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Not sure if this topic has been brought up before (if I remember I will post on the official site) but the window that pops up to choose your blessing upon finishing a monolith needs work. I almost died in "Reign of Dragons" after killing the Emperor of Corpses from ground effects because I could not see anything. The blessings window took up so much of the screen that I clicked it instead of the zone and could not move for a sec. If I had been out of potions I would have died there. TBH I am not sure what would have happened at that point lol.

I was thinking either the screen needs to be delayed by 10s or a button to bring it up, or an actual interactive "thing" in the zone to bring up the window. Currently that blessings window just takes up much of the screen and there does not seem to be anything I can do about it until I pick my blessing.

If I am missing something and there is a way to temp close that window so I can loot and get out of ground effects easier let me now.

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over 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Thanks for bringing this up. I've raised this internally and we have a solution. It may not be implemented in time for the next patch as there's a million important things to tackle before then but it's in our queue now