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Lets say I have 113% fire damage, does that do anything?

From other posts I have read the answer seems to be no but this was for other stats like critical strike chance. My inclination is that it does not but I am unsure and would like to optimize my build to a reasonable degree.


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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by EartwalkerTV

Well I guess you could get over 100% crit chance, it doesn't do much above 100% unless they have crit avoid.

How does crit avoid work anyways? Is it a % or a flat amount reduced crit chance?

Overcap crit doesn't compensate for crit avoidance.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by JustRetributor

Oh, really? Overcap crit doesn't compensate for crit avoidance? Tell that to all the top players who have actually optimized their builds and can easily shred through enemies with high crit chance. But sure, let's ignore all their hard work just to make a point. Keep living in your fantasy world where crit avoidance reigns supreme.

I have always understood critical avoidance to be the chance to convert an incoming critical hit into a normal hit.

The example I've heard in the past is that if the player has 200% critical strike chance (overcapped by a full 100% extra) and they attack, all of their hits will be critical hits. Then if the enemy they are attempting to hit has 10% critical strike avoidance, 10% of those critical hits will be converted to normal hits. This means that 200% critical strike chance hitting a 10% critical avoidance enemy will crit 90% of the time. This means that overcapping critical strike chance doesn't compensate for crit avoidance.

I haven't attempted to recreate this example to test it though.

I'm willing to be wrong about this though and if you've got another explanation on how it actually works, I'm happy to hear it.

Edit: overcapping crit chance does help compensate for being blinded though. That's an ailment that gives you the stat 50% less critical strike chance so you would need 200% crit chance to have 100% crit chance when blinded.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by EartwalkerTV

Well I guess you could get over 100% crit chance, it doesn't do much above 100% unless they have crit avoid.

How does crit avoid work anyways? Is it a % or a flat amount reduced crit chance?

Crit avoidance is the chance to convert an incoming critical hit to a normal hit. See my reply to the guy who replied to me for an example. (I was being nice to the other guy, I'm right on this one)