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Based on this thread on the LE forums, it’s stated that characters will not be wiped, and will be moved to some “standard/legacy” system.


What does this mean exactly? What about my stash, my crafting mats, etc? What will pre-1.0 accounts look like after release?

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

The way I like to look at it is that your characters are all already legacy characters. When 1.0 launches, nothing will happen to your existing evening.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Lingaaah

Would you have any insight on how our stashes will migrate to the legacy model?
For example when Season 2 releases, how the movement of items from Season 1 to Legacy would look like?

We don't know yet because we don't have to do any combining this time around. If I was told to design and implement it myself without anyone else, it would use temporary remove only tabs.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by xDaveedx

While you're talking about stash tabs, do you happen to know if the game will be able to save the names and structure of your stash in the permament cycle, so we only have to spend money on new tabs in the latest cycle and they'll automatically have the same name, colour (and position if you have multiple folders) as in the permanent one?

Otherwise I can imagine it's gonna be pretty annoying having to buy, name, recolour and structure your stash with every new cycle.

I'm just hoping it's on the to-do list for the time before cycle 2 :)

We don't have anything like that set up and we are feature locked for 1.0