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Let me start by saying thank you EHG for the superb job you've done with the game and all the updates since I last played (right after ch9 Majasa was added).

Yours is the first game to actually get me to break away from Lost Ark and its daily grind and gameplay loop which I have been stuck on since it launched Feb last year. I even chose to play LE over LA and miss my gold earning raids past couple weeks which is huge for me.

Plus I even chose to get the bare minimum lvl 20 for the rewards in the D4 beta so I could rush back to play LE.. despite Diablo being my all time favourite franchise, make no mistake I enjoyed the D4 beta and look forward to the full release but pouring too much time into the beta for it all to be wiped today and spoilering more stuff for myself didn't appeal to me.

Point is, I'm really enjoying LE - and these rollbacks are a soul crushing deal breaker - I just can't believe its still happening, how is it not absolute top of the priority list? The first time it happened last week for me I didn't come to complain here or on forums, I took it on the chin and just bounced back.. understanding that its beta and there will be bugs.

But now a second time it's happened and you can understand my frustration and hesitation to even start up the game again.. I play very efficiently and in the space of the 4-5 hours I lost, I got multiple great crafts done, 2LP uniques, tons of shards, rare runes (ascendance etc), got the exact blessing i wanted both times I got rolled back, got my corruption up. Even had multiple juicy exalted nodes (exalted helmets and rings) which I reset with a Memory node to redo.. So it felt like I lost so much. Empowered monos are so grindy as it is, to then just lose all that progress and grind feelsbadman.

I really don't want to be one of those guys throwing his hands up and saying "I'm done" - but how can I possibly consider starting up the game at this point? (Even though I really want to). Rollbacks are one of the worst things that can happen to a player (besides just losing your entire character or stash).. so how is it not highest priority to fix?

Is there anything I can do in the mean time that someone has perhaps figured out as a band aid to circumvent these rollbacks? Like for example should I not just exit to desktop from within my empowered timelines but rather log out in a certain place or under certain circumstances? I am playing in EUW by the way.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

We have some fixes for rollbacks coming down the pipe. I know it's so crazy frustrating and we are working on it at very high priority. We've just got to make sure that it doesn't cause any other problems before rolling it out.