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Are quest Echoes not supposed to be completed as a group? It seems odd that my brother and I need to complete each quest twice in Monoliths in order for us both to get the completion. Why won't completing them together one time mark it as complete for both of us? It only shows completion for whoever initiated the quest echo. Is this a bug or intended? If it's the latter, this should be changed imo. Seems clunky for a multiplayer based experience.

Edit; Seems to be a visual bug as it does unlock the next monoliths etc. It just doesn't show the checkmark on top of the monolith selection screen and it doesn't remove the stability unless the other person also opens their quest echo.

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about 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

I’m nearly certain that that isn’t intentional. I’ll bring it up with the design team.