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So I watched this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSpBd-j_COM

and then this: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/704436959

the big takeaway was that post-story gear does not matter unless you want to do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aMDLEh3T9Y

Some people have said but you need blessings so I took a look at blessings and most do not seem to be a factor in those 1st two videos, am I missing something?

Did they confirm any changes to post story? I did see the interview with Zizaran has there been anything said further on the subject beyond "some power from passive trees onto items" or is it just going to be "we don't want to aim for gear to be as high of a portion of your total power as other games"

Seems to me player retention would go down like it did in poe when they had a loot pinata league.

Edit: I wanted to lay out my reasoning on what I thought to be accepted fact, based on both the lizardirl twitch chat and Zizaran stream, and see if there was any further information on the proposed solution. Mostly if there was anything more informative on the need to shift power from the character to gear to create a chase.

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over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by greguniverse84

I don't want to fight but the developers agreed with the 1st video being general and not build specific. I was just wondering about what if any further info was out there. Like I quoted them directly but those are vague terms, and it has been a hot minute.

Edit: woops, it's not me, it was Dan. All good.

I'm not sure where the quote came from about not wanting gear to be as high a percentage of your power as other games but if you've got a source, it's like 99% chance going to be from me. I do the weekly dev stream and this was a pretty hot topic a few months back so I answered a bunch of

I think it might be assumed that we would have been just talking about PoE and the amount that we would be referring to is probably less than it seems.

If was me, I was probably mostly talking about D2, not PoE, which for the most part is extremely gear dependent (except a few select builds, looking at you smiters).

Second, it isn't saying that we don't want gear to be impactful or important. Quite the opposite really. I'd like people to be able to get to end game and experience it with average gear but need to hunt for significant gear upgrades to be able to do the very top tier content. Prior to some recent changes, there were popular D2 builds that have almost zero chance of ever completing the content available. Then another set of builds that could do it if you had a full compliment of very specific mega epic godly gear. So, just aiming for less than needing to have 30+HRs worth of gear to do Ubers. (Yes I know that's an arbitrary amount but if you've ever tried to do an Uber sorc killer you know what I'm talking about.) Disclaimer: D2 is probably my favorite game of all time.

Lizard is probably one of, if not the, most experienced LE players in the world at this point. The vast majority of builds can't do end game content with only a couple pieces of gear. Part of the issue here is just skill balance and has little to do with gear in general. The big problem comes from how the optimal way to build most skills is just to search for the more damage nodes, regardless of if they can do end game "naked" or not.

All of that is not to say that this isn't a problem though. It's just a solvable one that we are working on. We haven't had a balance patch come out since the issue was really heavily raised I don't think either. It's mostly just number tweeks and updating some old skill trees. We've got a couple systematic changes coming down the pipe to shift some power from skill trees onto items and we will be looking to feedback after that happens to make more adjustments as needed.

I'm very confident that at 1.0, the gear hunt will be in a very healthy spot. Gearing up a character will be fun, engaging and reasonably attainable. There will be super stretch challenges for people who want to extract every drop too.

There is also a video out there on YouTube of me saying all this and more with some examples. Couldn't tell ya where though, sorry.

I am also mega biased on this topic as I am a senior developer/designer on the project, so, pound of salt I guess?

over 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Andrew_Tilley

The full quote, if it helps Mike, from the Multiplayer Dev Q&A with Zizaran stream:

Q: What do you think about gear upgrades? I feel like items other than build enabling unique’s have too little impact on survivability and damage. You deal similar damage naked and fully geared with the huge damage multipliers coming from skill trees. Due to this you cap out fast and the urge to min/max is not as strong as it could be.

Dan: Yeah, that one’s a really interesting question and anyone who kind of knows our community has seen a popular video by Lizard_IRL about gear in our game. For us, we definitely want to shift some power from passive trees and onto items again. We want to kind of consolidate some item modifiers so that they’re offered in fewer spots. We don’t want to aim for gear to be as high of a portion of your total power of build customization as other games though. Some of that is actually quite intended but we do want to pull more power into gear than the current state it’s in.

Zizaran: Yeah, I think that’s one of the things whenever I’m telling people about Last Epoch compared to other games, especially compared to Path of Exile, is that it’s a lot friendlier to respec and like messing up a build isn’t as punishing as it is in PoE. In PoE you’re forced to watch a build guide. Like I don’t have a guide open right now, I don’t really have a plan and I can just plan as I go.

Judd: Yeah, that was very intentional when setting up the system.

Dan: Yeah, it’s something – like I personally love, as a player of ARPG’s, to be able to kind of just sit there myself and tool out a build and not feel like it was a total failure so we definitely love that philosophy, but we still need to make further adjustments to give a little bit more power into gear.

Source: YouTube Link

I altered the quote slightly to read Lizard_IRL instead of McFluffin, as that's the user Dan meant to say.

Thanks, this is why I have to watch all the source videos in these posts haha