's like having a bunch of leaping banelings.

If I had to pick between the two, I'd probably go with Necro myself.

If you like the 1 single minion style, the Falconer will be coming with 1.0 that is a new style of minion build for LE.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by itsmehutters

If you like the 1 single minion style, the Falconer will be coming with 1.0 that is a new style of minion build for LE.

Forge guard can also be 1 minion playstyle, sort of.

Big time! That's actually what I'm playing right now. Doing shield throw manifest armor. Cap and Iron Man

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by DefinitelyNotATheist

is there anything in the works to make storm crow a viable minion stack? i tried it a few times months ago and could never get anything solid to work.

I don't have any details on potential upcoming balance changes, sorry.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by No_Management_1943

hey boss was abomination's default melee range bug ever addressed? i know it recently got a 20% increased range but that did nothing to fix its melee hitbox issue

I also don't have any details on potential upcoming bug fixes, sorry.