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For example if I want a boss-unique relic like the Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros, is it smart to "prime" the quest echoes with loads of modifiers first to increase item rarity chances?

Would I also want to get the Blessing that increases relic drop chances?

Or do I simply up Corruption?

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about 3 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Timeline bosses have two types of specific drops. Common drops and uncommon drops. They will always drop one of their two common drops and increased item rarity has no effect on that.

They will occasionally drop one or more of their uncommon drops as well, and increased item rarity does increase that chance. Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros is an uncommon drop so it is helpful to try to get higher increased item rarity when farming it.

It's also probably worth mentioning that all timeline bosses have at least one uncommon drop that is specific to empowered timelines. In the case of the Emperor of Corpses, that is the shield, Horns of Uhkeiros. Its presence as a possible drop has no effect on the drop chance of Twisted Heart of Uhkeiros, so there's no point in doing non-empowered timelines just to avoid it.

about 3 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by _Duality_

Thank you very much! I'm sorry for making sure but, since increased rarity affects the drop chances of the uncommon uniques, I would want to get the Blessing which increases relic drop chances to increase my chances then no?

I tried googling but apparently some answers say Blessings only affect uncommon to exalted drops and not uniques/boss-uniques?

The blessings currently don't have any effect on boss specific drops. This is something that we're hoping to change in future, because it would be more intuitive if they did affect them, but unfortunately it's not so simple to actually do.

The blessings do, however, affect all non-specific random item drops from enemies, including non-boss-specific uniques.

about 3 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by Ikkaro77

Thank you very much for the reply. Another question, does increased item rarity affect the items obtained from the completed exclusive echo rewards, or only from the monsters we kill within the echo?

It does not affect items obtained from exclusive echo rewards, only from monsters killed within the echo.

However, on a related note, higher corruption does result in a higher chance of uncovering rarer exclusive echo rewards, such as ones that give unique and exalted items.