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Tried LE last week and returned it after trying both necro and sentinal. Combat didn’t feel satisfying and it felt like my attacks were hitting paper targets. It felt like there was no impact. I really want to like and support this game badly…

Edit: someone in the comments described it as floaty combat and that is what i am trying to get at

Edit: any class y’all recommend that might feel better?

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

- There's a bug in online on live that is making it so that screen-shake is not playing - fixed for 1.0.
- we're overhauling nearly every player animation as we've invested time into new rigs that help them move better - I'd say that many of these have meatier swings
- we're slightly increasing hit VFX
- we're increasing the hit sounds volume in the sound mix
- we're taking time to align on-hit VFX and damage numbers to play at the exact time that the swing makes contact - some of these are misaligned on live
- we've taken the stun VFX and pushed it up a bit above enemies heads as sometimes it was getting lost in some monsters actual models

This is for 1.0. We have plans to make it so that receiving hits feel slightly more impactful and also have plans to make melee-range flinches (we currently have them for enemies moving).

So yes, and more to come.

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by NotARealDeveloper

What about animation combos and mix ups? Seeing your character do the same hand animation all the time when using a skill doesn't look good. (See warlock videos).

Yea we’re trying to add variations for each skill. We won’t get to all of them for 1.0 but a whole lot of them will have alternate animations and we’ll continue adding more

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by Superb-Stuff8897

Don't suppose you can slip us a bit if info on what the Primalist changes look yeah, could ya? 🤣😉