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Hey, it's me again with rogue bugs this time. I didn't plan on doing another bug listing, but Trikster gave me the motivation and support so here we are haha. Please give him some love!

Like the previous list we made a video showcasing the more obscure ones : https://youtu.be/H5VrmwSdBBc?si=OlarzJ29YveK6C0W

If you have encountered other bugs on rogue, please do tell in the comments, I'll add them later.

Generic bugs

  • Projectile area collision - Most projectile skills have problems in certain areas or zones. (ex. projectiles in Ritual Lake, Umbral Blades (Bladestorm) can spin under bridges or out of bounce, other skills like Hammer Throw etc.).
  • Auto Aim (https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/aiming-assist-feedback/56693) - Destroys certain mechanics like Suckerpunch Arrow in a high density zone.
  • Charged version of Puncture & Detonating Arrow - Projectiles not in sync with the attack/animation. Double clicking without holding will lock you in place. This also works with the channeled version of Shadow Cascade. General gameplay feeling and skill response is very bad for charged and channeled skills.
  • Allies or Minions can block projectiles - Projectiles like Flurry/Detonating Arrow collide with allies and minions like Ballista, Ice Beetles or party members. Puncture and Cinder Strike (all three attacks) can pierce.
  • Chance to Shred Armour on Hit not possible to craft on Bow but it shows in the list.
  • Any Skill that requires dual wielding makes you stuck in place until you use Shift ( Apparently they have a fix for that internally) https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/dancing-blades-stuck-me-in-an-enemy-unable-to-do-anything-deal-damage-nor-dash-away-rip-in-hc/58978/2
  • Shadows Icon - The buff icon that represents the number of active shadows will stay when you switch to another zone.

Passive Tree


  • Coated Blades - Doesn’t update the mana cost on skills tooltip.


  • Fire and Steel - Only 1 point works. Non-Elemental Skills work as generators. 7 more points into the passive will not increase your damage with Elemental Arrows (missing 175% increased dmg).


  • Apostacy - Character sheet Glancing Blow/Dodge value not updated, but you do get the conversion (only in Online).
  • Flow - Dungeon abilities (ex. Temporal Shift) do generate or consume Flow.
  • Perfection - Inconsistent uptime with Shadow Daggers.
  • Spell Breaker - Bow and Throwing Attacks can also apply Frailty debuff.


  • Zeurial’s Hunt - Haste duration only 1 second instead of 2.
  • Jelkhor’s Blast Knife - Mana cost has hidden decimal values. Wearing two Jelkhors’ with each minus 4 Mana cost to DA (8 default mana cost) will not guarantee a 0 Mana cost DA.
    The 0.9.2 change to Jelkhor had no impact on gameplay. Weapon range (+0,2 meters) is still too small.
  • Singularity (unique idol) - Synchronized Strike (Cutthroat node) always crits, Shadow Daggers can’t crit.

Rogue Skills


  • Blade Shield - no visual proc/area collision for the whole tree, once you specced into Blade Shield once. You don’t get the armor buff btw
  • Deadly Aim and Chakram - They disable the auto-targeting of Shurikens procced by Shift


  • Mutilate - Disable Bleed stack application from sources outside of the 30% of the skill. Unspeccing and respeccing into this node will break Puncture until relogging.
  • Rapid Strikes - Buff icon will stay after switching the zone or relogging into the game.

Smoke Bomb

  • Enfeeblement - Frailty only applies for the first time you use Smoke Bomb. With every other cast it is not able to apply the debuff.
  • Hasty Combustion & Cleaving Shadows - Ignite stacks and Shadow Cascade apply immediately after using Smoke Bomb. There is no Smoke cloud anymore.
  • Smokescreen Arrow - makes the area very small and doesn’t expand.
  • Holding Alt on the tooltip doesn’t do anything.


  • Dancing Shadows - Shadow Cascade also procs while wielding a bow.
  • Unseen Strike - Also works with a bow (Kill Threshold, Shadow Dagger, Slow Chance).
    => Hopefully this will not get changed and is only a typo.
  • Dancing Shadows - Snapshotting issues.

Cinder Strike

  • First Attack not working (Bow).

=> all nodes behind Blast Wave are technically not working.


  • Attack Speed bug - Increased Attack Speed after a long session. Resets when starting a new game. Related to attack speed buffs like Arrow Storm (Marksman passive).

Acid Flask

  • Hydrochloric Acid - Global Poison Chance not working (both on enemies and character sheet display).


  • Remote Detonator - Remote doesn’t work and Decoy self explodes. The Detonate Decoy icon on the skillbar appears though. Only in online btw


  • Tripwire - No visual effect.

Marksman Skills

Dark Quiver

  • Visual bug after picking up a Black Arrow - Buff is active even though Black Arrow is in the same position.
  • You can visually pick up more than one arrow => This will not increase the effect.

Detonating Arrow

  • Barrage: Cone direction is based on enemies POV.
  • Navigator’s Shot - Homing doesn’t work anymore because of the new Auto Aim mechanic.


  • Point Blank - Less hit dmg to far away targets doesn’t seem to work. Tested it multiple times, dmg numbers were the same on distance.

Bladedancer Skills

Dancing Strikes

  • Rhythm - When proccing Shurikens with Shift, it doesn’t generate stacks of Rhythm as consistently. Umbral Blades will interfere with this interaction aswell.
  • Resolute Technique - Doesn’t work.

Lethal Mirage

  • When using Gladiator’s Oath and standing in the arena (you get 100% flat crit chance) it sometimes doesn’t crit.

Synchronized Strike

  • Crimson Storm - Wrong tooltip. Each point is not giving you 1 additional second. It generates one more Crimson Shroud stack per point.

Shadow Cascade

  • Shadow Flourish - You can proc it with shadows on a single enemy, but it’s supposed to only work with 4 different enemies.
  • Dancing Shadows (Shift) - Snapshotting problem. All Shadow Cascades procced by Shift will use the last version of Shadow Cascade you used.
External link →
over 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

I’m certain we have the majority of these tracked to be addressed but posting internally to the QA/dev team to cross reference! Thank you for the compiled list