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Me and some friends played as much of this pack the server test as we could. It was a good time hearing about eachothers drops and trying to play in a cohesive group through the campaign and monos. We all have jobs and some have kids, so we weren't on 24/7. This lead to some experiences that I'd like to communicate to the devs as it shows my standpoint on gifting as it is.

My one buddy got an early drop to make his fireball mage very powerful. That was awesome, we even started funneling him gear so he could carry us through the campaign. This was a really fun and interesting way to play. One day, while we were getting online, me and another player were pushing through some zones for idol sidequests and we got the fireball gloves to drop. This was minutes before our fireball mage friend got online. This felt really bad, like we should have waited until he was online to do anything in the game. I understand that by the way the game is designed this is how it should work but I would like to contribute that PLAYING with a group doesn't just mean playing with people who are online every moment of the day. I understand that the game is not balanced around you doing a zone at 1 player difficulty and sending items to someone (thus giving them their own farming solo + my farming) but as a group of adults who don't have all the time in the world to be playing simultaneously it would be nice to still be able to still play "together".

This also comes into play when trying to use runes of Ascendance. I don't want to use any when all of us aren't in the same game as I could get an item that's useful to my friends who aren't online. Even if I don't get anything relevant to my friends characters it still FEELS like I am taking a bad risk due to the fear of causing regret for my friend when I tell them I got their drop playing on my own.

I know this isn't a mathsy breakdown of how the game should work blah blah blah but the feeling of having the potential to share items between all my friends but missing out on that due to lifesytles and minor coordination errors feels terrible. Idk if this is a solvable issue, like having friend-list bound item gifting system instead of a group bound system but I REALLY REALLY hope EHG considers finding a way to let busy people still work together on their characters. Its been a really good bonding experience that I look forward to on full release! Thank you EHG :)

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about 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Thanks for taking the time to feedback with your experience Schmoeticus. We are spending a lot of time reading all the trade responses across all of our mediums at the moment and it’s always nice to come across ones that note players specific scenarios and how they felt in that journey when playing. We’re trying to use our two ears and not our one mouth right now so I won’t feed back directly on the guild-like ideas but just wanted to say that your feedback is appreciated and being assessed. Hopefully we can make LE the ARPG that you and your friends are excited to come back to over and over again. Cheers