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It's been over 2 months since the last blog post, some sign of life sure would be greatly appreciated!

If it's still SoonTM ,I guess a december/holiday launch is becoming more and more unlikely every day. Bummer :/

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over 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Hey everyone, we're actively working on getting information out the door! Apologies for the rate of official information that we're putting out recently - it will improve significantly. We have been heads down ensuring that we have things in order so that this release can be the best we can provide. The entire team appreciates the patience you all are demonstrating with us as all of us internally are very eager to get more content out the door as well. We draw a lot of energy from putting new content out. We're working hard to make sure we not only have a stable release but also one that we can support, which is a different beast when we're online. More information hopefully this week.

over 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by liveangelic

You've promised more information and better communication in the September dev blog, so excuse me if I don't hold much faith in the promise of significant improvement this time around.

I think this is a fair criticism and callout and I should be stating that this will improve when we're very near our 0.9 launch. Once 0.9 launches we'll get back to our more frequent releases and the team will remain in a more constant state of interacting with the community from there forward.

over 2 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by moxjet200

Hey everyone, we're actively working on getting information out the door! Apologies for the rate of official information that we're putting out recently - it will improve significantly. We have been heads down ensuring that we have things in order so that this release can be the best we can provide. The entire team appreciates the patience you all are demonstrating with us as all of us internally are very eager to get more content out the door as well. We draw a lot of energy from putting new content out. We're working hard to make sure we not only have a stable release but also one that we can support, which is a different beast when we're online. More information hopefully this week.

Since this comment got some attention I'll add an update here:
Information regarding 0.9 release date and lead up events coming Tuesday, Nov 29