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This will be a rant beacuse right now after half year of non-stop bugs i'm feeling frustrated.


I love this game but how can i recommend Last Epoch to my friends risking that they will encounter same issues i do (e.g. terrible online mode and bugged offline) ? Who will they blame ? Me. On top of that most likely they will never run LE ever again and spread comments about how bad it is.


I want this game to be succesfull. I have spent with it hundreds of hours playing it for last few years (295 hours since 0.9) and i love it. It's fun, it allows you to customize your character in such extensive way and yet it's simple to start with. This is a perfect combination that makes it more interesting than Diablo and way more friendly than PoE.

I realy want to be able to recommend it to my friends. I know they bought Diablo but they got disappointed with how boring it. Timing seem perfect to find plenty of new players who would fall in love with Last Epoch as i did.

Yet i will not recommend the game. Why ?

Since multiplayer was introduced (i have no idea why we needed multiplayer at this stage tbh) this game is a bugfiesta - both online and offline. I'm playing this game for years already and i know eventually they will fix bugs BUT for last half of a year this game is in a trully terrible state that fits more to alpha than beta.

It's not just fact that there are bugs, the main issue is fact the bugs don't get fixed. In fact we get the same bugs and new ones with every patch. I can't progress with my character for a month already.

As for now / online mode / servers / the way client hadles connection is unstable so:

  • traversal skills makes you stucked in textures every 2-3 uses or so [happens for half year since 0.9 introduction]
  • before every loading screen i need to waste 10-20s to wait for server connection [happens for half year since 0.9 introduction]

note. this is not my ISP issue, i have 10-20ms ping to google servers, every other game on steam runs flawlessly with 20-30ms ping. It's the Last epoch servers / client issue.

This combined made me NOT want to play online at all. So i have majority of my characers in offline mode and :

  • temporal sanctum does not work beacuse of infinite loading screen [1 month straight since 0.9.2 introduction, also few weeks in 0.9.1, total 1,5 month in 3 month period]
  • monoliths can't be progressed beacuse of monolith quest bug / infinite loadign screen

On top of that Rogue main theme (e.g. bleeds) are bugged and i am sure there are other major bugs i don't know about beacuse i right now play little to no LE at all (why would i ? i can't even upgrade my character)

I beg you EGH, change your priorities. We need good, working game. The game we can proudly recommend to our friends. Nobody cares about arbitrary relase date, nobody is pressuring you with new content, nobody cares if walock will get introduced this year or another if it means half of current content is unplayable. Just fix the god damn servers or stop breaking offline mode.

That's it. It may be chaotic but i wanted to say it out loud.

Thank you for spending your time and reading it.


to all this c*nts who deny any bug existence come here to say "i dont have any issues, you make blizzard propaganda" or other sh*t - i will straigth up blacklist you. Not beacuse i'm mad but beacuse you're one of those fanboys who cannot be reason with.

Few hundreds bug reports in https://forum.lastepoch.com/c/bug-reports/23 "bUt iT wOrKs fOr mE"

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over 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We hear you loud and clear. Before 1.0 we’re going to smash a serious amount of bugs and polish a ton.

The switch to server authority introduced a lot of issues. When LE is out of early access we’re going to hold ourselves to a high standard in terms of being bug free, and we know you all will too - but talk is cheap and that will be on us to prove. Thanks for your patience while we’re still working towards this and I’m glad to hear you’re still enjoying the game even with the issues there are to fix.

over 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by PeacefulNPC

Thank you for your reply. It always amazes me that unlike other game subs - there's always EHG Team response in this kind of posts.

I am super happy with the directions you took while designing the game. It's in beta and already offers so much more interesting gameplay than other full relased producs.

If not the bugs & server/client issues, you could easily say it's a full relased project and classes / trade will be coming in next "expansions". I believe 90% community wouldn't mind it at all.

and thank you for your feedback. I can’t promise we’ll never make mistakes or our servers won’t catch the occasional fire but I can promise we’ll always listen and prioritize communication - and of course fixing things that go wrong as quickly as possible.

I suppose I’ll use this opportunity to plug our new bug report tool as well. It’s seriously helpful to get in-game reports this way with attached logs and allows us to find and fix issues so much more quickly. Thanks for all the reports you guys have been sending in since 092 launch.