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So I've understood that there likely isn't a reset after 0.9, but I was wondering will the introduction of the factions lead to soft reset on gear?

From what I undestand after the faction are available gear found under CoF will require CoF level and traded gear will require a MG level. But will the gear found prior to that have a faction rank retroactively applied to them, or will it be available for both factions? And I choose MG faction, can I list all my previously found gear up for sale, including things I have selfcrafted?

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about 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by RTheCon

Hmm, I didn’t think about that. Just don’t really see the difference between the two.

So your saying there will basically be unfactioned gear?

This is the way I think about it. Gear can have certain requirements, one of those things is a level requirement. Another is a faction rank requirement. Gear obtained by using a faction bonus, CoF drops or MG Bazaar, has a faction rank requirement. Gear without a faction rank requirement doesn't requirement a specific faction to use.